Job Posting: Faculty & Postdoc Positions

) Faculty Position in Geodynamics – Northwestern University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

2) Postdoctoral Position in Geodynamical Modeling – Penn State


1) Faculty Position in Geodynamics – Northwestern University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Northwestern University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professorship in geodynamics, to begin fall 2017.

We seek a creative and innovative scientist to develop an active research program in the broad range of dynamic processes of the solid Earth and/or planets. Areas of specialization are open, but candidates whose expertise complements that of existing faculty in solid Earth geophysics, planetary science and habitability, natural hazards, seismology, and mineral physics are especially encouraged.

The successful candidate is expected to teach both undergraduate and graduate level courses and develop a vibrant, externally funded research program. A Ph.D. is required at the time of appointment.

Review of applications will begin October 15th and continue until the position is filled. Applicants are encouraged to visit Please submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, description of research and teaching objectives and accomplishments, selected reprints/preprints, and the names and email addresses of at least three references.

AA/EOE. Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer of all protected classes including veterans and individuals with disabilities.  Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States.


2) Postdoctoral Position in Geodynamical Modeling – Penn State

Postdoctoral position in geodynamical modeling, to work on newly-funded NSF project entitled “Collaborative Research: Controls on along-strike variations in locked and creeping megathrust behavior at the Hikurangi convergent margin”. The project is an interdisciplinary, multinational program focused on the Hikurangi margin in New Zealand, aimed at evaluating processes that govern both slip behavior and long-term deformation at subduction zones via an integrated approach combining large-scale seismic imaging, paleoseismology, and geomorphology, focused through the lens?of state-of-the-art numerical modeling. The position is funded for 2.5 years, with an anticipated start date of August 2017. The postdoctoral fellow will work closely with PIs Demian Saffer (Penn State) and Susan Ellis (GNS Science, Wellington) to lead a numerical modeling effort that couples deformation, fluid flow, and mass transfer, using existing vetted modeling codes. The postdoc will also work with others on the project to integrate the modeling study with seismic imaging and geomorphology results, as well as with upcoming IODP drilling efforts planned for early 2018. The postdoc will be part of a vibrant and diverse laboratory group within the Penn State Center for Geomechanics, Geofluids, and GeoHazards (G3 center;, with opportunities to link the modeling efforts with ongoing studies of friction, petrophysics, and rock mechanics. The successful candidate will have a PhD in Geoscience, Geophysics, or a closely related field; experience in quantitative modeling applied to Earth sciences is preferred. Applicants should submit a curriculum vita, a brief (1-2 page) statement of interest, and the names of three references via Materials will be reviewed beginning Oct. 15, 2016 and will be accepted until the position is filled.


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.