Student oral and poster competitions were organized each year at the AGU Fall Meeting by the GeoPRISMS Office to highlight the important role of student research in accomplishing GeoPRISMS-related science goals and encourage cross-disciplinary input. The contest was open to all students working on topics closely related to GeoPRISMS or MARGINS science objectives. A dedicated poster session was hosted at the GeoPRISMS AGU Townhall Meeting to provide the entrants an additional chance to meet with the judges, network with their peers, and receive feedback on their work. From 2010 to 2019, over 200 students have entered the competition – among them, 20 have been awarded with a $500 cash prize for best oral or best poster presentation, and 40 have received honorable mentions.
Student Eligibility
Any student working on science topics related to the objectives of MARGINS or GeoPRISMS was eligible to participate. Students did not have to be working on a MARGINS- or GeoPRISMS-funded project to enter the competition. Students from the international community, as well as from the U.S., were encouraged to apply. Previous GeoPRISMS Student Prize winners were not eligible to enter the competition.
Presentations were judged throughout the AGU meeting.
GeoPRISMS Student Prize winners and honorable mentions were notified after the meeting and highlighted in the GeoPRISMS website and social media. Their institutions were also be notified of their achievement.
Highly qualified judges volunteered their time to evaluate students’ presentations throughout the meeting. Their expertise helped evaluate good science, and contributed to the success of the Student Prize competition.
More information about GeoPRISMS Student Prize winners and honorable mentions
Poster Presentation Winner

Kayleigh Harvey
Constraining the temperature conditions of paleo-subduction plate interfaces, Part I: Petrologic case study of the Rio San Juan Complex (Dominican Republic)
Coauthor: B. Dragovic, S. Penniston-Dorland, I. Wada, X. Zhou, P. van Keken, R. Bodnar
From the Judges: “very clear presentation, a nicely laid-out poster, and interesting results with a clear set of questions raised for future work. She was concise and organized in her presentation “”well spoken and knowledgable about their subject material, calm with presenting the science”
Oral Presentation Winner
Hannah Tilley
3D seismic investigation of sedimentation and deformation in the Tuaheni Basin, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
Coauthors: G.F. Moore, S. Han, N.L. Bangs, R. Arai, P. Barnes and the NZ3D Team
From the Judges:“one of the best subduction zone talks at the AGU meeting this year””Hannah is an excellent speaker and it was easy to follow her talk. clear slides carefully prepared with just enough and not too much information. Hannah’s talk centered on an amazing new 3D seismic reflection data set collected on the Hikurangi Margin of New Zealand, with a focus on the structure of the Tuaheni Basin. This is an immense and complicated data set and Hannah excellently interpreted the main features while tying in the interpretation with data from nearby wells and past studies. Overall a winning presentation and a stellar GeoPRISMs student.”
Honorable Mention
Christine Chesley
Mapping the along-strike fluid distribution of the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand using marine electromagnetic methods
Coauthors: S. Naif, K. Key
From the Judges:“This was one of the clearest, most coherent presentations of all the student presentations I attended. It was well motivated, data collection, analysis, and interpretation were well described, and the conclusions were well supported by the presentation. Nicely done.””Christine did a great job presenting the result. The presentation was visually very clear and verbally informative. She effectively kept eye contact with the audience. I enjoyed hearing her talk.”
Honorable Mention
Ricardo Garza-Giron
Hidden earthquakes as a tool to conduit evolution during an explosive eruption
Coauthors: E. Brodsky, Z. Spica, M. Haney
From the Judges:“Ricardo knows how to present. He drew us in with a great set-up and guided us through his results in a way that we all reached his conclusions together. Excellent use of pug imagery. His command on his science is clear. The slides were clean, the thinking logical, and the conclusions impactful. The text was concise and to the point. He did a great job with the questions.”
Honorable Mention
Caroline Seyler
Fracture energy of Cascadia input sediments integrated into a global compilation
Coauthors: J.D. Kirkpatrick, H.M. Savage, T. Hirose, D. Faulkner
From the Judges: “Caroline presented a well-motivated story for her study. Her introduction framed a broader scientific question, and zoomed in to show how she was going to address it with her work. She had compelling, nicely designed plots to support her results, and made compelling interpretations to address her original question. Caroline demonstrated breadth in her presentation of her poster, and through questioning, showed she has a strong understanding of her method, scientific question, study, and broader field.”
Honorable Mention
Andrew Gase
Subduction of rough seafloor facilitates sediment underplating beneath a low velocity prism
Coauthors: N. Bangs, H. Van Avendonk, T. Luckie, D. Barker, D. Bassett, K. Jacobs, D. Okaya, S. Henrys, S. Kodaira, G. Fujie, Y. Yamamoto, A. Arnulf, L. Wallace, D. Saffer
From the Judges: “Andrew is using high-quality seismic data to study the potential structural control on the generation of slow-slip events at the Hikurangi margin. He is knowledgable about his research and can answer questions effectively.”
Poster Presentation Winner

Kirstie Haynie
Assessing the Generation of the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake in Terms of the Dynamics of a Fore-arc Sliver System
Coauthor: M. Jadamec
From the Judges: “Kristie gave an excellent poster presentation. She explained her research clearly, motivated her work with important implications, had a well designed poster and answered questions well. She had all the components of a great presentation and exhibited a deep understanding of her research.”
Oral Presentation Winner
Rachel Marzen
Refraction seismic constraints on less extensive CAMP magmatism localized by prior extension in the Southeastern United States
Coauthors: D. Shillington, D. Lizarralde, S. Harder, J. Davis
From the Judges:“Rachel gave a very clear presentation on the influence of CAMP on the evolution of the South Georgia Rift Basin. The research problem was well stated”; “This talk was clearly articulated”; “Rachel has command over the seismic refraction approach. She spoke clearly and with confidence.”
Honorable Mention
Tiegan Hobbs
Investigating apparent anticorrelation of repeating aftershocks and afterslip in Nicoya, Costa Rica
Coauthors: D. Yao, A.V. Newman, Z. Peng, M. Protti
From the Judges:“Clear and polished presentation; excellent graphics/slides; effectively organized and easy to follow; clear command of the science and goals of the study; presented the significance of the main findings at the beginning and end of the presentation clearly and effectively; the results of the work were very impactful to the community; the student handled questions excellently by clarifying the question for the audience and answering in a clear and thoughtful manner;”
Honorable Mention
Andrew Gase
Crustal structure of the northern Hikurangi margin and Bay of Plenty from marine seismic reflection imaging and double-sided onshore-offshore seismic tomography
Coauthors:H. Van Avendonk, N. Bangs, D. Okaya, S. Henrys, D. Barker, K. Jacobs, S. Kodaira, G. Fujie
From the Judges:“This was a very crisp, clear, and efficient talk. Importance of studying northern Hikurangi margin was well established, and the new active source data (both reflections and velocities) were walked through in sequence to show interesting new observations throughout the subduction system” “Andrew gave a very competent talk summarizing early results from his analysis of SHIRE seismic reflection and refraction data traversing the northern Hikurangi margin. His talk covered well the background motivation for SHIRE, the new data acquired and results from his initial analysis.”
Honorable Mention
Brandon Shuck
From rifting to subduction: Evidence for the role of past tectonics influencing subduction initiation at the Puysegur Trench, New Zealand
Coauthors: S. Gulick, H. Van Avendonk, M. Gurnis, J. Stock, R. Sutherland, E. Hightower, J. Patel, S. Saustrup
From the Judges: “Brandon’s presentation was extremely well done.[…] He was cognizant of work being done in the same field area, as well as in different GeoPRISMS focus sites, which I think demonstrates a very mature sense of awareness. Very enthusiastic, interesting project, and excellent presentation.” “Knowledgable and engaging presentation of the results. […] Brandon sought out ways to combine multi-disciplinary constraints, consistent with the GeoPRISMS scientific goals”
Honorable Mention
Emmanuel Njinju
Investigating seismic anisotropy beneath the Malawi Rift, East Africa with geodynamic modeling
Coauthors: D.S. Stamps, S. Fishwick
From the Judges: “Emmanuel had a great poster presentation, with a clearly defined problem, and was able to explain his methods and the importance of his project quite clearly.”
Poster Presentation Winner

Elenora van Rijsingen
How does subduction interface roughness infuence megathrust earthquakes? Insights from natural data and analogue models
Coauthors: S. Lallemand, M. Peyret, F. Corbi, F. Funiciello, D. Arcay, A. Heuret
From the Judges: “Elenora has a thorough understanding of the methodology and handled questions and discussions quite effectively” “presentation covered an important topic of great interest to GeoPRISMS and the research used a clever blend of observation and analogue modeling. The student was enthusiastic and engaged very effectively with the audience. She handled questions very well and made her case with confidence” “This was one of the best posters I saw at the meeting”
Oral Presentation Winner
Natalie Accardo
The growth and interaction of large border faults in the Malawi Rift from 3D seismic refraction imaging
Coauthors: D.J. Shillington, J.B. Gaherty, C.A. Scholz, C.J. Ebinger, A.A. Nyblade, P.R.N. Chindandali, G. Kamihanda, T. McCartney, D. Wood, R. Wambura Ferdinand
From the Judges:“This was an *OUTSTANDING* talk. […] clearly introduced the tectonic area and why the region of study was important, explaining in detail the newly collected dataset and method of analyses, and exploring the key results and conclusions” “This presentation was a perfect combination of thoughtful design and prepared delivery, and it was the best talk I saw at the entire meeting” “really interesting and well-delivered talk”
Honorable Mention
James Biemiller
The influence of tectonic inheritance on crustal extension style following failed subduction of continental crust: Applications to metamorphic core complexes in Papua New Guinea
Coauthors: S. Ellis, T. Little, M. Mizera, L Wallace, L. Lavier
From the Judges:“James gave an excellent oral presentation at AGU. He had well designed slides, gave a compelling motivation, spoke clearly and connected with his audience” “He presented exciting results with relevance to the GeoPRISMS community”
Honorable Mention
Jessie Bersson
Explosive to effusive transition in intermediate volcanism: An analysis of changing magma system conditions in Dominica
Coauthors: L.E. Waters, H.M. Frey, K.P. Nicolaysen, M.R.F. Manon
From the Judges:“Jessie has an impressive knowledge of her field and an awareness of the implications of her work for the volcanic hazard faced by residents of the capital city of Dominica [..] This was an excellent undergraduate contribution “Jessie was an engaging speaker who presented her poster clearly. She did an impressive job answering questions and showed a depth of knowledge about her subject that was impressive for an undergraduate”
Honorable Mention
Brandon Shuck
Constraints on mantle dynamics during Jurassic rifting in the ENAM area from seismic and petrological modeling of the oldest oceanic crust
Coauthors: H. Van Avendonk
From the Judges: “Brandon’s presentation was extremely well done.[…] He was cognizant of work being done in the same field area, as well as in different GeoPRISMS focus sites, which I think demonstrates a very mature sense of awareness. Very enthusiastic, interesting project, and excellent presentation.” “Knowledgable and engaging presentation of the results. […] Brandon sought out ways to combine multi-disciplinary constraints, consistent with the GeoPRISMS scientific goals”
Honorable Mention
Aude Lavayssiere
Imaging rifting at the lithospheric scale in the northern East African Rift using S-to-P receiver functions
Coauthors: C. Rychert, D. Keir, N. Harmon, , J. Hammond, M. Kendall, S. Leroy, C. Doubre
From the Judges: “Aude gave an excellent presentation, which generated a lot of interest” “spoke clearly and concisely. Great execution. Slides were well designed and to the point. Excellent job answering questions “
Poster Presentation Winner

Dan Rasmussen
Run-up to the 1999 sub-plinian eruption of Shishaldin Volcano unveiled using petrologic and seismic approaches
Coauthors: Terry A. Plank, Diana C. Roman, Amanda C. Lough, Pete L. Stelling, Robert J. Bodnar, Erik H. Hauri
From the Judges: “Daniel gave a really terrific presentation and enthusiastically provided thoughtful answers to questions from audience around his poster” “true integrative combination of petrological, geochemical and geophysical data” “excellent presentation, with logical flow throughout, integrating many different types of observations to identify precursory signals in the run up to a well studied eruption”
Oral Presentation Winner
Suzanne Birner
Records of upper mantle oxygen fugacity gleaned from high-density sampling of basalts and peridotites at ultraslow ridges
Coauthors: Elizabeth Cottrell, Jessica Warren, Katherine Kelley, Fred Davis
From the Judges:“Suzanne’s talk was polished and elegant” “She presented a geological mystery (the observation that ridge basalts tend to record higher fO2 than ridge peridotites) which she has resolved for rocks sampled at the Southwest Indian Ridge” “This was my favorite talk of the meeting!”
Honorable Mention
Joshua Davis
Cold rocks make more melt: Numerical models of melt generation during continental extension
Coauthors: Luc Lavier
From the Judges:“Very organized and well-practiced talk” “Joshua was able to clearly explain the interesting and counterintuitive results of his research” “The rifting simulations were impressive and Joshua’s narration was seamless and confident.”
Honorable Mention
Helen Janiszewski
Shoreline-crossing shear-velocity structure of the Juan de Fuca Plate and Cascadia Subduction Zone from surface waves and receiver functions
Coauthors: Jim Gaherty, Geoff Abers, Haiying Gao
From the Judges:“Helen is very knowledgable about her research” “The project represents an important and novel contribution to imaging the structure of Cascadia, integrating onshore and offshore observations” “She really knows her material and is very clearly aware of the strengths and weaknesses of her work”
Honorable Mention
Hannah Mark
Seismic coupling at divergent plate boundaries from rate-and-state friction models
Coauthors: Mark Behn, Jean-Arthur Olive, Yajing Liu
From the Judges: “Extremely well constructed and delivered presentation” “Elegant explanation of the basis of this modeling study and the overall controls on seismic coupling” “[…] findings have implications for fault behavior associated with continental rifting”
Honorable Mention
Sarah Jaye Oliva
Deciphering the role of fluids in early stage rifting from full moment tensor inversion of East African earthquakes
Coauthors: Cindy J. Ebinger, Steven W. Roecker, Derek B. Keir, Donna J. Shillington, Patrick Chindandali
From the Judges: “Sarah did a really nice job of explaining her work. It was also great to see how well she understood her methodology, and how much she is thinking about how to improve the work via more robust discussion of errors” “Sarah is very smart, explains her research extremely well and thinks “outside the box” for her interpretations” “Nice analysis and presentation of poster”.
Poster Presentation Winner

Zach Eilon
Seismic attenuation of teleseismic body waves in Cascadia, measured on the Amphibious Array
Coauthors: Geoffrey A. Abers
From the Judges: “Zach was very enthusiastic and knowledgeable” “I was impressed by the quality of figures, organization of the information and general presentation” “Very clear presentation”
Oral Presentation Winner
Allison Rubin
Constraining timescales of pre-eruptive events within large silicic volcanic centers
Coauthors: Kari M. Cooper, Adam JR Kent, Christy Till, Fidel Costa Rodriguez
From the Judges:“Excellent talk” “Clear, confident and professional presentation” “The speaker exhibited strong presence and maturity”
Honorable Mention
Joel Edwards
Record of subducting topography revealed in 3D seismic imaging of Pleistocene unconformities, offshore Southern Costa Rica
Coauthors: Jared Kluenser, Eli Silver
From the Judges:“Fantastic talk” “His interpretation of the 3D MCS data was very exciting” “The research presented was thorough, sophisticated and presented in a logical manner”
Honorable Mention
Helen Janiszewski
Surface-wave imaging of the Juan de Fuca Plate and Cascadia Subduction Zone
Coauthors: Jim Gaherty, Geoff Abers
From the Judges:“Very nice talk!” “Slides were extremely comprehensible and logically ordered” “Presentation was clear, organized, and well illustrated”
Honorable Mention
Dylan Meyer
Methane hydrate formation in a saturated, coarse-grained sample through the induction of a propagating gas front
Coauthors: Kehua You, Taylor Borgfeldt, Peter Flemings, David DiCarlo, Timothy Kneafsey
From the Judges: “Dylan did a fantastic job presenting his poster” “Clearly explained the motivation, background, experiment design, results, and the importance of the study” “I learnt a lot about methane hydrates and how they form!”
Honorable Mention
Maureen Walton
Revisiting the 1899 earthquakes of Yakutat Bay, Alaska using new and existing geophysical data
Coauthors: Sean Gulick, Peter Haeussler
From the Judges: “Maureen did an excellent job communicating the context and significance of the work” “Excellent poster” “Clearly enthusiastic about the work” .
Poster Presentation Winner

Andrew Parsons
Microstructural analysis of the Greater Himalayan Sequence, Annapurna-Dhaulagiri Himalaya, central Nepal: Channel Flow and Orogen-parallel deformation
Coauthors: Richard J Phillips, GE Lloyd, MP Searle, RD Law
From the Judges: “Andrew was clearly an expert in his subject” “student did a super job” “well presented and clear poster on interesting, cutting edge study”
Oral Presentation Winner
Kristina Walowski
Slab melting and magma generation beneath the southern Cascade Arc
Coauthors: Paul Wallace, Michael Clynne
From the Judges:“Kristina was poised and confident, with a great scientific result” “student demonstrated an expert’s knowledge of her research […] carried herself professionally and gave an overall excellent, timely presentation” “I enjoyed this presentation very much!”
Honorable Mention
Yelebe Birhanu
GPS Constraints on the Spatial Distribution of Extension in the Ethiopian Highlands and Main Ethiopian Rift
Coauthors: Rebecca Bendick, Shimeles Fisseha, Elias Lewi, Robert Reilinger, Robert King and Gladys Kianji
From the Judges:“Yelebe presented his work very clearly to show significant results” “student had a very clearly presented poster and a very clear explanation of the implications of his work” “had fairly novel ideas about kinematics of extension […] and was willing to intelligently argue his point”
Honorable Mention
Lucile Bruhat
Inverting for Shear Stress Rate on the Northern Cascadia Megathrust Using Geodetic Data
Coauthors: Paul Segall, Andrew Bradley
From the Judges:“Lucile gave a clear presentation” “presentation was clear and organized”
Honorable Mention
James Farrell
Brittle deformation within the eastern North American volcanic margin: Paleostress inversion of faults in the Hartford basin
Coauthors: Jean Crespi, Denali Ostebo, Megan Weingart
From the Judges: “Terrific poster that was presented in a completely clear and accessible way […] one of the best poster I saw at the meeting” “poster presentation was very nice laid out” “attractive poster with clearly laid out goals and results”
Honorable Mention
William Hutchison
Integrating remote sensing, field studies and CO2 surveys to unravel structural controls on fluid pathways at a young rift volcano
Coauthors: David M. Pyle, Tamsin A. Mather, Juliet Biggs, Gezahegn Yirgu
From the Judges: “Excellent talk, relaxed but effective communication” “Excellent presentation […] William had engaging slides and expressed his results clearly and convincingly” “Speaker provided a good conceptual introduction and moved through all the results with good attention to detail”.
Poster Presentation Winner

James Muirhead
The evolving contribution of border faults and intra-rift faults in early-stage East African rifts: insights from the Natron (Tanzania) and Magadi (Kenya) basins
Coauthors: Simon Kattenhorn, Edwin Dindi, Remigius Gama
From the Judges: “James demonstrated an excellent knowledge of regional geology, tectonics, and theory related to his research” “His poster was really well presented and articulated” “Significant and mature, integrative”
Oral Presentation Winner
Megan Newcombe
Chemical zonation in olivine-hosted melt inclusions: A record of syn-eruptive cooling
Coauthors: Alessandro Fabbrizio, Youxue Zhang, Chi Ma, Marion Le Voyer, Yunbin Guan, John Eiler, Alberto Saal, Edward Stolper
From the Judges:“This was a super high quality talk.” “The discovery of chemical zonation *inside* melt inclusions is new … she’s developing a crystal clock method for minutes-hours timescales!” “This is mature work…”
Honorable Mention
Suzanne Birner
Variations in Oxygen Fugacity among Forearc Peridotites from the Tonga Trench
Coauthors: Jessica Warren, Elizabeth Cottrell, Oscar Lopez, Fred Davis, Trevor Falloon
From the Judges:“Suzanne spoke clearly and with enthusiasm for the scientific problem that she is trying to understand” “The speaker gave a clinic on the subject matter”
Honorable Mention
Ryan Gallacher
Mantle structure beneath the Afar triple junction derived from surface wave tomography
Coauthors: Derek Keir, Nicholas Harmon, Graham Stuart, Sylvie Leroy, James Hammond, J-Michael Kendall, Atalay Ayele, Berhe Goitom, Ghebrebrhan Ogubazghi
From the Judges:“Ryan was engaging and enthusiastic” “He attracted a steady stream of visitors, including geochemists and geodynamicists”
Honorable Mention
Stephanie Grocke
Storage conditions and temporal signals for the Tara supereruption magma; insights from geothermobarometry and quartz chemistry
Coauthors: Shanaka L. de Silva, Jan M. Lindsay, Rodrigo Iriarte, Elizabeth Cottrell, Benjamin Andrews
From the Judges:“Wow, Stephanie is a dynamite speaker” “Her Ti thermometry and diffusion profiling provided a novel clock for magma processes at this novel clock for magma processes at this super volcano”
Honorable Mention
Jiyao Li
Constraints from seismic reflection signature on the seismogenic region in the Alaska/Aleutian subduction zone
Coauthors: Anne Bécel, Donna J. Shillington, Mladen R. Nedimovic, Harold Kuehn, Spahr C. Webb
From the Judges:“Jiyao did a very good job highlighting the importance of understanding the plate interface… using seismic reflection images. These findings provide important constraints” “Jiyao had a very strong presentation that rivals work of postdocs”
Poster Presentation Winner
Samer Naif
An extensive melt layer beneath the oceanic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary discovered by magnetotelluric data
Coauthors: Kerrey W. Key, Steven Constable and Robert L. Evans
From the Judges: Samer was highly knowledgeable about his techniques, data, uncertainty, and nuances in the interpretation. He provided a very coherent presentation that fits within the broader context of GeoPRISMS research.
Oral Presentation Winner
Maryjo Brounce
Fe3+/SFe variation in Mariana arc and back-arc magmas and primary fO2 of the mantle wedge
Coauthors: Katherine A. Kelley and Liz Cotrell
From the Judges: Maryjo gave a great talk with clear and concise science, and good knowledge of the field. She provided an excellent explanation of a complex topic with important consequences for research relevant to GeoPRISMS.
Honorable Mention
Erin DiMaggio
Late Pliocene – Early Pleistocene geologic history of Eastern Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia: implications for the evolution of the southern Afar depression and hominid paleoenvironments
Coauthors: Ramon Arrowsmith, Christopher J. Campisano, Kaye Reed and Alan Deino
From the Judges: Erin gave an excellent talk that included good graphics and a clear rational. She provided excellent context and discussion for science with important implications.
Honorable Mention
Kristina Walowski
Understanding magma formation and mantle conditions in the Lssen segment of the Cascade Arc: Insights from volatile contents of olivine-hosted melt inclusions
Coauthors: Daniel J. Rasmussen, Paul J. Wallace and Michael A. Clynne
From the Judges: Kristina gave a complex and polished talk, very clearly presented. Her topic is timely and pertains to a GeoPRISMS area of focus.
Honorable Mention
Brad Pitcher
The evolution of the historic Mt. Etna magma plumbing system: A comprehensive in situ plagioclase compositional and isotopic study
Coauthors: Wendy Bohrson and Marco Viccaro
From the Judges: Brad had one of the best undergrad studies I have seen. Excellent science along with good graphics; very energetic and engaging presentation.
Honorable Mention
D. Sarah Stamps
Minimal role of basal shear tractions in driving Nubia-Somalia divergence across the East African Rift System
Coauthors: Eric Calais, Giampiero Iaffaldano and Lucy M. Flesch
From the Judges: Sarah was animated, articulate and highly knowledgeable regarding the subject. She was able to provide thoughtful answers to many difficult questions.
Poster Presentation Winner
Manahloh Belachew
Timing and dynamics of dike intrusions in Afar, Ethiopia: Faulting above dikes
Coauthors: Cindy Ebinger, Dustin Cote
From the Judges: “Demonstrated mastery of background, technique, and interpretation of seismic activity associated with dike emplacement in the East Africa Rift”
Oral Presentation Winner
Christie Regalla
An alternative mechanism for forearc subsidence along the Northeast Japan erosive margin?
Coauthors: Donald Fisher, Kevin Furlong, Eric Kirby
From the Judges: “Christine’s talk was well-delivered and well-structured” “She smoothly presented her data, results, conclusions, and the significance of her results”
Honorable Mention
Brett Carpenter
Mineralogical Controls of Fault Healing in Natural and Simulated Gouges with Implications for Fault Zone Processes and the Seismic Cycle
Coauthors: Matt Ikari, Chris Marone
From the Judges: “The significance of this work is very high” “The student provided very detailed and thorough explanations and handled questions very effectively”
Honorable Mention
Jamie Howarth
Reconstructing earthquake-driven erosion in the Southern Alps, New Zealand using the sedimentary record
Coauthors: Sean Fitzsimons, Richard Norris, Geraldine Jacobsen, Delia Strong
From the Judges: “Excellent poster and presentation in all respects’ “Presenter shows a strong command of knowledge and extensive breadth in research” “Excellent discussion”
Honorable Mention
Jean-Arthur Olive
Evidence for Trench-normal Flow Beneath the Western Hellenic Slab from Shear-wave Splitting Analysis
Coauthors: Stephane Rondenay, Frederick Pearce
From the Judges: “Impressive depth of knowledge, focus on undersatnding observations and integration of data from other studies to provide and original interpretation” “Very rigorous” “It was outstanding”
Honorable Mention
Gemma Smith
Fault structure, properties and activity of the Makran Accretionary Prism and implications for seismogenic potential
Coauthors: Lisa McNeill, Timothy J Henstock, Jon Bull
From the Judges: “Best student talk I saw at the meeting” “Quite impressed with her presentation, thoughtful suggestions, and knowledge of the field”