Reminder: Apply to host a GeoPRISMS Distinguished Speaker

GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lectureship Program (DLP), 2014-2015


**Application deadline extended until Monday August 4, 2014** 

The GeoPRISMS Office is happy to announce the annual GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lectureship Program for academic year 2014-2015 with an outstanding speakers list. Distinguished scientists involved with GeoPRISMS science are available to visit US colleges and universities to present technical and public lectures on subjects related to GeoPRISMS science.

Any US college or university can apply to host a DLP speaker. Applications are due August 1, 2014 for visiting speakers in Fall 2014 and Spring 2015. Institutions that are not currently involved with GeoPRISMS research are strongly encouraged to apply, including those granting undergraduate or masters degrees, as well as those with PhD programs. Institutions may request a technical and/or public lecture. The GeoPRISMS Office will cover airfare for speakers’ travel and will coordinate travel and off-site logistics. Host institutions are responsible for local expenses for the duration of the visit.

Visit the GeoPRISMS website to apply and learn more about the speakers and talks available:
Also, please review the DLP Best Practices for making the most of your visiting speaker:


Please direct any questions to the GeoPRISMS Office at
The GeoPRISMS Office


2014-2015 Speakers:

Richard Allen (Berkeley University)

Lecture Titles:

Public: When Plates Collide: Imaging the Roots of Cascadia’s Volcanoes

Technical: The Cascadia Enigma: Probing the Structure of a Silent Subduction Zone


Rebecca Bendick (University of Montana)

Lecture Titles:

Public: How Continents Challenge the Theory of Plate Tectonics

Technical: Constraints on Lithospheric Mechanics or Tectonic Dynamics from Surface Deformation


Elizabeth Cottrell (Smithsonian Institution)

Lecture Titles:

Public: Volcanoes: Windows to the Deep

Technical: Oxygen Cycling Through Subduction Zones and the Generation of Continents


Bradley Hacker (UC, Santa Barbara)

Lecture Titles:

Public: Earth’s Tempo: The Bleeding Edge of Geochronology

Technical: Differentiation of the Continental Crust by Relamination


Andy Nyblade (Penn State University)

Lecture Titles:

Public: The formation of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa:  Is there a Connection with Human Origins?

Technical: Cenozoic Rifting, Plateau Uplift, and Volcanism in Eastern Africa and the African Superplume


Josh Roering (University of Oregon)

Lecture Titles:

Public: Are Mountains like Giant Sandpiles? How Landslides, Earthquakes, and Big Floods Shape Steep Terrain and Control Sediment Dispersal

Technical: Limits to Life’s Role in Landscape Evolution: Physical, Chemical, and Biological Drivers of Erosion along Continental Margins


Robert J. Stern (University of Texas at Dallas)

Lecture Titles:

Public: Geoscientific Investigations of the Southern Mariana Trench and the Challenger Deep

Technical: Subduction Zones, the Subduction Factory, and three MARGINS Mini-Lessons Designed for Undergraduates


Kyle Straub (Tulane University)

Lecture Titles:

Public: Stratigraphy: A Flawed Record of Earth’s History, But the Best One We Have

Technical: Process Controls on Stratigraphic Completeness and Basin Filling Sedimentation Patterns along Passive Margins


Workshop on the Future of the Amphibious Array – REGISTRATION OPEN

Register to Attend, Apply for Travel Support, and Submit Abstracts and White Papers Now:

Thursday-Friday, October 23-24, 2014 – Snowbird, Utah


This two day workshop will consider the future of the Amphibious Array of onshore and ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS’s) currently deployed as the Cascadia Initiative. The workshop will have two primary goals:

1) to evaluate the ongoing Cascadia Initiative deployment of the Amphibious Array, which will have completed 3 of 4 years by the time of the workshop, and

2) to make recommendations for the type, size and scope of future scientific studies using the Amphibious Array, identifying critical scientific targets and recognizing the capabilities of the Amphibious Array.

The first goal will be achieved through emphasis on technical or logistical reports that assess the current operations and instrumentation of the Amphibious Array, addressing issues such as instrument performance and data quality, the performance of OBS’s deployed in shallow waters, and integration of on-land with offshore operations. Understanding this performance will be needed to help define the scope of future deployments. The second goal will be achieved through a series of community recommendations to emerge for future deployments, considering critical scientific targets at a variety of scales and durations.  Planning will focus on the EarthScope footprint and the period through 2018, although longer-term plans will be discussed.

Abstracts and White Papers

Community contributions will form a critical aspect of the workshop discussions. If you plan to put forward either an abstract or white paper, then please register and submit these by Tuesday, September 9.

Registration and Travel Support

Considerable travel support is available to enable attendance for this workshop. To be eligible, please register by Tuesday, September 9 and indicate your needed level of funding. All other registrations close on Tuesday, September 30.

For Students and Post-Docs

There is a special pre-workshop event on the evening of Wednesday, October 22. Students and post-docs requesting support should plan to attend this program.


More Sessions of Interest at the 2014 GSA & AGU Meetings

Please see below for sessions of interest to the GeoPRISMS community, taking place at the 2014 GSA Annual Meeting, October 18-22, in Vancouver, B.C., and AGU Fall Meeting, December 15-19 in San Francisco.

GSA abstract deadline is Tuesday, July 29, 2014

AGU abstract deadline is Wednesday August 6, 2014


Meeting information:


>> A compilation of all the sessions can also be found on the GeoPRISMS website <<


GSA Annual Meeting:

(1) T1. The Structure of Faults from Top to Bottom: Implication for Fluid Flow, Ore Deposits, and Seismic Hazard

AGU Fall Meeting:

(2) ID: #1812 – Dynamic Evolution of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary System in Diverse Geological Settings: an Integrated Approach

(3) ID: #3293 – 3D Observations and Models of Lithospheric Extension

(4) ID: #3549 Active Tectonics and Magmatism of Alaska, the Aleutians, and northwest Canada



(1) T1. The Structure of Faults from Top to Bottom: Implication for Fluid Flow, Ore Deposits, and Seismic Hazard

Please consider submitting to Session T1. The Structure of Faults from Top to Bottom: Implication for Fluid Flow, Ore Deposits, and Seismic Hazard at the 2014 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC (October 18-22).  We invite contributions from diverse fields exploring the range of fault slip behaviors, and the long and short term effects of active and ancient faults from the top to the bottom of the crust.

Session Description

Slip on faults generates earthquakes, uplifts mountains, and alters the physico-chemical properties of rocks in the subsurface.  Transient conditions associated with fault slip exert controls on mineral and ore deposits, hydrocarbons traps, groundwater flow, and, near the surface, the structural integrity of rocks in the damage zone.  Understanding changes associated with fault slip therefore has broad-ranging implications for tectonics, petroleum and mineral resources, and civil and mine engineering.   Along crustal scale faults, plate motion is distributed by depth- and rate-variable deformation mechanisms along fault and shear zone networks whose geometry, rheology and scale vary from the surface to depth. Powerful insights into transient processes involved in fault slip and plate boundary dynamics can be gained from integrating multidisciplinary methods of investigation into fault activity.  We invite contributions from field studies, microstructural and geochemical investigations, geophysical, seismological and geodetic observations exploring the range of fault slip behaviors, and the long and short-term effects of active and ancient faults from the top to the bottom of the crust.

Invited Speakers

Judi Chester

Basil Tikoff

Josie Nevitt



Ashley Griffith, Christie Rowe, and Joe White



(2) ID: #1812 – Dynamic Evolution of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary System in Diverse Geological Settings: an Integrated Approach

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to the following special session at the next AGU Fall meeting: Dynamic Evolution of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary System in Diverse Geological Settings: an Integrated Approach

Session Description:

Geophysical observations of the lithosphere and asthenosphere under oceanic and continental plates reveal seismic and electrical anomalies that image present-day lithospheric discontinuities as well as the interface between tectonic plates and the underlying convecting mantle. Interpreting these geophysical data from different geological contexts in terms of temporal evolution of the plate/mantle system is a multi-disciplinary effort that aims to reconcile field observations, laboratory experiments, and mantle flow predictions from numerical models. We solicit contributions that improve the understanding and integration of the physical and chemical processes at work as part of the time-evolution of the plate/mantle system, including investigations of long-term rheology of deformed mantle fabrics, of fluid distribution using geophysical observations, as well as thermal and viscosity constraints from dynamic modeling.

Focus Group:

DI – Study of Earth’s Deep Interior


T – Tectonophysics

S – Seismology

MR – Mineral and Rock Physics

V – Volcanology, Geophysics, and Petrology


Anne Pommier, Univ California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States

Ed Garnero, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States

Samer Naif, Univ California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States

Huaiyu Yuan, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

Invited Speakers:

Lars Hansen, University of Oxford, UK

Heather Ford, Yale, New Haven, CT, USA

Rajdeep Dasgupta, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA

Greg Hirth, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA


(3) ID: #3293 – 3D Observations and Models of Lithospheric Extension

We invite contributions to AGU Session #3293, “3D Observations and Models of Lithospheric Extension”.

Session Description:

Earth scientists have long known that tectonic processes are inevitably three-dimensional and complex. However, most of our geologic and geophysical observations have been restricted to mapping (the surface) and imaging (sparse two-dimensional sections) of tectonic structures and processes. Likewise, much numerical and analog modeling of tectonic processes and structures are limited to two-dimensional representations.

This session will focus on the tectonics of lithospheric extension, and is open to presentations on active or now-inactive rifting, marine or continental settings, and magmatic or amagmatic rifting.

We anticipate presentations that include multichannel seismic surveys, wide angle seismic surveys, passive seismic arrays, scientific ocean drilling, and other geophysical and geological methods and modeling at a variety of scales.

The binding characteristic will be three dimensional observations or modeling as tools to push forward our understanding of lithospheric extension.

Focus Group:

T – Tectonophysics


S – Seismology


Dale S Sawyer, Rice University,

Timothy A Minshull, University of Southampton,

Timothy J Reston, University of Birmingham,

Invited Speakers:

Ritske Huismans, University of Bergen,

Javier Escartin, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris,

Roger Buck, Columbia University,


Please consider submitting your relevant research to this session.


(4) ID: #3549 Active Tectonics and Magmatism of Alaska, the Aleutians, and northwest Canada


The northern rim of the Pacific in Alaska, the Aleutians, and Yukon region is both tectonically diverse and active and is becoming the focus of increasing geoscientific scrutiny.  To the west, Pacific Plate subduction along the Aleutian Trench varies along strike, an active magmatic arc marks where the most active plate convergence between the Pacific and North American plates occurs today, and plate convergence also drives active deformation behind the arc. In central and south Alaska, subduction/collision by the Yakutat Block drives orogenesis and far-field deformation within interior Alaska and the Pacific Plate. To the east, the Fairweather and Queen Charlotte transform systems transition along strike with degree of convergence with the Pacific Plate. We propose an integrated session inviting contributions examining the geohazards and complexities of tectonic interactions in the Aleutian-Alaska-NW Canada region. We particularly welcome results from EarthScope, GeoPRISMS, Canadian and other international studies, and IODP Expedition 341.

Focus Group:

T – Tectonophysics


G – Geodesy

NH – Natural Hazards

S – Seismology

V – Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology


Sean P S Gulick, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States

Robert J Stern, Univ Texas Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States,

Jeffrey Todd Freymueller, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, United States

John M Jaeger, Univ Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States


Sessions of Interest at the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting

Please see below for sessions of interest to the GeoPRISMS community, taking place at the 2014 Fall AGU Meeting, December 15-19 in San Francisco. Note, AGU abstract submission deadline is August 6, 2014.


1. ID: #1524 Physics of Subduction Earthquakes: From the Trench to the Transition zone

  1.  ID: #2699 Processes, pathways, and properties along the subduction interface
  2.  ID: #2614 Illuminating the factors that determine subduction megathrust fault slip style
  3.  ID: #1856 Science and Societal Lessons from a Decade of Giant Megathrust Earthquakes
  4.  ID: #2815 Advances in Sub-Aqueous Paleoseismology : New Insights into Earthquake Recurrence
  5. ID: #3034 Arcs from the Inside Out
  6. ID: #2987 Signal propagation and preservation: routing information from the geomorphic engine to the stratigraphic record
  7.  ID: #2384 Drilling the Izu-Bonin-Mariana System: First Results and Related Studies
  8.  ID: #3348 – Crustal construction processes from the Backarc-Arc to the Forearc
  9.  ID: #2208 Marine Geohazards
  10.  ID: #2326 Satellite Remote Sensing and Management of Natural Disasters
  11.  ID: #3396 Collaborative Studies on Mantle Melting
  12.  ID: #2004 Melt and Volatiles: Two Key Ingredients in a Mantle

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Sessions of Interest at the 2014 GSA Meeting

Please see below for sessions of interest to the GeoPRISMS community that will take place at the 2014 GSA Annual Meeting, October 18-22, 2014, in Vancouver, B.C.

Abstracts deadline is Tuesday, 29 July, 2014

Meeting information:

(1)T25 Megathrusts – 50 years after the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake – a session in honor of George Plafker

(2)T5. Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution of the Aleutian Arc in Space and Time

(3)T7. Great Earthquakes, the Cascadia Subduction Zone, and Society

(4)T122. Magmatism and Geodynamics within the Cascadia Subduction Zone

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Reminder: Apply to host a GeoPRISMS Distinguished Speaker

GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lectureship Program (DLP), 2014-2015

Deadline: August 1, 2014 

The GeoPRISMS Office is happy to announce the annual GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lectureship Program for academic year 2014-2015 with an outstanding speakers list. Distinguished scientists involved with GeoPRISMS science are available to visit US colleges and universities to present technical and public lectures on subjects related to GeoPRISMS science.

Any US college or university can apply to host a DLP speaker. Applications are due August 1, 2014 for visiting speakers in Fall 2014 and Spring 2015. Institutions that are not currently involved with GeoPRISMS research are strongly encouraged to apply, including those granting undergraduate or masters degrees, as well as those with PhD programs. Institutions may request a technical and/or public lecture. The GeoPRISMS Office will cover airfare for speakers’ travel and will coordinate travel and off-site logistics. Host institutions are responsible for local expenses for the duration of the visit.

Visit the GeoPRISMS website to apply and learn more about the speakers and talks available:

Also, please review the DLP Best Practices for making the most of your visiting speaker:


Please direct any questions to the GeoPRISMS Office at

The GeoPRISMS Office


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