Reminder – Your Input Needed: Research Nuggets for GeoPRISMS Review

Dear GeoPRISMS Community,

In preparation for the GeoPRISMS program mid-term review, the GeoPRISMS Office is compiling science “nuggets” that summarize interesting, visual, and high-impact research efforts related to GeoPRISMS. The assembled nuggets will provide a strong case for scientific achievement in GeoPRISMS, and are invaluable in documenting the broad scope and interdisciplinary nature of the program. Nuggets that cover work closely-related to GeoPRISMS but that were not funded by the GeoPRISMS program are also welcome.

Nuggets should be no more than 2 pages and should include a title, authorship, one high-resolution figure, and references. Please note that the nuggets will be formatted by the Office for inclusion in the review document.

Please submit all material before July 15, 2015 at

For more information about the nuggets and examples from the NSF-MARGINS Program Decadal Review 2009 please visit the GeoPRISMS Office at: /research/review-nuggets/. If you have any questions, please contact the GeoPRISMS Office at

– The GeoPRISMS Office & GSOC

Reminder: Call for GeoPRISMS Mini-Workshop Proposals at AGU 2015

**Deadline for mini-workshop proposals is July 1, 2015**

Dear GeoPRISMS Community,

We are pleased to announce that this year we will again be able to host a few mini-workshops at the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting (December 14-18). A mini-workshop is a research meeting that is held during an evening of the Fall Meeting or on the Sunday leading up to the meeting. Examples of mini-workshops held in association with recent and upcoming national and international meetings can be found at:


Mini-Workshops offer excellent opportunities to jump-start science discussions, as well as to coordinate implementation for future GeoPRISMS studies, both for primary sites and thematic studies. We encourage you to consider such an undertaking. The GeoPRISMS Office provides logistical support, a meeting room and refreshments. We do not cover any travel costs or per diem to the organizers or participants.

If you would like to host a GeoPRISMS-related Mini-Workshop in association with the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting (14-18 December), we invite you to submit your proposal to the GeoPRISMS Office at The proposals will be reviewed and ranked by the GeoPRISMS Steering and Oversight Committee (GSOC). The number of mini-workshops is limited but we expect to be able to host two to three events.

The deadline for upcoming Mini-Workshop proposals is July 1, 2015. The proposal guidelines are described on the GeoPRISMS website at: /meetings/mini-workshops/. We encourage you to contact the GeoPRISMS Office with questions or advice prior to submitting at

We look forward to hearing your ideas.

-The GeoPRISMS Office and GSOC

Job Posting: Faculty Position

Faculty Position in Earth and Planetary Science – Rice University, Department of Earth Science
We seek creative and promising candidates across the broad spectrum of earth and planetary science who complement the disciplines represented in our department.

Successful candidates are expected to direct an active research program, supervise graduate research, and teach courses for undergraduate and graduate students. Details about the department and its facilities can be found at

Please send a CV, research and teaching statements, and names of four or more references to

Equal Opportunity Employer — Females/Minorities/Veterans/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity. All required application materials submitted by September 15, 2015 are ensured full consideration.


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Workshop announcement: “Slow Earthquake 2015”, Nagoya, September 24th-26th

Dear Colleagues:

We are going to have an international workshop on slow earthquakes on 24-26 September 2015 at the Higashiyama campus, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.

In this workshop, we focus not only on the understanding of “slow earthquakes”, but also on the relationship between slow earthquakes and megathrust earthquakes. We welcome any topic related to slow earthquakes such as, observations, geological field surveys, laboratory experiments, numerical modeling, theoretical studies, and so on.

International invited speakers:

K. Creager (University of Washington)

Z. Peng (Georgia Institute of Technology )

H. Houston (University of Washington)

M. Ikari (MARUM, University of Bremen)


Date: 24-26 September, 2015

Venue: Environmental Studies Hall, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan

Registration fee: none

Support for travel expense for speakers: partial support available (not all of the requests will be accepted; please ask H. Hirose ( for details)

Presentation Submission: June – August, 2015 (tentative)

Abstract submission deadline: September, 2015 (tentative)

Organizers: Hitoshi Hirose, Yoshihiro Ito, Aitaro Kato, Kazushige Obara

This workshop is supported by Joint Usage/Research Center Programs of ERI The University of Tokyo and DPRI Kyoto University

Yoshihiro Ito
DPRI, Kyoto University
Gokasyo, Uji, Kyoto, 611-0011, Japan
Tel/Fax: +81-774-38-4240

Workshop announcement: “Slow Earthquake 2015”, Nagoya, September 24th-26th

Dear Colleagues:

We are going to have an international workshop on slow earthquakes on 24-26 September 2015 at the Higashiyama campus, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.

In this workshop, we focus not only on the understanding of “slow earthquakes”, but also on the relationship between slow earthquakes and megathrust earthquakes. We welcome any topic related to slow earthquakes such as, observations, geological field surveys, laboratory experiments, numerical modeling, theoretical studies, and so on.

International invited speakers:

K. Creager (University of Washington)

Z. Peng (Georgia Institute of Technology )

H. Houston (University of Washington)

M. Ikari (MARUM, University of Bremen)


Date: 24-26 September, 2015

Venue: Environmental Studies Hall, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan

Registration fee: none

Support for travel expense for speakers: partial support available (not all of the requests will be accepted; please ask H. Hirose ( for details)

Presentation Submission: June – August, 2015 (tentative)

Abstract submission deadline: September, 2015 (tentative)

Organizers: Hitoshi Hirose, Yoshihiro Ito, Aitaro Kato, Kazushige Obara

This workshop is supported by Joint Usage/Research Center Programs of ERI The University of Tokyo and DPRI Kyoto University
Yoshihiro Ito
DPRI, Kyoto University
Gokasyo, Uji, Kyoto, 611-0011, Japan
Tel/Fax: +81-774-38-4240

GeoPRISMS Newsletter Available: Spring 2015

The Spring 2015 GeoPRISMS Newsletter (#34) is now available online:

GeoPRISMS Newsletters

Highlights of this edition include:

     • Evolution of the Chemically Diverse Aleutian Island Arc
     • Report from the Field – iMUSH: Imaging Magma under St. Helens
     • Reports on the AGU 2014 Mini-Workshops
     • AGU Fall Meeting 2014 Student Prize Winners
     • Workshop on the future of the Amphibious Array, October 2014


     • NSF Update and Solicitation
     • Distinguished Lectureship Program Speakers 2015-2016
     • GeoPRISMS Data Portal Status Report
     • Recent GeoPRISMS NSF Awards
     • GSOC Highlights – Spring 2015

Printed copies of the newsletter will be mailed soon.

The GeoPRISMS Office

Questions? Contact us at
Sign up to receive the GeoPRISMS Newsletter (please note only the Spring newsletter will be mailed out)

Apply to host a GeoPRISMS Distinguished Speaker

GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lectureship Program (DLP), 2015-2016

Deadline: August 1, 2015

The GeoPRISMS Office is happy to announce the annual GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lectureship Program for academic year 2015-2016 with an outstanding speakers list. Distinguished scientists involved with GeoPRISMS science are available to visit US colleges and universities to present technical and public lectures on subjects related to GeoPRISMS science.

Any US college or university can apply to host a DLP speaker. Applications are due August 1, 2015 for visiting speakers in Fall 2015 and Spring 2016. Institutions that are not currently involved with GeoPRISMS research are strongly encouraged to apply, including those granting undergraduate or masters degrees, as well as those with PhD programs. Institutions may request a technical and/or public lecture. The GeoPRISMS Office will cover airfare for speakers’ travel and will coordinate travel and off-site logistics. Host institutions are responsible for local expenses for the duration of the visit.

Visit the GeoPRISMS website to apply and learn more about the speakers and talks available:


Also, please review the DLP Best Practices for making the most of your visiting speaker:


Please direct any questions to the GeoPRISMS Office at

The GeoPRISMS Office


2015-2016 Speakers:

Elizabeth Cottrell (Smithsonian Institution)

Public Lecture: Volcanoes: Windows to the Deep

Technical Lecture: Oxygen Cycling Through Subduction Zones and the Generation of Continents

Bradley Hacker (UC, Santa Barbara)

Public Lecture: Earth’s Tempo: The Bleeding Edge of Geochronology

Technical Lecture: Differentiation of the Continental Crust by Relamination

Beatrice Magnani (Southern Methodist University)

Public Lecture: The legacy of ancient plate boundaries in continental intraplate deformation

Technical Lecture: From plate boundary to intraplate: understanding the role of paleotectonic structures in continental intraplate deformation

Andy Nyblade (Penn State University)

Public Lecture: The formation of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa:  Is there a Connection with Human Origins?

Technical Lecture: Cenozoic Rifting, Plateau Uplift, and Volcanism in Eastern Africa and the African Superplume

Robert J. Stern (University of Texas at Dallas)

Public Lecture: Geoscientific Investigations of the Southern Mariana Trench and the Challenger Deep

Technical Lecture: Convergent Plate Margins, Subduction Zones, and Island Arcs

Laura Wallace (University of Texas at Austin)

Public Lecture: The slow slip revolution: Leading to a better understanding of earthquakes

Technical Lecture: Sticky or Slippery? Controls on subduction megathrust behavior at the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand

GeoPRISMS Office Transition

Dear GeoPRISMS Community,

It will soon be time to transition the GeoPRISMS Office from the capable hands of Peter van Keken to a new steward. The Program Office is a central and essential piece of the GeoPRISMS community and we are hoping to find an Office Director who is as capable, enthusiastic, and as in touch with the community as Peter and his predecessors. Key activities of the GeoPRISMS Office include (but are certainly not limited to):

– maintain the website and serve as a centralized information source

– publish the newsletter twice a year

– organize the annual meeting of the steering committee at NSF

– plan and facilitate AGU activities including a Townhall meeting and workshops

– serve as a liaison between the community and NSF and related programs

– organize community workshops

The Director of the Office also serves as the chair of the GeoPRISMS Steering and Oversight Committee.

We are asking you, the community, for names (of others or yourselves) who you think would serve well in this position. Once the nominations are submitted to NSF we will ask those who are both nominated and interested to submit a 2-page letter of interest. NSF will seek GSOC input on the nominees. It is our goal to invite a proposal for the GeoPRISMS Office by Fall of 2015 and that a new office will be in place by Spring of 2016.
Donna Blackman and Jennifer Wade
GeoPRISMS Program Managers, National Science Foundation

Donna Blackman
Phone: (703) 292-7978

Jenn Wade
Phone: (703) 292-4739

Theoretical and Experimental Institute for the SCD Initiative – Save the date!

Please save the date and plan to attend the GeoPRISMS Theoretical and Experimental Institute for the SCD Initiative!

We are pleased to announce that we will hold a Theoretical and Experimental Institute (TEI) for the Subduction Cycles and Deformation initiative in the week of October 11 (Sunday night through Thursday morning) at the Portofino Hotel in Redondo Beach, CA (a few miles south of LAX).

This TEI will allow the community to discuss progress towards the science objectives of the SCD initiative, demonstrate scientific discovery at the primary sites, continue planning for new domestic and international collaborative work, and entrain new talent and disciplines.

We expect to be able to cover lodging and food for 120 participants and have partial travel funding available for graduate students, early career scientists and invited speakers. The preliminary schedule and application form will be announced in July. We expect that the application deadline will be in mid- to late August.

Please save the date and plan to join us!

The GeoPRISMS Office

Questions? Contact the GeoPRISMS Office at

Job Posting: Two Research Fellows in Geophysics

Two Research Fellows in Geophysics – Geology and Geophysics Research Group, Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton

Location: Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

Salary: Both Positions from £28695

Fixed Term Permanent

Closing Date: Monday 15th June 2015

Interview Date: 13-14th July 2015

The University of Southampton is in the top 1% of world Universities and one of the UK’s top 10 research-intensive universities. We have an international reputation for research, teaching and enterprise activities. Following our excellent performance in the Research Excellence Framework (REF2014) assessment (where over 93% of our research activity was recognised as being of either world-leading or internationally excellent quality), Ocean and Earth Science are looking to appoint two Research Fellows in the Geology and Geophysics Research Group. You will be joining an active research group, with 11 full academic staff, 6 Research Fellows, and almost 40 PhD students ( The two fellowships will be in:

1. Marine Electromagnetics (5 year position) – focus on building on the successful Southampton EM Lab and delivering on three newly won grants: EU Blue Mining, NERC PI-LAB, and ERC EURO-LAB. This extended Fellowship will be strongly encouraged to also develop their own research strands and to link with colleagues both within the group, across NOCS and the broader national and international geophysics communities.

2. Passive Seismology (up to 2 Years) – this post will play a vital role in at the start of a large international project to image and understand the properties that make a tectonic plate strong. As part of this role the Fellow will work on two funded research projects: the NERC PI-LAB project and ERC EURO-LAB project. The Fellow will do one or more of the following projects: global imaging of the tectonic plate, in situ imaging of the 0 – 40 My old Atlantic plate using data collected from a large ocean bottom seismic experiment, in situ seismic-MT joint inversions, and/or developing full-waveform inversions of anisotropic structures based the data and ridge synthetics. In addition, to supporting these projects, the Fellow will be encouraged to develop their own research interests in seismology. Interaction with international collaborators is key, since broad impact will be attained by integrating seismic and MT results and incorporating a wide range of seismic resolutions.

Details of the funding projects and other associated work can be found in the “High Resolution Marine Geophysics and Geotechnics”, “Methane Hydrates” and “Global to Local Tectonics” Research Projects section of the blog.

Informal enquiries can be made to the Head of Group, Dr Justin Dix ( for the Marine Electromagnetics position and Dr. Catherine Rychert ( for the Passive Seismology position.

Application Procedure:

You should submit your completed application form online at Please include your CV and Publication list. 3 references will be required if you are successful at shortlisting, so please provide 3 referees on your application form. The vacancy will close at midnight on the closing date as shown above. If you need any assistance, Please contact Carol Read on +44 (0) 23 8059 3649 Please quote vacancy reference numbers 560515HN and 560615HN respectively on all correspondence.