Virtual Geosciences Conference

Immerse yourself in Virtual Geoscience at VGC 2018 – There is still time to submit abstracts!

The 3rd Virtual Geoscience Conference will be held in the beautiful Limestone City, Kingston, Canada, August 22-24, 2018. This is the premier conference for researchers, government, and industry members conducting innovative research in close range remote sensing and computer visualization applied to the geosciences. This year’s meeting focus is on the theme of immersive geoscience and novel developments in virtual and augmented reality. The broad focus of the conference series allows geoscientists from a variety of subdisciplines to share experience with the latest tools, software, and, technological innovations.

Abstract submission for the conference has been extended to *March 30, 2018*. Submission must be made using the conference submission page. The organizing committee is looking forward to reading your latest virtual-geoscience-themed abstracts.

Keynote Speakers – we are excited to have four keynote speakers confirmed for VGC 2018:

  • Dr Nick Hedley, Director of the Spatial Interface Research Lab – a geovisual interface think tank – and a professor of geovisualization and spatial interface research in the Department of Geography at Simon Fraser University, Canada.
  • Dr Joseph Wartman, Director of Natural Hazards Reconnaissance Facility at the University of Washington, USA.
  • Dr Regula Frauenfelder, Physical Geographer at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute.
  • Dr Helen Reeves, Science Director for Engineering Geology & Infrastructure at the British Geological Survey.

Short Course and Field Trip – we will be offering a short course on remote sensing applications to geohazards research and a local field trip exploring the local geology of the Kingston area on August 22nd, 2018. More details can be found on the VGC short course page. Participants can also register on the conference registration page.

Sponsorship and Tradeshow Booths – we would like to thank BGC Engineering, Esri, the Geological Remote Sensing Group, and the VOG group for supporting VGC 2018. We would also like to thank GIM international and Remote Sensing journal for partnering with VGC.

We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities and trade show booth options still available. Please contact the organizing committee for more information:

Learn more about the conference by visiting or follow us on twitter (@VirtualGeo_2018).

Ryan Kromer

On behalf of the VGC 2018 committee

Gordon Conference on deep carbon science, June 17-22, 2018

Dear colleagues,

Please consider attending the upcoming Gordon Research Conference: Deep Carbon Science in the Context of Geologic Time, June 17-22.  This conference will explore the evolution of deep carbon in Earth’s biological and nonbiological reservoirs over 4.6 billion years. Topics include how carbon is incorporated into a growing planet and how early planetary processes mediate carbon transfers. We will then turn to the evolution of carbon reservoirs in the first billion years of Earth history, and explore early deep life, the population of terrestrial niches, the challenges that were overcome, and the feedbacks and interactions between the geosphere and the biosphere. The final phase of the conference will address the carbon cycle and how it has evolved through time. A goal of the conference is to engage a diverse and interdisciplinary group of Earth scientists, planetary scientists, and geobiologists.

Attendees will include a mix of leading junior and senior scientists. The conference will provide opportunities for junior scientists to present their work in poster format and exchange ideas with leaders in the field. In addition to programmed discussion sessions, Gordon Conferences provide a collegial, open atmosphere, and opportunities for informal gatherings in the afternoons, evenings and during meals. They are ideal for scientists from different disciplines to initiate cross-disciplinary collaborations in the various research areas represented.

We anticipate that there will be funds to assist with student travel and registration fees.

The link for the conference is:

Attendance is limited, so early registrations are encouraged.

Hope to see you at the conference,

Craig Manning, Isabelle Daniel, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Ed Young

Sessions of interest at the 2018 Goldschmidt Conference

Please see below for sessions of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community, taking place at the 2018 Goldschmidt Conference in Boston (August 12-17). Abstracts are due on March 30. Additional information can be found at:

Please contact the GeoPRISMS Office at if you wish to advertise your session on the GeoPRISMS Listserv.

03d: Multidisciplinary Insights into Subduction Zone Processes

Conveners: Joshua Garber, Paul Starr, Edward Inglis, Kevin Burton, Besim Dragovic

Keynote: Pierre Bouilhol (CRPG, Univ. Lorraine)

Understanding the physical and chemical processes that occur at subduction zones is of importance in constraining i) the mechanisms and forces that drive plate tectonics; ii) chemical exchange between surface and deep terrestrial reservoirs; iii) seismic and volcanic hazards on human timescales; and iv) the generation of arc crust. As such, understanding feedbacks between these processes is of paramount importance to elucidating subduction-zone dynamics. This session seeks to link aspects of subduction zone petrology and geochemistry and is concerned with placing better constraints on the temporal and spatial evolution of subduction-zone processes. We invite abstracts that are concerned with, but not limited to, geochemical cycling and interactions occurring within subduction zones (including elemental and isotopic studies); geochronological constraints on subduction zone metamorphism and its evolution; field-based studies of subduction zone terranes; rheological and petrological experiments; and numerical modeling of subduction zone dynamics. We are particularly interested in assessing feedbacks between different physical and chemical systematics, and reconciling disparate datasets or interpretations attained by distinct methodologies – including those on either a global or regional scale.


03e: The Continents: Origin, Evolution and Interactions with Other ReservoirsConveners: Fang-Zhen Teng, Cin-Ty Lee, Sonja Aulbach, Xiaoming Liu

Keynote: Ming Tang (Rice University)

Much effort has been expended over the past thirty years in understanding the origin and evolution of the continents and their interactions with the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and the mantle through time. This session will focus on the composition and structure of continental lithosphere (crust + mantle) in the context of its formation and evolution. Observational, experimental and theoretical insights from petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry, or geophysics are desired.


03h: Experimenting and Geochemical Fingerprinting at Plate Boundaries: Quantification of Fluid–Melt–Residue Interplay at Ridges and Subduction Zones

Conveners: Yildirim Dilek, Véronique Le Roux, Ali Polat, Christy Till

Keynote: Andrew Matzen (University of Oxford)

Experimental petrology and field-based geochemical studies of igneous and metamorphic rocks from mid-ocean ridges and subduction zone settings show that both mantle peridotites and fluids–melts-crustal material that interact with them are compositionally variable due to slab-driven recycling mechanisms, presence of volatiles, oxidation mechanisms, diffusional processes, magma mixing, and rates–nature of upwelling processes. Therefore, magmas and mantle residues evolving in seafloor spreading environments at mid-ocean ridges and subduction zones are highly heterogeneous. Quantifying the interplay between fluid-melt and residue at plate boundaries through interdisciplinary investigations can help us better understand the mantle dynamics and its evolution through time. In this session we welcome contributions from experimental igneous–metamorphic studies and geochemical–isotopic investigations of peridotites/ophiolites at ridge settings and subduction zones that examine: trace element behavior and partitioning during melting and melt–fluid percolation, mode and nature of mantle depletion and enrichment, dehydration/re-hydration reactions in subducted slabs and their influence on mantle chemistry, scales and development of mantle heterogeneities, mechanisms of asthenospheric upwelling that facilitate melt and solid earth material transport to spreading centers, and records of crustal and mantle recycling processes through plate tectonics.


04a: From Geochemistry to Geodynamics, Volatile Cycling and Planetary Habitability: Where, When, How?

Conveners: Megan Duncan, Matthew Weller

Keynote: David Catling (University of Washington)

Constraining the long-term cycle of volatiles (e.g., C, H, S, N, He, Xe, etc.) through planetary systems is critical toward understanding the evolution of any planet. Potential ingassing, outgassing, and regassing via deep and shallow recycling processes likely affected the early habitability of planets, such as the Earth, and continues to affect the present day atmospheric composition and magmatic processes. We invite submissions that use a combination of measurements of natural samples, experiments, and modeling to address some of the following questions: What, when, and how are volatiles recycled, lost, and stored? What are the signatures at the surface, e.g., isotopic measurements of arc volcanic rocks or gases? How has it changed over time, and what are its continued implications?


04e: Magma Production and Emplacement Rates, Tempos, Timescales for Crustal Transport and Storage, and Eruptive Fluxes

Conveners: Christoph Beier, Michael Bizimis, Rebecca Lange, Stephen Turner

Keynote: Christy B. Till (Arizona State University)

There is increasing evidence that rates of melt generation in the mantle and rates of basalt emplacement into the crust vary not only between tectonic settings, but also within a single tectonic setting over time. How variations in the tempo of melt production and emplacement affect subsequent transport pathways through the crust, regions of storage, degree of differentiation, and eruptive fluxes are areas of active research. We encourage contributions that investigate the interplay between magmatic processes and timescales of magma evolution, including all aspects of magma production, emplacement rates, and how changes in tempo affect melt transport pathways and storage in the crust, degree of differentiation, and eruptive fluxes. Contributions that involve geochronology, mineral diffusion profiles, thermal modeling, crystal nucleation and growth rates, and other related topics are welcome.

NSF MGG Program Director (Rotator) Position

Dear Colleagues:

The Marine Geology and Geophysics Program (MGG) within the Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) in the Directorate of Geosciences (GEO) has announced a nationwide search for a Program Director (Rotator) with experience and expertise in the broad area of marine geophysics.

The MGG Program supports research in all aspects of the geology and geophysics of the ocean basins, seafloor, subseafloor, and continental margins as well as that of the Great Lakes. The person selected for this position will work with the other Program Officers who oversee the MGG Program to balance the award portfolio across the entire range of disciplines supported by the Program.

A Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) has been released and provides detailed information, including guidance regarding qualifications required and how to submit an application. Please see (

Early Career Geoscience Faculty Workshop – July 22-26, 2018

Early Career Geoscience Faculty Workshop: Teaching, Research, and Managing Your Career

July 22-26, 2018 with optional trip to NSF on Friday, July 27
on the campus of the University of Maryland, College Park, MD 

Application deadline: March 16, 2018

If you are in your first three years of a permanent faculty position, please apply to join us for a multi-day workshop in a stimulating and resource-rich environment where you will participate in sessions on topics including effective teaching strategies, course design, establishing a research program in a new setting, working with research students, balancing professional and personal responsibilities, and time management. Participants must have a full-time faculty position at a two-year or four-year college or a university at the time of the workshop and must be in their first three years of full-time teaching or starting a full-time position in the Fall. The workshop is offered by NAGT On the Cutting Edge professional development program for geoscience faculty with support from the National Science Foundation, Geological Society of America and American Geophysical Union.

The workshop registration fee is estimated at ~$1250 ($1200 for NAGT members). Accommodations and some meals may be covered by the registration fee, pending support from NSF. Travel is not included in the registration fee. Participants or their home institutions must provide transportation to and from the workshop. In cases where the cost of attending this workshop would cause financial hardship, you may be able to apply for a stipend to help defray these costs. Ask your department or university for funds to attend as well – many have been quite supportive. The registration fee will be due in May after notification of acceptance into the workshop.

Call for submissions – GeoPRISMS related sessions to the AGU Fall Meeting

Please consider submitting a GeoPRISMS related session to the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting that will take place in Washington, DC (Dec 10-14, 2018).

Submission deadline: April 18, 2018

More info:

Official website:

This is a great opportunity to promote your GeoPRISMS Science and activities. As every year, the GeoPRISMS Office will compile a list of AGU Fall Meeting special sessions that directly support the scientific goals of the GeoPRISMS (and MARGINS) Programs, or are of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community. The list will be advertised on the website and through the GeoPRISMS Listserv.

For more information about GeoPRISMS past activities and related sessions at AGU please visit the GeoPRISMS website at: /meetings/agu-townhall-and-student-forum/

The GeoPRISMS Office

Job Posting: Postdoc and Faculty Positions

1) Postdoc position in igneous petrology/geochemistry – GEOMAR, Kiel (Germany)

2) John W. Miles Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theoretical And Computational Geophysics – Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
3) 100 new positions for early career researchers – University of Manchester, UK
4) Assistant or Associate Professor tenure track (Rank Open) Structural/Engineering Geology – The University of Tulsa, Department of Geosciences
5) Assistant Research Professor position in marine geophysics – The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) of Columbia University


1) Postdoc position in igneous petrology/geochemistry – GEOMAR, Kiel (Germany)

The research unit “Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems” at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel (Germany) is offering a position as Post-doctoral Researcher starting on August 1th, 2018. The working group Petrology-Geochemistry investigates submarine volcanism by means of bathymetry, geochronology, and major and trace element and radiogenic isotope geochemistry. In the project SHATSKY EVOLUTION, the Shatsky Rise (northeast Pacific) will be surveyed (mapped) and volcanic features sampled during upcoming R/V Sonne expedition SO265 (Aug. 27 to Oct. 11, 2018). The main objectives of the project are characterization and dating of the volcanism that led to the formation of this vast oceanic plateau.

The main responsibilities of the postdoctoral scientists include (besides active participation in expedition SO265) contributions to the extensive analytical program, data evaluation and interpretation, and publication of peer-reviewed articles. Expected is the willingness to present scientific results at (international) conferences, to collaborate in preparing reports and to write (peer-reviewed) publications in English language. The project will be carried out in cooperation with international partners.


• PhD in geosciences with relevance to geology, petrology and geochemistry,
• good publication record relative to time since receiving PhD,
• experience in magmatic geochemistry and petrology
• experience carrying out geochemical analysis of volcanic rocks (experience in working with submarine, altered rocks is an advantage),
• ability to independently reduce/evaluate and integrate diverse data sets (petrology, geochemistry, geochronology, bathymetry) into scientifically sound conclusions and models,
• very good English language skills

The position is available for a funding period of 26 months. The salary depends on qualification and could be up to the class E13 TVöD-Bund of the German pay scale for public employees. This is a full-time position and cannot be split. GEOMAR seeks to increase the proportion of female scientists and explicitly encourages qualified female academics to apply.

GEOMAR is an equal opportunity employer and encourages scientists with disabilities to apply. Qualified disabled applicants will receive preference in the application process.

Applications including a CV (with publication list) and contact details of 2 referees should be sent as single pdf file to the following address via Email by February 28, 2018 using the subject line “SO265” to:

As soon as the selection procedure has finished, all application papers will be destroyed according to data protection regulation. For further information regarding the position and research unit please contact Dr. Jörg Geldmacher ( or Prof. Kaj Hoernle (


2) John W. Miles Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theoretical And Computational Geophysics – Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography has an opening for the John W. Miles Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theoretical and Computational Geophysics starting in late 2018. Funding from the Green Foundation for Earth Sciences is available to support a postdoctoral position in the broad areas of computational and theoretical geophysics, including machine learning applied to geosciences. Applicants must contact potential mentors at IGPP igpp.ucsd.eduprior to the application deadline, to ensure a feasible research collaboration. The position is available for two years for applicants that are less than 5 years from PhD degree. Funding for the second year is subject to satisfactory performance during the first year.  Salary starts at $60,000/yr plus benefits and depends on experience.

Applications require a statement of research interests (1-2 pages), dissertation abstract (1 page), curriculum vitae with publications, and two letters of recommendation. Application materials must be submitted online following the link at, with recommendations sent directly by the letter writers to

The deadline for receipt of all application materials (including recommendation letters) is March 30, 2018. Please address questions to Donna Blackman, Green Foundation Secretary

UC San Diego is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer and welcomes all qualified applicants. Applicants will receive fair and impartial consideration without regard to race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, genetic data, or other legally protected status.


3) 100 new positions for early career researchers – University of Manchester, UK

The University of Manchester, UK, is inviting applicants for 100 new positions for early career researchers.  These come with a salary and research support budget, lasting 4 years with a reduced teaching load before the researcher is considered for a permanent academic position. Although there have been some areas of expertise highlighted in the call, the main criterion is excellence of the candidate. For more, see:


4) Assistant or Associate Professor tenure track (Rank Open) Structural/Engineering Geology – The University of Tulsa, Department of Geosciences

The Department of Geosciences at The University of Tulsa invites applications for a tenure-track position beginning the Fall of 2018.   Appointment is expected at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor and preference will be given to candidates interested in leading the department as Department Chairperson.

A Ph.D. in Geology, Geological Engineering or a closely related field is required. Preference will be given to candidates who pursue research and teaching with environmental, engineering and industry applications, and to candidates with specialty in rock mechanics and/or geological engineering.  The successful candidate will be expected to teach Structural Geology and other courses of their choosing at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and establish an externally funded research program involving students.

The University of Tulsa is a premier private, doctoral-granting research institution committed to excellence in teaching, creative scholarship, and service. The University offers competitive salary and benefits packages. The Department of Geosciences has strengths in petroleum-related geology and geophysics, tectonics, reservoir characterization and environmental geology. The Department offers BA, BS, MS and PhD degrees in Geosciences and in Geophysics. Students in the Department are high achieving and eager to participate in research. The Department and College are well-equipped for field and laboratory based research in geology and geophysics. Tulsa is home to the international headquarters of the AAPG, SEPM and SEG.  Additional information can be found at the department’s website:


The review of applications will begin February 15, 2018 and continue until the position is filled.

The University of Tulsa seeks to recruit and retain talented students, faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds.  The University of Tulsa is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and encourages qualified candidates across all group demographics to apply.  The University does not discriminate on the basis of personal status or group characteristic including, but not limited to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, ancestry, or marital status.

Send a letter of application stating research and teaching interests, curriculum vitae, and name and contact information for three references to:

Or mail to:

Dr. Bryan Tapp
Department of Geosciences
Keplinger Hall, L103B
The University of Tulsa
800 South Tucker Drive
Tulsa, OK 74104-9700

The University of Tulsa is an Equal Opportunity Employer Disabled/ Veteran.


5) Assistant Research Professor position in marine geophysics – The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) of Columbia University

The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) of Columbia University invites applications for a Lamont Assistant Research Professor position with expertise in marine geophysics. Applicants should have a strong record of innovative research, including publications in peer-reviewed journals, and should have demonstrated success at raising external support for their research programs. We particularly encourage applications from candidates whose expertise complements that of the current research staff and whose research uses innovative observations to examine fundamental solid-Earth processes, including but not limited to deformation, magmatism, and the cycling of water at plate tectonic boundaries and the formation and evolution of oceanic lithosphere. We also encourage applicants whose research aligns with Lamont’s strategic initiatives (

Lamont Assistant Research Professors receive nine-month appointments with partial salary support provided from institutional sources. An incentive program encourages the establishment of a vigorous externally funded research program to provide the majority of salary support, including an opportunity for summer salary.

Eligibility requirements include a Ph.D. in Earth and environmental sciences or a related field,

evidence of ongoing externally funded research programs or potential for supporting research

programs with external funding, and at least 2–3 years of relevant research experience. Salary will be commensurate with experience. All interested candidates should apply online at the following Quick Link: Candidates should provide a CV (including a list of publications), statement of research interests, and list of funded projects or grant applications awaiting approval, and should arrange for the submission of at least three letters of reference to Applications should be submitted by 31 March 2018 to ensure timely consideration.

For more information contact:

Office of the Director
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, NY 10964
Telephone: 845-365-8546 • Fax: 845-365-8162 • Email:


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

2018 Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Rock Deformation

Dear colleagues –

Please consider applying for the upcoming Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation: Integrated Approaches to Rock Deformation: Observations, Experiments, and Models, scheduled for August 19-24, 2018 at Proctor Academy, NH.  This conference will provide a unique opportunity to explore the breadth of scientific disciplines relating to rock deformation, including rock physics, geology, geophysics, seismology, mechanics, and civil engineering.

The conference will bring together a collection of junior and senior investigators who are at the forefront of their field, and will provide opportunities for junior scientists and graduate students to present their work in poster format and exchange ideas with leaders in the field. The collegial and open atmosphere of this Conference, with programmed discussion sessions as well as opportunities for informal gatherings in the afternoons, evenings and during the meals, provides a venue for scientists from different disciplines to brainstorm and promotes cross-disciplinary collaborations in the various research areas represented.

There will be an associated Gordon Research Seminar for early career investigators, before the Conference, August 18-19, 2018.   We expect there to be some funds to help support student travel and registration fees.

See the two weblinks for both events, from which you can also apply (separate applications are required for each event):

Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation

Gordon Research Seminar on Rock Deformation (for early career investigators)

Attendance is limited for both conferences, so early registrations are encouraged!

Hope to see you there!

Juli Morgan, Dan Faulkner, Josie Nevitt, and Katrina Sauer

Job Posting: Faculty Positions, Executive Director Geothermal Resources Council

1) open rank tenured/tenure track position Remote Sensing  – North Carolina State University

2) Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Geophysics at the California Institute of Technology
3) Executive Director –  Geothermal Resources Council (GRC)


1) open rank tenured/tenure track position Remote Sensing  – North Carolina State University

As part of the Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program, NC State University seeks a scholar in remote sensing to join the Geospatial Analytics cluster ( The position is an open rank tenured/tenure track position with an anticipated departmental home in the College of Sciences’ Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences ( with an anticipated start date of August 2018. The Geospatial Analytics cluster currently includes faculty from the Colleges of Natural Resources and Engineering. The cluster is coordinated through the Center for Geospatial Analytics ( a collaborative hub for faculty, researchers and graduate students from over a dozen departments across campus.

We seek a collaborative scholar who will lead research on remote sensing of Earth’s land and ice surfaces, ocean, atmosphere, and/or subsurface, and who will develop and teach related undergraduate and graduate courses, including courses that support the new cross-college PhD degree program in Geospatial Analytics. The scholar will be expected to build a program of well-established and focused research and related publications; recruit and mentor graduate students; generate externally funded projects and provide leadership and service to the cluster, the department, college, university, and scholarly organizations. NC State places a high value on excellent instruction and the use of innovative teaching methods.

A central responsibility of the role is to collaborate with members of the faculty cluster and those in the Center for Geospatial Analytics. The center’s interdisciplinary research programs focus on discovering and communicating meaningful patterns in location-based data using advanced analytics, to address social-environmental challenges. Approaches include developing tangible user interfaces and 3D visualization techniques, dynamic spatio-temporal models, and participatory research methods to explore processes in time and space and create decision-support systems.


2) Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Geophysics at the California Institute of Technology

The Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences at the California Institute of Technology is seeking outstanding applicants for a tenure-track faculty position in geophysics at the assistant professor level. We invite applicants in any area of geophysics, broadly defined. Preference is for individuals who will lead an innovative research program and are committed to teaching, with the applicant’s overall creativity and potential being valued more than their specific area of expertise within geophysics.

The term of the initial appointment at the assistant professor level is normally four years, with appointment contingent upon completion of a PhD in a relevant field. Exceptionally well-qualified candidates may also be considered at the tenured professor level. Initial review of applications will begin on March 1, 2018, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Interested applicants should submit an electronic application that includes a brief cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research and teaching plans, up to three representative publications, and contact information for at least three individuals who may be contacted for letters of reference. Please submit applications at the following link:

If there are any questions during the search process, please contact us at:

We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Caltech is committed to working with and providing access and reasonable accommodations to applicants with physical or mental disabilities. To request disability accommodations for any part of the interview or hiring process, please contact 626-395-6111 for assistance or contact


3) Executive Director –  Geothermal Resources Council (GRC)

The Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) is a non-profit corporation comprised of over 1,500 members from around the world. It was established primarily to advance geothermal development through education, outreach and dissemination of research. GRC is recruiting to fill the vacant Executive Director role. The successful applicant must be an experienced, confident, team-oriented leader who performs the following functions:

• Successfully manage team and budget, solving complex problems in additions to day-to-day issues;

• Supervise communication media (e.g. public reports, annual documents, newsletters, website, news and library) and public relations of the International Knowledge- and technology Platform;

• Obtain government and other grants or funding;

• Develop network of geothermal contacts and grow membership and member involvement;

• Demonstrate strong oral and written English communication skills by writing with ease, clarity and impact and speaking formally or informally to customers and the public, using language to influence others, is responsible for all public information provided;

• Listen effectively and identify opportunities and solutions focused on key issues;

• Exercise strong organizational skills with high level of initiative and ability to effectively interface, collaborate, and partner with stakeholders to achieve organizational vision and mission;

• Use sound judgment in decision making by focusing on key issues, evaluating situation, balancing priorities and considering reasonable alternatives when making important decisions;

• Think strategically by anticipating and preparing for future events and outcomes and considering the potential effect of future events on current plans;

• Work collaboratively and diplomatically with others to seek the best results; and

• Be committed to achieve goals and objectives with quality products and services

This position is an exempt, professional management job with a flexible, 40-hr work week. The successful applicant will receive a 1-3 year contract with annual performance reviews. Employment is on an “at-will” basis. The incumbent reports to the Board of Directors through the President of the Board. Initial salary is commensurate with experience, knowledge, and education. Compensation shall be reviewed annually by a committee of the Board and shall be based on performance as determined by exceeding mutually agreed to metrics. All applicants must be U.S. citizens or eligible to work in the U.S. If the applicant is a current GEA or GRC Board member, their Board participation will be suspended during the selection process. The starting location for this position is Davis, California. Relocation assistance to Davis will be considered.


The successful applicant must be legally eligible to work in US, fluent in English speaking and writing and have basic computer skill including familiarity with budget software. Domestic and international travel will be required.

Education: BA/BS from an accredited college or university required. Advanced degree preferred. Experience:

• Ten (10) or more years of progressively responsible and relevant work experience in an energy related agency, industry, academic, geothermal (preferred), as it relates to the responsibilities and essential functions for this position. Please see Executive Director Job Description.

• Combination of domestic U.S. and international work experience

• Consultancy experience with government agencies

• Prior experience reporting to Board preferred

Knowledge of:

• Geothermal, other energy or extraction industries

• Business and/or organizational management

• Operation of non-profit organizations and public relations and advertising to support the non profit

• Budget preparation, management and monitoring

• Organization, operation and maintenance of data or publication archives.

• Evaluation, implementation and adaptation of evolving business technologies (e.g., leveraging social media for PR and communications, paperless conferences, virtual offices).

Job description is posted on the GRC website.

Please submit cover letter and resume no later than February 9, 2018 to: Geothermal Resources Council, Attn: Executive Director Search, Email:


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

AACSE Apply to Sail – Deadline is today (Jan 22, 2018)

Apply to Sail with the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment

Application Deadline: TODAY January 22, 2018
Apply: /research/community-projects/alaska/aacse-apply-sail/application-form/
Cruise Dates (+/- 3 days):
  • Leg 1: May 9 – May 29, 2018 (arrive three days before departure)
  • Leg 2: July 11 – July 25, 2018 (arrive two days before departure)
Graduate students and scientists at all career stages are invited to sail with two OBS deployment legs of the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment (AACSE) during the late spring and early summer of 2018. The AACSE is major shoreline-crossing community experiment focusing on the subduction zone offshore the Alaska Peninsula, which has been the site of North America’s largest recorded earthquakes as well as major volcanic hazards. Data will be collected during the 15-month experiment using 75 broadband ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) and 30 land stations.
OBSs will be deployed in two legs in May and July of 2018 from the Global-Class R/V Sikuliaq. The PI team anticipates that berths for 5 to 7 additional students or scientists will be available on each leg. Participants should be willing to work long hours at sea, in close quarters, and in challenging conditions. Duties of participants will include assisting in OBS deployments, documentation of the expedition, preparation of cruise reports, and documenting the cruise via social media. Travel costs to the departure port (Seward, AK) will be paid for Apply to Sail participants, but no stipend is included.
To apply to sail with the AACSE deployment, each applicant should submit a 2-page CV, a brief statement of interest, and a statement of relevant experience.  Applicants who will be graduate students during the summer of 2018 should also submit a letter of support from their graduate advisor. Applications should be submitted at the AACSE Apply to Sail website by January 22, 2018. Please direct any questions about the Apply to Sail program to Aubreya Adams (