PacificArray OBS cruise — call for participation

Call for Participation – PacificArray OBS Recovery Cruise (May-June 2019)

Application Deadline: Feb 11, 2019

Cruise dates: May 6 – June 7, 2019 (flexibility of ±5 days required)

PIs: Jim Gaherty, Zach Eilon, Don Forsyth, Göran Ekström

Science Party: up to 6

We are soliciting apply-to-sail participants for the RV Kilo Moana ocean-bottom seismograph (OBS) recovery cruise, part of the international PacificArray initiative to install OBS arrays across the Pacific plate. We will recover 30 broadband OBS deployed in spring 2018 in a region approximately 500 km NE of the Marquesas Islands in the central Pacific, notable for unexplained gravity lineations that hint at small-scale sub-lithospheric convection. More information about this project can be found online: (

Science party responsibilities will include rotating 8-hour watches to assist in recovery of the 30 OBS, collect and archive multi-beam bathymetry and side-scan data, as well as crewing on board oceanographic instrumentation. Cruise activities will include reading and discussion of papers pertinent to the science goals of the experiment. The project blog from the deployment cruise provides a perspective on these activities: (

Selected applicants will contribute to collecting the open-access data that will be provided to the scientific community for use in addressing a wide spectrum of Earth Science research targets, from marine geophysics to global seismology. Applications from students and early-career scientists are particularly encouraged. Applicants do not need to have experience with the type of data collection they will participate in; we hope that wide community participation in these field campaigns will provide opportunities for scientists to gain familiarity with a variety of data-collection techniques. Funds for travel to/from port (Honolulu, HI) will be provided for US-based researchers.

To apply, please assemble an application package (2-page CV and 1-page statement of interest and experience) and submit it electronically to James Gaherty ( no later than February 11, 2019. Applications from graduate students and post-docs require a letter of support from the graduate advisor or supervisor.

Seismology Student Workshop 2019

6th annual Seismology Student Workshop

March 21-22, 2019 | Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York
Application deadline: January 15, 2019

Hello Seismologists!

We invite graduate students to participate in the upcoming sixth annual Seismology Student Workshop to be held March 21st-22nd, 2019 at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York. The application deadline is January 15. This workshop is completely student-run and organized with the aim of bringing together graduate students who conduct research in seismology and earthquake-related fields. This workshop is only open to graduate students, so we encourage advisors to notify their students about this opportunity!

We intend to build on the success of our previous workshops in providing a friendly environment that fosters in-depth scientific discussion. Topics related to the scope of this workshop include but are not limited to:

  • Seismic imaging of tectonic processes
  • Tomographic/inverse techniques
  • Earthquake source processes
  • Rock mechanics
  • Seismic anisotropy
  • Seismicity and tremor

The format will be a series of 25-minute talks and poster sessions that take place over the course of the two days. Registration will be $50 due by the beginning of the workshop. Thanks to a sponsorship from the Seismological Society of America, this fee will cover three nights of hotel lodging for the nights of Wednesday March 20th, Thursday the 21st, and Friday the 22nd, as well as all meals and refreshments during the workshop. We have limited funds to subsidize transportation to the workshop. Registration preference will be given to those who submit abstracts.

The facebook page for the workshop can be found here:

If you are interested in attending, please complete and submit the online application form:

A title, abstract, and an optional figure must be submitted to be considered for an oral or poster session.

The application deadline is JANUARY 15, 2019. We will inform attendees about their application status by the end of January. Please feel free to forward this to other students you know that might be interested.

We hope to see you in March!

Organizing Committee:

Kira, Genevieve, Rachel, Chris, Theresa, and Michelle

Please direct any enquiries to

IODP Workshop: Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc System and Analogs

Announcing International Ocean Discovery Program Workshop: Anatomy of a Long-Lived Oceanic Arc: Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc System and Analogs

Location: Izu Peninsula, Japan

Time: October 27 – November 2, 2019

Deadline to Apply: May 1, 2019

Lead Organizers: Cathy Busby (University of California at Davis) and Harue Masuda (Osaka City University)

Workshop Organizers and Moderators: Susan DeBari (Western Washington University), Patricia Fryer (University of Hawai’i), Yasuhiko Ohara (Hydrographic & Oceanographic Department of Japan), Mark Reagan (University of Iowa), John Shervais (Utah State University), and Yoshihiko Tamura (JAMSTEC)

For more information go to:

Questions? Contact Cathy Busby ( or Harue Masuda ( with questions about the workshop. Send application materials to Cathy Busby.