REMINDER: 2015 GeoPRISMS Theoretical and Experimental Institute on Subduction Cycles and Deformation

The Theoretical and Experimental Institute (TEI) for the Subduction Cycles and Deformation (SCD) initiative is now open for applications. The TEI is held on the three full days of October 12-14 and is intended to provide a summary of progress made in the science objectives of the SCD initiative (as discussed in the Science and Implementation plan available through Applicants do not have to have worked on projects funded by GeoPRISMS. We expect a broad and diverse audience drawn from domestic and international researchers, including graduate students and early career scientists, who are interested in the structure and dynamics of subduction zones.

The TEI is funded by the National Science Foundation through the GeoPRISMS Office at the University of Michigan. There is no registration fee. Due to space restrictions the meeting will be strictly limited to 150 participants. We will be able to cover on-site expenses (venue costs, hotel expenses based on double occupancy, and breakfast+lunch) for up to 120 participants. Most participants will have to cover travel to and from the meeting. Partial funding for travel is available for students and postdocs. We will not be able to provide dinner on-site but there are plenty of restaurants nearby.
Confirmed participants whose on-site expenses are covered are expected to arrive on Sunday afternoon and leave on Thursday morning.
Organizing Committee
Jeff Freymueller (University of Alaska Fairbanks), Sarah Penniston-Dorland (University of Maryland), Donna Shillington (Columbia/LDEO), Kelin Wang (Pacific Geoscience Centre), Erin Wirth (University of Washington), Gene Yogodzinski (University of South Carolina). Ex officio: Peter van Keken (GeoPRISMS Office/University of Michigan).
Important Dates
Monday July 27: Applications are invited via the meeting webpage at /tei-scd-2015/
Friday August 21: Application deadline
Friday August 28: Successful applicants are invited to confirm participation
Friday September 11: Deadline for confirmation of attendance
Late September: Final meeting agenda is released
The Portofino hotel at Redondo Beach, CA. The hotel is located just 8 miles (13 km) south of the main Los Angeles airport (LAX). Shuttle service is available for transport from and to the airport in addition to cab services).
Student and postdoc symposium
On Sunday before the meeting we will hold a student and postdoc symposium which will feature short presentations by the attendees and discussion with the conveners and NSF program managers. The meeting starts at 3 pm. We encourage all students and postdocs to attend and to arrange their travel accordingly, after confirmation of attendance.
Draft agenda
The agenda will develop as the list of participants is completed. We will have five sessions focused on different components of the subduction system (each featuring a keynote speaker and invited and contributed presentations) and a summary session. There will be ample time for discussion. We will have dedicated poster sessions in the afternoons.

Sessions with confirmed keynote and invited speakers:

The Incoming Plate
          Keynote: Doug Wiens (Washington University)
          Invited: Magali Billen (UC Davis)
The shallow fore-arc
          Keynote:  Kerry Key (UCSD)
          Invited: Nathan Bangs (UTIG)
The Megathrust
          Keynote: Laura Wallace (UTIG)
          Invited: Rocco Malservisi (USF)
Slab Processes
          Keynote: Brad Hacker (UC Santa Barbara)
          Invited: Pierre Bouilhol (Durham)
Mantle wedge and arc crust
          Keynote: Peter Kelemen (Columbia)
          Invited: Ellen Syracuse (LANL)
Possible field trip to Santa Catalina Island
We may be able to organize an optional field trip (led by Sarah Penniston-Dorland) to Santa Catalina Island on Thursday October 15. This will give participants the opportunity to see amphibolite- and blueschist-facies rocks that have been exhumed from a paleosubduction zone. There is no NSF funding for this trip and participants will need to cover all expenses. We estimate that the cost (including transport from hotel to ferry terminal, ferry ride, transport on Catalina, breakfast and lunch; accommodation at the Portofino for one more night) is around $400-$500 per person. The departure time from the hotel (to catch the first ferry to the island) will be at 5:15am. Cost for participants who do not require an additional night of accommodation will be adjusted. Capacity for the field trip is limited and we will confirm participants on a first-come, first-served basis after receipt of payment.
If you are interested in participating in the field trip please send an email to Peter van Keken ( as soon as possible but certainly before the application deadline. We will follow up with details on logistics. Payment to confirm participation will be due by the end of August.

Job Postings: Faculty Positions

1) Faculty Positions – Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD

2) Assistant Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Science (Exploration Geophysics) – University of Nebraska-Lincoln

3) Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Structural Geology/ Neotectonics – Department of Geography, Geology and Planning, Missouri State University


1) Faculty Positions – Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD

Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego seeks up to two outstanding candidates from a broad range of disciplines within the Earth and Planetary Sciences, including geochemistry, tectonic processes, theoretical and computational geophysics, seismology, and marine and terrestrial geodesy.

For full description and to apply by September 15, 2015 deadline, go to:

Assistant Professor at:

Associate/Full Professor at:

UCSD is an AA/EOE/M/F/D/V.


2) Assistant Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Science (Exploration Geophysics) – University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Applications are invited for a tenure track position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The successful candidate will be expected to participate in teaching and curricular development of undergraduate and graduate courses, to advise and direct graduate students, and to develop a rigorous research program that is supported by external funding. It is expected that the research program will include field and subsurface-based studies of exploration geophysics. Ability to contribute to growing petroleum geoscience-related teaching and research activities within the Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences will be considered as an advantage. The candidate should demonstrate strong potential for research and teaching and must hold a Ph.D. in Geology, Geophysics, or a related field at the time of appointment.

The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences offers B.S. degrees in Geology and Meteorology-Climatology, as well as M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Primary research areas within the geological sciences include sedimentary geology, paleontology and paleobiology, petroleum geosciences and geobiology. Research in atmospheric sciences is focused on meterological hazards, climate change, and remote sensing. Additional active research areas include Climate System Science, Geoscience Education and Hydrological sciences. Additional information about our department can be found on our web site:

To apply, go to, search for requisition #F_150159 and complete the “faculty/administrative form”. Applicants must attach a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, and names of at least three references via the above website. We will begin to review applications on October 12, but the position will remain open until it is filled.

The University of Nebraska is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action, equal opportunity, work-life balance, and dual careers.

For further information, contact Dr. Chris Fielding, Search Committee Chair by email, phone, or mail at:, 1-402-472-9801; Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 214 Bessey Hall, Lincoln NE 68588-0340.


3) Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Structural Geology/ Neotectonics – Department of Geography, Geology and Planning, Missouri State University

The Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning invites applications for a tenure-track position in Geology at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin in either January 2016 or August 2016 with an emphasis in either Structural Geology or Neotectonics.

A Ph.D. (or ABD) in Geology or a closely related field is required at time of appointment. Requirements include a commitment to undergraduate- and Master’s-level teaching as well as research expertise and interest at a level appropriate to supervise Master’s-level thesis projects. The successful applicant will teach an undergraduate course in structural geology and one or more upper-level courses in his or her specialty. Additionally, the individual will also teach introductory-level geology courses, and participate in department-level field trips. Post-doctoral research experience and evidence of teaching effectiveness would be advantageous. Applicants must be able to demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to work in an environment that encourages an understanding of, respect for, and development of skills to engage with those of other cultures or diverse backgrounds.

The Department grants undergraduate degrees in Geology, Geography, Planning, Geospatial Science, and Earth Science Education and an M.S. in Geospatial Science in Geography, Geology and Planning. The successful applicant would be expected to teach and advise in the undergraduate program in Geology and in the department’s graduate program.

Qualified applicants should apply online at and upload a single PDF that includes a letter of application, current curriculum vitae, detailed research plan, statement of teaching philosophy, and contact information for 3–5 professional references. The evaluation of applications will begin September 15, 2015, and will continue until a successful candidate is found. Further information can be obtained at +1-417-836-5800, or visit our web site at The University is dedicated to the goal of building a culturally diverse and inclusive faculty and staff committed to teaching and working in a multicultural environment and strongly encourages applications from women, persons from underrepresented ethnic and racial groups, individuals with disabilities and covered veterans. Employment will require a criminal background check at University expense. Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Minority/Female/Veterans/Disability employer and institution.


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

More sessions of Interest at the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting

Please see below for more sessions of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community, taking place at the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, December 14-18 in San Francisco. Note, AGU abstract submission deadline is August 5, 2015.

Submit your abstract:

T031. Marine Sedimentary Records of Climate-Tectonic Interactions

T035. Oceanic and arc lithospheres: clues from modern examples and ophiolites


T031. Marine Sedimentary Records of Climate-Tectonic Interactions

Session ID#: 8742

Theoretical considerations and field studies suggest that geodynamic and surficial processes are coupled within orogens. This session focuses on the evolution of orogens and associated diffuse plate boundary zones through the analysis of marine sedimentary strata where there is a greater potential for a well-dated, continuous record of these interactions. This session is timely given several recent scientific ocean drilling expeditions with the explicit objective to distinguish and quantify cause and effect relationships between tectonics and climate, particularly in areas of rapid sedimentation where the potential resolution of events is greatest. Presentations are encouraged that highlight the development and/or application of novel techniques, including but not limited to geophysical, geochemical, isotopic, and thermochronometric techniques as applied to marine sediments to study the temporal evolution of potentially coupled climate-geodynamic systems. We particularly welcome submissions on the Bengal, Indus and Nicobar Fans in the Indian Ocean.

Invited Presenters
Peter Clift – Louisiana State University
Ken Ridgeway – Purdue University

Volkhard Spiess –  University of Bremen

Jonathan M Bull, University of Southampton
John M Jaeger, Univ Florida
Sean Gulick, University of Texas at Austin

Kolluru Sree Krishna, National Institute of Oceanography, Panjim, India


T035: Oceanic and arc lithospheres: clues from modern examples and ophiolites

Session ID#: 8985

Much of what has been learned from Alpine-Himalayan ophiolite studies in the last ~50 years, despite lingering debate as to their exact genetic setting, has been widely used to interpret the structure of the oceanic lithosphere flooring modern oceans. In contrast, most Pacific ophiolitic complexes have been interpreted as newly created supra-subduction lithosphere formed in Arc to Forearc settings.

Intriguingly, the comparatively abundant studies of crustal and lithospheric structures formed at modern Mid Ocean Ridge, Back-arc, Arc, and Forearc settings have rarely been used to elucidate the nature of ophiolites and constrain where and how most ophiolites formed.

In an attempt to reconcile these contrasting views and approaches, we incite an across-communities discussion (with contributions from marine geology and geophysics, petrology-geochemistry, tectonics, ophiolite studies) to reexamine the link between modern oceans and arcs and their past ophiolitic analogues, and better assess what ophiolites tell us.

Cesar R Ranero, ICM-CSIC
Philippe Agard, University Pierre and Marie Curie Paris VI
Mathilde Cannat, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Robert J Stern, Univ Texas Dallas

Reminder: Apply to host a GeoPRISMS Distinguished Speaker

GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lectureship Program (DLP), 2015-2016 Season

Deadline: August 1, 2015

DLP Speakers 2015-2016

The GeoPRISMS Office is happy to announce the annual GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lectureship Program for academic year 2015-2016 with an outstanding speakers list. Distinguished scientists involved with GeoPRISMS science are available to visit US colleges and universities to present technical and public lectures on subjects related to GeoPRISMS science.

Any US college or university can apply to host a DLP speaker. Applications are due August 1, 2015 for visiting speakers in Fall 2015 and Spring 2016. Institutions that are not currently involved with GeoPRISMS research are strongly encouraged to apply, including those granting undergraduate or masters degrees, as well as those with PhD programs. Institutions may request a technical and/or public lecture. The GeoPRISMS Office will cover airfare for speakers’ travel and will coordinate travel and off-site logistics. Host institutions are responsible for local expenses for the duration of the visit.

Visit the GeoPRISMS website to apply and learn more about the speakers and talks available:


Also, please review the DLP Best Practices for making the most of your visiting speaker:


Please direct any questions to the GeoPRISMS Office at

The GeoPRISMS Office


2015-2016 Speakers:

Elizabeth Cottrell (Smithsonian Institution)
     Public Lecture: Volcanoes: Windows to the Deep
     Technical Lecture: Oxygen Cycling Through Subduction Zones and the Generation of Continents
Bradley Hacker (UC, Santa Barbara)
     Public Lecture: Earth’s Tempo: The Bleeding Edge of Geochronology
     Technical Lecture: Differentiation of the Continental Crust by Relamination
Beatrice Magnani (Southern Methodist University)
     Public Lecture: The legacy of ancient plate boundaries in continental intraplate deformation
     Technical Lecture: From plate boundary to intraplate: understanding the role of paleotectonic structures in continental intraplate deformation
Andy Nyblade (Penn State University)
     Public Lecture: The formation of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa:  Is there a Connection with Human Origins?
     Technical Lecture: Cenozoic Rifting, Plateau Uplift, and Volcanism in Eastern Africa and the African Superplume
Robert J. Stern (University of Texas at Dallas)
     Public Lecture: Geoscientific Investigations of the Southern Mariana Trench and the Challenger Deep
     Technical Lecture: Convergent Plate Margins, Subduction Zones, and Island Arcs
Laura Wallace (University of Texas at Austin)
     Public Lecture: The slow slip revolution: Leading to a better understanding of earthquakes
     Technical Lecture: Sticky or Slippery? Controls on subduction megathrust behavior at the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand

More Sessions of Interest at the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting

Please see below for more sessions of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community, taking place at the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, December 14-18 in San Francisco. Note, AGU abstract submission deadline is August 5, 2015.


Submit your abstract:

T015. Cumulative deformation in the overlying plate due to subduction and related feedbacks
T021. From the seismic cycle to geological time scales, how do subduction processes that can possibly modify the megathrust geometry and mechanical properties control the tectonic evolution and deformation of active margins, and the subduction seismic behavior?
T037. Revisiting the Tectonics, Regional Structure, and Geodynamics of Alaska and the North Pacific
T038. Rifts and Passive Margins: Tectonics, Dynamics, Processes
T039. Scientific advances from subduction zone observatories
T043. Subduction across scales
V002. 4D Variations in Cascade Arc Magmatic Systems: Linking Tectonics, Geochemistry, and Geodynamics
V011. Geochemistry of sediments and sediment recycling and implications for crust and mantle evolution over Earth history”
V018. How and when do volcanic eruptions start and stop, and what controls the tempo of everything in between?
V027. Quantifying Storage, Transport, and Volumes of Magmas in the Earth’s Crust
V032. The Earth’s geodynamic carbon cycle: subduction, storage, migration, and outgassing
V034. The ophiolite-subduction connection: Using peridotites as analogs for subduction zone mantle
V045. Where Arc Magmas Reside: Comparing the Volcanic and Plutonic Records
MR020. The spectrum of slip behaviors of continental and subduction fault zones
DI007. Geochemical and geophysical links between subduction zone dynamics and arc systems
S027. Unraveling the complexities of mantle flow, crustal rotation and crustal faulting in the Cascade subduction zone system

T015. Cumulative deformation in the overlying plate due to subduction and related feedbacks

Session ID#: 8167

Subduction over time modifies the overriding plate by fractionation, accretion, and tectonic deformation. This can lead to processes such as tectonic shortening (orogeny), regional uplift, weakening by back-arc spreading and volcanism, basin formation, and/or destabilization of the lithosphere. In turn, the composition, strength, and morphology of the overlying plate, which may be the product of a long geological history and have significant along-strike variations, can affect current large-scale subduction dynamics such as slab dip, and ultimately broad-scale plate kinematics in two and three dimensions. Examples of geological settings that bear witness to these processes are found along the Pacific Rim, the Tethys margin, including the Mediterranean mobile belt, and northwestern North America. We seek contributions from all disciplines, including geodesy, geology, geochemistry, seismology, and geodynamics, that document the tectonic evolution of overlying plate deformation and their link to subduction processes.

Invited speakers:
Fabio Capitanio, Monash Univ.
Huw Davies, Cardiff Univ.
Tatsuya Ishiyama, U. Tokyo/ERI

Onno Oncken, GFZ-Potsdam U.

Hiroshi Sato (University of Tokyo)
David A Okaya (University of Southern California)
Susan M Ellis (GNS Science)

Thorsten W Becker (University of Southern California)


T021. From the seismic cycle to geological time scales, how do subduction processes that can possibly modify the megathrust geometry and mechanical properties control the tectonic evolution and deformation of active margins, and the subduction seismic behavior?

Session ID#: 7866

A fundamental feature of overriding plates is that on 100  to 107yr time-scales, they deform both abruptly and dramatically or slowly and subtly in response to an array of distinct subduction processes, among which are earthquake cycles, subducting ridges, and erosion/accretion. Over short time-scales, the pattern of upper-plate vertical deformation is dominated by subduction seismic cycles controlled by the megathrust structure and mechanical properties. Over longer time-scales, upper-plates present various vertical deformation patterns, which can be transient, vary along-strike, reflect long lasting elastic behavior (no permanent deformation) or not (building of permanent topography). Consequently, observations of long-term vertical deformation offer clues to investigate the structure, properties and processes enveloping the interplate thrust zone and their significance regarding subduction seismic behavior. This session welcomes insights focusing on active deformation at convergent margins through observations and modeling that seek to integrate the different time-scales to comprehend the factors controlling subduction zone behavior.

Frédérique Leclerc, Earth Observatory of Singapore
Frederick W Taylor, Institute for Geophysics, Austin
Nathalie Feuillet, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

Luc L Lavier, Jackson School of Geosciences, Austin


T037. Revisiting the Tectonics, Regional Structure, and Geodynamics of Alaska and the North Pacific

Session ID#: 9027

The Pacific-North American plate boundary in Alaska is in the scientific spotlight now because of the spectacular geology and tectonic processes preserved and ongoing in the region, and the major financial investment by the National Science Foundation through EarthScope and GeoPRISMS. It is timely to review the available data and tectonic-geodynamic models, as several major new scientific efforts are now in their infancy. Certain tectonic components have a first order effect, including the impact of the subduction of the Yakutat terrane, and the role of lithospheric heterogeneity from broad scales to more localized zones of weakness, such as the Denali fault. In this diffuse plate boundary, active deformation is partitioned across a large area, including related tectonic systems in Canada and Russia. We welcome submissions using observational and modeling studies relevant to the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone and the North Pacific region, including new work and review or integrative submissions.

Jeffrey Todd Freymueller, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Margarete Ann Jadamec, University of Houston

Douglas H Christensen, University of Alaska Fairbanks


T038. Rifts and Passive Margins: Tectonics, Dynamics, Processes

Session ID#: 7198

This session presents recent advances on rifts and passive margins from geological and geophysical studies that are based on seismic interpretation, field geological data, plate reconstructions, sedimentology, and modeling.

We aim to assemble presentations on basin, regional and global scale that provide new insight on rift evolution in terms of inheritance and strain localization, fault interaction and stratigraphy, partial melting and volcanism, surface stress evolution, tectonics-climate interaction, small-scale convection, driving forces, and rift-to-drift transition. Most rifts feature significant along-strike structural variations. We therefore particularly encourage abstract submission on 2D investigations with regional perspective, 3D seismic arrays, as well as 3D analogue and numerical experiments.

Special emphasis will be put on contributions that develop an integrated picture by bridging multiple spatial or temporal scales or by combining results from active rifts, failed rift arms, passive margins or obducted rifted margins.

Sascha Brune, University of Sydney
Peter Dominic Clift, Louisiana State University
Gwenn Péron-Pinvidic, Geological Survey of Norway

Giacomo Corti, Instituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse


T039. Scientific advances from subduction zone observatories

Session ID#: 7617

Subduction zones contain the Earth’s richest diversity of tectonic processes, from plate-scale over millennia to grain-scale over micro-seconds. Most span continental to oceanic environments, and interact with climatological and biological processes, which multiplies the diversity and observational challenges, but also opportunities to leverage and learn.  Finally, subduction zones host many of Earth’s most extreme natural events, which coupled with increasing human populations, leads to an urgent need to understand how they work. The scientific community is exploring the potential to develop a new Subduction Zone Observatory (SZO) as a multidisciplinary facility, stretching along several circum-Pacific’s subduction zones.  A SZO would provide a comprehensive suite of multidisciplinary onshore and offshore observations to understand the entire subduction zone system.  We welcome contributions that show scientific advances resulting from coordinated instrumentation, sampling, and analog experimentation/modeling of a subduction zone, or present scientific ideas and findings relevant to future development of a SZO.

Joan S Gomberg, USGS Western Regional Offices Seattle
Douglas A Wiens, Washington University in St Louis
Katherine A Kelley, University of Rhode Island

Anne Meltzer, Lehigh University


T043. Subduction across scales

Session ID#: 8926

Both risk assessment and lithosphere dynamics call for a better understanding of subduction zones, particularly along and across the  subduction interface.

How can we bridge the gap between observations made at rock and plate scale, or between signals lasting from seconds to million years? Are we able to image and understand physical conditions and processes at work along the subduction interface at relevant scales, such as years and meters?

Time has come to further our understanding of the nature and structure of the subduction interface and elucidate which lithologies are incorporated and how, which rheological behaviours prevail, which fluids are there and where, or what is their exact bearing on earthquake ruptures.

Building on the recent wealth of geophysical and petrological data and models gathered on the plate-slab interface, we welcome stimulating contributions from all disciplines, seeking to foster joint collaboration and bridge the gap between the various communities.

Philippe Agard, University Pierre and Marie Curie Paris VI
Kelin Wang, Geological Survey of Canada Sidney
Luce Fleitout, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris

Bradley R Hacker, University of California Santa Barbara


V002. 4D Variations in Cascade Arc Magmatic Systems: Linking Tectonics, Geochemistry, and Geodynamics

Session ID#: 9089

This session draws together researchers in tectonics, geophysics, geochronology, geochemistry, and dynamic modeling to improve our spatial and temporal understanding of the Cascades magmatic arc. Since its enigmatic inception about 40 Ma, the arc has undergone significant changes in magmatic productivity and composition. In addition, the Cascades are volcanically and tectonically segmented into regions that differ in volcanic style, flux, and composition, as well as in faulting style, degree of crustal rotation, and relative uplift. These spatio-temporal variations may reflect differences in subduction rate or angle, the nature of the lower and upper plate, and regional tectonics. Can we determine which of these relationships are causative, and can we derive a geodynamic model for the variability of volcanism and plutonism through space and time? We seek contributions from researchers with geochemical or geophysical data sets, conceptual or numerical models, and other approaches that illuminate and help address these fundamental questions.

Bradley W Pitcher, Oregon State University
Thomas W Sisson, USGS, Menlo Park
Patricia A McCrory, USGS California Water Science Center Menlo Park

Haiying Gao, University of Massachusetts Amherst


V011. Geochemistry of sediments and sediment recycling and implications for crust and mantle evolution over Earth history

Session ID#: 8150

Sedimentary rocks record information on diverse topics such as environmental conditions from the distant past, the average composition of the continents, and the redox state of the oceans and atmosphere.  Although much of the Earth’s sedimentary record has been removed from our view by subduction processes, a long term consequence may be that the mantle “sees” and is influenced by Earth surface conditions.  We seek a broad range of contributions that deal with the record of continental evolution and the rise of oxygen, seen both in the sedimentary record and also potentially in igneous systems as a result of sediment recycling over Earth history.

Richard M Gaschnig, University of Maryland College Park
Xiao-Ming Liu, Carnegie Institution of Washington

Elizabeth A Bell, University of California Los Angeles


V018. How and when do volcanic eruptions start and stop, and what controls the tempo of everything in between?

Session ID#: 8269

There is much information now accumulating about the timing of volcanic eruptions, from the millennia (or longer) for the accumulation of magma into its eruptible state through to real-time observations of contemporary eruptive activity. A key aim of volcanology is to forecast the course of future events and provide advice on the timing and processes at ongoing eruptions on timescales that are relevant to humanity and with a degree of confidence about the processes involved. We invite contributions that address all the facets of this topic. These might include (1) magmatic forensics of past eruption products that contribute to accurate assessment of timescales and processes in past events; (2) studies of modern eruptions and the controls on their durations, including prolonged, multi-episode events; and (3) how temporal information about magmatic and volcanic processes can be translated into sound and useful advice to civil authorities for managing ongoing and future events.

Colin J N Wilson, Victoria University of Wellington
Michelle L Coombs, Alaska Volcano Observatory Anchorage, USGS
Bruce F Houghton, University of Otago

Paul J Wallace, University of Oregon


V027. Quantifying Storage, Transport, and Volumes of Magmas in the Earth’s Crust

Session ID#: 9804

When, where and for how long magmas are stored within the Earth and how they contribute to the crustal chemical, physical and thermal architecture remain important challenges in geosciences. Magmatic bodies have been detected with a wide range of geophysical approaches; however, the volumes, mechanics, chemical signatures and evolution of these bodies remain poorly constrained. We seek contributions that utilise field, numerical and experimental methods to address the following key themes: (i) how do we detect magmas bodies and do we determine their states and volumes in the Earth’s crust, (ii) how can we quantify chemical, mechanical and thermal processes that operate within those volumes, (iii) what can minerals, glass/melt and volatile emissions tell us about timescale of magmatic processes constructing the architecture of the continental crust, volcanoes and atmosphere. This session aims to foster cross-disciplinary interactions and collaborations between field geologists, geochemists, petrologists, volcanologists, geophysicists, and numerical modelers.

Mattia Pistone, Smithsonian Institution – National Museum of Natural History
Benoit Taisne, Earth Observatory of Singapore
Olivier Bachmann, ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

Kate J Dobson, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


V032. The Earth’s geodynamic carbon cycle: subduction, storage, migration, and outgassing

Session ID#: 8341

The carbon cycle is of fundamental importance to Earth processes over geologic time. However, the physics of deep carbonaceous reservoirs and the fluxe(s) between Earth’s interior (mantle) and exterior (crust, hydrosphere & atmosphere) remain enigmatic.

This session aims to promote the latest multidisciplinary research involving the behaviour of carbon within the subducted slab, crust, and mantle. We welcome contributions related to: (1) solubility and storage of carbon within Earth’s interior; (2) origin and migration of C-rich fluids and melts and their impact on redox processes, diamond formation, mantle metasomatism and associated (alkaline) magmatism; (3) the petrology of carbonaceous phases at extreme P-T conditions; (4) stable isotope fractionation; and (5) carbon release to the exosphere through volcanic, tectonic and other styles of degassing.

We invite contributions from volcanology, natural/experimental geochemistry/petrology, and mineral physics, as well as theoretical and computational studies. Submissions by early career scientists and graduate students are particularly encouraged.

Sami Mikhail, The University of St. Andrews
Anja Rosenthal, Bayerisches Geoinstitut
Vincenzo Stagno, Geodynamics Research Center, Matsuyama

Taryn Michelle Lopez, University of Alaska Fairbanks


V034. The ophiolite-subduction connection: Using peridotites as analogs for subduction zone mantle

Session ID#: 8521

Supra-subduction zone ophiolites, which form in the mantle wedge of nascent subduction zones, preserve mantle lithologies that formed in response to hydrous melting. The refractory residuum of this process enhances our understanding of the geochemical flux in the mantle wedge and is critical to our understanding of the ‘subduction factory’ and resulting arc volcanism. The resulting architecture of these ophiolites demonstrates that they are petrologically and chemically distinct from igneous rocks formed at modern spreading centers in the major ocean basins. Abstracts addressing ophiolite petrogenesis with respect to subduction initiation, peridotite geochemistry, extent and nature of melt extraction, extent of fluid flux through the mantle wedge, and subsequent mantle-melt interactions are welcomed. This session aims to integrate the chemical and physical structure of the mantle wedge, address controversial origins of well-known ophiolites, and discuss the diversity in the architecture and geochemical fingerprints observed in ophiolites.

Marlon M Jean, Luh Institut Fuer Geologie, Hannover
John W Shervais, Utah State University

Véronique Le Roux, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst


V045. Where Arc Magmas Reside: Comparing the Volcanic and Plutonic Records

Session ID#: 9834

Magmatic processes are powerful agents for creating and reworking the Earth’s crust. Passage and stalling of magmas in arcs brings new material into the crust and drives interactions with wall rock, magma mixing and fractionation, leaving complex crystal histories in both volcanic and plutonic rocks. In intrusive terrains, field relationships, aureole or igneous thermobarometry, and physical modeling inform where magmas reside and get modified. Erupted magmas carry quenched time series of mineralogical and compositional imprints of their crustal traverse.  We invite contributions that use continental arc igneous assemblages to understand magma accumulation and residence in the crust, investigate magma-crust interactions and crustal assimilation, and the processes of magma mobility and eruptibility. We welcome discussions on the nature of plutonic versus volcanic rocks (cumulates/fractionates versus compositional equivalents) and volcanic-plutonic volume ratios. Contributions are welcome from petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, modelling and related fields.

Valbone Memeti, California State University Fullerton
Gary Michelfelder, Missouri State University
Anita Grunder, Oregon State University

Emily E. Salings, Missouri State University


MR020. The spectrum of slip behaviors of continental and subduction fault zones

Session ID#: 8995

Recent global deployment of geophysical instrumentation produced a vast quantity of data, allowing major advances in the characterization of the slip behavior of continental/subduction fault zones. Complex modes of fault slip – including tectonic  tremor, tsunami earthquakes and slow earthquakes – have been observed in the transition zone at the up-dip and down-dip limits of the seismogenic zone. These behaviours complement classic views of fault slip behaviours, where fast, frictional sliding during earthquakes and slow, aseismic sliding during creep events occur along faults.

Although recent studies have proposed heterogeneities in fault structure, frictional properties and deformation mechanisms, to explain the broad spectrum of fault slip behavior, our understanding of these processes is still limited. We welcome multidisciplinary, innovative contributions addressing the mechanical/physical properties and sliding behaviours of fault zones during the seismic cycle through the integration of field, laboratory and seismological data.

Nicola De Paola, University of Durham
Cristiano Collettini, Sapienza University of Rome
Andre R Niemeijer, Utrecht University

Wenlu Zhu, University of Maryland College Park


DI007. Geochemical and geophysical links between subduction zone dynamics and arc systems

Session ID#: 9788

This session aims to explore the complex processes linking subduction dynamics and arc volcanism. We focus particularly on reconciling geochemical and geophysical observables with dynamic processes.  Subduction zones exhibit heterogeneity in composition and thickness of subducting sediments, slab age and morphology, faulting characteristics, and thermal structure.  This heterogeneity leads to temporal and spatial variability in mantle flow, seismicity, magma composition and productivity, and rates of subduction and back-arc spreading. The physical-chemical conditions and processes in arc systems have been inferred from geophysical and geochemical observations, experimental rheologic data, and geodynamic modeling. We invite contributions from these disciplines and others that link the physical-chemical conditions at volcanic arcs and the underlying mantle wedge with the dynamic processes in subduction zones.

Invited presenters include:
Geoff Abers; Cornell University
Esteban Gazel; Virginia Tech
Chris Kincaid; University of Rhode Island

Cian Wilson; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Aubreya Nicole Adams, Colgate University
Erin A Wirth, Yale University
Ikuko Wada, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Sendai, Japan

Maryjo N Brounce, University of Rhode Island Narragansett Bay


S027. Unraveling the complexities of mantle flow, crustal rotation and crustal faulting in the Cascade subduction zone system

Session ID#: 8194

Recognition of the clockwise rotation of the Cascadia forearc, arc, and backarc from paleomagnetic and GPS observations represents one of the most exciting discoveries in subduction zone dynamics.  This discovery requires a new paradigm to understand how crustal faults accommodate this rotation in a framework that includes Basin and Range extension, the active magmatic arc, north-directed compression against stable Canada, and plate subduction along the megathrust.  The existing USGS Quaternary Fault database is woefully incomplete and does not explain the clockwise rotation of the crust.  A variety of recent studies have addressed this shortfall, including new geologic mapping, high-resolution airborne LiDAR, new potential field geophysical surveys, paleoseismic studies of identified scarps, and seismic imaging of known faults. This session seeks contributions that present recent findings and new kinematic and dynamic models to explain the role of mantle flow and crustal faulting in accommodating Cascadia rotation.

Thomas M Brocher, USGS, Menlo Park
Richard J Blakely USGS, Menlo Park
Brian L Sherrod USGS, Seattle
Andrew Patrick Lamb USGS, Menlo Park

2015 GeoPRISMS Theoretical and Experimental Institute on Subduction Cycles and Deformation

Apply now to attend the Theoretical and Experimental Institute for the SCD Initiative

The Theoretical and Experimental Institute (TEI) for the Subduction Cycles and Deformation (SCD) initiative is now open for applications. The TEI is held on the three full days of October 12-14 and is intended to provide a summary of progress made in the science objectives of the SCD initiative (as discussed in the Science and Implementation plan available through Applicants do not have to have worked on projects funded by GeoPRISMS. We expect a broad and diverse audience drawn from domestic and international researchers, including graduate students and early career scientists, who are interested in the structure and dynamics of subduction zones.


The TEI is funded by the National Science Foundation through the GeoPRISMS Office at the University of Michigan. There is no registration fee. Due to space restrictions the meeting will be strictly limited to 150 participants. We will be able to cover on-site expenses (venue costs, hotel expenses based on double occupancy, and breakfast+lunch) for up to 120 participants. Most participants will have to cover travel to and from the meeting. Partial funding for travel is available for students and postdocs. We will not be able to provide dinner on-site but there are plenty of restaurants nearby.

Confirmed participants whose on-site expenses are covered are expected to arrive on Sunday afternoon and leave on Thursday morning.

Organizing Committee

Jeff Freymueller (University of Alaska Fairbanks), Sarah Penniston-Dorland (University of Maryland), Donna Shillington (Columbia/LDEO), Kelin Wang (Pacific Geoscience Centre), Erin Wirth (University of Washington), Gene Yogodzinski (University of South Carolina). Ex officio: Peter van Keken (GeoPRISMS Office/University of Michigan).

Important Dates

Monday July 27: Applications are invited via the meeting webpage at /tei-scd-2015/

Friday August 21: Application deadline

Friday August 28: Successful applicants are invited to confirm participation

Friday September 11: Deadline for confirmation of attendance

Late September: Final meeting agenda is released


The Portofino hotel at Redondo Beach, CA. The hotel is located just 8 miles (13 km) south of the main Los Angeles airport (LAX). Shuttle service is available for transport from and to the airport in addition to cab services).

Student and postdoc symposium

On Sunday before the meeting we will hold a student and postdoc symposium which will feature short presentations by the attendees and discussion with the conveners and NSF program managers. The meeting starts at 3 pm. We encourage all students and postdocs to attend and to arrange their travel accordingly, after confirmation of attendance.

Draft agenda

The agenda will develop as the list of participants is completed. We will have five sessions focused on different components of the subduction system (each featuring a keynote speaker and invited and contributed presentations) and a summary session. There will be ample time for discussion. We will have dedicated poster sessions in the afternoons.

Sessions with confirmed keynote and invited speakers:

The Incoming Plate
          Keynote: Doug Wiens (Washington University)
          Invited: Magali Billen (UC Davis)
The shallow fore-arc
          Keynote:  Kerry Key (UCSD)
          Invited: Nathan Bangs (UTIG)
The Megathrust
          Keynote: TBD
          Invited: Rocco Malservisi (USF)
Slab Processes
          Keynote: Brad Hacker (UC Santa Barbara)
          Invited: Pierre Bouilhol (Durham)
Mantle wedge and arc crust
          Keynote: Peter Kelemen (Columbia)
          Invited: Ellen Syracuse (LANL)

Possible field trip to Santa Catalina Island

We may be able to organize an optional field trip (led by Sarah Penniston-Dorland) to Santa Catalina Island on Thursday October 15. This will give participants the opportunity to see amphibolite- and blueschist-facies rocks that have been exhumed from a paleosubduction zone. There is no NSF funding for this trip and participants will need to cover all expenses. We estimate that the cost (including transport from hotel to ferry terminal, ferry ride, transport on Catalina, breakfast and lunch; accommodation at the Portofino for one more night) is around $400-$500 per person. The departure time from the hotel (to catch the first ferry to the island) will be at 5:15am. Cost for participants who do not require an additional night of accommodation will be adjusted. Capacity for the field trip is limited and we will confirm participants on a first-come, first-served basis after receipt of payment.

If you are interested in participating in the field trip please send an email to Peter van Keken ( as soon as possible but certainly before the application deadline. We will follow up with details on logistics. Payment to confirm participation will be due by the end of August.

Sessions of Interest at the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting

Please see below for sessions of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community, taking place at the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, December 14-18 in San Francisco. Note, AGU abstract submission deadline is August 5, 2015.


Submit your abstract:

S001: Advances in understanding slow slip and transitional regions
V003: A Tangled Web? Generation and transport of fluids, volatiles and melts in subduction zones from source to surface
V012: Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Biology of Serpentinization Processes on Earth and Other Planets
V014: Heterogeneity in the Earth’s interior: the on-going processes of differentiation
V016: High-temperature thermochronology: theory, analysis, and application to Earth processes
V038: Transport of Volatiles from Mantle to Surface: Insights on Diffusion, Exsolution and Migration of Fluids in Magmatic Environments from Natural Samples and Experiments
V041: Volatile distribution and cycling in the mantle
DI010: Multidisciplinary Views of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary and Lithospheric Discontinuities
EP021: Mass Extraction and Grain Size Fractionation in Sediment Routing Systems: Tracking Sediment from Upland Catchments to the Deep Ocean
T034: New Insights into the Active Deformation and Tectonic Evolution of the Caribbean Plate
T045: Tectonic, magmatic, and geodynamic studies of extensional processes: Applications in Iceland and the Nubia-Somalia-Arabia plate system
MR018: Pore fluids, faulting, and (a)seismicity


S001: Advances in understanding slow slip and transitional regions

Session ID#: 8822

For investigators working on slow slip or transitional regions of faults, please consider submitting an abstract to our AGU session:

Slow, aseismic slip provides insight into areas of faults where frictional properties transition from unstable stick-slip behavior to stable sliding. Yet our current understanding of the mechanics of slow slip events cannot explain either their broad diversity, both temporal, ranging from days to years, and spatial, or their implications for earthquake hazards. Additionally, slow slip events often exhibit complex interactions with tectonic tremor or earthquake swarms. Slow slip events also load their surrounding environment, including locked seismic faults, and recent evidence suggests that some large earthquakes were preceded by slow slip signals, indicating possible forecasting applications. This session welcomes studies of slow slip observations, including interactions between aseismic slip, tremor, and earthquakes. We also welcome studies of the mechanical properties or physics of slow slip areas, including modeling and laboratory work. In addition, studies relating slow slip processes to seismic hazards are welcomed.

This session is a co-organized session between Seismology, Geodesy, and Tectonophysics.


Noel M Bartlow (University of California San Diego)

Lucile Bruhat (Stanford University)

Heidi Houston (University of Washington)


V003: A Tangled Web? Generation and transport of fluids, volatiles and melts in subduction zones from source to surface

Session ID#: 9802

We seek to integrate multidisciplinary efforts to advance our understanding of the generation and transport of volatiles and melts in subduction zones to further comprehend the deep volatile cycle and arc magma genesis. New geodynamic models and geophysical imaging techniques continue to improve our understanding of melt and fluid distribution in the mantle. Ground-truth evidence for these models and images is provided through geochemical, petrologic, geochronologic and field studies of lavas erupted on the surface, and the mantle and crust from which magmas are derived and through which they must pass. Thus the tangled web of sub-arc magmatic and volatile cycling is opening to provide a sharper view. This interdisciplinary session invites submissions from geochemistry, petrology, geophysics, modeling, experiments and field geology that address the temporal and spatial evolution of subduction outfluxes, evidence for sub-arc mantle wedge processes and geochemical exchange between Earth’s reservoirs.


Julia Ribeiro (Rice University)

Christy Till (Arizona State University)

Horst Marschall (WHOI)

Leif Karlstrom (University of Oregon)


V012: Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Biology of Serpentinization Processes on Earth and Other Planets

Session ID#: 8394

This session will focus on the most recent discoveries of the complex hydration reactions of ultramafic rocks in which olivine and pyroxene are reacted to form rocks that are dominated by serpentine, brucite, talc, magnetite and carbonates and are associated with H2 and/or CH4 seeps. Serpentinization involves volume expansion, exothermic heat release, and crustal deformation, coupled with changes in fluid chemistry and seismic properties of the host rock. New insights into how serpentinization reactions proceed and importance of serpentinization as an energy source for microorganisms have been developed from studies on ophiolites and hydrothermal systems.

We invite investigations that concern different aspects of serpentinization such as physical, chemical or biological processes, petrology, fluid-rock processes, mechanics, kinetics of the reactions, volatile transfer (CO2, H2O, O2, SO2), or studies on carbon sequestration and abiotic generation of methane on natural, experimental and numerically modeled systems on Earth and planetary environments.


Aida Farough (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)

Robert P Lowell (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)

Jeffrey Alt (University of Michigan)


V014: Heterogeneity in the Earth’s interior: the on-going processes of differentiation

Session ID#: 8060

Earth’s interior is compositionally heterogeneous owing to differentiation processes from early in Earth’s history and through the ongoing recycling of lithosphere by modern plate tectonics.  The nature and distribution of these heterogeneities have implications for the convective vigor of Earth’s mantle, its rhealogical structure, processes of magma generation, and the volatile inventory of the whole Earth system.  This session aims for a multi-disciplinary exploration of the nature and fate of mantle heterogeneities in a convective regime, role of heterogeneties in the melting process across tectonic settings, residence times for chemical heterogeneities in the mantle, and the evidence for primordial reservoirs in the deep Earth.  We encourage contributions from all fields including field observations, analytical geochemistry, experimental geophysics and petrology, and numerical modeling.

Our confirmed invited speakers for the session are:

Kate Kiseeva – University of Oxford

Mingming Li – Arizona State University

Sujoy Mukhopadhyay – University of California, Davis

Jackie Li – University of Michigan

We look forward to your submission.

With warm regards,

Fred A Davis (Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, United States)

Sujoy Ghosh (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India)

Ananya Mallik (Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Bayreuth, Germany)


V016: High-temperature thermochronology: theory, analysis, and application to Earth processes

Session ID#: 7950

Over the past two decades, applications of low-temperature (< 350 ºC) thermochronologic techniques have expanded to include measurement of cooling histories imparted by near surface erosional, burial and tectonic events. Recent studies of more slowly diffusing daughter nuclides within accessory phases have pushed thermochronology to the realm of higher temperatures, with applications focused on measuring cooling rates at deeper crustal levels. Coupled with cooling rates derived from trace element diffusion speedometry, high-temperature thermochronology has the potential to greatly advance understanding of the thermal, and thus geophysical, evolution of the middle and lower crust.

This session will highlight recent advances in assessing thermal histories at greater depths with the Earth’s crust. We encourage abstracts relating to theoretical, analytical, and applied advances in the field of high-temperature thermochronology and geospeedometry.


Terrance Blackburn (UC Santa Cruz)

Andrew Smye (University of Oxford)

Christopher Spencer (Curtin University)


V038: Transport of Volatiles from Mantle to Surface: Insights on Diffusion, Exsolution and Migration of Fluids in Magmatic Environments from Natural Samples and Experiments

Session ID#: 8051

The transfer of volatiles (H2O, CO2, Cl, S, F) between reservoirs within the mantle, subducted oceanic crust and continental crust 1) influences magmatic processes, 2) modifies trace element and isotope signatures and 3) may change redox conditions. The physical and chemical properties of magmas are significantly influenced by diffusion and exsolution of volatiles during their ascent from the upper mantle through the crust to the surface. For instance, magma degassing may initiate volcanic eruptions, modulates magma viscosity (especially along the conduit) and, thus, affects the eruptive style. This session seeks insights from natural and laboratory observations involving volatile transfer and degassing. Cross-disciplinary studies (e.g. petrology with geophysics and/or geochemistry) providing temporal constraints, and/or involving volatile solubility, fluid and melt composition, isotope signatures and redox conditions are especially welcome.

Confirmed Invited speakers:

Iona M. McIntosh – JAMSTEC, Japan

Kristina J. Walowski – University of Oregon, USA

James D. Webster – American Museum of Natural History, NY, USA


Sarah B. Cichy (Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA;

Adrian Fiege (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA;

Thomas Giachetti (Rice University, Houston, TX, USA;


V041: Volatile distribution and cycling in the mantle

Session ID#: 7967

Session Description:

The amount, distribution and speciation of volatiles (including H, B, C, N, S and halogens) in the Earth’s mantle are crucial for constraining melting and metasomatism, electrical, thermal and seismic properties, as well as geodynamics. How these volatiles transfer from the crust and the exosphere to the deep Earth and back, or whether some of them originate from primordial reservoirs, is critical to understanding volatile cycling through time and Earth’s planetary origin. We invite contributions that address these issues via natural samples, experiments or models from the scale of minerals to the whole planet. Projects centered on any tectonic setting and mantle depth (from the lower to the upper mantle) and geological time (Archean to present) are welcomed.

Invited speakers:

Rita Parai (Carnegie)

Sylvia-Monique Thomas (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Nathalie Bolfan-Casanova (Université Blaise Pascal)


Anne Peslier

Jaime Barnes

Marion Le Voyer

Jessica Warren


DI010: Multidisciplinary Views of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary and Lithospheric Discontinuities

Session ID#: 8001

There has been a rapid expansion in the number of geophysical studies that detect evidence for abrupt changes in the physical properties at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) and at additional boundaries within the cratonic and oceanic lithosphere. These mid-lithosphere discontinuities (MLD) and LAB associated boundaries are being discovered in many localities across the globe, though the mechanism(s) underlying the drop in seismic wavespeed, changes in electrical conductivity, and relationship of these observed properties to a rheological transition remain enigmatic. A multidisciplinary approach is fundamental for unraveling the role(s) of partial melt, dissolved water, seismic anisotropy, and/or mineral composition at both the LAB and MLDs. This research is yielding new insights into the growth, stability, alteration, and destruction of plates. Our session welcomes contributions from geophysics (seismology. magnetotellurics, gravity, rheology), geology, geochemistry, mineral physics, and geodynamics that investigate the nature of the LAB/MLD.


Andy Cai (University of Maryland)

Chris Havlin (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)

Anna Kelbert (USGS)

Nicholas Schmerr (University of Maryland)


EP021: Mass Extraction and Grain Size Fractionation in Sediment Routing Systems: Tracking Sediment from Upland Catchments to the Deep Ocean

Session ID#: 8927

Sediment routing systems carve and construct land- and sea-scapes through erosion, transport and deposition of sediment. Quantifying controls on mass extraction through selective deposition and grain size sorting within sediment transport systems is of paramount importance for predicting geohazards, natural resources, and land/sea-scape evolution. Interactions between fluid, topography and sediment in transport systems subject to steady or changing boundary conditions result in a complex array of local and down-system variability in grain-size. Inverting the resulting stratigraphic record to isolate the key variables can be tremendously challenging. This session will focus on building links between grain size trends, sediment transport dynamics, landscape evolution and basin-scale forcings over diverse spatiotemporal scales. We solicit contributions that use field-based datasets, experimental/ numerical models, and statistical methods to quantify grain-size patterns at a range of scales (from dunes and bars to whole continental margins), and/or temporal changes in grain-size patterns preserved in the stratigraphic record.


Zane R Jobe (Shell Houston)

Anjali M Fernandes (Tulane University of Louisiana)

Nick C Howes (Shell, Houston)

Elizabeth A Hajek (Penn State University)


T034: New Insights into the Active Deformation and Tectonic Evolution of the Caribbean Plate

Session ID#: 7814

This session seeks to discuss the current state of knowledge of Caribbean plate geodynamics, kinematics and tectonic evolution. Recent studies have quantified how strain is accommodated along the plate boundary, have been able to better constraint geological hazards, and have postulated new models to explain its tectonic evolution. The Caribbean Plate is tectonically active with subduction zones, volcanism, and transpressional zones that produce large seismic and volcanic hazards. The densification of seismic and geodetic instrumentation, capacity building, international collaborations, and collection of new data sets during the past decade are improving our understanding of the Caribbean plate. We seek contributions that use geophysical (seismic, geodetic, remote sensing), numerical and/or analog modeling, and geological techniques to understand strain accommodation along active faults, earthquake, tsunami and volcanic hazards, subduction processes, deformation history, and plate kinematics. This session also encourages contributions on future research directions on tectonics of the Caribbean Plate.


Daniel A. Laó-Dávila (Oklahoma State University)

Alberto M. López (University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez)


T045: Tectonic, magmatic, and geodynamic studies of extensional processes: Applications in Iceland and the Nubia-Somalia-Arabia plate system

Session ID#: 8278

We invite contributions focused on understanding tectonic, magmatic, and geodynamic processes during rifting at various stages in development with specific emphasis on case studies in Iceland and the Nubia-Somalia-Arabia plate system. Active extension and volcanism along the East African Rift System as well as the adjoining Red Sea and Gulf of Aden spreading centers provide archetypal environments with which to examine both incipient rifts and recently-established seafloor spreading centers. Iceland offers a unique opportunity to directly observe the subaerial mid-Atlantic ridge – a fully-developed spreading center. We welcome petrological, geochemical, and computational investigations of mantle plume dynamics, extension-related volcanism and volatile flux, and magma supply, generation, and ascent. We also welcome geophysical, geodetic, geodynamic modeling, and geological research to better understand lithosphere-asthenosphere behavior, localization of deformation, mantle structure, structural inheritance, strain partitioning between brittle faulting and sub-surface creep, interplay between faulting and magmatism, and time-dependent plate-boundary deformation.

Confirmed Invited Speakers:

Freysteinn Sigmundsson (University of Iceland)

Wendy Nelson (Towson University)

Cynthia Ebinger (University of Rochester)

Oliver Shorttle (University of Cambridge)


Cory Reed (Missouri University of Science & Technology)

D. Sarah Stamps (Virginia Tech)

Tyrone Rooney (Michigan State University)

Ian Bastow (Imperial College)

We look forward to your submissions, and hope to see you in San Francisco!

Best regards,

Cory, Sarah, Tyrone, and Ian


MR018: Pore fluids, faulting, and (a)seismicity

Session ID#: 7583

Recent studies highlight the important role pore fluids play in controlling fault slip and seismicity. Fluids are hypothesized to be first-order controls on: slow slip in subduction zones, dynamic weakening of mature plate boundary faults, and triggered seismicity associated with fluid injection. We invite contributions that investigate the mechanical and chemical effects of pore fluids on rock deformation and fault slip. Approaches that merge results of rock deformation experiments and field observations to understand geophysical observations, as well as those that use geophysical observations to infer mechanical processes, are particularly encouraged.

Invited Speakers:

Nick Beeler

Bill Ellsworth

Stephen Miller

Paul Segall


Melodie E French (University of Maryland)

John D Platt (Carnegie Institution for Science)

David L Goldsby (University of Pennsylvania)

Thomas M Mitchell (University College London)


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Job Postings: Postdoctoral positions

1) Postdoctoral position in subduction zone geodynamics – University of Oxford

2) Postdoctoral Fellow in Geodynamics – Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston

3) Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) FY2016 Recruitment of Postdoctoral Fellows


1) Oxford postdoctoral position in subduction-zone geodynamics

This position is based at the University of Oxford in the research group of Prof Richard Katz (  It is co-supervised by Dr. John Rudge of the University of Cambridge and includes collaborations with the University of Waterloo, Canada, and Rice University, Texas.

Quoting from

Grade 7: £30,434 – £37,394 p.a. (with a discretionary range to £40,847)

Fixed term contract: 2.5 years

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford. The project is funded for two and a half years by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) as part of the Mantle Volatiles Consortium. It is aimed at developing and interpreting numerical models of coupled magma/mantle flow, thermal and chemical transport in subduction zones.

The successful candidate will be responsible for working in a team to develop finite-element based numerical simulations of two-phase flow, volatile-enriched melting, and geochemical transport in subduction zones. S/he must be able to interpret model behavior in terms of comparisons with a broad range of relevant, published, chemical and physical observations. S/he should be prepared to interact with geophysicists, geologists and geochemists who have related interests, and should be eager to communicate results at international scientific meetings and publish in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Candidates must have a PhD in the Earth sciences, mathematics or physics, including but not limited to geophysics and geodynamics.  Knowledge and/or experience in development of finite-element based models is desirable; experience with numerical modeling more generally is required. Candidates should be ambitious and motivated; they should be able to effectively manage their work-load.

For further details of the responsibilities/duties, please see job description. This is a fixed term position for 2.5 years. Candidates should apply online by 12 noon on Friday 14 August 2015. Interviews will be held in mid-September 2015.

Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. To apply for this role and for further details, including the job description and selection criteria, please click on the link below:

Committed to equality and valuing diversity.

Enquiries to


2) Postdoctoral position in subduction zone geodynamics – University of Oxford


Postdoctoral researcher sought for independent research in subduction dynamics. This could include 2D/3D numerical modeling of slab driven mantle flow, slab-mantle coupling, slab-driven overriding plate deformation, numerical solvers for complex rheological viscous flow problems, and/or 3D visualization of mantle flow in subduction zones. Research could also be in related fields that constrain/improve the construction, running, or analysis of numerical simulations of subduction. Related experience could include seismology, particularly that applied to the interpretation/constraints on geodynamic models, such as seismic tomography or shear wave splitting. Related experience could also include numerical algorithms, optimization, designing scalable software, or three-dimensional data visualization, with the interest to apply methods to geodynamics.

Position Information:

$45,000 USD/year for 1 year, with the possibility of renewal. Position could start as early at September 1st, 2015.

Minimum Qualifications:

Ph.D. in the Geosciences (Geophysics and/or Geology), Computational Science, or Mathematics.

Desired Skills:

Experience running or working with numerical models of subduction. Experience with UNIX, High Performance Computing, and/or C. Preference is for modeling experience with the Citcom* family of codes, but the researcher can use their preferred code, as independent research is welcome. If not a numerical modeler by trade, must have experience and/or interest in collaborating with geodynamicists.

Application Materials:

(a) Cover Letter
(b) Curriculum Vitae
(c) Short Statement of Research Interests

(d) Contact Information for 3 references  (Name, address, email)

Please Send Application Materials as a Single PDF by July 25th to:

Margarete Jadamec



3) Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) FY2016 Recruitment of Postdoctoral Fellows

FY2016 Recruitment of Postdoctoral Fellows

The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) wants to help talented young researchers who have completed promising Ph.D. theses to develop their scientific excellence in the fields of ocean and earth sciences. For this purpose, JAMSTEC has established an international postdoctoral fellowship programme. It is intended that research grants will be provided to successful applicants, which will enable them to work independently on research topics of their choosing: \1,000,000 for the first fiscal year and \500,000 for each of the second and third years. During the contract period, they will have access to the necessary facilities and equipment at JAMSTEC.

Successful applicants are expected to join our institutes on April 1, 2016 in Yokosuka, Yokohama, Kochi, or Mutsu, Japan.

Applicants are required to have been awarded or expect to have obtained a Ph.D. in a related field by the date of employment. In addition, no more than 5 years can have passed between the last day of the fiscal year in which the applicants obtained a Ph.D. and the date of employment.

Annual salary (paid in 1/12 equal monthly payments) JPY 5,250,000

*There will be no raise, bonus, or retirement allowance.

Working Conditions and Contract Period:

(1) Number of positions: 5 JAMSTEC Postdoctoral Fellow positions
(2) Type of contract: Fixed-term employee
(3) Working Hours: Discretionary labor system

(4) Contract Period: Period of employment is from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017. 1 contract period is maximum 1 fiscal year.  The contract period can be renewed but the total contract period is maximum 3 fiscal years  (until March 31, 2019).

Required documents must be sent to JAMSTEC by POST on or before July 21, 2015.

For further information, please visit our website:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Human Resources Division II,
Human Resources Department,
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Tel: +81-46-867-9598   Fax: +81-46-967-9095
Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Call for presentations: Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2015 in Nagoya, Japan

Dear all,

We are going to have an international workshop on slow earthquakes on 24-26 September 2015 at the Higashiyama campus, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. In this workshop, we focus not only on the understanding of “slow earthquakes”, but also on the relationship between slow earthquakes and megathrust earthquakes. We welcome any topic related to slow earthquakes such as, observations, geological field surveys, laboratory experiments, numerical modeling, theoretical studies, and so on.

Date: 24-26 September, 2015

Venue: Environmental Studies Hall, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan

Registration fee: none

Support for travel expense for speakers: partial support available (not all of the requests will be accepted; please send a CV and a statement of interest to H. Hirose ( if you want to apply)

Please submit title of your presentation at:

Deadline for travel expense support applicants: August 7, 2015

Deadline for those who do not need a travel expense support: August 28, 2015

This workshop is supported by Cooperative Research Programs of ERI The University of Tokyo and DPRI Kyoto University.

For more information about this workshop, visit:

We look forward to your submission and seeing you in Nagoya,

Hitoshi Hirose, Yoshihiro Ito, Aitaro Kato, Kazushige Obara

Tectonics Workshop postponed


The NSF-sponsored workshop on Future Directions in Tectonics, to be held in Madison, WI on July 22-24, has been postponed until May, 2016.

We received a small number of interested responses to the original workshop invitation, due to short leeway time and busy summer schedules. Many others contacted us expressing interest in the workshop, but regretfully could not attend given travel that had already been scheduled.

We believe it is important to have a critical mass of scientists at this workshop that fully represents the broad tectonics community, and to ensure that potential participants have ample time to arrange their schedules. The organizing committee was concerned that a small number of participants would prevent us from attaining the goals of this important vision-forming event, hence the need to reschedule.

We have received significant positive feedback and strong community support for this workshop, and we feel that rescheduling it for spring 2016 will enable more people to attend and for more comprehensive planning of the workshop structure.

We continue to welcome comments and suggestions via the website listed below. These comments will be used in forming a vision of the workshop content and structure. We will also hold town-hall meetings at the 2015 GSA and AGU national meetings to solicit community input for planning the workshop.

Please provide comments on this workshop at the following website:

We apologize for any inconvenience that results from this change in schedule, but hope that it will ultimately better serve the community than moving forward with short notice on such an important event.

A modified announcement and call for applications for the May, 2016 workshop will be coming soon.


Workshop Organizers: R. Allmendinger, M. Clark, B. Dorsey, P. Kapp, K. Mahan, J. SpotilaV