Submarine Paleoseismology Workshop


Dear Colleagues,

With the attached flyer, we would like to announce a Submarine Paleoseismology Workshop. The workshop will take place at ETH Zurich, Switzerland between 16-18 July, 2015.

The main topic of the workshop is to discuss and define a strategy how and where we could best make use of giant piston coring efforts within the Integrated Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) to make some major advancements in submarine paleoseismology to constrain earthquake recurrence beyond historical times. More information on the workshop webpage at:

To submit expression of interest in participation please pre-register by submitting a brief statement of interest and a short CV by May 15th to Applicants will be informed of the outcome by end of May.

Please forward this announcement to any colleagues who may be interested in this workshop

Best wishes,

Michael Strasser, Cecilia McHugh, Ken Ikehara and Antonio Cattaneo



Job Posting: Seismic Reflection Interpretation Specialist

Seismic reflection data/interpretation specialist – UC Santa Cruz, Earth and Planetary Sciences Dept

The Earth and Planetary Sciences Department at the University of California Santa Cruz is seeking a seismic reflection data/interpretation specialist to join the Crustal Imaging Laboratory for a 3-year term period. Selected candidate will be responsible for subsurface data acquisition, processing and interpretation of 2D and 3D multi-channel seismic data using academic and industry software packages, including packages such as Seismic Unix, SIOSEIS, OpendTect and IHS Kingdom software packages. Also required is acquisition, processing and interpretation of multibeam bathymetry, and well data to generate geological and predictive models in a carbonate geologic setting. The selected candidate will also be involved in report writing and publishing research results.

RANK: Assistant Specialist 1 – Associate Specialist 2

SALARY: $42,144 to $60,000/yr, commensurate with qualifications and experience.

BASIC QUALIFICATIONS: M.S. in Geophysics, Physics, Mathematics, Geology, Earth Sciences, Electrical/Mechanical Engineering or other related technical degree. Must have at least 2 years of professional experience working with seismic reflection data outside of education. Applicant must have experience with 2D and 3D multi-channel seismic acquisition, processing, and interpretation using academic and industry software packages, including packages such as Seismic Unix, SIOSEIS, OpendTect and IHS Kingdom software packages.

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Experience with well-log seismic integration and advanced seismic attribute calculations are preferred. High level of computer proficiency, including experience with Unix/Linux shell scripting is highly desirable. Please document your proficiency with math and your problem-solving skills. Presentations at research conferences is very desirable as well.


TERM OF APPOINTMENT: The initial appointment is for 2 years, with the possibility of extension. Should the hiring unit propose reappointment, a review to assess performance will be conducted. Reappointment is also contingent upon availability of funding.

TO APPLY: Applications are accepted via the UCSC Academic Recruit online system, and must include a letter of application that addresses how you meet the basic qualifications, curriculum vitae, at least three examples of attribute analyses and processing scripts, and three reference letters. A research statement and copies of up to five publications are optional but desirable. Documents/materials must be submitted as PDF files.

Apply at Refer to Position #JPF00264-15T in all correspondence

*All letters will be treated as confidential per University of California policy and California state law. For any reference letter provided via a third party (i.e., dossier service, career center), direct the author to UCSC’s confidentiality statement at

CLOSING DATE: Review of applications will begin on May 21, 2015. To ensure full consideration, applications should be complete by this date. The position will remain open until filled, but not later than 6/15/2015.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status. UC Santa Cruz is committed to excellence through diversity and strives to establish a climate that welcomes, celebrates, and promotes respect for the contributions of all students and employees. Inquiries regarding the University’s equal employment opportunity policies may be directed to: Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064; (831) 459-2686.

Under Federal law, the University of California may employ only individuals who are legally able to work in the United States as established by providing documents as specified in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Certain UCSC positions funded by federal contracts or sub-contracts require the selected candidate to pass an E-Verify check. More information is available here or from the Academic Personnel Office (APO) at (831) 459-4300.

Update regarding NSF GeoPRISMS Program Solicitation

NSF has just released the new GeoPRISMS solicitation:

The deadline for proposals has been adjusted to July 15 (for 2015 only).
The most notable changes are:
– the deadline is pushed back to July 15
– the solicitation mentions the potential for field support in Alaska in summer 2016
– postdoc support letters can now be directly uploaded OR emailed to one of the Program Officers
– individuals not associated with an institution can no longer submit proposals

Questions should be directed to PO Jennifer Wade:; 703.292.4739 or Donna Blackman:; (703) 292-7978

Several Workshops of interest this summer

Please see below for several workshops of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community taking place this summer.

A list of workshops and meetings organized by partner organizations with GeoPRISMS is available on the GeoPRISMS website. Please contact the GeoPRISMS Office at if you wish to advertise your sessions of interest on the GeoPRISMS Listserv.

Meeting: Advancing US Continental Scientific Drilling and Coring
Minneapolis, Minnesota | June 4-5, 2015
Abstract submission deadline: April 24

2015 Summer Institute in Earth Surface Dynamics
New Orleans, Louisiana | July 27-August 5, 2015
Application: May 15

AGU-SEG Workshop on Potential Field and Electromagnetic Methods Applied to Basin Studies
Keystone, Colorado | August 25-27, 2015
Abstract submission deadline: May 13

See below for more details.


Meeting: Advancing US Continental Scientific Drilling and Coring

The NSF-funded Continental Scientific Drilling Coordination Office (CSDCO) and LacCore invite applications to attend a community meeting of US scientists engaged with continental scientific drilling and coring, to be held June 4-5, 2015 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The meeting will provide a forum to discuss recent, ongoing, and proposed projects, community-wide initiatives, and the operations and activities of the newly-formed CSDCO. Participant travel support will be provided by NSF, as part of CSDCO operational funding.

The CSDCO coordinates and supports all aspects of continental scientific drilling and coring, including project development, logistics, field operations, laboratory analyses, sample and data curation, cyberinfrastructure development and utilization, and broader impacts activities. We invite participation from individuals in the full range of geoscience disciplines that utilize drilling and coring techniques on Earth’s continents, from soft sediments and soils to hard rock, whether shallow or deep. International applications are welcome, though the primary focus for this meeting will be the United States community of scientists.

To apply, fill out this form by Friday, April 24:

Please forward this message to others who might be interested.

Questions may be sent to


2015 Summer Institute in Earth Surface Dynamics

The National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics (NCED) is now accepting applications for the 7th annual Summer Institute for Earth-surface Dynamics (SIESD). SIESD is a two week institute designed to engage young scientists (advanced Ph. D. students, post-doc, and early career scientists) in a focused topic of Earth-surface dynamics through lectures, laboratory experiments, numerical modeling, and fieldwork.

This year’s institute is July 27-August 5th, 2015, and will be hosted at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. See the attached flyer to learn more about this year’s theme of “Summers in the Swamp: Self-Organization in Landscapes and its Residue in the Stratigraphic Record.”

Deadline to apply is May 15, 2015! Apply here:

If you have questions, please email Dr. Anjali Fernandes at

Thank you!


AGU-SEG Workshop on Potential Field and Electromagnetic Methods Applied to Basin Studies

Hello Everyone,

Abstract submissions are now open for the AGU-SEG Workshop on Potential Field and Electromagnetic Methods Applied to Basin Studies. Please see the workshop website for more details: The abstract deadline is May 13.

The workshop will be held in Keystone, Colorado, August 25-27, 2015.

Please pass this information along to anyone that may be interested.

Benjamin Drenth (
Michal Ellen Ruder (


Apply to Participate in the ENAM Community Seismic Experiment Onshore active-source component

We are looking for participants for the onshore, active-source component of the GeoPRISMS Eastern North America Community Seismic Experiment (ENAM CSE). The ENAM CSE is a community effort to collect open-access active and passive source seismic data along the mid-Atlantic coast. Information about the ENAM CSE can be found at /initiatives-sites/rie/enam/.

The onshore, active-source component of the ENAM CSE involves shooting two, ~200-km-long refraction lines from the piedmont to the coast in North Carolina. Along each of these lines, there will be 7 explosive shots recorded by ~700 seismographs.

This experiment provides an opportunity for 10 applicants to participate in the deployment of the seismic stations along these lines and to gain familiarity with various aspects explosive-source seismology. Through this opportunity, we hope to expand the pool of scientists familiar with geophysical data-collection techniques, and so no previous experience with this type of data collection is necessary. Applications from students and early career scientists are particularly encouraged.

The experiment is scheduled for June 1 through June 22, 2015. Travel expenses and a modest per diem will be provided for successful applicants.

If you are interested in participating, please send a CV and a letter of interest to:

Dr. Beatrice Magnani:
Dr. Daniel Lizarralde:


Beatrice and Dan

Job Posting – OBSIP Project Associate

Project Associate – Ocean Bottom Seismograph Instrument Pool and Instrumentation Services, Washington, DC

The Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS, is a university research consortium dedicated to refining the understanding of the Earth through the collection and distribution of seismographic data. IRIS programs, funded by the National Science Foundation, contribute to scholarly research, education, earthquake hazard mitigation, and the verification of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Part of this mission includes management of the Ocean Bottom Seismograph Instrument Pool (OBSIP), facilitating the collection of high-quality marine seismological data. We seek a Project Associate to work predominantly on key tasks related to the OBSIP program and participate in the activities of other IRIS Instrumentation Services programs, such as the USArray Transportable Array.

The Project Associate will work closely with the OBSIP Program Manager to perform quality assurance for all OBSIP data, develop and utilize software tools, document OBSIP data analyses, and maintain the schedule for OBSIP facility operations. This position will also work with the Director of Instrumentation Services and other IRIS managers to collect and assemble technical data for reporting, presentations, and related project management tasks. Other potential tasks include working with seismological data and software tools for special studies, presenting project data, and preparing and editing content for IRIS web pages. The Project Associate will routinely interact with OBSIP instrument operators and scientists within the IRIS community. There is the expectation to attend and participate in regular workshops and scientific conferences. This job provides a unique opportunity to utilize scientific skills while participating in activities related to the management of large-scale seismological infrastructure.

The ideal candidate will have a combination of knowledge, training, and/or experience in: seismology, the Unix environment, seismological software/tools, web authoring and office software, and scientific/technical writing and presentations. A graduate degree in geophysics/seismology, or equivalent experience, and strong communication and problem solving skills are required. Experience with OBS data and data corrections, relationship databases, and database management systems are plusses. The candidate must be able to work effectively and collegially with the IRIS Instrumentation Services team, instrument operators, and the broader earth science research community.

We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits. Candidates should submit a letter of interest, a resume highlighting pertinent work experience, and the contact information (name, phone number, and email) for at least two references. To apply, these should be sent electronically to with the subject line “OBSIP Project Associate”. The position is available immediately, and applications will be reviewed starting on April 30. More information is available here:

2015 EarthScope National Meeting

Please plan to attend the 2015 EarthScope National Meeting!

The 2015 EarthScope National Meeting will be held at the Stowe Mountain Lodge in beautiful Stowe, Vermont from June 14-17. Conference highlights include the opportunity to showcase research in the poster sessions, hear firsthand results of pioneering EarthScope studies, discussions on the future after EarthScope, and the option to participate in a pre meeting field trip with local EarthScope scientists. The main meeting program will have five themes as plenary sessions: Dynamics and evolution of the North American continent: crust, lithosphere, and deep mantle; From Groundwater to the Ionosphere; Active tectonics and modern earth processes of North America; Advances in understanding and forecasting hazards; and EarthScope innovations and looking into the future. Early career scientists are strongly encouraged to attend (partial support may be available).

We are finishing the final touches on the National Meeting web site so that should be available in the next few days. Participants can register for the meeting and field trip and also submit abstracts once it’s live.

Please take note of these deadlines (we will send out another email when the website is ready):

Travel Support Scholarship for Early Career Scientists Application Deadline: Monday, April 20

Scholarship Notifications: Friday, May 1

Hotel Reservation Deadline: Wednesday, May 13

(Reservations will be accepted on a space available basis after the cut-off date)

Registration Deadline:  Friday, May 29

Abstract Deadline: Friday, May 29

Special thanks to the organizers for their efforts:

2015 EarthScope National Meeting Organizing Committee
  Julie Elliott, Purdue University
  Noel Bartlow, University of California, San Diego (SIO)
  Fan Chi Lin, University of Utah
  Doug Christensen, University of Alaska Fairbanks
  Bob de Groot, University of Southern California (SCEC)
  Patrick Fulton, University of California, Santa Cruz
  Gareth Funning, University of California, Riverside
  Maureen Long, Yale University
  Andrew Newman, Georgia Tech
  Adam Schultz, Oregon State University
  Laura Webb, University of Vermont
EarthScope National Office at Arizona State University
  Ramon Arrowsmith
  Steve Semken
  Ed Garnero
  Sarah Robinson
  Cindy Dick
  Wendy Bohon

Job Postings: Postdoc & PhD Positions

PhD and Postdoc opportunities announcement

Clermont-Ferrand Centre for Volcano Research

Seeking world-class PhD students, post-doctoral research fellows and technical engineers in the field of volcanic and magmatic systems.

The ClerVolc consortium involves six laboratories of Blaise Pascal University in Clermont-Ferrand, France (Collaboratrices of Earth Science ‘Magmas et Volcans’, Particle Physics, Physical Meteorology, Social and Cognitive Psychology, Mathematics, Computer Science), the Observatoire de Physique du Globe at Clermont-Ferrand, and the French Geological Survey (BRGM). The consortium, which is led by P. Schiano director, T. Druitt scientific coordinator, has received funding for a collaborative research programme from the French government ‘Laboratories of Excellence’ initiative. The programme addresses fundamental questions in the field of magma generation, volcano dynamics, volcanic hazards and volcanic risk.

We are seeking candidates for five projects, to start in October of 2015. The projects are at post-doctoral (PDoc) and doctoral (PhD) levels. Postdoctoral projects are divided into those with that are strongly research-oriented (PDocRes), and those with important components of technical development (PDocTech).

Details of the projects, post profiles, salaries, contact addresses, application procedures and deadlines may be found at the following link:

In the event of additional enquiries or problems, please contact ClerVolc administration manager Socheata Sean (

Applications will be accepted until the 17 May 2015. Applicants do not need to speak French.

* Technical developments for a muon telescope suitable for imaging an active volcano. C. Carloganu (LPC) and P. Labazuy (LMV). PDocTech.

* Probing the mechanics governing the growth, evolution and eruption of large silicic magma bodies. T. Menand and J.L. Froger (LMV). PDocRes.

* Universal calibration of Raman spectroscopy for the analysis of volatiles in glasses of variable composition. N. Bolfan (LMV). PDocRes.

* Kinetics of magmatic processes: Formation and morphological evolution of phenocryst-hosted melt inclusions. D. Laporte and P. Schiano (LMV). PDocRes.

* Pyroclastic density currents: continuous spectrum or distinct endmembers? O. Roche (LMV), L. Chupin and T. Dubois (LM) PhD.

LMV: Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans; LPC: Laboratory of Particle Physics; LM: Laboratory of Mathematics


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Ocean Bottom Seismograph Workshop – October 5-6, 2015 – Save the Date!

The Ocean Bottom Seismograph Instrument Pool (OBSIP) Management Office will be hosting a workshop to promote the science and applications of ocean bottom seismographs for geophysics research. A preliminary agenda for the workshop includes sessions on experiment results, OBS technology, and international OBS development efforts. As our organization and planning continues, a more detailed agenda will be developed.

This workshop is being organized and planned by the following Steering Committee:
Del Bohnensteihl (Department of Marine Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University)
Heather Deshon (Huffington Department of Earth Sciences, Southern Methodist University)
Monica Kohler (Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, California Institute of Technology)
Harm Van Avendonk (University of Texas Institute for Geophysics, The University of Texas at Austin)

Partial participant travel support will be available.

Date: October 5-6, 2015

Please save the date and plan to join us!
Brent Evers
Project Manager
OBSIP Management Office
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
1200 New York Avenue, NW
Suite 400
202-682-2220 x156

Analog Modeling of Tectonics Workshop

Attached is an announcement for a NSF funded workshop on Analog Modeling of Tectonics (and other geologic/geophysical processes) that will be held at UMass in May from the 13th -15th. Details about the meeting and how to apply for support can be found at .

The goals of the workshop include discussions of recent innovations in analog modeling research, incorporating analog models into authentic science curriculum, and possible future directions for analog modeling research.

Hope to see you there,

Michele Cooke, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jacqueline Reber, University of Texas, Austin

Saad Haq, Purdue University