LAST CALL: 2019 GeoPRISMS Synthesis & Integration TEI – deadline Nov 12

Banner TEI 2019

Apply to attend the GeoPRISMS Synthesis & Integration Theoretical and Experimental Institute! 
February 27- March 1, 2019
Hotel Menger, San Antonio, Texas
Meeting website: /tei-2019/

The 2019 GeoPRISMS Theoretical and Experimental Institute (TEI) will represent an opportunity for our community to synthesize results across the two program initiatives: Rift Initiation and Evolution (RIE); and Subduction Cycles & Deformation (SCD). During this meeting we will evaluate accomplishments to date, and define key gaps, opportunities for synthesis and collaboration, and outstanding questions leading in to the final years of the decadal program. We will also identify emerging opportunities and problems, and develop new research directions motivated by the successes of the MARGINS and GeoPRISMS programs. The three-day meeting will be preceded by an Early-Career Investigator symposium on Tuesday February 26.

Key objectives of the workshop include:

  • Set the stage for legacy of GeoPRISMS, develop concrete ideas for legacy products or activities in the coming 2-3 years. This should include both Science and Education and Outreach.
  • Identify outstanding process-based questions and cross-cutting themes that engage both the RIE and SCD communities. These fundamental science questions will guide the integration of science results from GeoPRISMS, and likely lead to future proposals and funding opportunities.
  • The Early Career Investigator (ECI) symposium will foster cross-disciplinary collaborations among young scientists. This symposium will be led by two young scientists in our community.
  • Position our science community for future years by evaluating the role of large research infrastructure, how science goals of the GeoPRISMS Program can be met by future large-scale initiatives, and the importance of continued NSF support for cross-disciplinary and cross-shoreline research.


The TEI is funded by the National Science Foundation through the GeoPRISMS Office at The Pennsylvania State University. There is no registration fee. We will be able to cover most on-site expenses (venue costs, hotel expenses based on multiple occupancy, and most meals) for approximately 175 participants. Partial funding for travel may also be available, with preference given to students and postdocs. Confirmed participants whose on-site expenses are covered are expected to arrive on Tuesday evening and leave on Saturday morning.

Organizing Committee

Katie Kelley (University of Rhode Island)
Harm Van Avendonk (University of Texas at Austin)
Jessica Warren (University of Delaware)
Kyle Straub (Tulane)
Rob Harris (Oregon State university)
Katie Keranen (Cornell)
Joe Dufek (University of Oregon)
Christie Rowe (McGill)
Philip Skemer (Washington University, St Louis)
Ikuko Wada (University of Minnesota)
Ex officio: Demian Saffer (GeoPRISMS Office/Pennsylvania State University)

Important Dates

October 10: Applications are invited via the meeting webpage at: /tei-2019/
November 12: Application deadline
December 3: Successful applicants are invited to confirm participation
January 7: Deadline for confirmation of attendance
Late January: Final meeting agenda is released


The meeting will take place at the Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas ( The hotel is located in downtown San Antonio, 8 miles from San Antonio International Airport. Cab service is available.

Student and Postdoc symposium

On Tuesday before the TEI we will hold a student and postdoc symposium which will feature short presentations by attendees and discussion with the conveners and NSF program managers. The symposium runs from 12:30-5:00pm and will be followed at 5:00 – 7:00pm by a reception and ice breaker open to all TEI attendees. We encourage all students and postdocs to attend and to arrange their travel accordingly, after confirmation of attendance.


The meeting agenda is available at /tei-2019/

Reminder: Mini-Workshops at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting – registration deadline is Nov 20

GeoPRISMS mini-workshops AGU 2018

Register now to attend the GeoPRISMS Mini-Workshops at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting

Registration Deadline: November 20, 2018

All mini-workshops are free of charge and open to all. However, attendance and food may be limited so register early for fullest consideration. For more information and registration visit the GeoPRISMS website at: /agu2018-registration/

* ExTerra: Evolution of arc crust
Sunday December 9, 2018 | 8:00am – 12:15pm | Kimpton Hotel Monaco, Athens Room
* Investigating subduction processes at the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand
Sunday December 9, 2018 | 1:15pm – 5:30pm | Kimpton Hotel Monaco, Athens Room

Questions? Contact the GeoPRISMS Office at


* ExTerra: Evolution of arc crust

Sunday December 9, 2018 | 8:00am – 12:15pm | Kimpton Hotel Monaco, Athens Room

Conveners: Stacia Gordon (University of Nevada-Reno) and Alicia Cruz-Uribe (University of Maine)

Inspired by the success of convergent margin research funded through GeoPRISMS and discussions generated at ExTerra meetings, this workshop will gather together researchers with expertise in all aspects of the arc system on the Sunday preceding the AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, DC. The goal is to gather a broad group of geoscientists that use a variety of different approaches (field, experimental, petrological, geochemical, geochronological, seismic, numerical modeling) applied to different parts of the arc (the subducting plate, mantle, magma plumbing system, supracrustal rocks). The group will discuss what the major questions are that still surround the evolution of arc crust and what tools and methods will best answer these questions. The meeting will also serve to provide a space where early career researchers can network with more senior personnel, and where scientists from a variety of subdisciplines who work on different arc sections around the world can compare and contrast observations. In addition, this gathering of the  arc crust community will make a plan for future convergent margin research, specifically on arc crust. It is important to establish new goals and questions concerning arc crust before GeoPRISMS has fully ended to keep the momentum that this program established.

The format of the workshop will include a keynote lecture given by Oliver Jagoutz (MIT), followed by breakout groups on different areas of scientific interest within the broader arc system: 1) subduction/mantle influences, 2) plutonic plumbing system/magma storage, 3) volcanic components, and 4) supracrustal (metamorphic) components. One proposed outcome of the workshop will be for multiple groups to develop collaborative proposals to NSF EAR programs for research and field forums/institutes, which could then be leveraged for the submission of a larger proposal.


* Investigating subduction processes at the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand 

Sunday December 9, 2018 | 1:15pm – 5:30pm | Kimpton Hotel Monaco, Athens Room

Conveners: Laura Wallace (GNS Science, New Zealand, Univ. Texas Institute for Geophysics), Dan Bassett (GNS Science, New Zealand), Heather Savage (Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University), Samer Naif (Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University), Shuo Shuo Han (Univ. Texas Institute for Geophysics), and Patrick Fulton (Texas A&M University)

The Hikurangi margin offers an outstanding opportunity to address many of the key topics of GeoPRISMS Subduction Cycles and Deformation. Major international experiments to investigate subduction processes at the Hikurangi margin have taken place in the last year including two IODP drilling expeditions to investigate shallow slow slip events, and two seismic experiments with the R/V Langseth and R/V Tangaroa to investigate controls on plate coupling and slow slip. The objectives of a Hikurangi margin mini-workshop are to discuss new observations from the New Zealand focus site and their implications for an integrated understanding of subduction processes, as well as planning for upcoming experiments.

The first half of the miniworkshop will introduce the latest results from the recent GeoPRISMS-related research efforts at the Hikurangi margin (including IODP drilling and seismic experiments), and a discussion of the implications of these for GeoPRISMS SCD questions. The second half of the miniworkshop will consist of presentations on upcoming plans for field experiments and research at the Hikurangi focus site, and discussion on coordination of these efforts. We will also discuss any research gaps that might exist. In addition to a small number of overview talks on recent and future experiments, we will offer the opportunity for a limited number of short (~2 minutes) pop-up talks on synergistic activities at the Hikurangi subduction zone.

In addition to researchers focused on the Hikurangi margin, we welcome attendees interested in subduction deformation and megathrust processes in Cascadia and Alaska, to cross-fertilize ideas and research outcomes among all three of the GeoPRISMS primary sites. Student and early-career scientist participation is also encouraged.

Job Posting: Faculty Position, Department Chair, Director UTIG, Lab Technician Position, Postdoc Fellowship

1) Assistant Professor of Geophysics – Oregon State University
2) Laboratory Technician position – Texas A&M
3) Director of the University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics
4) Killam Post-Doc Fellowships – Dalhousie University
5) Department Chair   – LSU Geology and Geophysics


1) Assistant Professor of Geophysics – Oregon State University

The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences invites applications for a full-time (1.00 FTE), 9-month tenure-track Assistant Professor position.

We seek an early career geophysicist who will complement existing areas of strength in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS). The successful candidate will be a field-oriented colleague who has a deep understanding of the underlying geological and physical principles and the imagination to address a wide range of problems on a variety of temporal and spatial scales using seismology, MT/EM or other geophysical techniques. Possible research foci include near-surface/environmental geophysics, crust and mantle processes, tectonics, volcanology, marine geophysics, hydrogeophysics, natural hazard characterization and mitigation, and natural resource exploration.

The successful candidate is expected to teach in both lower- and upper-division courses in the undergraduate Earth Sciences program, as well as graduate courses in their specialty. The successful candidate is also expected to develop a vibrant, externally funded research program and contribute to mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students. Oregon State University’s (OSU’s) Solid Earth Geophysics program has a strong international reputation and a history of creative research and teaching that crosses disciplinary boundaries in the geosciences and allied fields such as engineering, forestry and water resources.

For additional information, see:

Application deadline: Dec. 1, 2018

Feel free to contact Search Committee Chair Shanaka de Silva ( or Search Committee members Robert Harris (, Andrew Meigs (, Adam Schulz ( or Anne Tréhu ( with questions about this position.


2) Laboratory Technician position – Texas A&M

The John W. Handin Experimental Rock Deformation Laboratory at Texas A&M University invites application for a technical support position (with a title of either Research Specialist I or Research Associate). Please see below for the detailed job description and application processes.

Position Title

Research Specialist I (R-013314)

Job Description

The Research Specialist will provide technical support of research and education activities in the John W. Handin Experimental Rock Deformation Laboratory of the Center for Tectonophysics, Department of Geology & Geophysics, Texas A&M University ( In addition, the Research Specialist will be responsible for maintaining the unique high-pressure materials-testing instruments and ancillary equipment in the laboratory, and ensure safe work practices and compliance with University rules. Responsibilities include purchasing, the design, construction, and commissioning of new instrumentation, technical instruction of students and visiting scientists, the management of IT and data archiving, and assisting in the development of teaching materials. The successful candidate will have some experience (and willingness to learn) the following: the operation and maintenance of electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic and servo-control systems, interfacing electronic and mechanical systems, computer data acquisition, and computer-aided design (CAD) of mechanical and other systems.

Expected Qualifications

Candidates for this position must meet minimum qualifications of (1) a bachelor’s degree and (2) four years of relevant professional experience (which can include postgraduate education and work experience; a Master’s degree is equivalent to two years of experience). Relevant degrees include engineering, physics, materials science, geology, geophysics, or other appropriate field.

Position Title

Research Associate (R-013316)

Job Description

The Research Associate will provide technical support of research and education activities in the John W. Handin Experimental Rock Deformation Laboratory of the Center for Tectonophysics, Department of Geology & Geophysics, Texas A&M University ( In addition, the Research Associate will be responsible for maintaining the unique high-pressure materials-testing instruments and ancillary equipment in the laboratory, and ensure safe work practices and compliance with University rules. Responsibilities include purchasing, the design, construction, and commissioning of new instrumentation, technical instruction of students and visiting scientists, the management of IT and data archiving, and assisting in the development of teaching materials. The successful candidate will have some knowledge of (and willingness to learn) the following: the operation and maintenance of electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic and servo-control systems, interfacing electronic and mechanical systems, computer data acquisition, and computer-aided design (CAD) of mechanical and other systems.

Expected Qualifications

Candidates for this position must meet minimum qualifications of (1) a bachelor’s degree and (2) two years of relevant professional experience (which can include postgraduate education and work experience; a Master’s degree is equivalent to two years of experience). Relevant degrees include engineering, physics, materials science, geology, geophysics, or other appropriate field.

Application Procedure

Please submit your application online at: Research Specialist I) (for Research Associate).

The complete application must include (1) a cover letter, (2) a resume or CV, (3) educational records (e.g., transcript) and (4) names and contact information of at least 3 references. Review of applications will start on October 29, 2018. Start date will be flexible but anticipated by February 1, 2019.

For questions or further information about job description, please contact Hiroko Kitajima at

Hiroko Kitajima

Assistant Professor
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Center for Tectonophysics
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3115 USA
Tel: +1-979-458-2717


3) Director of the University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics

The Institute for Geophysics at the University of Texas at Austin (UTIG), one of the three principal units in the Jackson School of Geosciences, seeks applications for the position of Director, which may include a concurrent faculty appointment in the Department of Geological Sciences (qualifications for faculty position must be commensurate with rank). UTIG is a world leader in expeditionary-scale geophysical research, numerical modeling and computational-enabled discovery, conducting research in four broad themes: climate; energy; marine geosciences, seismology and tectonophysics; and polar and planetary geophysics. It has a staff of about 75 research scientists and support staff. Both graduate and undergraduate students play important roles in the UTIG research mission. The science vision of the Institute is described in more detail at

An accomplished leader is sought to provide strategic vision and outstanding operational management, to foster high-quality research programs, and to guide the UTIG community to the next level of accomplishment and impact.  The UTIG Director will maintain and strengthen the culture of collaboration and innovation in the Jackson School of Geosciences, expand the reputation of the institute, promote diversity within the institute and demonstrate commitment to a high-quality student experience.

The ideal candidate will possess a Ph.D. in a relevant scientific field (e.g., geology, geophysics, oceanography, planetary sciences, etc.), and will have experience in the administration of complex organizations and research programs, a demonstrated record of high-quality research and publications, and excellence in people management and communication skills. Involvement in international and/or large federal programs, and leadership in academic and professional activities is desired.

An applicant should submit a letter of interest, a vision statement (including your perspectives on how to advance both scholarly excellence and diversity in the workplace at UTIG), CV, and list of four references (with titles and email addresses) electronically to Additionally a resume must be submitted at the UT Austin Jobs website: Questions should be directed to Dr. Gail Christeson or Dr. Sean Gulick, co-chairs, UTIG Director Search Committee at and References will only be contacted with permission of the candidates.

Review of applications will commence on Jan. 15, 2019; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The desired target date for the new director to assume duties is Sept. 1, 2019.


4) Killam Post-Doc Fellowships – Dalhousie University

The Department of Earth Science at Dalhousie University announces a call for applications for the Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships.  Fellowships are awarded annually at Dalhousie University to recently graduated Canadian or International scholars of superior academic research ability in any discipline, who have not obtained their PhD degree from Dalhousie, and have obtained their degrees no earlier than Jan 1, 2017.

Approximately 5 new fellowships are awarded annually at the university level. The fellowships are tenable for two years and currently valued at $45,000 annually including full benefits and a travel allowance for transportation to and from Halifax, a one-time research allowance ($3,000) and a conference travel grant ($1,000).

Applications for the Fellowship involve the development of a research proposal in collaboration with Department faculty, who should be first contacted to determine their interest.  For information on the application process, see:

For information on the Department of Earth Science, please see:


5) Department Chair   – LSU Geology and Geophysics

Opening for Department Chair, LSU Geology and Geophysics—Baton-Rouge/Department-Chair-of-Geology-and-Geophysics_R00029477

The Department of Geology and Geophysics on the beautiful campus of Louisiana State University is seeking an outstanding research-oriented geologist to serve as Department Chair. This tenured appointment will be at the level of full professor. Our department has a demographically and topically diverse group of 19 tenured and tenure-track faculty members and is one of the top geology programs in the Southeastern US. The Department offers B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Geology and has multiple research initiatives across the campus. It has benefited from our highly supportive alumni who have generously endowed our field camp, faculty chairs and professorships, and undergraduate/graduate research programs. We seek an outside candidate with an international reputation, a record of strong and continued research funding, and a commitment to undergraduate and graduate education that will enhance the Department.

Required Qualifications: The candidate must have a Ph.D. in the field of geosciences, as well as an excellent record of scholarship, significant external research funding, and excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Applicants with leadership experience and prior success in fundraising and development are particularly encouraged to apply.

Responsibilities: The Chair will provide strong academic leadership in the planning and administration of graduate and undergraduate programs in Geology and Geophysics; assist the entire faculty in developing a viable strategic vision and seek new initiatives; direct the promotion and tenure process; teach courses (at a reduced load) and maintain an externally funded research program; work with the LSU Foundation in fundraising and maintain and build upon our strong traditional relationship with industry; and report to the Dean of the College of Science.

Additional Job Description:

Special Instructions:

Applications must be submitted via LSU’s online application system by January 28, 2019 to receive fullest consideration. Attach ALL documents under the Resume/CV section of your application. Applicants must provide a curriculum vita and three professional references including name and contact information. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

A copy of your transcript(s) may be attached to your application. However, original transcripts are required prior to hire.

Sam Bentley, PhD, PG

Associate Dean for Research, College of Science
Professor and Billy and Ann Harrison Chair in Sedimentary Geology
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA 70803
(+1)225-578-4206 (College)
(+1)225-773-5217 (cell)
Orcid Profile
Google Scholar Profile


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

2019 GeoPRISMS Synthesis & Integration TEI – Application deadline Nov 12

Banner TEI 2019

Apply now to attend the GeoPRISMS Synthesis & Integration Theoretical and Experimental Institute!
February 27- March 1, 2019
Hotel Menger, San Antonio, Texas
Meeting website: /tei-2019/
Apply before November 12: /tei-2019/application-form-tei-2019/

The 2019 GeoPRISMS Theoretical and Experimental Institute (TEI) will represent an opportunity for our community to synthesize results across the two program initiatives: Rift Initiation and Evolution (RIE); and Subduction Cycles & Deformation (SCD). During this meeting we will evaluate accomplishments to date, and define key gaps, opportunities for synthesis and collaboration, and outstanding questions leading in to the final years of the decadal program. We will also identify emerging opportunities and problems, and develop new research directions motivated by the successes of the MARGINS and GeoPRISMS programs. The three-day meeting will be preceded by an Early-Career Investigator symposium on Tuesday February 26.

Key objectives of the workshop include:

  • Set the stage for legacy of GeoPRISMS, develop concrete ideas for legacy products or activities in the coming 2-3 years. This should include both Science and Education and Outreach.
  • Identify outstanding process-based questions and cross-cutting themes that engage both the RIE and SCD communities. These fundamental science questions will guide the integration of science results from GeoPRISMS, and likely lead to future proposals and funding opportunities.
  • The Early Career Investigator (ECI) symposium will foster cross-disciplinary collaborations among young scientists. This symposium will be led by two young scientists in our community.
  • Position our science community for future years by evaluating the role of large research infrastructure, how science goals of the GeoPRISMS Program can be met by future large-scale initiatives, and the importance of continued NSF support for cross-disciplinary and cross-shoreline research.


The TEI is funded by the National Science Foundation through the GeoPRISMS Office at The Pennsylvania State University. There is no registration fee. We will be able to cover most on-site expenses (venue costs, hotel expenses based on multiple occupancy, and most meals) for approximately 175 participants. Partial funding for travel may also be available, with preference given to students and postdocs. Confirmed participants whose on-site expenses are covered are expected to arrive on Tuesday evening and leave on Saturday morning.

Organizing Committee

Katie Kelley (University of Rhode Island)
Harm Van Avendonk (University of Texas at Austin)
Jessica Warren (University of Delaware)
Kyle Straub (Tulane)
Rob Harris (Oregon State university)
Katie Keranen (Cornell)
Joe Dufek (University of Oregon)
Christie Rowe (McGill)
Philip Skemer (Washington University, St Louis)
Ikuko Wada (University of Minnesota)
Ex officio: Demian Saffer (GeoPRISMS Office/Pennsylvania State University)

Important Dates

October 10: Applications are invited via the meeting webpage at: /tei-2019/
November 12: Application deadline
December 3: Successful applicants are invited to confirm participation
January 7: Deadline for confirmation of attendance
Late January: Final meeting agenda is released


The meeting will take place at the Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas ( The hotel is located in downtown San Antonio, 8 miles from San Antonio International Airport. Cab service is available.

Student and Postdoc symposium

On Tuesday before the TEI we will hold a student and postdoc symposium which will feature short presentations by attendees and discussion with the conveners and NSF program managers. The symposium runs from 12:30-5:00pm and will be followed at 5:00 – 7:00pm by a reception and ice breaker open to all TEI attendees. We encourage all students and postdocs to attend and to arrange their travel accordingly, after confirmation of attendance.


The meeting agenda is available at /tei-2019/

Reminder: 4th edition GeoPRISMS Photo Contest

Photo Contest

Share with the GeoPRISMS Community what your GeoPRISMS-related research looks like, whether you are working in the field, or in the lab. Submit your photo now!

The winner of the contest will be announced at the GeoPRISMS Townhall Meeting held on the Monday at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting and will receive a print out of the photo. The winner’s photo will be highlighted on the GeoPRISMS Website and in the Spring Issue of the GeoPRISMS Newsletter.

The GeoPRISMS Photo Contest is open to anyone whose research is related to GeoPRISMS. The submitted photo should be focused on the entrant’s research, and must be related to the GeoPRISMS Science and Objectives.

What should be submitted:

  • Contest limited to one photo per entrant
  • A complete and accurate caption (max 100 words)
  • Entrant’s personal information
  • A complete and signed release form (download the form here)

All information and release form should be sent in an email along with the photograph to with the subject header “GeoPRISMS Photo Contest” by November 1, 2018

For more information about the contest and guidelines, please visit the GeoPRISMS website at: /geoprisms-photo-contest/​

– The GeoPRISMS Office

photo contest

Job Posting: Faculty, Postdoc, and PhD opportunities

1) Two postdoctoral researcher positions in active-source seismology – JAMSTEC, Yokohama Japan
2) Faculty Position in Geochemistry – Cornell University
3) Two Assistant Professor Positions in Volcanology – University at Buffalo
4) Two Tenure Track Assistant Professor positions – University of Florida
5) Geoscience Lecturer Position – Boise State University
6) Assistant Professor Position igneous and/or metamorphic petrology – Idaho State University
7) Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Earth History – School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria
8) 2019 ASU Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship in Earth and Space Science – Arizona State University
9) PhD opportunity – Montclair State University
10) Tenure Track Position – Biology Department, WHOI


1) Two postdoctoral researcher positions in active-source seismology – JAMSTEC, Yokohama Japan

The Structural Seismology Group in Center for Earthquake and Tsunami (CEAT), JAMSTEC invites applications for two Postdoctoral Researcher positions working for a research project entitled “Subduction Zone Observation and Monitoring for Hazard Mitigation”. This project is an integrated seismogenic zone research project through seismic surveys, seafloor observations, and monitoring earthquakes and tsunamis. Applicants are expected to study structures of subduction seismogenic zones around Japan, such as the Nankai Trough and Japan Trench, using active-source seismic data from multichannel seismic reflection surveys and/or OBS wide-angle seismic surveys conducted by JAMSTEC research vessels KAIREI and KAIMEI.

A deadline of the application is November 15, 2018. We expect to start this position from April 1, 2019.

Please refer to the website ( for details about this postdoc position


2) Faculty Position in Geochemistry – Cornell University

The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) at Cornell University invites Early Career Scientists to apply for an open faculty appointment in geochemistry. We seek candidates who will complement the existing strengths of the department. We encourage candidates who combine field, analytical, experimental, and/or modeling approaches to solve geologic problems. The applicant is expected to develop and implement independent, externally-funded research programs, advise students, facilitate interdisciplinary research, and to participate fully in departmental teaching mission and service.

The position is one of a series of new appointments as part of a commitment to an exciting renewal in EAS. The candidate is expected to intellectually contribute to the broad program in the Earth Sciences including the potential for interactions with Cornell’s programs in atmospheric, ocean, and planetary sciences. In addition to facilities within the EAS, the candidate will have access to a wide variety of characterization, experimental, and computational facilities associated with Cornell’s Center for Material Research, the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source, and the Center for Advanced Computing.

Applicants must hold a doctorate in an appropriate field, have a demonstrated ability to conduct outstanding research, and show promise for attracting external research support.  The successful candidate will also be a committed educator, enthusiastic about teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and supervising students at all levels in research. Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching, research interests, and contact information for three references. Statements including leadership efforts and contributions to diversity are encouraged.

The EAS Department and the College of Engineering at Cornell value diversity and seek candidates who will create a climate that attracts students of all races, nationalities and   genders.  We strongly encourage women and underrepresented minorities to apply. Cornell University seeks to meet the needs of dual career couples, has a Dual Career program, and is a member of the Upstate New York Higher Education Recruitment Consortium to assist with dual career searches.

All materials must be submitted on-line at Inquiries only should be sent to Review of applications will begin November 15, 2018.


3) Two Assistant Professor Positions in Volcanology – University at Buffalo

We invite applicants focused on volcanic processes, including those with expertise in: physical volcanology (especially in combining field observations of eruptive processes and products with modeling and/or experimental approaches), and in petrology, geophysics, and geochemistry as those relate to volcanic eruptions. Application to hazards and risk assessment is also highly desired.

The successful candidates will join the Department’s volcanology research group (, which maintains interdisciplinary collaborations within UB and internationally, and will have opportunities to participate in several centers and initiatives at UB related to natural hazards, environmental sustainability, and computational sciences. In addition to state of the art laboratories, candidates will have access to the Geohazards Field Station and the UB Center for Computational Research ( The successful candidates will be expected to develop and maintain innovative, extramurally funded research programs that build on our current research and education strengths in Climate Change, Ecosystems and Adaptation, Water and the Environment, and in Geohazards, Volcanoes and Geodynamics. The successful candidates will have a demonstrated commitment to teaching; teaching duties will involve core undergraduate courses and graduate level courses in the candidates’ specialties. Service to the discipline, department and/or university is expected. Successful candidates must have a Ph.D. degree at the time of appointment. The Department is committed to the importance of a diverse faculty. Women and minorities are particularly encouraged to apply. Interest in collaborative research with Department faculty as well as other departments is highly desired.

Applications must be submitted through the UB Jobs website (, posting #F1800126). We will begin to review applications on Nov. 16, 2018 and continue until the positions are filled. Inquiries concerning these positions should be made to Prof. Greg Valentine (

University at Buffalo is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and, in keeping with our commitment, welcomes all to apply including veterans and individuals with disabilities.

Minimum qualifications: Ph.D. in geology, geophysics, geochemistry, or equivalent field at time of appointment. Demonstrated ability to develop original research hypotheses and proposals and to follow through to publication in peer reviewed journals. Demonstrated commitment to teaching.

Preferred qualifications: Interest in application of research to hazards and risk assessment is highly desired.


4) Two Tenure Track Assistant Professor positions – University of Florida

The Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Florida ( invites applications for TWO tenure track Assistant Professor positions with an anticipated start date of August 16, 2019. The Search Committees will begin reviewing applications for both positions on October 31, 2018 and the positions will remain open until filled. For complete information about these positions, including required qualifications and applications materials, please view the job postings at:

Timescales and Rates of Earth Processes

We are interested in candidates with the ability to quantify Earth or planetary processes at short and/or long timescales. Applicants using quantitative calibrations of time including, but not limited to: geochronology/thermochronology, stratigraphy (magneto, isotope, chemo, cyclo, or bio), or modern observation systems are encouraged to apply. Inquiries may be directed to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Andrea Dutton ( Submit applications to:

Plate Margin Dynamics

We are interested in candidates with expertise in processes such as multiscale deformation, magmatism, basin evolution, and/or seismogenesis. We encourage applications from scientists who take a multidisciplinary approach to characterizing these environments, past and present. Inquiries may be directed to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. John Jaeger, ( Submit applications to:

The Department of Geological Sciences resides in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and includes faculty with a wide range of expertise in solid Earth and planetary processes, surface processes, paleoclimate, marine geology, and paleontology. Resources include a range of modern analytical instruments including: MC-ICP-MS, TIMS, noble gas, and stable isotope mass spectrometers, SEM, EPMA, XRD, XRF, core analysis, magnetometers, GPS, and seismometers. Researchers also have access to the HIPERGATOR 2 high-performance computing cluster.

The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity Institution.


5) Geoscience Lecturer Position – Boise State University

The Department of Geosciences at Boise State University invites applications for a permanent full-time Lectureship to begin summer, 2019. Our geoscience lecturers are responsible for delivery of critical lower-division courses (including labs) in geology, geography, and earth system science, and development and delivery of geosciences courses of broad interdisciplinary interest to the greater university community. The teaching load will be equivalent to three courses per semester including instruction, overseeing laboratory sections and teaching materials, as well as mentoring and supervising graduate student teaching assistants. In partnership with other faculty, the successful applicant will participate in curriculum discussion, development, and review, especially with respect to department-level and university-level learning outcomes associated with general education courses. The successful applicant will participate in ongoing professional development related to teaching and supporting student success, and in contributing to an inclusive campus community.

Minimum qualifications include:

  • A MS in a geoscience field at the time of appointment
  • At least two semesters of experience as the instructor of record for a lower-division undergraduate geoscience course
  • Demonstrated commitment to effective teaching and supporting student success

Applications should include a cover letter, statement of teaching philosophy, full CV including a listing of all courses taught, example syllabus, example assignment or class activity, example assessment, and the names and contact information of three references. All application materials must be submitted in a single PDF document. We will begin reviewing applications November 15, 2018. Questions should be e-mailed to

The application link is:

The Department of Geosciences at Boise State University consists of 21 faculty, including 3 lecturers, approximately 100 undergraduate majors, and approximately 50 MS and PhD students. We offer a BS in Geosciences with emphasis tracks in Geology, Geophysics, Hydrologic Sciences, and Secondary Education; MS degrees in Geoscience, Geophysics, and Hydrology; a Master in Earth Science degree; and PhD degrees in Geosciences and Geophysics. More information on the department can be found at HTTPS://EARTH.BOISESTATE.EDU.

Boise State University stands uniquely positioned in the Northwest as a metropolitan research university of distinction. We are a welcoming campus that supports diversity and inclusion, and Boise State University is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, staff, students, and academic program offerings and to strengthening sensitivity to diversity throughout the institution. Boise State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, and applications from members of historically underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. We are especially interested in applicants with experience in teaching and mentoring students from traditionally underserved and underrepresented backgrounds.

BOISE IS FREQUENTLY CALLED ONE OF AMERICA’S BEST CITIES TO LIVE IN. Recently, it has been touted as one of the best cities for families, one of the best cities for jobs, and one of the best cities for both millennial startups and millennial entrepreneurs. It has been called one of America’s safest cities, one of its healthiest cities, and one of its hottest music cities. A thriving high-tech industry drives the city’s economic engine. And as diverse Idaho-based companies over the decades like MICRON TECHNOLOGIES, ALBERTSONS, CLEARWATER ANALYTICS, the J.R. SIMPLOT CO. and others clearly illustrate, success and growth are common here. Learn more about Boise State and the City of Boise at HTTPS://GO.BOISESTATE.EDU/JOIN-OUR-TEAM/.

Boise State University is committed to offering a benefits package that provides health and financial protection plans as well as resources to promote health and well-being. Our program provides flexibility so you can choose the benefits that are right for you and your family. Learn more about our benefit options at HTTPS://HRS.BOISESTATE.EDU/BENEFITS/.


6) Assistant Professor Position igneous and/or metamorphic petrology – Idaho State University

The Department of Geosciences at Idaho State University (ISU) invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor to start in Fall 2019. We are seeking an individual withteaching and research expertise infieldbased igneous and/or metamorphic petrology, and experience in one or more related fields such as tectonics, geochemistry, and/or geochronology.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. or A.B.D. status in Geology or a related field. The successful candidate will demonstrate potential for excellence in both research and teaching. They will teach undergraduate and graduate courses in mineralogy, igneous/metamorphic petrology, and geochemistry, as well as participate in the annual ISU summer field camp. The successful candidate will develop and maintain an active, externally funded research program and supervise and support graduate students at the M.S. and/or Ph.D. levels. In addition, the successful candidate will participate in professional service to the department, university, and communities.

ISU Geosciences is a leader for innovative field-oriented geosciences in the Northern Rockies. We are located in the northern Basin and Range, on the edge of the Snake River Plain volcanic track and Yellowstone. We operate the nearby Lost River Field Station in central Idaho, which is in the middle of the North American Cordillera, adjacent to the Idaho batholith and the Pioneer metamorphic core complex. We are a field-intensive program that combines traditional fieldwork with cutting edge technology and laboratory analysis. Available laboratory capabilities include SEM with CL and EDS, ICP-MS, XRD, stable isotope analysis, mineral separations, and optical microscopy. The department strongly values our collegial atmosphere and collaboration among faculty here and across the region.

ISU is located in Pocatello, in southeastern Idaho, which has a low cost of living and access to premier outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, skiing, hunting, and fishing. ISU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We have an institution-wide commitment to inclusion and diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply. Priority will be given to candidates whose materials are fully submitted by November 5, 2018. This position is open until filled.

Apply online at

Applicants should submit: 1) a cover letter, 2) statement of research ambitions and approaches, 3) statement of teaching ambitions and approaches, 4) CV, and 5) names and contact information for three professional letters of recommendation.

Idaho State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.


7) Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Earth History – School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria

The School of Earth and Ocean Sciences (SEOS) at the University of Victoria invites applications for a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position in Earth History, to commence as early as September 1, 2019. We seek a solid-earth scientist who undertakes field investigations and observations of the rock record to study global (bio)geochemical cycles in the context of global tectonics, climate, paleoceanography, paleogeography and/or the hydrosphere. We particularly seek candidates who will develop a research focus that examines the Earth as a system. The candidate will be able to interact broadly with faculty who specialize in solid-earth, earth-surface, ocean, and atmosphere processes.

The successful candidate will develop a vigorous, independent, externally-funded research program that complements existing strengths in SEOS. It is also expected that the candidate will supervise undergraduate and graduate students, and teach undergraduate and graduate courses related to introductory geology, tectonics, sedimentology, geochemistry, geological field schools and/or other core geology areas. A PhD is required at the time of evaluation and post-doctoral experience is desirable. Commensurate with their career stage, qualified candidates must have an excellent record of research published in or in preparation for leading scientific journals. Effective teaching and student supervision are expected, supported by evidence which may include past experience, references, a teaching statement (see below), and the presentation of a candidacy seminar.

Applications, in a single pdf file, should include a letter of application, a detailed curriculum vitae, contact information (name, address, email) for three references, a one-page statement describing the applicant’s teaching experience and philosophy, and a two-page statement describing their current and future research interests/direction. Applications or requests for further information should be sent electronically to Dr. Stan Dosso, Director, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, at Review of applications will begin on December 5, 2018, and will continue until a suitable candidate is identified. Information about SEOS can be found at

Faculty at the University of Victoria are governed by the provisions of the Collective Agreement ( ). Members are represented by the University of Victoria Faculty Association ( The University is an equity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Aboriginal Peoples, people of all sexual orientations and genders, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the University. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Persons with disabilities who anticipate needing accommodations for any part of the application and hiring process may contact Francesca Pintucci, Faculty Relations Consultant  in  the  office  of the Vice President Academic and Provost, at (250) 472-5491or All personal information provided will be maintained in confidence.


8) 2019 ASU Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship in Earth and Space Science – Arizona State University

The School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) at Arizona State University invites applications for the position of Exploration Postdoctoral Fellow.  The fellowship provides opportunities for outstanding early-career scientists and engineers, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research.  Research areas within SESE encompass Earth and planetary sciences, astrobiology, astrophysics and cosmology, instrumentation and systems engineering, and science education.

Incoming Fellows will receive an annual stipend of $65,000 with health benefits, plus $12,000 per year in discretionary research funds.  A relocation allowance will be provided. Appointments will be for up to three years and shall commence on or around July 1, 2019.

For more information and application details, please see:


Judd D. Bowman
Associate Professor
Chair, Exploration Fellowship Committee
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University
Phone: (480) 965-8880


9) PhD opportunity – Montclair State University

Doctoral assistantship position to explore the role of organic sediment dynamics on fluvio-deltaic evolution. The student will be involved in the development of numerical models, as well as their application to early Paleogene depositional environments in south-central Wyoming. The student will be employed by Montclair State University but will have the opportunity to work with researchers from University of Wyoming, Western Washington University, USGS and the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.

To apply informally, send me a letter of interest and curriculum vitae. Detailed program information and application procedure can be obtained from the PhD program website. Application Deadline is Jan 15th, 2019.

Feel free to contact me with any questions about the research project or the application procedure. I will also be happy to meet with you at the AGU Fall meeting in the December.

Jorge Lorenzo-Trueba
Assistant Professor
Earth and Environmental Studies Department
Montclair State University


10) Tenure Track Position – Biology Department, WHOI

The Biology Department at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) invites exceptional candidates to apply for our full-time exempt tenure track position on our scientific staff.  We seek to hire at the Assistant Scientist level; however, extraordinary candidates may be considered at Associate Scientist without Tenure, Associate Scientist with Tenure, or Senior Scientist levels.  The successful candidate will complement our existing interdisciplinary strengths in biology, biological oceanography, and marine ecology. We are particularly interested in applicants who conduct research in marine zooplankton ecology using novel observational, experimental and/or modeling approaches. Expertise may include (but is not limited to) physiology, behavior, trophic interactions, or the impacts of climate change.

Applicants should have a doctoral degree, postdoctoral experience, and a record of scientific research publications in scholarly journals. Scientific staff members are expected to develop independent, externally-funded, and internationally-recognized research programs. They also have the option of advising graduate students and teaching courses through the MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography and Oceanographic Engineering.

Opportunities for interdisciplinary research exist through collaborations with colleagues in the other science departments, centers, and labs as well as with researchers in the broader Woods Hole scientific community.  Members of WHOI’s scientific staff are expected to provide for their salaries from grants and contracts; however; the Institution provides salary support when no other funding is available, as well as significant internal funding opportunities for developing innovative research projects. Candidates hired at the Assistant Scientist level will receive an initial appointment for four years with salary guaranteed.

WHOI is the largest private, non-profit oceanographic institution in the world, with staff and students numbering approximately 1,000.  Its mission is to advance our understanding of the ocean and its interaction with the Earth system, and to communicate this understanding for the benefit of society.  The Institution is located in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, a world-renowned center of excellence in marine, biomedical, and environmental science.  An additional 500 affiliates are associated with the scientific endeavors of the Institution, many of whom are foreign nationals from the international community.

WHOI supports a diverse and inclusive workforce, and we encourage females, minorities, veterans and those with disabilities to apply.  WHOI offers a comprehensive benefit package that includes medical and dental plans, child care subsidy, an employer contribution retirement plan, vacation time, flexible scheduling, and family illness days.  WHOI also provides Dual Career services to offer assistance to your spouse or partner should they be impacted by your career decision.  We have a dedicated team who will work with applicants to identify and explore available options within WHOI or the community.


Please visit and respond to Job Reference 18-10-01. Applicants should include, as a single PDF document: a cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV), three-page research statement that clearly describes your research interests, names and contact information of four references, and copies of up to three relevant publications.

The package should also be sent separately to the chair of the Biology Department at with the subject line “Biology Department Scientific Application”.  Application deadline is 12/17/2018.

WHOI is a member of the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC). Please visit HERC for more information.

WHOI is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer/Disabled/Veterans/M/F. We encourage Veterans and those with Disabilities to apply. Applications are reviewed confidentially. Applicants that require accommodation in the job application process are encouraged to contact us at (508) 289-2253 or email for assistance.


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Rift Volcanism Conference: Abstract submission and Early-Bird Registration close 31st October

UK RiftVolc Consortium Conference

Hawassa, Ethiopia • January 9-11, 2019
deadline for early bird registration and abstract submission: October 31, 2018

Dear All

The UK RiftVolc Consortium is running a 3 day Conference in Hawassa, Ethiopia, 9-11 January 2019, to celebrate the culmination of this 5-year project. The conference is open to everyone and keynote speakers will include: Atalay Ayele (Addis Ababa University), Cindy Ebinger (Tulane University), William Hutchison (St. Andrews) and Dr Matthieu Kervyn (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Registration and Abstract Submission are available through the webpage:
Note, the deadline for early bird registration and abstract submission is 31st October!
It should be a fantastic conference, and I hope to see many of you there.
Juliet Biggs

2019 GeoPRISMS Synthesis & Integration TEI – Apply now!

Apply now to attend the GeoPRISMS Synthesis & Integration Theoretical and Experimental Institute!
February 27- March 1, 2019
Hotel Menger, San Antonio, Texas
Meeting website: /tei-2019/
Apply before November 12: /tei-2019/application-form-tei-2019/
The 2019 GeoPRISMS Theoretical and Experimental Institute (TEI) will represent an opportunity for our community to synthesize results across the two program initiatives: Rift Initiation and Evolution (RIE); and Subduction Cycles & Deformation (SCD). During this meeting we will evaluate accomplishments to date, and define key gaps, opportunities for synthesis and collaboration, and outstanding questions leading in to the final years of the decadal program. We will also identify emerging opportunities and problems, and develop new research directions motivated by the successes of the MARGINS and GeoPRISMS programs. The three-day meeting will be preceded by an Early-Career Investigator symposium on Tuesday February 26.
Key objectives of the workshop include:
  • Set the stage for legacy of GeoPRISMS, develop concrete ideas for legacy products or activities in the coming 2-3 years. This should include both Science and Education and Outreach.
  • Identify outstanding process-based questions and cross-cutting themes that engage both the RIE and SCD communities. These fundamental science questions will guide the integration of science results from GeoPRISMS, and likely lead to future proposals and funding opportunities.
  • The Early Career Investigator (ECI) symposium will foster cross-disciplinary collaborations among young scientists. This symposium will be led by two young scientists in our community.
  • Position our science community for future years by evaluating the role of large research infrastructure, how science goals of the GeoPRISMS Program can be met by future large-scale initiatives, and the importance of continued NSF support for cross-disciplinary and cross-shoreline research.


The TEI is funded by the National Science Foundation through the GeoPRISMS Office at The Pennsylvania State University. There is no registration fee. We will be able to cover most on-site expenses (venue costs, hotel expenses based on multiple occupancy, and most meals) for approximately 175 participants. Partial funding for travel may also be available, with preference given to students and postdocs. Confirmed participants whose on-site expenses are covered are expected to arrive on Tuesday evening and leave on Saturday morning.

Organizing Committee

Katie Kelley (University of Rhode Island)
Harm Van Avendonk (University of Texas at Austin)
Jessica Warren (University of Delaware)
Kyle Straub (Tulane)
Rob Harris (Oregon State university)
Katie Keranen (Cornell)
Joe Dufek (University of Oregon)
Christie Rowe (McGill)
Philip Skemer (Washington University, St Louis)
Ikuko Wada (University of Minnesota)
Ex officio: Demian Saffer (GeoPRISMS Office/Pennsylvania State University)

Important Dates

October 10: Applications are invited via the meeting webpage at: /tei-2019/
November 12: Application deadline
December 3: Successful applicants are invited to confirm participation
January 7: Deadline for confirmation of attendance
Late January: Final meeting agenda is released


The meeting will take place at the Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas ( The hotel is located in downtown San Antonio, 8 miles from San Antonio International Airport. Cab service is available.

Student and Postdoc symposium

On Tuesday before the TEI we will hold a student and postdoc symposium which will feature short presentations by attendees and discussion with the conveners and NSF program managers. The symposium runs from 12:30-5:00pm and will be followed at 5:00 – 7:00pm by a reception and ice breaker open to all TEI attendees. We encourage all students and postdocs to attend and to arrange their travel accordingly, after confirmation of attendance.


The meeting agenda is available at /tei-2019/

Invitation to judge GeoPRISMS student presentations at AGU

Dear GeoPRISMS Community,

The GeoPRISMS Office will again organize a best student presentation award at the AGU Fall Meeting, open to all students who work on GeoPRISMS- or MARGINS-related research. Students will compete for a best poster and best talk award both carrying a $500 cash prize. Awardees and runners up will be featured on the GeoPRISMS website and the Spring issue of the GeoPRISMS newsletter.

We hope that if you attend the AGU Fall Meeting this year that you will be able to help us evaluate the student presentations. We generally ask judges for their assessment of no more than three presentations. Please note that many of the student presenters will also be bringing their posters to the GeoPRISMS Townhall & Community Forum on Monday evening, so there will be an opportunity to participate as a judge even if you are not able to attend the student’s official session.

If you are able and willing to help judge the student presentations, please let us know by sending your availability at We will contact you closer to the meeting with instructions and a selection of presentations that will take into account your expertise and time periods you are available.

Thank you for your help with this important activity!

The GeoPRISMS Office

Questions? Please contact

 icon-chevron-right GeoPRISMS AGU Prize for Outstanding Student Oral and Poster Presentations

Job Posting: Faculty, Postdoc and Lab Manager Positions

1) Tenure Track Assistant Professor in earth materials, mineralogy, and petrology – Salem State University
2) Bateman Postdoctoral Fellowship – Department of Geology & Geophysics, Yale University
3) Assistant/Associate Professor in Geodynamics and Geodesy – University of Miami
4) Rock Mechanics Lab Manager – University of Wisconsin-Madison
5) Faculty Position in Stratigraphic Paleontology – Yale University
6) Assistant Professor of Geophysics – Oregon State University
7) Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in Geosciences – Towson University
8) Assistant Professor in solid Earth Geophysics – UC Santa Cruz

1) Tenure Track Assistant Professor in earth materials, mineralogy, and petrology – Salem State University

The geological sciences department at Salem State University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position beginning September 2019. We seek a field geologist with expertise in earth materials, mineralogy, and petrology who is committed to collaborative undergraduate teaching and research. Our department has a strong commitment to the inclusion and engagement of our growing population of diverse students. We seek candidates who will successfully serve as mentors and role models for students belonging to groups that are traditionally underrepresented in geological sciences. Teaching assignments will include: mineralogy/petrology/earth materials for majors; summer field courses in Montana and/or New England; introductory general education courses in the geosciences; upper-level applied geoscience and major elective courses in the candidate’s area of expertise; and advising senior research.

Salem State is a teaching university, committed to our students’ learning and growth, many of whom are the first in their family to go to college. Collegiality, student success, civic engagement, collaboration, initiative, continuous improvement and accountability are highly valued in our organizational culture and we seek a colleague who shares those values and wants to be part of our community.

Duties and Responsibilities

Candidates are required to perform duties in accordance with the MSCA contract. Duties include teaching, advising, scholarship and contributions to continuously improve the department and university. The standard teaching load is 12 credit hours per semester. The position is subject to available funding.


Required Qualifications:

An earned doctorate in geological sciences. ABD will be considered if scheduled to complete the doctorate by June 30, 2019. Demonstrated experience in field geology, tectonics, mineralogy, and igneous/metamorphic petrology; and previous teaching experience is also required.

Preferred Qualifications:

Industry experience in the applied fields of geological sciences; the desire and ability to develop an externally funded, undergraduate-friendly research program; experience with and passion for teaching undergraduate students; experience with undergraduate research; Record of scholarly research in the geological sciences; and experience and/or interest in New England geology.

Working Conditions

Salem State University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified applicants and employee with disabilities.

Special Instructions to Applicants: Please apply online and attach curriculum vitae, cover letter and transcripts. Completed application materials submitted by November 9, 2018 will receive full consideration, and evaluation will continue until the position is filled. For those attending, we plan to meet with interested candidates at the 2018 GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, IN.

Employment is contingent upon a completed background check satisfactory to the university. Internal candidates are not subject to a background check.

EEO Statement: Salem State University is an equal opportunity / affirmative action employer. Persons of color, women and persons with disabilities are strongly urged to apply.

Please Note: If there is no application deadline associated with a position, it may be removed at any time. Once a posting is removed, additional applications will not be accepted.



2) Bateman Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Geology & Geophysics, Yale University

The Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale University ( announces an annual competition for a Bateman Postdoctoral Fellowship. We welcome applicants with research interests across the full range of disciplines within earth and planetary sciences, including studies of geophysics, planetary sciences, tectonics, oceans, atmosphere, climate dynamics, geochemistry, paleoclimatology, geobiology, and the evolution of life. The Postdoctoral Associate position is awarded for two years, providing a stipend ($60,000/yr) and base research funds ($5,000/yr), plus health care benefits and limited expenses for relocation. Applicants should contact a sponsor in the Department to discuss potential research projects, and then submit a short (2-3 page) statement of research interests and proposed research, a curriculum vitae with a full list of publications, an endorsement letter from the sponsoring faculty member, and three confidential letters of reference. Applications should be submitted online at The deadline for receipt of all application materials is December 15, 2018, and successful candidates are expected to begin their program at Yale between July 1 and December 31, 2019. Yale University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Yale values diversity among its students, staff, and faculty and strongly welcomes applications from women, persons with disabilities, protected veterans, and underrepresented minorities.


3) Assistant/Associate Professor in Geodynamics and Geodesy – University of Miami

The Department of Marine Geosciences (MGS) at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS), University of Miami (UM), seeks outstanding candidates for a tenure track position at either the assistant or associate professor level in the fields of geodynamics, geodesy, or cryosphere dynamics. We are interested in candidates accomplished in (1) applying geodynamic modeling or geodetic techniques to the wide range of active geological processes and hazards, or (2) measuring or modeling of sea level changes, a field of direct relevance to Miami. We encourage applications from candidates who will utilize NASA’s current and forthcoming Earth Observation missions as well as data from other satellites.

The successful candidate will be expected to develop a vigorous, externally funded research program, supervise graduate students, and participate in the teaching mission of the Department and the School at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. She or he should present specific plans to achieve these

objectives. Teaching ability in numerical modeling methods, hydrogeology, petrology, or structural geology will be viewed favorably. The successful candidate should also present plans to interact with the MGS Geodesy and Seismology group, and to exploit resources at the UM Center for Computational Sciences and/or the UM/RSMAS Center for Southeastern Tropical Advanced Remote Sensing (CSTARS).

A Ph.D. in geology, geophysics or related field is required.

The position will be based at RSMAS but will also involve undergraduate teaching at the Coral Gables main campus of UM. Questions should be directed to Sam Purkis, Chair of the Department of Marine Geosciences ( or the Chair of the Search Committee, Keir Becker ( Applications will only be accepted electronically, through the career website at (Faculty Positions #R100025583). Applicants should provide cover letter, CV, names and contact information for at least three potential references, and a statement of research plans and teaching interests. Ideally the position will start no later than beginning of Fall Semester 2019. The position will remain open until filled.

The University of Miami offers competitive salaries and a comprehensive benefits package including medical and dental benefits, tuition remission, vacation, paid holidays and much more. The University of Miami is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.


4) Rock Mechanics Lab Manager – University of Wisconsin-Madison

Rock Mechanics Lab Manager
University of Wisconsin-Madison
PVL ID: 95433-AS
Review of Applications starts Oct. 7th, 2018.


The mission of the Rock Mechanics Lab is to provide rock mechanics facilities for basic rock mechanics testing, advanced scientific research, mentoring of students and researchers, as well as providing active educational experiences in undergraduate/graduate education.

This position provides technical assistance to faculty, researchers, staff and students in the development, maintenance, implementation, upgrading and use of scientific instruments and equipment used for teaching and research in the RML lab. This individual is also responsible for implementing quality control and an assurance program for testing and analysis, as well as assuring a safe use of instruments and equipment by training and supervising laboratory users.

Specific focus will also be in developing a new long-term testing equipment and facility.

Qualified candidates will have advanced instrumentation and programming skills such as experience in LabVIEW. They will also have the capability to develop their own code/software to allow automated communication among different control systems.

Please contact Hiroki Sone ( with any questions.


5) Faculty Position in Stratigraphic Paleontology – Yale University

The Department of Geology & Geophysics at Yale University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor appointment in the area of stratigraphic paleontology. Relevant fields include, but are not restricted to, organism-sediment interactions, controls on fossilization through time, macrostratigraphy, paleoecology and paleoenvironments, and evolution in a stratigraphic context.

We seek candidates with outstanding prospects for research, scholarly leadership, and teaching excellence who will complement the existing strengths of the Department. A successful applicant will develop and implement independent, externally-funded research programs including a strong field component, teach and advise students, and facilitate interdisciplinary research.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae including a full list of publications, a statement of research, a statement of teaching interests, and four confidential letters of reference. Applications should be submitted online at This an extension of an existing search for which review of applications will commence after November 1, 2018. For information regarding Yale Geology and Geophysics, visit our web site at Yale University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Yale values diversity among its students, staff, and faculty and strongly welcomes applications from women, persons with disabilities, protected veterans, and underrepresented minorities.


6) Assistant Professor of Geophysics – Oregon State University

The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences invites applications for a full-time (1.00 FTE), 9-month tenure-track Assistant Professor position.

We seek an early career geophysicist who will complement existing areas of strength in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS). The successful candidate will be a field-oriented colleague who has a deep understanding of the underlying geological and physical principles and the imagination to address a wide range of problems on a variety of temporal and spatial scales using seismology, MT/EM or other geophysical techniques. Possible research foci include near-surface/environmental geophysics, crust and mantle processes, tectonics, volcanology, marine geophysics, hydrogeophysics, natural hazard characterization and mitigation, and natural resource exploration.

The successful candidate is expected to teach in both lower- and upper-division courses in the undergraduate Earth Sciences program, as well as graduate courses in their specialty. The successful candidate is also expected to develop a vibrant, externally funded research program and contribute to mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students. Oregon State University’s (OSU’s) Solid Earth Geophysics program has a strong international reputation and a history of creative research and teaching that crosses disciplinary boundaries in the geosciences and allied fields such as engineering, forestry and water resources.

For additional information, see:

Feel free to contact Search Committee Chair Shanaka de Silva ( or Search Committee members Robert Harris (, Andrew Meigs (, Adam Schulz ( or Anne Tréhu ( with questions about this position.


7) Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in Geosciences – Towson University

Applications are invited for a tenure-track, 10-month Assistant Professor of Geosciences position at Towson University in the Department of Physics, Astronomy and Geosciences starting August 2019. A PhD in a relevant area is required and postdoctoral experience is preferred. This position supports the Geology program and the interdisciplinary graduate and undergraduate programs in Environmental Science. Preference will be given to candidates with research and teaching interests in the areas of sedimentology and stratigraphy and/or paleobiology. Candidates with a background in hydrogeology, in environmental or low-temperature geochemistry, or in geophysics and whose interests overlap with the priorities already listed will also be considered. Teaching responsibilities will include introductory and upper-level geology courses and will likely include a graduate-level environmental geology course. Research responsibilities include establishment of a productive research program that involves students and pursuit of external funding. Electronic applications should be submitted as a single PDF file that includes a cover letter, CV and 2-page teaching and research statements. Three letters of reference should also be submitted by email. All materials should be sent to Dr. David Schaefer, Review of applications will begin on October 5, 2018 and will continue until the position is filled. Additional information can be found at


8) Assistant Professor in solid Earth Geophysics – UC Santa Cruz

UC Santa Cruz is searching for an Asst. Professor in solid Earth geophysics.

We are especially interested in applicants who utilize modern data collection and analysis tools theory and/or numerical modeling to investigate crustal or deep Earth processes. Fields of interest include, but are not limited to, geodesy, geodynamics, physical volcanology, and structural seismology.

Please apply!

Full details at:

Initial review date is November 29.