Student survey for U.S. crustal-scale marine seismic imaging capabilities

Dear Peers and Colleagues,

We are organizing a student response to NSF’s decision to divest from the R/V Marcus G. Langseth by 2020. If you are a student who feels that your future research and training opportunities are impacted by this decision, we ask that you complete this brief survey by Friday, May 11:

If you are not a student, we ask that you consider sharing our survey with students who relate to the description above. Survey participants will be provided the opportunity to sign a response letter stating student interests in academic crustal-scale seismic imaging facilities.


Dominik Kardell, University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics
Bridgit Boulahanis, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Andrew Gase, University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics
Hannah Mark, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts Institute for Technology
Justin Estep, Texas A&M University
Ethan Williams, California Institute of Technology
Amanda Price, Washington University in St. Louis
Colin White, Stanford University
Brendan Philip, University of Washington

Job Posting: Jamstec International Fellowship Postdoc Program, Faculty Positions

1) JAMSTEC International Postdoctoral Fellow Program

2) Multiple Faculty Positions in Solid Earth Geosciences and Planetary Sciences – The School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech


1) JAMSTEC International Postdoctoral Fellow Program

JAMSTEC is recruiting 4-5 full time fixed term contract postdoctoral positions for developing their scientific excellence in any natural science or engineering field. The deadline for submission of applications is 05/28/2018.

For more details, please visit the following website:

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the Human Resources Division,

Human Resources Department of JAMSTEC at

We greatly appreciate your cooperation in advance.

Sincerely yours,

Human Resources Division, JAMSTEC


2) Multiple Faculty Positions in Solid Earth Geosciences and Planetary Sciences – The School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech

The School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS, at Georgia Tech invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions in solid earth geosciences and one tenure-track faculty position in planetary and space sciences. Applicants will be considered at all ranks. For the solid earth geosciences positions, we are looking for broad-minded geoscientists with interests that complement our current geophysical strengths in geodesy, geomorphology, glaciology, seismology, computational methods, planetary and space sciences. For the planetary and space science position, we invite candidates who will build a competitive research program that complements or extends the strengths of our ongoing planetary and space research, and who bridge connections within geophysics and ongoing and future missions through observational, theoretical, or modeling approaches. We seek individuals who are interested in working in a dynamic and interdisciplinary university that includes a diverse group of planetary and space, earth, ocean, and atmospheric sciences, and many top-ranked engineering programs. Candidates are expected to demonstrate an exceptional commitment to teaching and mentoring of students.

Georgia Institute of Technology, located in the diverse, and thriving metropolis of Atlanta, is consistently a top ranked educational and research institution. Georgia Tech prides itself on its engineering resources, collaborations, its quantitative and rigorous undergraduate student body, and its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Applicants should send an application letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, a description of their teaching interests and their advising/mentoring philosophy, and the names and contact information for at least three references. Application materials should be submitted as PDF files via Requests for information should be directed to Applications will be considered beginning October 1, 2018 but the search will continue until the positions are filled. An earned doctorate is required by the start of the appointment. Georgia Tech is an equal education/employment opportunity institution dedicated to building a diverse community. We strongly encourage applications from women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans. Georgia Tech has policies to promote a healthy work-life balance and is aware that attracting faculty may require meeting the needs of two careers.


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

IODP workshop on ocean drilling in the North Pacific – Sept 25-27, 2018

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider attending the upcoming USSSP-IODP workshop:

Scientific Exploration of the Arctic and North Pacific (SEA-NorP)
September 25-27, 2018; Mt. Hood, Oregon, USA

The workshop will focus on developing proposals for scientific ocean drilling in the Northern Pacific, Bering Sea and Western Arctic Ocean region, including GeoPRISMS primary site, the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone. The drilling platform, JOIDES Resolution, is scheduled to operate in the Northern Pacific in 2023. To ensure that the ship is used to best advantage, now is the time to develop proposals that could be linked through regional drilling strategies.

Our goal is to initiate multiple proposals around GeoPRISMS-related themes such as geohazards and volatile cycling, as well as other themes including ocean gateways, ice histories at transition zones, biosphere and climate.

The workshop is open to U.S. and international participants. The deadline for U.S.-affilitated scientists to apply is June 17, 2018. A limited number of travel grants will be available. Graduate students, early career scientists and those new to IODP are encouraged to apply.

For more information and to apply, visit the workshop website:

Thank you,

Workshop Conveners: Lindsay Worthington (UNM), Bernard Coakley (UAF), Matthias Forwick (UiT –  Tromsø), Juliane Mueller (Alfred Wegener Institute), Summer Praetorius (USGS), and Kristen St. John (JMU)

Workshop Science Committee (partial list): Jessica Larsen (UAF), Terry Plank (LDEO), Donna Shillington (LDEO), Harold Tobin (Wisconsin)

Call for GeoPRISMS Mini-Workshop Proposals at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting


GeoPRISMS Mini-Workshops at AGU 2018

Dear GeoPRISMS Community,

We are pleased to announce that this year we will again be able to host a few mini-workshops at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting in Washington D.C. (December 10-14). A mini-workshop is a research meeting that is held on the Sunday prior to the meeting. Examples of mini-workshops can be found at:


Mini-Workshops offer excellent opportunities to jump-start science discussions, as well as to coordinate implementation for future GeoPRISMS studies, both for primary sites and thematic studies. We encourage you to consider such an undertaking. The GeoPRISMS Office provides logistical support, a meeting room and refreshments. We do not cover any travel costs or per diem to the organizers or participants.

If you would like to host a GeoPRISMS-related Mini-Workshop in association with the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting (10-14 December), we invite you to submit your proposal to the GeoPRISMS Office at The proposals will be reviewed and ranked by the GeoPRISMS Steering and Oversight Committee (GSOC). The number of mini-workshops is limited but we expect to be able to host two to three events.

The deadline for upcoming Mini-Workshop proposals is July 1, 2018. The proposal guidelines are described on the GeoPRISMS website at: /meetings/mini-workshops/. We encourage you to contact the GeoPRISMS Office with questions or for advice prior to submitting at

We look forward to hearing your ideas.

-The GeoPRISMS Office and GSOC​

Reminder: 2018 Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Rock Deformation

REMINDER: There is still time to apply for the Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation. The full program is now online:

Please consider applying for the upcoming Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation: Integrated Approaches to Rock Deformation: Observations, Experiments, and Models, scheduled for August 19-24, 2018 at Proctor Academy, NH.  This conference will provide a unique opportunity to explore the breadth of scientific disciplines relating to rock deformation, including rock physics, geology, geophysics, seismology, mechanics, and civil engineering.

The conference will bring together a collection of junior and senior investigators who are at the forefront of their field, and will provide opportunities for junior scientists and graduate students to present their work in poster format and exchange ideas with leaders in the field. The collegial and open atmosphere of this Conference, with programmed discussion sessions as well as opportunities for informal gatherings in the afternoons, evenings and during the meals, provides a venue for scientists from different disciplines to brainstorm and promotes cross-disciplinary collaborations in the various research areas represented.

There will be an associated Gordon Research Seminar for early career investigators, before the Conference, August 18-19, 2018. We expect there to be some funds to help support student travel and registration fees.

See the two weblinks for both events, from which you can also apply (separate applications are required for each event):

Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation

Gordon Research Seminar on Rock Deformation (for early career investigators)

Attendance is limited for both conferences, so early registrations are encouraged!

Hope to see you there!

Juli Morgan, Dan Faulkner, Josie Nevitt, and Katrina Sauer

Coupling of Tectonic and Surface Processes, April 25-27, 2018: Invitation for remote participation

Greetings  –

The workshop focused on Coupling of Tectonic and Surface Processes (CTSP), April 25-27, 2018 is intended to survey both questions and state of the art numerical techniques that simulate surface processes and long term tectonic (LTT) processes in an attempt to define a framework for the development of efficient numerical algorithms that couple across multiple length and time scales. This workshop will provide a unique opportunity for researchers to develop collaborations and proposal ideas and by doing so enhance and increase the impact of both the LTT and CSDMS communities. We expect a broad and diverse audience drawn from domestic and international research communities, including graduate students, post-docs, and early career scientists, who are interested in coupling landscape evolution to tectonic processes.

Although registration is now closed for onsite participation in CTSP, we invite you to participate remotely using the Zoom meeting platform. You will be able to view all plenary talks, round table discussions and participate in remote group breakout sessions each day of the workshop. Meeting information including agenda can be found on the workshop website:

Registration is required in advance. Once you have registered, a link will be forwarded with detailed remote joining instructions.


Wednesday, April 25th

Morning Session 8:30AM to 12:00PM (MDT) Registration URL:
Afternoon Session 1:00PM to 4:15PM (MDT) Registration URL:

Thursday, April 26th

Morning Session 8:30AM to 12:00PM  (MDT) Registration URL:
Afternoon Session 1:00PM to 5:00PM (MDT) Registration URL:

We look forward to your participation.


Organizing Committee:
Mark Behn, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
Thorsten Becker, University of Texas – Austin
Catherine Cooper, Washington State University
Nicole Gasparini, Tulane University
Lorraine Hwang, University of California, Davis
Louise Kellogg, University of California, Davis
Luc Lavier, University of Texas – Austin
Eric Mittelstaedt, University of Idaho
Greg Tucker, University of Colorado – Boulder
Boris Kaus, Johannes Gutenberg University – Mainz

Sponsored by Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics, the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System and the National Science Foundation

REMINDER: Call for submissions – GeoPRISMS related sessions to the AGU Fall Meeting

Please consider submitting a GeoPRISMS related session to the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting that will take place in Washington, DC (Dec 10-14, 2018).

Submission deadline: April 18, 2018

More info:

Official website:

This is a great opportunity to promote your GeoPRISMS Science and activities. As every year, the GeoPRISMS Office will compile a list of AGU Fall Meeting special sessions that directly support the scientific goals of the GeoPRISMS (and MARGINS) Programs, or are of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community. The list will be advertised on the website and through the GeoPRISMS Listserv.

For more information about GeoPRISMS past activities and related sessions at AGU please visit the GeoPRISMS website at: /meetings/agu-townhall-and-student-forum/

The GeoPRISMS Office

Save the Date – seafloor sensors workshop

Oregon State University has been funded by NSF to organize a workshop on “Integrating Science Needs with Advanced Seafloor Sensor Engineering to Provide Early Warning of Geohazards: Visioning Workshop and Roadmap for the Future.”  The workshop will be held on July 12-13, 2018 at the Salishan Resort in Gleneden Beach, Oregon.  For more information on the workshop objectives and topics to be covered, please see the attached flyer.  Additional information on the workshop agenda and on applying for partial support to attend will be distributed soon.  In the meantime, please save the date.  Feel free to contact a member of the organizing committee for more information.

Organizing committee:  Chris Parrish (chair), Ben Mason, Anne Trehu, John Selker, Eugene Zhang, and Geoff Hollinger

Virtual Geosciences Conference

Immerse yourself in Virtual Geoscience at VGC 2018 – There is still time to submit abstracts!

The 3rd Virtual Geoscience Conference will be held in the beautiful Limestone City, Kingston, Canada, August 22-24, 2018. This is the premier conference for researchers, government, and industry members conducting innovative research in close range remote sensing and computer visualization applied to the geosciences. This year’s meeting focus is on the theme of immersive geoscience and novel developments in virtual and augmented reality. The broad focus of the conference series allows geoscientists from a variety of subdisciplines to share experience with the latest tools, software, and, technological innovations.

Abstract submission for the conference has been extended to *March 30, 2018*. Submission must be made using the conference submission page. The organizing committee is looking forward to reading your latest virtual-geoscience-themed abstracts.

Keynote Speakers – we are excited to have four keynote speakers confirmed for VGC 2018:

  • Dr Nick Hedley, Director of the Spatial Interface Research Lab – a geovisual interface think tank – and a professor of geovisualization and spatial interface research in the Department of Geography at Simon Fraser University, Canada.
  • Dr Joseph Wartman, Director of Natural Hazards Reconnaissance Facility at the University of Washington, USA.
  • Dr Regula Frauenfelder, Physical Geographer at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute.
  • Dr Helen Reeves, Science Director for Engineering Geology & Infrastructure at the British Geological Survey.

Short Course and Field Trip – we will be offering a short course on remote sensing applications to geohazards research and a local field trip exploring the local geology of the Kingston area on August 22nd, 2018. More details can be found on the VGC short course page. Participants can also register on the conference registration page.

Sponsorship and Tradeshow Booths – we would like to thank BGC Engineering, Esri, the Geological Remote Sensing Group, and the VOG group for supporting VGC 2018. We would also like to thank GIM international and Remote Sensing journal for partnering with VGC.

We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities and trade show booth options still available. Please contact the organizing committee for more information:

Learn more about the conference by visiting or follow us on twitter (@VirtualGeo_2018).

Ryan Kromer

On behalf of the VGC 2018 committee

Gordon Conference on deep carbon science, June 17-22, 2018

Dear colleagues,

Please consider attending the upcoming Gordon Research Conference: Deep Carbon Science in the Context of Geologic Time, June 17-22.  This conference will explore the evolution of deep carbon in Earth’s biological and nonbiological reservoirs over 4.6 billion years. Topics include how carbon is incorporated into a growing planet and how early planetary processes mediate carbon transfers. We will then turn to the evolution of carbon reservoirs in the first billion years of Earth history, and explore early deep life, the population of terrestrial niches, the challenges that were overcome, and the feedbacks and interactions between the geosphere and the biosphere. The final phase of the conference will address the carbon cycle and how it has evolved through time. A goal of the conference is to engage a diverse and interdisciplinary group of Earth scientists, planetary scientists, and geobiologists.

Attendees will include a mix of leading junior and senior scientists. The conference will provide opportunities for junior scientists to present their work in poster format and exchange ideas with leaders in the field. In addition to programmed discussion sessions, Gordon Conferences provide a collegial, open atmosphere, and opportunities for informal gatherings in the afternoons, evenings and during meals. They are ideal for scientists from different disciplines to initiate cross-disciplinary collaborations in the various research areas represented.

We anticipate that there will be funds to assist with student travel and registration fees.

The link for the conference is:

Attendance is limited, so early registrations are encouraged.

Hope to see you at the conference,

Craig Manning, Isabelle Daniel, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Ed Young