Committee on Seismology and Geodynamics (COSG)

What are the new research directions, challenges and needs for our community?

The Committee on Seismology and Geodynamics (COSG) is a standing committee within the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Board on Earth Sciences and Resources. COSG serves to facilitate community discussion and community-agency interaction on issues related to the structure, dynamics, and evolution of the Earth. COSG helps to organize and oversee National Academies studies, workshops, and forums, and holds twice-yearly meetings on a variety of topics. Recent topics have included subduction zone science, high-performance computing, precision geodesy, and volcanism and volcanic hazards.

The committee is always looking for new topics to highlight and to focus these community-agency discussions in the future. You can find a full list of topics covered in the past, along with a list of current committee members on the COSG website: If you have suggestions, or want to know more, please reach out to one of the committee members or to Deborah Glickson, National Academies staff (

Committee on Seismology and Geodynamics:
Richard Allen, Chair, University of California, Berkeley
Thorsten Becker, The University of Texas at Austin
Mark Behn, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Cynthia Ebinger, Tulane University
Steven Jacobsen, Northwestern University
Lisa Grant Ludwig, University of California, Irvine
Stephen McNutt, University of South Florida
Matthew Pritchard, Cornell University
Maya Tolstoy, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
Jeroen Tromp, Princeton University
William Walter, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Sherilyn Williams-Stroud, Confractus, Inc., and California State University, Los Angeles

Sessions of interest at the 2018 EGU General Assembly and AOGS Annual Meeting

Please see below for sessions of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community, taking place at the 2018 EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria (8-13 April 2018) and the 2018 AOGS meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii (4-8 June 2018)

EGU abstract deadline is January 10, 2018

AOGS abstract deadline is January 19, 2018

EGU Sessions

TS6.3/GD6.4/SM2.15 – Formation and reactivation of small oceanic domains and hyperextended rift basins (co-organized)

Convener: Patricia Cadenas

Co-Conveners: Gabriela Fernández-Viejo, Gianreto Manatschal, Tim Minshull, J. Kim Welford

Confirmed invited speaker:  Gwenn Péron-Pinvidic (Geological Survey of Norway)

This session aims to bring together studies which deal with the structure and the tectonic evolution of small oceanic and hyperextended rift basins using geological, geophysical, geochemical, and numerical modelling approaches. Analysis of the crustal structure, the sedimentary infill, the subsidence history and the thermal evolution allows us to understand better the evolution of these basins and the associated rifting, breakup processes and the influence of rift inheritance on their subsequent compressional reactivation due to stress field changes.

Please, inform your colleagues and students that may be interested in presenting their research in this session.

Looking forward to your contributions and to meeting you in Vienna

The conveners

Patricia Cadenas (U. Oviedo), Gianreto Manatschal (U. Strasbourg), Tim Minshull (U. of Southampton), Kim Welford (Memorial U. of Newfoundland) and Gabriela Fernández-Viejo (U. Oviedo)

GD2.1/GMPV8.1/SM4.07 – Geodynamics of continental crust and upper mantle, and the nature of mantle discontinuities (co-organized)

Convener: Lev Vinnik

Co-Conveners: Hans Thybo, Alexey Shulgin

We invite, in particular multidisciplinary, contributions which focus on the structure and evolution of the continental crust and upper mantle and on the nature of mantle discontinuities. The latter include, but are not limited to, the mid-lithosphere discontinuity (MLD), the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB), and the mantle transition zone, as imaged by various seismological techniques and interpreted within interdisciplinary approaches. Papers with focus on the structure of the crust and the nature of the Moho are also welcome. Methodologically, the contributions will include studies based on seismic, thermal, gravity, petrological, and/or electro-magnetic data interpretations.

Instructions for submitting an abstract can be found at:

We hope that you have the opportunity to give a presentation at the upcoming EGU in Vienna 8-13 April.

Best regards,

The convenors: Lev Vinnik, Alexey Shulgin and Hans Thybo

AOGS Sessions

SE21 – Bridging Observations from Geology and Geodesy to Understand Tectonic Deformation over Multiple Timescales

Session Conveners

Dr. Aron Meltzner (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore),

Dr. Ya-Ju Hsu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan),

Dr. Tadafumi Ochi (Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan),

Dr. Yu-Nung Nina Lin (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore),

Dr. Emma Hill (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore),

For more information on the AOGS 2018 conference, please visit:

Tectonic processes occur at a variety of timescales, from seconds (coseismic) to weeks (short-term slow slip) to years (postseismic and long-term slow slip) to decades (interseismic) to millennia or longer (long-term deformation).  Studies focused on results derived from a single technique may not have sufficient context to assess how deformation evolves over time.  In order to address this important problem, we invite contributions in which results from multiple techniques are combined to explore tectonic deformation over multiple timescales.  We also encourage contributions that compare present to past behavior or that focus specifically on variability of tectonic deformation over long timescales.

Aron Meltzner, Ya-Ju Hsu, Tadafumi Ochi, Nina Lin, Emma Hill

SE29 – Understanding Active Volcanoes Using Multidisciplinary Approaches

Convener: Clara Solaro

Co-Conveners: Helena Albert-Minguez, Fidel Costa, Paul Okubo, Yosuke Aoki

For more information on the AOGS 2018 conference, please visit:

Asia and Oceania present regions with the highest concentration and number of active volcanoes on Earth. Many of them are capable of large explosive eruptions, producing high eruptive plumes or pyroclastic density currents. Tephra material can thus be spread over considerable distances and affect human settlements over large areas and/or long timescales, which makes studies of these volcanoes even more important.

A large panel of data and observations on the activity of these volcanoes should allow greater constraint of their eruptive systems. In particular, it is important to unravel the link between volcanic plumbing systems and the resulting eruption dynamics. Geophysical methods (seismology, deformation, infrasound), geochemical monitoring (gas emission, hydrothermalism), petrology/mineralogy studies and physical modelling are all valuable means for acquiring a better understanding of volcanic systems and processes. However, combining multiple areas of study on the same target (e.g. petrology with seismology or gas emission data) is key to significantly improving our understanding of volcanic systems.

In this session, we will explore the state-of-the-art of on-going research focusing on studies of magmatic plumbing system structure and dynamics that use a multiple (e.g. petrological plus geophysical) approach. We appreciate contributions from volcanological field and lab observations, as well as modelling and experimental results. We aim to foster the use of interdisciplinary approaches for the study of volcanic processes, representing progress toward possible interpretations of signs of unrest in terms of causal subterranean plumbing system process.

We hope you consider submitting an abstract and attending the conference.


Dr. Clara Solaro

University of Hawaii at Manoa

School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, SOEST

1680 East-West Road POST 614

Honolulu, HI 96822

Dr. Helena Albert Minguez

Earth Observatory of Singapore

Nanyang Technological University

Singapore 639798

Prof. Fidel Costa

Earth Observatory of Singapore

Nanyang Technological University

Singapore 639798

Dr. Paul Okubo

United States Geological Survey

Volcano Science Center- Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

United States · Hawaii National Park, HI

Prof. Yosuke Aoki

Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo

1-1 Yayoi 1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan

Apply to Sail with the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment

Apply to Sail with the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic ExperimentApplications now being accepted

Application Deadline: January 22, 2018

Apply here

Cruise Dates (+/- 3 days):

  •   Leg 1: May 9 – May 29, 2018 (arrive three days before departure)
  •   Leg 2: July 11 – July 25, 2018 (arrive two days before departure)

Graduate students and scientists at all career stages are invited to sail with two OBS deployment legs of the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment (AACSE) during the late spring and early summer of 2018.  The AACSE is major shoreline-crossing community experiment focusing on the subduction zone offshore the Alaska Peninsula, which has been the site of North America’s largest recorded earthquakes as well as major volcanic hazards.  Data will be collected during the 15-month experiment using 75 broadband ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) and 30 land stations.

OBSs will be deployed in two legs in May and July of 2018 from the Global-Class R/V Sikuliaq. The PI team anticipates that berths for 5 to 7 additional students or scientists will be available on each leg.  Participants should be willing to work long hours at sea, in close quarters, and in challenging conditions. Duties of participants will include assisting in OBS deployments, documentation of the expedition, preparation of cruise reports, and documenting the cruise via social media.  Travel costs to the departure port (Seward, AK) will be paid for Apply to Sail participants, but no stipend is included.

To apply to sail with the AACSE deployment, each applicant should submit a 2-page CV, a brief statement of interest, and a statement of relevant experience.  Applicants who will be graduate students during the summer of 2018 should also submit a letter of support from their graduate advisor.  Applications should be submitted at the AASCE Apply to Sail website by January 22, 2018. Please direct any questions about the Apply to Sail program to Aubreya Adams (

Message from Tectonophysics OSPA Coordinators: In need of OSPA judges for AGU 2017!

Dear GeoPRISMS colleagues,

The AGU Tectonophysics group is still in great need of judges for their Outstanding Student Presentation Award. This year, we have over 200 students competing for this award (each requiring 3 judges each). So far, we have filled about ~85% of those spaces, but we still need ~100 more spaces filled!

There are several very large sessions in Tectonophysics that are struggling to fill all of their judging spaces for the OSPA students, of which many are particularly applicable to the GeoPRISMs community.  Some of these large sessions that are still in need of 5 or more judges include:

  • Subduction Top To Bottom (with A Caribbean Flavor)
  • Subduction Dynamics Across the Scales
  • The Influence of Fault Zone Structure on Plate Boundary Tectonics and Earthquakes
  • Multidisciplinary Approaches to Outstanding Questions in Andean Tectonics
  • Himalayan Earthquakes: Observations Processes and Tectonics
  • Extensional Tectonics in the Basins and Ranges and Aegean Regions
  • Eastern North American Margin: Multidisciplinary Studies Posters
  • Alpine-Meditteranean Investigations: Geology Geophysics and Geochemistry

Any AGU member with a PhD is eligible to judge these student presentations!  The only restrictions are that the judge cannot be well-acquainted with the student and they cannot work at the same institution as the student. Judges are able to sign up at this website:

Thank you for your dedication to our students,

Erica Emry (and Jolante van Wijk)
Tectonophysics OSPA coordinators

Job Posting: Faculty, PhD, and postdoctoral positions

1) Assistant professor in geological sciences at University of Missouri

2) Postdoc and PhD position  Seismological interpretation of the North Atlantic region  – Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences 
3) Faculty Position in Experimental Earth Science – Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
4) PhD ad for NZ Geoscience and AGU 2017 – Seafloor Geodesy and Seismology, Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand
5) International Faculty Cluster Hire in Geological Oceanography – College of Ocean and Earth Sciences Xiamen University, China
6) Tenure Track position Crustal Dynamics – University of Wyoming
7) Assistant Professor Quantitative Surficial Dynamics and Spatial Analysis – Western Washington University
8) PhD opportunities in Singapore (sea-level change, coastal hazards, subduction earthquake geology) – Asian School of the Environment and the Earth Observatory of Singapore, at Nanyang Technological University, in Singapore
9) Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Petrology – Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences Tulane University
10) Thomas Vogel Endowed Professorship of the Solid Earth – Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Michigan State University
11) Geology & Geophysics Tenure Track Scientist – The Geology & Geophysics Department at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)


1) Assistant professor in geological sciences at University of Missouri

The Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Missouri invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor, with an anticipated Fall 2018 start. A Ph.D. in Geological Sciences or a related area is required. Successful applicants should have a demonstrated potential to conduct independent research, and effectively teach students across the curriculum at the graduate and undergraduate levels. We aim to recruit a faculty member with potential for scholarly excellence in one or more of the areas of mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, and tectonics.

The successful candidate will build on existing strengths in geochemistry and petrology, geophysics, and paleobiology. Our Department occupies a building dedicated to Geological Sciences, and houses analytical facilities [] including a new X-ray Computed Tomography and Scanning Electron Microscopy laboratory, experimental petrology laboratories, and a high-performance computing cluster. Elsewhere on campus is a wide variety of geochemical instrumentation at the MU Research Reactor [] and at other research core facilities].

Columbia, Missouri, is ranked among the top ten college towns in the U.S. As Missouri’s largest public research university, MU has an enrollment of 30,000 students, and is a member of the Association of American Universities. The University of Missouri and the Department of Geological Sciences are fully committed to achieving the goal of a diverse and inclusive academic community of faculty, staff, and students. We seek individuals who are committed to this goal and our core campus values of respect, responsibility, discovery and excellence. The University of Missouri is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer.

Please apply on line at: Use the online application to upload (a) a letter of application that describes your teaching and research experience; (b) a CV; (c) a statement describing research and teaching interests, and plans of how to attract students to the geological sciences, including those students who traditionally have been underrepresented. Three reference letters are required and should be sent (electronically or hard copy) to the Chair of the Search Committee. Applicants may contact the Chair of the Search Committee ( with any questions about the job duties. Contact Human Resource Services ( for any questions about the application process. To request ADA accommodations, please contact the Office of Accessibility & ADA Education at 573-884-7278 or

Review of application materials will begin January 15, 2018. To ensure full consideration, applications should be complete (including reference letters) by this date. The position will remain open until filled.

The University of Missouri is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer.


2) Postdoc and PhD position  Seismological interpretation of the North Atlantic region  – Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences 

These positions are open for working with Professor Hans Thybo at the Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in an internationally acclaimed team of scientists. The research focuses on structure of the lithosphere and upper mantle processes through application of geophysical methods. The communication language in the group is English.

The present project is related to the ScanArray project, which is carried out in collaboration between the universities of Aarhus, Bergen, Copenhagen, Karlsruhe, Leicester, Oslo, and Uppsala, together with GFZ Potsdam, NORSAR and ITU. Extensive collaboration with partner universities is anticipated, including a series of workshops.

The project: We seek a Postdoctoral Fellow and a PhD student for a project on seismic tomographic imaging of the upper mantle velocity structure below the whole Nordic region.

This project forms part of a programme on “Dynamic topography around the North Atlantic – Acquisition and interpretation of seismological data”, which is funded by the Danish Research Council. It focuses on testing hypotheses on the mechanisms that create and modify topography and bathymetry in the North Atlantic Ocean and surrounding continents by:

  • Interpretation of crustal and upper mantle structure based on broadband seismological data
  • Acquisition and interpretation of on- and off-shore refraction crustal seismic profiles

Integration of the seismic interpretation with gravity and petrologic data will provide understanding of the structure and composition of the lithosphere, and determination of anisotropy in the upper mantle may provide indication for past and present lithospheric deformation. We will test if the crust and lithosphere are in isostatic equilibrium or if dynamic forces actively support the high topography in the region. With this project, we will be able to compare results from three key areas of high topography in the North Atlantic region: S and N Scandinavia and central Greenland.

Qualifications: We seek outstanding individuals with recent degrees in geosciences or physics, preferably with experience in seismological data processing and interpretation. Fluency in English, both verbally and in writing, is a necessity. Candidates for the postdoc position should hold a PhD degree and have substantial experience with seismic tomography. Candidates for the PhD study position should hold a recent MSc degree in a relevant subject.

Terms of employment: 
The successful Postdoc candidate will be offered a full-time 1.5-year position at a salary of 2200 €/month, and the successful PhD study candidate will be employed for a 3-year period at a salary up to 1900 €/month, subject to approval for enrolment as PhD student at ITU. 
The positions are open for appointment from 1 February 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Applications should include (i) motivation for the application, (ii) statement of research interests, (iii) curriculum vitae, (iv) copies of diplomas, (v) short abstract of the PhD/MSc thesis (a full pdf will be appreciated), whichever relevant, (vi) the names, e-mails, telephones and addresses of 2-4 references, and (vii) a proof of a TOEFL or similar test of English language, if relevant. Assessment of applications will begin on 10 December 2017, but applications may be submitted after this date. Application should be submitted to Professor Hans Thybo, email, from whom further information about the positions may also be obtained. See also:


3) Faculty Position in Experimental Earth Science – Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University seeks applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position with expertise in experimental laboratory approaches to understanding Earth materials and processes. We are open to a broad set of research topics relating to the application of chemical thermodynamics and reaction kinetics over a wide range of conditions, from the Earth’s surface to its interior.  The ideal candidate will conduct research that complements existing and strategic priorities of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, and Columbia University, including but not exclusive to: carbon capture and storage and other climate solutions, magmatic and volcanic processes, hydrothermal systems, marine and environmental geochemistry, fluid-rock interaction, climate-life-solid-earth interactions, and natural resources.
The successful applicant is expected to develop a high-impact research program at LDEO, Palisades, NY, and demonstrate potential for strong teaching abilities at undergraduate and graduate levels. Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, statements of teaching and of research interests, and names of at least 3 references using our online site:
Review of applications will commence on December 18, 2017 and continue until the position is filled.
Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, dedicated to the goal of teaching and working in a diverse environment. We strongly encourage applications from women and underrepresented minorities.


4) PhD ad for NZ Geoscience and AGU 2017 – Seafloor Geodesy and Seismology, Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand

We seek a PhD student to investigate the slip behaviour at the offshore Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand.  The PhD project will be co-supervised by Laura Wallace at GNS Science ( and Martha Savage at the Institute of Geophysics,  School of Geography, Environment, and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington (VUW;

The project is part of a multi-disciplinary, international effort to understand the physical processes leading to slow slip events and earthquakes at the Hikurangi subduction zone.  The PhD project will involve work with ocean bottom pressure data, GPS-Acoustic methods, and ocean bottom seismology to understand the distribution of offshore slow slip events, interseismic locking, and the relationship of these to seismicity. The project will also provide opportunities to participate in sea-going research voyages to deploy and recover seafloor geodetic and seismological instruments.

The geophysics group at Victoria University of Wellington has an established track record of research in seismology, tectonics, crustal geophysics, and structural geology. GNS Science is New Zealand’s primary government-funded geoscience research agency.

In the most recent Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) evaluation, Victoria University of Wellington was ranked first in New Zealand for research excellence and was also ranked first in New Zealand in Earth Sciences.

The deadline for the PhD scholarship applications is 1 March 2018 in New Zealand dates (28 February in the US). The successful applicant will receive a NZ$23,500 stipend and all tuition fee payments for a term of three years. Students should have completed an MSc degree prior to commencing study. Successful applicants are expected to have strong backgrounds in geophysics, mathematics, and physics.

Full details regarding the application process are available from the Faculty of Graduate Research at

Students wishing to apply may also contact Laura Wallace ( or Martha Savage ( for further information.  We will be at the New Zealand Geosciences meeting in Auckland in late November and at the American Geophysical Union meeting in New Orleans in December and if you plan to go to one of those meetings, we welcome a chance to talk to you about the project.


5) International Faculty Cluster Hire in Geological Oceanography – College of Ocean and Earth Sciences Xiamen University, China

The Department of Geological Oceanography ( is continuing to expand its international faculty with the addition of 3-4 positions in the next year.  Already one of China’s top oceanography schools, the College ( aims to establish the Department of Geological Oceanography as a premier center in the broad areas of sedimentary processes/records, land-ocean interactions and global change.  The ranks of the appointments are open, and are commensurate with the applicants’ qualifications and experience.

The current search includes, but is not limited to, the following areas of expertise: 1) Sedimentary records of sea level, paleoclimate, hazards, and coastal to continental margin evolution; 2) Production, transport and burial of mineral and organic material across terrestrial and marine settings; 3) Human influences on coastal to deep marine environments.

We are particularly interested in those individuals who take an interdisciplinary approach to their science and use novel analytical, field, experimental or model-based tools and techniques. We seek applicants with a proven record or promise to contribute to the research and teaching missions of the College. A Ph.D. degree with postdoctoral experience is required at the time of appointment.

In conjunction with the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (, the College has access to state-of-the-art instrumentation and offers internationally competitive compensation, start-up and relocation packages.  Special recruitment programs are available to exceptionally well-qualified candidates.  Xiamen University recently launched a 3600-ton (78 m) research vessel and is completing construction of a marine station for cutting-edge education and research in oceanography.

Xiamen University, located along China’s SE coast, was founded in 1921 with the vision to become the leading international university in China ( The oceanography program at Xiamen was established in 1946, making it the first such program in China.  Xiamen University has inter-university cooperative ties with over 270 institutions of higher education at home and abroad, including the establishment of a new campus in Malaysia (

To apply email a cover letter, CV, contact information for 3-5 references, and a statement of research and teaching philosophy and goals to Ms. Chen Jingyan, Assistant to the Chair, Department of Geological Oceanography (  Questions regarding this opportunity may be directed to Dr. Steven A. Kuehl, Interim Chair (  Applications will be considered beginning January 10, 2018, however the positions will remain open until filled.


6) Tenure Track position Crustal Dynamics – University of Wyoming

The University of Wyoming Department of Geology & Geophysics invites applications for a tenure-track, Assistant Professor position in Crustal Dynamics. The successful candidate will be expected to build a vibrant, extramurally funded research program in the broadly defined area of crustal processes and contribute to the teaching mission of the department. We seek applicants who complement existing research strengths within the department and across the university. Research focus is open including, but not limited to, lithospheric deformation, basin analysis, Earth surface processes, and the interplay of crustal processes with the biosphere or atmosphere. We particularly encourage applicants who address questions from the grain scale to the global scale and who integrate field, theoretical, experimental, and/or modeling approaches.

The department comprises 26 faculty across a range of modern geoscience disciplines with access to exceptional laboratory, field, and computational resources that support cutting-edge research including: Materials Characterization Laboratory, Geochemical Analytical Laboratory, Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics, Wyoming High Precision Isotope Laboratory, Stable Isotope Facility, Cosmogenic Nuclide Laboratory, Wyoming High-Performance Computing Center. More information about the Department can be found at


7) Assistant Professor Quantitative Surficial Dynamics and Spatial Analysis – Western Washington University

About the Position: Applications are invited for a tenure track Assistant Professor position in Quantitative surficial dynamics and spatial analysis in the Geology Department at Western Washington University (WWU) in Bellingham, WA, with an expected start date of September 2018. The Geology Department supports Western’s mission to bring together individuals of diverse backgrounds and perspectives in an inclusive, student-centered university that develops the potential of learners and the well-being of communities.  We encourage applications from candidates from underrepresented backgrounds who are interested in this faculty position.

Position Responsibilities:

The ideal candidate will enhance our existing strengths in geoscience teaching and research by developing new courses and research avenues in surficial dynamics and/or computational spatial analysis applied to any of a diverse range of geoscience problems. Fields of interest include, but are not limited to fluvial and/or coastal processes and hydrology, responses of surficial processes to climate change, geomorphic hazard analysis, and spatial analysis/modeling of LIDAR and other remotely-sensed data to address problems focused on terrestrial surficial dynamics.

For full details, including position responsibilities and required and desired qualifications of the applicants, please see:

For questions or further information, please contact Prof. Doug Clark at (360) 650-7939 or

About the University: WWU is a primarily undergraduate state institution (about 15,000 students) in Bellingham, WA, 60 miles south of Vancouver, British Columbia and 90 miles north of Seattle. WWU has longstanding and growing program in the geosciences, preparing more professional geologists than any other institution of higher education in Washington.

About the College/Department: Geology Department The College of Science and Engineering and the Geology Department support Western’s mission to bring together individuals of diverse backgrounds and perspectives in an inclusive, student-centered university that develops the potential of learners and the well-being of communities. We encourage applications from women, people of color, people with disabilities, veterans, and other candidates from underrepresented backgrounds and with diverse experiences interested in this opportunity.

Review/Closing Date: Review of applications begins December 15, 2017; position open until filled.

Western Washington University (WWU) is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer committed to assembling a diverse, broadly trained faculty and staff.  Women, minorities, people with disabilities and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.


8) PhD opportunities in Singapore (sea-level change, coastal hazards, subduction earthquake geology) – Asian School of the Environment and the Earth Observatory of Singapore, at Nanyang Technological University, in Singapore

Fully-funded PhD opportunities are available in the Asian School of the Environment and the Earth Observatory of Singapore, at Nanyang Technological University, in Singapore.

Our focus is on natural hazards in Southeast Asia, and these PhD opportunities will involve aspects of regional geological research and/or modeling of geological data.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • sea-level change
  • coastal hazards
  • earthquake geology and neotectonics (with emphasis on subduction zones of Southeast Asia)

There are two intakes of PhD students annually, in January and in August.  The deadline for the submission of applications is 31st January for the August intake, and 31st July for the following January intake.

We strongly encourage those interested to contact potential faculty advisors prior to applying.

For more information on this announcement of opportunity, please contact any of the following:

  • Professor Ben Horton:
  • Associate Professor Adam Switzer:
  • Dr. Aron Meltzner:

Ben Horton and Aron Meltzner will be at AGU all week.  We would be happy to meet with potential applicants during the meeting.

For more information:


9) Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Petrology – Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences Tulane University

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Tulane University invites applications for a tenure track faculty position in petrology, at the rank of Assistant Professor. We seek a broad-based Earth scientist who complements current faculty expertise and will build an externally funded research program that will attract high caliber PhD-level graduate students. Possible areas of core expertise include, but are not limited to: igneous petrology, volcanology, high-temperature geochemistry, metamorphic petrology and thermochronometry. Applicants must hold a doctorate in an appropriate field and have a demonstrated ability to conduct outstanding research. We seek applicants committed to mentoring undergraduate and graduate students; teaching duties are at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. For full consideration, applications should be received by January 15, 2018, but the position will remain open until filled. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, research and teaching statements that articulate how the mission of the department would be enhanced, and the names and contact information of at least three references. Applications must be submitted electronically via the following link: Any inquiries may be directed to Dr. Nancye Dawers, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tulane University, 6823 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118-5698 ( Further information about the department and university can be obtained at Tulane University is an EEO/ADA/AA employer.


10) Thomas Vogel Endowed Professorship of the Solid Earth – Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Michigan State University

Position Summary:

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Michigan State University is seeking an outstanding faculty candidate to fill the Thomas Vogel Endowed Professorship in Geology of the Solid Earth at the full professor rank with tenure.  Exceptional candidates at the associate professor level may also be considered.  This position contributes toward our mission of expanding upon a vigorous, internationally recognized Solid Earth program at MSU, serving to complement our dramatic growth in geophysics over the past few years.

The position is broadly defined as Solid Earth, and we invite applicants with broad areas of expertise including, but not limited to, geochemistry, geophysics, geochronology, petrology, and lithospheric dynamics.  Particular interest will be given to candidates with research that complements our current research growth and strength in igneous petrology and geochemistry, mineral physics, geodynamics, and seismology.  The successful applicant for this position will be expected to leverage substantial annual endowed resources that come with the professorship toward developing and maintaining a strong externally-funded research program. The successful applicant will also be expected to mentor and advise graduate students and post-doctoral scholars, teach undergraduate and graduate courses, and contribute toward maintaining our collegial, cohesive, and collaborative departmental environment.

Required Degree:


Minimum Requirements:

A Ph.D. in Geological Sciences, Geophysics, Geochemistry, or related field is required.  Applicants are expected to be leaders in the Solid Earth community and must have well-funded research programs and an exemplary record of scholarship.

Required Application Materials:

Initial review of applications will begin on January 2, 2018, but new applications will continue to be considered until the position is filled.  Interested applicants should upload one PDF document that includes all the following:  a cover letter, CV (including names and contact information for five references), and statements of research interests and teaching philosophy.  Further details and instructions for applying can be found Posting# 478215.

Special Instructions:

Questions about the positions can be sent to the Search Chair, Allen McNamara, at  Applications and queries will be handled in as confidential a manner as possible.

MSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and is committed to achieving excellence through diversity. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We endeavor to facilitate employment assistance to spouses or partners of candidates for faculty and academic staff positions.


11) Geology & Geophysics Tenure Track Scientist – The Geology & Geophysics Department at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)

The Geology & Geophysics Department at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) invites exceptional candidates to apply to one or more of our full-time exempt tenure track positions on our scientific staff.  We seek to hire at the Assistant Scientist level; however, extraordinary candidates may be considered at Associate Scientist without Tenure, Associate Scientist with Tenure, or Senior Scientist levels.  The successful candidate will have expertise in one or more of the following areas:

  • Experimental Rock and/or Ice Mechanics
  • Geodesy (with expertise and interests in seafloor geodesy and/or InSAR)
  • Continental shelf geophysics with emphasis on sedimentary processes.

Exceptional candidates from other geophysical fields may be considered and are encouraged to apply.  Existing departmental strengths and interests include geophysics (active and passive seismology, electromagnetic methods, magnetics, potential fields, and geodynamics), tectonics, ice-sheet dynamics, volcanology, geochemistry, coastal processes, past and present climate dynamics and biogeochemistry. Candidates whose field or laboratory-based research complements and/or bridges existing strengths, including WHOI’s considerable facilities and expertise for the design and implementation of sea-going experiments, are especially encouraged to apply.

Applicants should have a doctoral degree, postdoctoral experience, and a record of scientific research publications in scholarly journals. Scientific staff members are expected to develop independent, externally-funded, and internationally-recognized research programs. They also have the option of advising graduate students and teaching courses through the MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography and Oceanographic Engineering,

Opportunities for interdisciplinary research exist through collaborations with colleagues in the other science departments, centers, and labs as well as with researchers in the broader Woods Hole scientific community.  WHOI’s Scientific Staff is expected to provide for their salaries from grants and contracts.  The Institution provides salary support when no other funding is available, as well as significant internal funding opportunities for developing innovative research projects. Candidates hired at the junior level will receive an initial appointment for four years with salary guaranteed.

WHOI is the largest private, non-profit oceanographic institution in the world, with staff and students numbering approximately 1,000.  Its mission is to advance our understanding of the ocean and its interaction with the Earth system, and to communicate this understanding for the benefit of society.  The Institution is located in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, a world-renowned center of excellence in marine, biomedical, and environmental science.  An additional 500 affiliates are associated with the scientific endeavors of the Institution, many of whom are foreign nationals from the international community.

WHOI supports a diverse and inclusive workforce, and we encourage females, minorities, veterans and those with disabilities to apply.  WHOI offers a comprehensive benefit package that includes medical and dental plans, child care subsidy, an employer contribution retirement plan, vacation time, flexible scheduling, and family illness days.  WHOI also provides Dual Career services for which we are committed to providing assistance to your spouse or partner should they be impacted by your career decision.  We have a dedicated team who will work with applicants to identify and explore available options within WHOI or the community.


Please visit and respond to Job Reference 17-09-10. Applicants should include, as a single PDF document: A cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV), three page research statement, names of four references and copies of up to three relevant publications. Review of applications will begin on 1/02/2018.

WHOI is a member of the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC). Please visit HERC for more information.
WHOI is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer/Disabled/Veterans/M/F. We encourage Veterans and those with Disabilities to apply. Applications are reviewed confidentially. Applicants that require accommodation in the job application process are encouraged to contact us at (508) 289-2253 or email for assistance.


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

AGU Meetings: Coordination of Subduction Hazard Science || Alaska TA: Capabilities & Interdisciplinary Instrumentation

Please see below for townhall and meeting of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community taking place at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting.

1 ) AGU Town Hall – Coordination of Subduction Hazard Science
Thursday, 14 December 2017 | 12:30 – 1:30pm
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center – 255-257
2) Alaska TA: Capabilities and Interdisciplinary Instrumentation
Thursday, December 14th | 3:30 – 5:00pm
Hampton Inn & Suites, Dauphine I Room
1201 Convention Center Blvd


1 ) AGU Town Hall – Coordination of Subduction Hazard Science

Hello Subduction Community,

If you will be in New Orleans for AGU, please consider attending a Lunchtime Town Hall on Thursday Dec 14 on the Coordination of Subduction Hazard Science. This is an informational session, including discussion about future efforts to coordinate the community to further the study of subduction hazards.

–> A Free Boxed Lunch to the first 50 attendees

TH43H: Coordination of Subduction Hazard Science
Thursday, 14 December 2017
12:30 – 13:30
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center – 255-257

Over the past year the academic community, the USGS, and international partners have joined together to advance subduction zone science, particularly the physical processes that underlie earthquake, volcano, tsunami and landslide hazards. Several recent reports shine light on key scientific problems in the study of subduction-related hazards that will require national and international coordination for major research progress. These include a vision document to the NSF: The SZ4D Initiative: Understanding the Processes that Underlie Subduction Zone Hazards in 4D; a USGS Plan: Reducing Risk Where Tectonic Plates Collide; the NAS Report: ERUPT; and a new NASA Decadal Survey. This Town Hall seeks to gather geoscientists of all disciplines who study subduction processes and phenomena and associated societal hazards, including early career scientists and students, to discuss future funding initiatives and coordination activities in furthering subduction hazard science. The format will include short presentations by authors of the above reports and agency representatives, followed by a panel discussion open to questions from the audience.

Primary Contact
Terry A Plank (Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,

Presenters Include
Michael Manga for ERUPT (Univ of California Berkeley)
Harold J Tobin for SZ4D (University of Wisconsin Madison)
Brandon Schmandt for Community Volcano Experiment (University of New Mexico)
Peter LaFemina (Pennsylvania State University)
Representative from the USGS and more


2) Alaska TA: Capabilities and Interdisciplinary Instrumentation

IRIS will host a small meeting titled “Alaska TA: Capabilities and Interdisciplinary Instrumentation” at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans. This meeting will focus on describing the full breadth of TA capabilities as currently deployed in Alaska and western Canada and highlighting emerging use and science, with a particular emphasis on interdisciplinary aspects. A preliminary agenda is outlined below which will begin with a few presentations for background, short pop-ups from collaborators and stakeholders (slides optional), followed by plenty of time for discussion. Please RSVP to if you would like to present a slide during the pop-ups.

Thursday, December 14th
3:30 – 5:00pm
Hampton Inn & Suites, Dauphine I Room
1201 Convention Center Blvd
Agenda (subject to change)
  • Alaska TA: Introduction and Capability – Bob Busby
  • Seismicity of Alaska, as seen by the TA
  • Collaborations with ATA –  2-minute pop-ups focused on current instrumentation from collaborators at AVO, NASA, NOAA, NWS, etc.
  • Emerging Science Lightning Talks – 5-minute pop-ups on recent research results using the Alaska TA
  • Future Operations for ATA – 2-minute pop-ups focused on future directions like CCArrray, SZO, etc.
  • Open Discussion – Data user feedback, unexpected observations, etc.

Please feel free to forward this message on to anyone who may be interested in attending and presenting at this meeting.

GeoPRISMS Townhall and Community/Student Forum at AGU

Join us for the GeoPRISMS Townhall Meeting and Community / Student Forum at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting!

When: AGU Fall Meeting 2017 – Monday December 11 at 6:00 PM

Where: Westin Canal Place, Riverbend Terrace, 100 Rue Iberville New Orleans, LA 70130

The event is open to all with interests in the GeoPRISMS Program and GeoPRISMS (or MARGINS) research. Come hear updates about the GeoPRISMS Program, the latest GeoPRISMS research projects & study areas, and ongoing GeoPRISMS research from student presenters.

* A short formal session (starting at 6:30PM) will include a welcome and opening remarks from the GeoPRISMS Chair Demian Saffer and updates from NSF Program Director Jenn Wade.

* Luc Lavier (UT Austin) will provide a summary of the Theoretical and Experimental Institute for the Rift Initiation and Evolution Initiative that was held in February 2017.

* Aubreya Adams (Colgate University) and Emily Roland (University of Washington) will present a summary of the Amphibious Array Community Seismic Experiment (AACSE) Project and Mini-Workshop held the Sunday before AGU.

* Colton Lynner (University of Arizona) will provide a summary of the ENAM Mini-Workshop held the Sunday before AGU.

* Andrew Goodwillie (LDEO, Columbia University) will provide a summary of the GeoPRISMS Data Resources Mini-Worshop held the Sunday before AGU.

* Terry Plank (LDEO, Columbia University) will provide a status report and update on the SZ4D initiative.

Student entrants for the GeoPRISMS Prize for Outstanding Student Presentations are also invited to display their AGU posters (or poster versions of their AGU talks) and discuss their research with event participants. This will be a great opportunity for students to share their results further and to interact with a wide spectrum of GeoPRISMS scientists.

There will be ample time to mingle and refreshments will be available. Among those present will be Demian Saffer (GeoPRISMS Chair), members of the GeoPRISMS Steering and Oversight Committee, and Program Directors for GeoPRISMS from the National Science Foundation.

We hope to see you there!

The GeoPRISMS Office

GeoPRISMS Newsletter Available: Fall 2017

GeoPRISMS Newsletter Fall 2017 Issue 39

The Fall 2017 GeoPRISMS newsletter is now available online!

This edition include:

  • Welcome | from GeoPRISMS Chair Demian Saffer
  • Science Report | Imaging Magma Under Mount St. Helens with Geophysical and Petrologic Methods
  • Report from the Field | ExTerra Field Institute and Research Endeavor: Western Alps, Summer 2017
  • Profile | Meet the GeoPRISMS Postdoctoral Fellows


  • Message from NSF
  • Funding Opportunities for GeoPRISMS-Related Proposals
  • Apply to Sail with the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment
  • Recent GeoPRISMS Publications
  • GeoPRISMS Data Portal Status Report
  • GeoPRISMS activities at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting
  • Distinguished Lectureship Program 2017-2018

Please note this issue is only available in electronic version. Download your copy here.


The GeoPRISMS Office

Questions? Email

LAST CALL: GeoPRISMS Photo Contest – Deadline to submit your photo is today!



Share with the GeoPRISMS Community what your GeoPRISMS-related research looks like, whether you are working on the field, or in the lab. Submit your picture at now, deadline is today (November 27)!

The winner of the contest will be announced at the GeoPRISMS Townhall Meeting at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting and will receive a print out of the photo. The winner’s photo will be highlighted on the GeoPRISMS Website and in the Spring Issue of the GeoPRISMS Newsletter.

The GeoPRISMS Photo Contest is open to anyone whose research is related to GeoPRISMS. The submitted photo should be focused on the entrant’s research, and must be related to the GeoPRISMS Science and Objectives.

What should be submitted:
   – Contest limited to one photo per entrant
   – A complete and accurate caption (max 100 words)
   – Entrant’s personal information
   – A complete and signed release form (download the form here)

All information and release form should be sent in an email along with the photograph to with the subject header “GeoPRISMS Photo Contest” by November 27, 2017

For more information about the contest and guidelines, please visit the GeoPRISMS website at: /geoprisms-photo-contest/​

LAST CALL: GeoPRISMS Student Prize at AGU – Application deadline is Nov 26

Students, apply now to the GeoPRISMS Prize for Outstanding AGU Student Poster and Oral Presentations!

Application Deadline: November 26, 2017

GeoPRISMS Student Prize

The GeoPRISMS Program is offering two $500 prizes for Outstanding Student Presentations on GeoPRISMS- or MARGINS-related science at the AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans, December 11-15, 2017. The two prizes, one each for a poster and an oral presentation, will be awarded to highlight the important role of student research in accomplishing MARGINS- and GeoPRISMS-related science goals, and to encourage cross-disciplinary input. Any student working on science topics related to the objectives of MARGINS or GeoPRISMS is eligible to participate. Students do not have to be working on a MARGINS- or GeoPRISMS-funded project to enter the competition. Students from the international community, as well as from the U.S., are encouraged to apply. Please note that previous GeoPRISMS Student Prize winners are not eligible.

Presentations will be judged throughout the AGU meeting. Students will also have an opportunity to display their posters (or poster versions of their AGU talks) at the GeoPRISMS Student and Community Forum, beginning at 6:00 pm, Monday, December 11 at the Westin Canal Place (100 Iberville, New Orleans, LA 70130).

GeoPRISMS Student Prize winners and honorable mentions will be notified after the meeting and highlighted in the GeoPRISMS newsletter and website. Their institutions will also be notified of their achievement.

Students who wish to participate in the GeoPRISMS Student Prize at the AGU Fall Meeting 2017 need to apply before November 26, 2017 at: /meetings/agu-student-prize/application-form/

GeoPRISMS at the AGU Fall Meeting, it’s also:
   > Photo contest (submit your photo before November 27)