1 faculty position

Research Assistant or Associate Professor in Seismology – Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks

The Geophysical Institute (GI) at the University of Alaska Fairbanks is hiring a new seismology faculty member at the rank of Research Assistant Professor or Research Associate Professor. We seek a scientist interested in building a long-term research program that leverages the extensive facilities and personnel of the Seismology Lab and GI. We value an ability to work collaboratively with other faculty and a motivation to help lead our graduate student program. To foster these connections, the new hire will work with the Alaska Earthquake Center and/or the Alaska Volcano Observatory. These affiliations, together with core university funding, are expected to provide approximately eight months of support annually for this twelve-month position. After an initial startup period, the new hire will be expected to raise additional support through external grants and contracts of their own.

We invite candidates from a wide range of seismology backgrounds. Candidates should have broad research interests with applications in regional tectonic settings and/or volcanoes. Applicants are encouraged to address this in their statement of research. Candidates will be evaluated, in part, on their ability to capitalize on the diverse assets of the Geophysical Institute and on the scientific opportunities afforded by the active tectonic environment of Alaska.

The new hire will join a dynamic group of two dozen faculty, postdocs, staff and students dedicated to advancing the field of seismology. Our research emphasizes earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, glaciers and tectonics in Alaska and around the world. We track earthquake and volcanic activity across Alaska in partnerships with federal and state agencies. The Seismology Lab houses the Alaska Earthquake Center and is a core component of the Alaska Volcano Observatory. The tremendous rates of tectonic and volcanic activity make Alaska an unparalleled laboratory for seismology. We apply this real-world experience to research projects with global implications. Current emphasis on Alaska from the EarthScope and GeoPRISMS programs make this a particularly exciting time. Abundant seismoacoustic research opportunities also exist through collaboration with the GI-based Wilson Infrasound Observatories.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks values diversity among its students, staff, and faculty. We encourage applications from women, members of minority groups, and others who would bring additional dimensions to the university’s research, teaching and service missions.

To apply go to www.uakjobs.com/applicants/Central?quickFind=84168. Application review will start on July 1, 2014. Refer questions to Doug Christensen (doug@giseis.alaska.edu).

Please go here for details and related links:


Doug Christensen

David Fee

Jeff Freymueller

Michael West Carl Tape

Call for GeoPRISMS Mini-Workshop Proposals at AGU 2014

Dear GeoPRISMS Community,
We are pleased to announce that this year we will again be able to host a few mini-workshops at the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting (December 15-19). A mini-workshop is research meeting that is held during an evening of the Fall Meeting or on the Sunday leading up to the meeting. Examples of mini-workshops held in association with recent and upcoming national and international meetings can be found at:/mini-workshops.html .
Mini-Workshops offer excellent opportunities to jump-start science discussions, as well as to coordinate implementation for future GeoPRISMS studies, both for primary sites and thematic studies. We encourage you to consider such an undertaking. The GeoPRISMS Office provides logistical support, a meeting room and refreshments. We do not cover any travel costs or per diem to the organizers or participants.
If you would like to host a GeoPRISMS-related Mini-Workshop in association with the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting (15-19 December), we invite you to submit your proposal to the GeoPRISMS Office at info@geoprisms.nineplanetsllc.com. The proposals will be reviewed and ranked by the GeoPRISMS Steering and Oversight Committee (GSOC). The number of mini-workshops is limited but we expect to be able to host three to four events.
The deadline for upcoming Mini-Workshop proposals is July 1, 2014. The proposal guidelines are described on the GeoPRISMS website at: /mini-workshops.html#organize-a-mini-workshop. We encourage you to contact the GeoPRISMS Office with questions or advice prior to submitting at info@geoprisms.nineplanetsllc.com.
 We look forward to hearing your ideas.
-The GeoPRISMS Office and GSOC


Next IRIS Webinar 04/23 – Broader impacts in the Earth Sciences

 The next IRIS Webinar will highlight “Broader Impacts in the Earth Sciences Division of the National Science Foundation” at 2 pm EDT (6 pm UTC) on Wednesday, 4/23.Please register if you intend to participate in the webinar live:

You will be emailed a confirmation containing a link for watching the live broadcast. Afterwards, IRIS will post the webinar here: http://www.youtube.com/user/IRISEnO. Access to older webinars and related materials and information are found at the webinar page (http://www.iris.edu/hq/webinar/), which is soon to be updated.

Presenters: Justin Lawrence (American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow) and Lina Patino (Program Director, Education and Human Resources, Division of Earth Sciences)
Read more →

The GeoPRISMS Listserv System is changing

The purpose of this email is to inform you that the GeoPRISMS Office will change its Listserv system on Tuesday April 22. No action is required on your part.

Please note that digested emails will no longer be supported.

As always, you will be able to submit an announcement to the GeoPRISMS Listserv at geoprisms-list@geoprisms.nineplanetsllc.com. Your email will be held until the list moderator reviews it for approval.

If you have any question, please contact the GeoPRISMS Office at info@geoprisms.nineplanetsllc.com


The GeoPRISMS Office

REMINDER: ExTerra Field Institute in the Santa Lucia Mountains, CA – student

ExTerra is now accepting applications for student participants in a pilot Field Institute to be held June 13-19, 2014, in the Santa Lucia Mountains near Big Sur, CA. See below the message from Maureen Feineman and Sarah Penniston-Dorland.

Note, deadline for student application is April 21!

The purpose of the pilot Field Institute is to determine the best approach for promoting broadly collaborative field-based research on subduction-related exhumed terranes. Participants will be studying the Monterey terrane, including the Salinian, Nacimiento, and Sierra de Salinas blocks. Two to three student participants will be selected from among the applications received. The trip will be led by Mihai Ducea and Alan Chapman, and field work will be focused on high pressure native and accreted rocks of the lower arc crust, including mafic granulites underlying the Salinian pluton, Sierra de Salinas pelitic schist, and the Burro Mountain peridotite body. Students will accompany ~12 faculty-level geoscientists, and will assist with sample collection, sample registration, and shipping. Ground transportation, food, and lodging will be covered by ExTerra, and student participants will additionally receive up to $250 reimbursement of travel expenses to California. Ground transportation will depart from Sacramento following the Goldschmidt conference. There will also be a vehicle departing from San Francisco for those not attending Goldschmidt.

Faculty participation in the ExTerra Pilot Field Institute is currently at capacity, but anyone who is interested in attending is invited to contact Maureen Feineman at mdf12@psu.edu or Sarah Penniston-Dorland at  sarahpd@umd.edu. We will let you know if a space becomes available.

For an overview of the ExTerra Field Institute, please see:

The student participant application is available at: http://www.geoprisms.nineplanetsllc.com/scd/exterra/2-uncategorised/499-exterra-field-institutes.html#student-participant-application

The deadline for student applications is April 21, 2014. Please contact Maureen or Sarah if you have any questions regarding the Field Institute or application process.

Best Regards,

Maureen Feineman (mdf12@psu.edu)
Sarah Penniston-Dorland (sarahpd@umd.edu)

REMINDER – Apply to Sail on Cascadia Initiative Expedition

Application Deadlines: TODAY (Leg 1 only) and May 1st, 2014 (all other legs)  – DON’T MISS OUT!


Apply to Sail on Cascadia Initiative Expedition – Summer 2014

Opportunity for Students and Early-Career Scientists: Sail on a Cascadia Initiative Expedition in 2014

Students and early-career scientists are invited to sail on Cascadia Initiative (CI) Expeditions during the 2014 field season. The Cascadia Initiative Expedition Team (CIET) is leading six oceanographic expeditions during 2014 that will recover and redeploy ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) as part of the NSF-sponsored Cascadia Initiative. The scientific goals of the CI and expedition details can be found at http://cascadia.uoregon.edu. On each of the expeditions berths for 2 to 4 additional students/scientists will be available. Cruise schedules are approximate and dates could change up to one week in either direction; applicants should possess sufficient flexibility in their schedule to accommodate this uncertainty and must arrive in port at least one full day prior to sailing. Travel funds will be provided to and from the port of departure (Newport, Oregon).

The goal of this call for open participation is to help expand the user base of OBS data by providing opportunities for students and scientists to directly experience at-sea acquisition of OBS data. Participants must have a strong interest in learning field techniques, be willing to work long hours at sea assisting in OBS deployment, recovery and preliminary data processing, and have an interest in working with the data collected. Eligible applicants include graduate students and early-career scientists in fields related to seismology. Preference will be given to employees of  U.S. institutions. All CI data is publically available via the IRIS DMC.

Applications should be completed on line by May 1, 2014; except applications for Leg 1, which are due April 15, 2014:

A 2-page CV and a brief statement of interest (not to exceed 250 words) describing the applicant’s experience in geophysics and motivation for participating in this expedition are requested. Applicants who will be graduate students during summer 2014 must include a letter of support from their advisor. Participants will be ranked by the CIET and notified by May 15, 2014; except Leg 1 participants, who will be notified by April 22, 2014.

Questions should be directed to Emilie Hooft emilie <at> uoregon.edu

More information can be found at http://cascadia.uoregon.edu/CIET/

*Leg 1 (OC1405A), 10 May –  May 23 (Collins)
*Leg 2 (OC1405B), 28 May – 2 June (Fowler)
*Leg 3 (R/V Thompson), 22 June – 7 July (Allen/Tolstoy)

*Leg 4 (OC1407A), 10 July – 20 July (Wilcock/Fowler)
*Leg 5 (OC1407B), 22 July – 31 July (Nabalek/Braunmiller)
*Gorda PI (OC1408A), 5 Aug – 20 Aug (Nabalek/Braunmiller)
*Leg 6 (OC1409B), 6 Sept – 25 Sept (Trehu/Livelybrooks)

Important update regarding NSF GeoPRISMS deadline and logistical support for Aleutian fieldwork

NSF GeoPRISMS deadline update and logistical support for Aleutian fieldwork

NSF has just released the new GeoPRISMS solicitation: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14556/nsf14556.htm
Following significant community input and a great response from NSF we are pleased to announce that there will be likely logistical support for fieldwork in the Aleutians. The official text is below. The deadline for proposals has been adjusted to August 1 (for 2014 only).

The GeoPRISMS Program plans to arrange logistical support for up to two seasons of community field projects, in the form of ship and helicopter support in the Aleutians. Pending proposal success, availability of funds and vessel scheduling, up to 30 days could be available in each of the 2015 and 2016 summer field seasons. This coordination of field logistics at the Alaska Primary Site should maximize the science return for the available funds. Proposals involving field work in the Aleutians should include, as they normally would, personnel budgeting for travel to/from AK, personnel costs during field work, and a timeline for the work. However, we expect to negotiate, at the award stage, final budgets and work plans so that we may best take advantage of the shared field platforms supported by the program.

Questions about this particular effort should be directed to PO Jennifer Wade: jwade@nsf.gov; 703.292.4739

Workshop announcement: Tracking Tsunamigenic Slips in the Japan Trench (JTRACK), Tokyo, May 15-17

                    This opportunity may be of interest to the GeoPRISMS/MARGINS Community.

Workshop announcement: Tracking Tsunamigenic Slips in the Japan Trench (JTRACK), Tokyo, May 15-17

We invite scientists to attend an IODP workshop to discuss objectives for a scientific drilling expedition to investigate the mechanics of megathrust faulting and paleoseismic record of shallow earthquake slip at the Japan Trench. Proposed work at the Japan Trench will focus on the physical controls on the large, shallow slip that occurred during the Mw9.0 2011 Tohoku earthquake, and will build on the results of Expedition 343. The workshop aims to provide an interactive venue for developing a full proposal to IODP based on broad community consensus of the primary scientific questions and the best approaches to answer them.

The workshop will be held at the JAMSTEC Tokyo office. Limited partial and full travel funding is available thanks to the support of USSSP and JAMSTEC. To apply, send a 2 page CV and a single page statement of interest to jtrack_ws@jamstec.go.jp. The statement should include your interest in the project, a summary of your scientific expertise in relation to understanding megathrust plate boundaries, and your relevant field experience. The deadline for travel support application is April 22, 2014

Further information on the workshop is available here: http://usssp-iodp.org/workshop/jtrack/

Please feel free to get in touch with any of the conveners if you have additional questions.

Best wishes,
Shuichi Kodaira, JAMSTEC
Jim Mori, Kyoto University
Jim Sample, Northern Arizona University
Michi Strasser, ETH Zürich
Jamie Kirkpatrick, Colorado State University
Saneatsu Saito, JAMSTEC

International Sedimentological Congress in Geneva August 2014 – Session of Interest

Please see below for session of interest to the GeoPRISMS-MARGINS community that will take place at the upcoming International Sedimentological Congress in Geneva (18-22 August 2014) held in Geneva, Switzerland. Follow the instructions at the website for your abstract submission, which is due April 30, 2014.

Please take note of an IODP/ICDP related session at the International Sedimentological Congress 2014

S7: Scientific Drilling for unraveling the sedimentary records of past tectonic, climatic and environmental processes
Conveners: Michael Strasser, Flavio S. Anselmetti, Gregory F. Moore, Bernd Wagner

Exploring the subsurface through scientific drilling deepens our understanding on Earth-system geodynamics, long-term climate and environmental changes, evolution of life, and about the mechanisms causing geo-hazards. By monitoring, drilling, sampling, and analyzing subseafloor environments, the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program and its successor International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) are the key for advances in the understanding of our “blue planet”. At the same time similar efforts on the continents, coordinated within the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), provide new means to tackle challenging geoscientific themes of socio-economic relevance such as paleoclimate, earthquakes and volcanism, or unconventional energy resources.

The principal goal of this joint IODP/ICDP special symposium is to summarize and review recent scientific achievements in ocean and continental drilling of sedimentary systems and discuss how these records shed new light on tectonic, climatic and environmental processes. We invited presentations of recent, ongoing and future IODP/ICDP projects and seek contributions investigating the sedimentary record recovered by scientific drilling, and particularly welcome presentations focusing on sedimentological research frontiers or on new interdisciplinary approaches to interpret deep and hidden sedimentary archives accessible only by drilling.

IRIS Online Workshop Series on Recording the Full Seismic Wavefield

Evolving technologies will allow the deployment of seismic arrays capable of recording well-sampled wavefields, reducing or eliminating aliasing. The resulting datasets will enable new wavefield imaging methods that can transform studies of seismic sources and of Earth structure. Scientific benefits exist at all scales, from global to soils.

IRIS will be hosting a series of online workshops to gather input from the broader seismological community about the potential scientific benefits of densely sampled full-wavefield seismic data. These workshops will be divided by application/scale, and are intended together to be inclusive. Workshop topics will include: global, regional broadband, source discrimination, earthquake source, controlled source, ocean, polar, and volcano seismology.

Each workshop will ask the question: “What new science would be enabled by full-wavefield seismic data?

More information is available at: http://www.iris.edu/hq/wavefields

———    ———    ———
WORKSHOP 1: Monday, April 21st, 12-2 PM Eastern / 9-11 AM Pacific
Convenors: Greg Beroza (beroza@stanford.edu) and Jamie Steidl (steidl@eri.ucsb.edu)

This workshop will focus on earthquake source processes, earthquake hazards, and strong ground motion. The discussion will be recorded and posted here: http://www.iris.edu/hq/wavefields

Registration:  20 spots available. Please email Andy Frassetto (andyf@iris.edu) if you wish to attend and you will receive a link to the workshop.
To submit a 1-2 slide idea for discussion: Email in pdf format to Andy by 4/18. Slides are welcome from those unable to attend, but should include a few words to go with the slide.