Workshop announcement: Tracking Tsunamigenic Slips in the Japan Trench (JTRACK), Tokyo, May 15-17

                    This opportunity may be of interest to the GeoPRISMS/MARGINS Community.

Workshop announcement: Tracking Tsunamigenic Slips in the Japan Trench (JTRACK), Tokyo, May 15-17

We invite scientists to attend an IODP workshop to discuss objectives for a scientific drilling expedition to investigate the mechanics of megathrust faulting and paleoseismic record of shallow earthquake slip at the Japan Trench. Proposed work at the Japan Trench will focus on the physical controls on the large, shallow slip that occurred during the Mw9.0 2011 Tohoku earthquake, and will build on the results of Expedition 343. The workshop aims to provide an interactive venue for developing a full proposal to IODP based on broad community consensus of the primary scientific questions and the best approaches to answer them.

The workshop will be held at the JAMSTEC Tokyo office. Limited partial and full travel funding is available thanks to the support of USSSP and JAMSTEC. To apply, send a 2 page CV and a single page statement of interest to The statement should include your interest in the project, a summary of your scientific expertise in relation to understanding megathrust plate boundaries, and your relevant field experience. The deadline for travel support application is April 22, 2014

Further information on the workshop is available here:

Please feel free to get in touch with any of the conveners if you have additional questions.

Best wishes,
Shuichi Kodaira, JAMSTEC
Jim Mori, Kyoto University
Jim Sample, Northern Arizona University
Michi Strasser, ETH Zürich
Jamie Kirkpatrick, Colorado State University
Saneatsu Saito, JAMSTEC

International Sedimentological Congress in Geneva August 2014 – Session of Interest

Please see below for session of interest to the GeoPRISMS-MARGINS community that will take place at the upcoming International Sedimentological Congress in Geneva (18-22 August 2014) held in Geneva, Switzerland. Follow the instructions at the website for your abstract submission, which is due April 30, 2014.

Please take note of an IODP/ICDP related session at the International Sedimentological Congress 2014

S7: Scientific Drilling for unraveling the sedimentary records of past tectonic, climatic and environmental processes
Conveners: Michael Strasser, Flavio S. Anselmetti, Gregory F. Moore, Bernd Wagner

Exploring the subsurface through scientific drilling deepens our understanding on Earth-system geodynamics, long-term climate and environmental changes, evolution of life, and about the mechanisms causing geo-hazards. By monitoring, drilling, sampling, and analyzing subseafloor environments, the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program and its successor International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) are the key for advances in the understanding of our “blue planet”. At the same time similar efforts on the continents, coordinated within the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), provide new means to tackle challenging geoscientific themes of socio-economic relevance such as paleoclimate, earthquakes and volcanism, or unconventional energy resources.

The principal goal of this joint IODP/ICDP special symposium is to summarize and review recent scientific achievements in ocean and continental drilling of sedimentary systems and discuss how these records shed new light on tectonic, climatic and environmental processes. We invited presentations of recent, ongoing and future IODP/ICDP projects and seek contributions investigating the sedimentary record recovered by scientific drilling, and particularly welcome presentations focusing on sedimentological research frontiers or on new interdisciplinary approaches to interpret deep and hidden sedimentary archives accessible only by drilling.

IRIS Online Workshop Series on Recording the Full Seismic Wavefield

Evolving technologies will allow the deployment of seismic arrays capable of recording well-sampled wavefields, reducing or eliminating aliasing. The resulting datasets will enable new wavefield imaging methods that can transform studies of seismic sources and of Earth structure. Scientific benefits exist at all scales, from global to soils.

IRIS will be hosting a series of online workshops to gather input from the broader seismological community about the potential scientific benefits of densely sampled full-wavefield seismic data. These workshops will be divided by application/scale, and are intended together to be inclusive. Workshop topics will include: global, regional broadband, source discrimination, earthquake source, controlled source, ocean, polar, and volcano seismology.

Each workshop will ask the question: “What new science would be enabled by full-wavefield seismic data?

More information is available at:

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WORKSHOP 1: Monday, April 21st, 12-2 PM Eastern / 9-11 AM Pacific
Convenors: Greg Beroza ( and Jamie Steidl (

This workshop will focus on earthquake source processes, earthquake hazards, and strong ground motion. The discussion will be recorded and posted here:

Registration:  20 spots available. Please email Andy Frassetto ( if you wish to attend and you will receive a link to the workshop.
To submit a 1-2 slide idea for discussion: Email in pdf format to Andy by 4/18. Slides are welcome from those unable to attend, but should include a few words to go with the slide.

Call for submissions – GeoPRISMS related sessions to AGU Fall Meeting 2014

Please consider submitting a GeoPRISMS (or MARGINS)-related session to the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting. It is a great opportunity to promote GeoPRISMS Science and activities. The deadline to submit a session proposal is April 16, 2014 ( As every year, the GeoPRISMS Office will compile a list of AGU Fall Meeting special sessions that directly support the scientific goals of the GeoPRISMS (and MARGINS) Programs, or are of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community. This list will be advertised on the website and through the GeoPRISMS Listserv.

For more information about GeoPRISMS past activities and related sessions at AGU please visit the website at: /agu-townhall.html

The GeoPRISMS Office

ExTerra pilot Field Institute in the Santa Lucia Mountains, CA – student applications

ExTerra is now accepting applications for student participants in a pilot Field Institute to be held June 13-19, 2014, in the Santa Lucia Mountains near Big Sur, CA.

The purpose of the pilot Field Institute is to determine the best approach for promoting broadly collaborative field-based research on subduction-related exhumed terranes. Participants will be studying the Monterey terrane, including the Salinian, Nacimiento, and Sierra de Salinas blocks. Two to three student participants will be selected from among the applications received. The trip will be led by Mihai Ducea and Alan Chapman, and field work will be focused on high pressure native and accreted rocks of the lower arc crust, including mafic granulites underlying the Salinian pluton, Sierra de Salinas pelitic schist, and the Burro Mountain peridotite body. Students will accompany ~12 faculty-level geoscientists, and will assist with sample collection, sample registration, and shipping. Ground transportation, food, and lodging will be covered by ExTerra, and student participants will additionally receive up to $250 reimbursement of travel expenses to California. Ground transportation will depart from Sacramento following the Goldschmidt conference. There will also be a vehicle departing from San Francisco for those not attending Goldschmidt.
Read more →

Volunteers for the iMUSH active-source seismic experiment

We are seeking volunteers to deploy instruments during the active-source seismic experiment for iMUSH, the NSF-funded GeoPRISMS project “imaging Magma Under St. Helens”.

Information on this multi-disciplinary study, designed to image the magmatic system of Mount St. Helens, Washington, from the subducting slab to the edifice of the volcano, can be found at

The iMUSH active-source seismic experiment is scheduled to begin in mid-July 2014 and will last two to three weeks. We require that all volunteers stay for the entire experiment. All volunteers must have a valid driver’s license. Some driving experience with 4-wheel drive vehicles is desirable, but not essential.

Please direct anyone interested in volunteering to to learn more about the active-source experiment and to submit an application. For more information contact Eric Kiser,

Call for Early Career Scientists: Sail on the R/V Langseth


The R/V Langseth will collect high-resolution 3D multichannel seismic data across IODP Expedition 313 drillsites on the New Jersey shelf July 1 – August 4, 2014. The ship will leave from and return to New York harbor. There is berth space and travel support for 6 advanced graduate students and post-doctoral researchers to participate. Responsibilities will include standing an underway watch and helping deploy and retrieve seismic gear. Benefits will include hands-on experience acquiring and monitoring 3D marine seismic data and on-board instruction from the project investigators leading the cruise. Data processing will be done commercially and released to public access within six months following the cruise. No stipend will be provided.

A cruise synopsis is available at:

If you are interested in sailing, please send a CV and a statement of up to 500 words describing why you want to participate to each of the four principal investigators (email subject: Langseth3D):
Gregory Mountain (Rutgers University;
Mladen Nedimovic (Dalhousie University;
Craig Fulthorpe (University of Texas at Austin;
and James A. Austin, Jr. (University of Texas at Austin;

The deadline to apply is May 15, 2014