RV Marcus Langseth and the Decadal Survey of Ocean Sciences

RV Marcus Langseth user community:

The National Academies are conducting a Decadal Survey of Ocean Sciences to develop a list of the top ocean science priorities for the next decade in the context of the current state of knowledge, ongoing research activities, and resource availability. The DSOS committee’s report will present a compelling research strategy for increased understanding of the oceans over the decade 2015-2025.

The report generated from this study will provide key input to NSF’s Division of Ocean Sciences and likely define the the allocation of experiment and facility funding from within OCE for the next decade.

The RV Marcus Langseth is partly funded through the Division of Ocean Sciences and the results of this report will greatly impact the future growth in capability and availability of 2D and 3D seismic data available to researchers. The oceans present a huge ‘blank spot’ to our current collective available geophysics data that will need to be instrumented to further our understanding of Earth’s geophysical processes.

Please take some time to review existing comments and submit your own comments on the need for increased geophysics measurement capability in the oceans.

Existing comments can be reviewed at: http://nas-sites.org/dsos2015/comment-forum/

Comments may be submitted at: http://nas-sites.org/dsos2015/

The deadline for comments is March 15!

Dale S. Sawyer
Chair of Marcus Langseth Science Oversight Committee
713-348-5106 (o)

National Academies Decadal Survey of Ocean Sciences: Deadline March 15

Ocean Bottom Seismometer user community:

The National Academies are conducting a Decadal Survey of Ocean Sciences to develop a list of the top ocean science priorities for the next decade in the context of the current state of knowledge, ongoing research activities, and resource availability. The DSOS committee’s report will present a compelling research strategy for increased understanding of the oceans over the decade 2015-2025.

The report generated from this study will provide key input to NSF’s Division of Ocean Sciences and likely define the the allocation of experiment and facility funding from within OCE for the next decade.

The Ocean Bottom Seismograph Instrument Pool is funded through the Division of Ocean Sciences and the results of this report will greatly impact the future growth in capability and availability of Ocean Bottom Seismometers available to researchers.  The oceans present a huge ‘blank spot’ to our current collective available geophysics data that will need to be instrumented to further our understanding of Earth’s geophysical processes.

Please take some time to review existing comments and submit your own comments on the need for increased geophysics measurement capability in the oceans.

Existing comments can be reviewed at: http://nas-sites.org/dsos2015/comment-forum/

comments may be submitted at: http://nas-sites.org/dsos2015/

The deadline for comments is March 15!

Brent Evers
Project Manager
OBSIP Management Office
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
1200 New York Avenue, NW
Suite 400
202-682-2220 x156

Cascadia Initiative: Relative orientation error, temporary data restriction

Message from the OBSIP Management Office:

The OBSIP Management Office (OMO) has restricted access to the Cascadia Initiative dataset (network ID 7D) at the IRIS Data Management Center (DMC) in order to resolve a channel naming error that results in a large number of stations having an incorrect relative orientation.  The channel-naming errors affected LDEO OBS data in Year 1 and Year 2 and the SIO OBS data for Year 2.  As a result of this change, OBSIP will make all of the Cascadia Initiative data consistent in relative orientation.

Specific details of the issue will be made available shortly on the OBSIP website Cascadia experiment page:


The OMO is working with OBSIP instrument centers to resolve the issue as expeditiously as possible.  When the corrected data are again available for open distribution from the DMC, the OMO will notify the community.

For researchers still wishing to use the Cascadia data with known channel naming issues, or for any other questions relating to this issue, please contact Jessica Lodewyk (jessica.lodewyk@iris.edu) at the OBSIP Management Office to receive access.

For general OBSIP notices, instrument information, and OBS technical discussion, please consider subscribing to the OBSIPtec mailing list:


Brent Evers
Project Manager
OBSIP Management Office
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
1200 New York Avenue, NW
Suite 400
202-682-2220 x156

Call for Participation GeoPRISMS ENAM Community Seismic Experiment

Call for Participation GeoPRISMS ENAM Community Seismic Experiment
Application Deadline March 1, 2014 – APPLY NOW

The deadline to apply for the Explosion Seismic Shoot, Active-Source Seismic Cruise, Active-Source OBS Deployment Cruise, and Broadband OBS Recovery Cruise for the the GeoPRISMS Eastern North America Community Seismic Experiment (ENAM CSE) is March 1, 2014. More information about the objectives and design of the ENAM CSE can be found online (/enam/community-seismic-experiment.html). The tentative operational schedule and participation numbers are:

*Explosion seismic shoot and onshore/offshore recording (survey, deploy, recover Reftek instruments)
Early September – Early October 2014
PIs: Beatrice Magnani, Dan Lizarralde, Steven Harder
Science Party: 14

*Active-source seismic cruise (Langseth)
PIs: Donna Shillington, Matt Hornbach, Anne Becel
September 15 – October 22, 2014
Science party: up to 12

*Active-source OBS deployment (Endeavor)
September 12 – October 13, 2014
PIs: Harm Van Avendonk, Brandon Dugan
Science Party: 12

*Broadband OBS recovery (ship TBD)
Spring 2015
PIs: Jim Gaherty, Maggie Benoit, Maureen Long
Science Party: up to 12

To apply to participate, please assemble an application package (2-page CV and 2-page statement of interest and experience including identification of potential involvement in post-experiment science or potential use of data) and submit it electronically to Brandon Dugan (dugan@rice.edu) no later than March 1, 2014. Applications by undergraduate and graduate students require a letter of support from the advisor.

Next IRIS Webinar 02/12 – Imaging the African Superplume Using AfricaArray Data

The next IRIS Webinar highlights “Imaging the African Superplume Using AfricaArray Data: Is the Superplume a Whole-Mantle Structure?” at 2 pm EST (7 pm UTC) on Wednesday, 2/12.

Register to attend: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/617775338

You will be emailed a confirmation containing a link for accessing the webinar. The presentation and subsequent interactions between the speaker, host, and audience are recorded and made available within a few days. Access to the webinar archive, along with related materials and more information on the series is found here: http://www.iris.edu/hq/webinar/

Presenter: Professor Andy Nyblade, Pennsylvania State University

Abstract: The African superplume is arguably one of the largest features in Earth’s lower mantle and whether or not it extends into the upper mantle beneath eastern Africa, giving rise to the Cenozoic rifting, volcanism and plateau uplift found there, has long been debated. New seismic images of mantle structure obtained from modeling AfricaArray data indicate that the superplume is indeed a whole-mantle structure. The images come from body and surface wave tomography, receiver function stacks illuminating topography on the 410 and 660 km discontinuities, and shear wave splitting. The seismic images are consistent with a thermal anomaly of a few hundred degrees spanning the mid-mantle connecting anomalous lower mantle structure under southern Africa with anomalous upper mantle structure under eastern Africa.

Please direct any related inquiries or amusing memes to Andy Frassetto (andyf@iris.edu).

System Requirements
PC-based attendees: Windows® 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Mac®-based attendees: Mac OS® X 10.6 or newer
Mobile attendees: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone or Android tablet

Job Postings: Faculty and PhD Positions

1)    Visiting Assistant Professor in Mineralogy / Structural Geology – University of Iowa
2)    PhD Position in Marine Geophysics — GEOMAR Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany
3)    Professor/Reader/Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in Geology – School of Earth, Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences, Manchester, UKPLEASE NOTE, NEW JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS (USUALLY) WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE GeoPRISMS LISTSERV ON THE 1st AND 15th OF EACH MONTH.
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Finalized ExTerra white paper now available

Dear ExTerra friends,

The finalized ExTerra white paper is available on the newly updated ExTerra website! Check it out at http://www.geoprisms.nineplanetsllc.com/scd/exterra.html . The white paper is the product of the labor of many people over many years, with an especially intensive effort this fall. Thanks to all who contributed! Thanks also to Anaïs Ferot and the GeoPRISMS office for revamping our website. Thanks, finally, to NSF Petrology and Geochemistry for their support of the ExTerra workshop at Goldschmidt this past August, which helped define the science questions in the white paper and gave us the push needed to refine our ideas about future field institutes. We are running a small pilot field institute in the Santa Lucia Mountains in California this coming summer and are planning a field institute in the Alps in summer 2015, so stay tuned!

Best wishes,

Sarah Penniston-Dorland and Maureen Feineman

Question? Contact the GeoPRISMS Office at info@geoprisms.nineplanetsllc.com

Call for submissions – Subduction Zone special session at AOGS Conference July 2014

                    Please see below for session of interest to the GeoPRISMS-MARGINS community that will take place at the upcoming AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) meeting (July 28 – Aug 1, 2014) held in Sapporo, Japan (http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2014/public.asp?page=home.htm).

Follow the instructions at the website below for your abstract submission, which is due February 11 JST.

Sessions of Interest at the Goldschmidt Conference 2014

Several additional special sessions of interest to the GeoPRISMS community will take place at the upcoming Goldschmidt Conference, June 8-13, 2014, in Sacramento, California.The abstract submission and registration pages for Goldschmidt 2014 are now all live. Abstract submission will remain open until February 8th (23:59 UTC) and early registration will end on April 8th.

Abstract submission and directions are available at http://goldschmidt.info/2014/abstractsInfo

Session 5: Mantle to Crust
•    05b: Magma Generation/Evolution and Oceanic Crust Formation at Mid-Ocean Ridges and Interoceanic Arcs

Magmatism in the ocean basins is responsible for forming the igneous crust of two-thirds of Earth’s surface and for a significant portion of mass and heat transfer from the mantle into the oceanic crust and oceans. Petrologic, geochemical, geochronological and geophysical studies of oceanic magmas at a range of spatial and temporal scales (from single eruptions to volcano-scale sampling) in both extrusive and intrusive sections (e.g., by drilling and in ophiolites) have revealed the operation of a wide range of magmatic processes. This session will investigate the latest results to inform our understanding of how the full range of these processes and conditions act to control oceanic magmatism at spreading centers and arcs (including mantle melting style and depth, mantle fluids and metasomatism, melt-rock reactions in the mantle and crust, and eruption of magmas or entrapment as plutons). The session welcomes contributions from petrological, geochemical, geochronological, geophysical, experimental and modeling studies of igneous processes and oceanic crust formation in modern and ancient oceanic settings.

Keynote speaker: Sensumu Umino
Invited Speakers: Dorsey Wanless (and others pending their acceptance).
Convenors: Ken Rubin, Laurence Coogan, Yaoling Niu

•    05f: Serpentinization Processes: From Mantle to Microbe, Past and Present (Conveners: Muriel Andreani, Susan Lang, Thomas McCollom)

Session 6: Continental Crust
•    06c: Putting the Little “t” in P-T-H2O-T: Novel Integrations of Geochronology and Thermodynamics in Diverse Tectonic Regimes (Conveners: Ethan Baxter, Michael Williams, Stacia Gordon, Clare Warren, Emilie Janots)
•    06e: The Dynamic Margins of Continents (Conveners: Oliver Jagoutz, Mark Behn, Mihai Ducea, Peter Clift)

Session 7: Subduction
•    07a: Geochemical, Petrological, and Physical Controls on Arc Eruptions (Conveners: Caroline Bouvet de Maissoneuve, Philipp Ruprecht, Tom Shea)

•    07b: New Advances in Subduction Zone Magma Genesis
Magmatism at the Earth’s dynamic subduction zones generates volatile-rich, andesitic magmas that resemble continental crust in composition and form an integral part of the broader geochemical cycles on Earth. The plate tectonic concept brought the recognition that andesite genesis is causally linked to slab subduction and major strides have been made in the past decades towards understanding subduction cycling. However, it remains unclear the extent recycled slab materials (subducted trench sediment, igneous oceanic crust, serpentinitized mantle, and eroded crust) affect the major and trace element chemistry of primary arc melts. How much slab material is contained in primary arc magmas? Are primary arc magmas basaltic or silicic or both? How are slab materials principally transferred to the mantle (fluids? silicic melts? mélange diapirs?). Do these components react and hybridize with the subarc mantle, or rather pass through it? What is the role of the overlying crust in modifying melt compositions? What are the timescales of slab material transfer through mantle and crust? This session seeks new concepts of material processing at convergent margin that challenge the classical model of basaltic arc magma formation from subarc mantle with only minor mass contributions from the subducted slab. Case studies and conceptual approaches from all disciplines are welcome, including field studies, experimental petrology and geophysical approaches ranging from fluid dynamics to seismology. Contributions that address the quantification of mass transfer from slab to arc are particularly encouraged.

Keynote speaker: Arturo Gomez-Tuena (on slab diapirism and more)
Invited Speaker: Fang Huang
Convenors: Susanne M. Straub, Heather Handley, Marc-Antoine Longpre

•    07d: From Batholiths to Continents: Supply, Storage, and Processing of Arc Magmas in the Crust (Conveners: Jade Star Lackey, Cin-Ty Lee, Steven Shirey, Blair Schoene)
•    07f: Geologic and Geochemical Processes at the Plate Interface (Conveners: Sarah Penniston-Dorland, Christy Till, Taras Gerya)

Session 8: Melts, glasses, magmas
•    08d: Small Scale Heterogeneities in Magmatic Systems: Melt Inclusions, Glasses and Minerals (Conveners: Estelle Rose-Koga, Marion Le Voyer, Kenji Shimizu, Fidel Costa)

Session 12: Geochemistry of Volcanic Systems and Natural Hazards
•    12d: Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Earthquakes and Faults (Conveners: Diane Moore, Tetsuro Hirono, Perach Nuriel)
•    12f: Tracking Volatiles: Magmatic Volatiles, Degassing, Eruptions, Volcanic Lakes, and the Environment (Conveners: Youxue Zhang, Joop Varekamp, Dmitri Rouet, Agnes Mazot)

Session 16: Weathering, Climate, Tectonics and Surface Processes
•    16c: From Source to Sink: Tracing Organic Matter Transport in Fluvial Watersheds to Identify Links and Feedbacks between Climate, Tectonics, Weathering and the Carbon Cycle (Conveners: Miguel Goni, Dirk Sachse, Timothy Eglinton, Valier Galy)
•    16d: Quantitative Links between Tectonics and Surface Processes (Conveners: Jane Willenbring, Frédéric Herman)
•    16f: Terrestrial and Marine Records of Surface Processes (Past and Present) (Conveners: Sunil Singh, Sambuddha Misra)
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Apply to Test Mini-Lessons in Your Classroom

Apply to Test MARGINS Mini-Lessons in Your Classroom
The GeoPRISMS-hosted MARGINS Mini-Lesson Project (a.k.a., “Bringing NSF MARGINS Continental Margins Research Into the Undergraduate Curriculum”) has developed a suite of mini-lessons designed to integrate the successful decade of NSF MARGINS research into the undergraduate geoscience curricula.  As with the MARGINS Program, the mini-lessons are organized around four initiatives, focused on the following science topics: chemical cycling in subduction zones (SubFac), seismogenic zone processes at subduction zones (SEIZE), rupturing continental lithosphere (RCL), and source to sink sediment cycling at continental margins (S2S). MARGINS research provided critical new observations and insights into the fundamental geologic processes along continental margins, enabling data rich learning opportunities for upper-level undergraduate students.
We invite you to apply to test one or more of the MARGINS mini-lessons in your classroom – this semester or next.  For more information about the project and in-class field testing, to browse the collection of mini-lessons, and to express your interest in joining the effort, please visit the following site:
Further questions and inquiries should be directed to Juli Morgan, MARGINS Mini-Lesson Project Lead <morganj@rice.edu>.
We look forward to hearing from you!