Early Career Geoscience Faculty Workshop: Teaching, Research, and Managing Your Career

This opportunity may be of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community.

Early Career Geoscience Faculty Workshop: Teaching, Research, and Managing Your Career
June 22-26, 2014 with optional trip to NSF on Friday, June 27
at University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Application deadline: March 1, 2014
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Call for Participation in Broadband OBS Deployment for GeoPRISMS ENAM Community

Call for Participation in Broadband OBS Deployment for GeoPRISMS ENAM Community Seismic Experiment

Application Deadline Extended to January 21, 2014 – APPLY NOW

The deadline to apply for the Broadband OBS Deployment for the the GeoPRISMS Eastern North America Community Seismic Experiment (ENAM CSE) has been extended. The tentative operational schedule and participation numbers are:

Broadband OBS deployment (Endeavor)
April 01 – 16, 2014
PIs: Jim Gaherty, Maggie Benoit, Maureen Long
Science Party: up to 12

To apply to participate, please assemble an application package (2-page CV and 2-page statement of interest and experience including identification of potential involvement in post-experiment science or potential use of data) and submit it electronically to Brandon Dugan no later than January 21, 2014. Applications by undergraduate and graduate students require a letter of support from the advisor.

Next IRIS Webinar 01/15 – Western U.S. Seismic Imaging

“The Western U.S. Lithosphere Blues” will be presented at 2 pm EST (7 pm UTC) on Wednesday, 1/15.

Register to attend: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/620067122

You will be emailed a confirmation containing a link for accessing the webinar. The presentation and subsequent interactions between the speaker, host, and audience are recorded and made available within a few days. Access to the webinar archive, along with related materials and more information on the series is found here: http://www.iris.edu/hq/webinar/

Presenter: Dr. Rob Porritt, NSF Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Southern California
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Sessions of interest at the 2014 SSA & EGU Meetings

Please see below for topical sessions of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community, taking place at the 2014 SSA Meeting, 30 April – 2 May, in Anchorage, AL, and EGU 2014 Meeting, April 27 – 2 May, in Vienna, Austria.

SSA abstract deadline is January 10, 2014

EGU abstract deadline is January 16, 2014


SSA Session


We invite you to submit an abstract to the session “Tracking Fluid Movement in Volcanic Systems” at the Seismological Society of America meeting to be held in Anchorage, Alaska (http://www.seismosoc.org/meetings/2014/). The meeting will take place 30 April – 2 May 2014, and more information on the session can be found below.


Abstracts are due 10 January 2014.

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Updated GeoPRISMS Implementation Plan is now available

Updated Version of the GeoPRISMS Implementation Plan is now available
    with a new section for the following primary site:
    – New Zealand (Updated December 23, 2013)
I am pleased to report that after several months of effort, and with excellent input provided by the scientific community, the primary site section for New Zealand as now been updated in the GeoPRISMS Implementation Plan.  This is the last of the five primary site sections to be updated in this document, following the many primary site planning workshops held over the last three years, and the guidance of more than 40 lead writers and untold other contributers.  With this addition, the GeoPRISMS Implementation Plan is now COMPLETE (i.e., no longer a draft), although as a “living document”, it is still subject to further revisions and updates based on community discussions and decisions at future workshops.  This is a wonderful close to my term as GeoPRISMS Chair (technically over on September 30), and I am thrilled to release this to all of you before the new year!
The final version of the Implementation Plan can be downloaded at the following site:
  http://www.geoprisms.nineplanetsllc.com/science-plan.html  (Select the “Implementation Plan” tab)
The full document can be downloaded in pdf format.  The updated New Zealand section, as well as Alaska, Cascadia, Eastern North America (ENAM), and East African Rift System (EARS) sections, also can be downloaded as separate pdfs, as can the revised appendices: A – IP Writing Team, B – IP Workshops, and C – IP Update history.
Please note, NSF GeoPRISMS proposals (including GeoPRISMS Postdoctoral Fellowship proposals) are due July 1, 2014.  You can vew the full GeoPRISMS solicitation on the NSF website at:
And for more information about the types of proposals that will be accepted and when, please see:
Please let us know if you have questions.
Juli Morgan, former GeoPRISMS Chair
  and the GeoPRISMS Office (info@geoprisms.nineplanetsllc.com)

Important – submitting proposals for Cascadia Initiative data

Important information for submitting proposals to work on data from Cascadia Initiative
The Dear Colleague Letter for Cascadia Initiative has been updated and is now officially posted at:
The main change is that proposals should be submitted to MGG and/or EarthScope. Rather than submitting to GeoPRISMS, PIs proposing analyses of combined on & offshore data should submit to either MGG or EarthScope; support may be shared between the programs if objectives are in line with both.
This change was made in view of the limited funds available in GeoPRISMS and the fact that the window for major emphasis in that program has shifted to other sites.
For any further information please contact the cognizant program officers (MGG: Bilal Haq and Donna Blackman; Earthscope: Greg Anderson and Maggie Benoit)

REMINDER: GeoPRISMS AGU Townhall Meeting and Community/Student Forum

GeoPRISMS AGU Townhall Meeting and Community / Student Forum

When: AGU Fall Meeting 2013 – Monday, December 9, 6:00 PM

Where: Westin Market Street Hotel, Franciscan Rm 3 – 50 Third St., (between Mission and Market)

Come hear updates about

– The GeoPRISMS Program (Peter van Keken, Bilal Haq)
– The Community Seismic Experiment in the GeoPRISMS ENAM Focus Area (Harm van Avendonk)
– The MARGINS Mini-Lessons Project (Julia Morgan)
– Ongoing GeoPRISMS research from student presenters

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Town Hall at AGU for Community Input on the Decadal Survey of Ocean Sciences

The National Research Council is conducting a Decadal Survey of Ocean Sciences (DSOS 2015) and wants to hear from you!
The purpose of this decadal study, sponsored by the NSF, is to review the current state of knowledge, identify compelling scientific questions for the next decade, analyze infrastructure needed to address these questions vs. the current NSF portfolio, and identify opportunities to maximize the value of NSF investments.
The DSOS committee feels strongly that this report must be informed by broad and thoughtful community input from across the entire spectrum of ocean sciences supported by NSF. One of the ways we are soliciting community input is through a Virtual Town Hall: http://nas-sites.org/dsos2015/.  The site provides more detailed information on the statement of task, as well as a complete list of the DSOS committee members.  Please go to the website and contribute your comments regarding the top ocean science priorities for the next decade. Thank you!
Although the Virtual Town Hall is the primary vehicle for community input, there is also a Town Hall scheduled at the Fall AGU meeting:
Town Hall for Community Input on the Decadal Survey of Ocean Sciences.
Session number: TH15H
10 December 2013
6:15 PM – 7:15 PM
Moscone West Room 2007

Request for feedback on ENAM Community Seismic Experiment design

                    The ENAM Community Seismic Experiment will involve the acquisition of onshore/offshore, active and passive seismic data focused on the mid-Atlantic Eastern North American rifted margin during a series of field programs in the spring and summer of 2014. The data will be openly available to the community and will also serve as the focus for short courses on active-source data analysis.

The overall location of this study was chosen based on community input from an online poll.  The experiment is designed to acquire data that can be used to address key questions in the GeoPRISMS science plan concerning the formation and post-rift evolution of rifted continental margins at a variety of scales. In particular, this experiment encompasses the rifted margin from unextended continental crust onshore to oceanic crust offshore and spans multiple rift segments along the margin. It also covers several submarine landslides on the continental slope. We now invite suggestions from the community on how this plan might be modified to maximize the science of the program.  Many aspects of the program are tightly constrained by logistical considerations, including allocated ship time, currents and water depths offshore, and the feasibility of line locations onshore.  However, it is still possible for us to make modest adjustments to some line and instrument locations, so we would like feedback from the community on the design of this program.

Please see the website below for maps, GoogleEarth kmz files and descriptions of the experiment plan. If you have comments or suggestions on this plan, please send your comments to one of the PI’s by email by Jan 15, 2014.


We look forward to your feedback.

Harm Van Avendonk (UT Austin), harm@ig.utexas.edu
Beatrice Magnani (SMU), mmagnani@mail.smu.edu
Donna Shillington (LDEO), djs@ldeo.columbia.edu
Dan Lizarralde (WHOI), danl@whoi.edu
Matt Hornbach (SMU), mhornbach@smu.edu
Jim Gaherty (LDEO), gaherty@ldeo.columbia.edu
Brandon Dugan (Rice), dugan@rice.edu
Mareen Long (Yale), maureen.long@yale.edu
Anne Bécel (LDEO), annebcl@ldeo.columbia.edu
Maggie Benoit (TCoNJ), benoit@tcnj.edu
Steven Harder (UT El Paso), harder@utep.edu
Gail Christeson (UT Austin), gail@ig.utexas.edu