Call for Participation in Broadband OBS Deployment for GeoPRISMS ENAM Community

Call for Participation in Broadband OBS Deployment for GeoPRISMS ENAM Community Seismic Experiment

Application Deadline Extended to January 21, 2014 – APPLY NOW

The deadline to apply for the Broadband OBS Deployment for the the GeoPRISMS Eastern North America Community Seismic Experiment (ENAM CSE) has been extended. The tentative operational schedule and participation numbers are:

Broadband OBS deployment (Endeavor)
April 01 – 16, 2014
PIs: Jim Gaherty, Maggie Benoit, Maureen Long
Science Party: up to 12

To apply to participate, please assemble an application package (2-page CV and 2-page statement of interest and experience including identification of potential involvement in post-experiment science or potential use of data) and submit it electronically to Brandon Dugan no later than January 21, 2014. Applications by undergraduate and graduate students require a letter of support from the advisor.