Job Posting: Research Associate, Faculty & Postdoc Positions

1) Assistant Professors in geophysics, geochemisty, sedimentology/stratigraphy, structural geology, economic geology, hydrology/hydrogeology, climate/oceanography – The School of Geological Sciences and Engineering at Yachay Tech, Ecuador

2) Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies – Purchase College, SUNY
3) NERC Postdoctoral Research Associate active-source seismology – Imperial College London
4) Research Associate in Geodynamics – School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Cardiff University


1) Assistant Professors in geophysics, geochemisty, sedimentology/stratigraphy, structural geology, economic geology, hydrology/hydrogeology, climate/oceanography – The School of Geological Sciences and Engineering at Yachay Tech, Ecuador

The School of Geological Sciences and Engineering at Yachay Tech invites applications for tenure-track assistant professors in the following fields: geophysics, geochemistyr, sedimentology/stratigraphy, structural geology, economic geology, hydrology/hydrogeology, climate/oceanography.

Yachay Tech faculty will develop active research programs, direct PhD students, involve undergraduate students in collaborative research projects, and teach (in English) undergraduate and graduate courses in their fields of specialty.

To apply, please send a letter of interest, curriculum vita, statements of research and teaching interests, and names and contact information for three references to Maria del Carmen Alvarado (, assistant to the Dean. Employment will begin as early as March 2017.

Yachay Tech is a public, research-intensive university, located in the Inter-Andean valley of Ecuador about two hours north of Quito. Since opening in March 2014, the undergraduate student population has grown to a total of approximately 1000 undergraduates. Our School is only one-year old but already has a diverse, international, dynamic faculty of 11 full-time, PhD scientists. We are in the process of developing the first geosciences doctoral program in Ecuador.


2) Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies – Purchase College, SUNY

Purchase College, SUNY invites applications for a tenure-track position in Environmental Studies at the Assistant Professor level, beginning September 1, 2017. We seek a broadly trained environmental scientist committed to field-based instruction and individualized student mentorship. While the research specialization is flexible, it should complement those of the current faculty. The most attractive research fields include geology, conservation biology, and wildlife ecology. With an emphasis on community engagement and environmental sustainability, the College prioritizes hiring scholars who conceptualize the application of their research within environmental justice and socially conscious contexts.

Excellence in teaching will be expected. Instructional responsibilities include five courses per year, plus supervision of senior projects. The senior project is a college-wide requirement and signature feature of the college’s curriculum. The selected candidate will develop a diverse suite of courses serving Environmental Studies majors as well as the general student body including introductory and advanced courses in his/her area of specialization.

The Environmental Studies Board of Study is an engaged academic partner with and resource for communities, non-profits, and agencies addressing environmental issues along Long Island Sound, the Lower Hudson River, and New York City’s historic Croton Watershed. Opportunities abound for the successful candidate to capitalize on this existing network of local study sites to develop a robust, dynamic, and student-focused research program.

Purchase College is primarily an undergraduate institution located 25 miles north of New York City. The college’s president demonstrated a dedication to environmental issues and sustainability by joining 151 other U.S. colleges as an original signatory of the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment.


Candidates must have a PhD by Sept. 1, 2017. Strong teaching experience is preferred.

To apply for this position, visit the Purchase College Job Vacancy website at and complete an on-line application. You must attach the following documents: (1) A cover letter describing research and teaching interests; (2) a CV; (3) evidence of teaching ability; (4) sample syllabi; and (5) three letters of recommendation.

DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin on January 16 with a January 22 deadline for submission.

Any questions about the position can be directed to Ryan Taylor


3) NERC Postdoctoral Research Associate active-source seismology – Imperial College London

Applications are invited for a PDRA to join the NERC Large Grant project VOILA. The aim of this consortium, consisting of the Universities of Southampton, Liverpool, Durham, Bristol and Imperial College London is to understand the relationship between volatiles and arc magmatism at the Lesser Antilles.

We are looking for a post-doctoral researcher with expertise in active source seismology to invert OBS data to be collected onboard the RRS James Cook in April-June next year in order to constrain the pattern of hydration on the incoming plate.

Further details about the position are available here:


4) Research Associate in Geodynamics – School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Cardiff University

The School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at Cardiff University is a dynamic and successful multi-disciplinary centre devoted to research in the disciplines of Earth and Ocean Sciences.

Applications are invited for a European Research Council (ERC) funded Postdoctoral Research Associate position, forming part of the ERC Starting Grant Action MICA – ‘Mechanics of slow earthquake phenomena: an Integrated perspective from the Composition, geometry, And rheology of plate boundary faults’ (PI: Ake Fagereng).

Working with Ake Fagereng and Huw Davies at Cardiff University, and Susan Ellis at GNS Science (Lower Hutt, New Zealand), the role of the Research Associate is to develop realistic, geologically-constrained, numerical models of fault zones – including heterogeneity in composition and active deformation mechanisms. These models will be based on field observations in exhumed plate boundary scale fault zones, and incorporate laboratory-derived flow laws. The Research Associate will form part of a team that will also include a number of PhD students, collecting field and microstructural data to constrain models. Experience with numerical modelling is crucial, but the Research Associate will also be invited to participate in fieldwork, at a level depending on prior experience.

In addition to these duties, the Research Associate will be expected to produce work of publishable quality for appropriate high quality peer reviewed journals, present papers at national and international meetings and contribute to the development of collaborative research grants. The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D. in a relevant subject.

This position is full time (35 hours per week). The post is available from 1st February 2017 and is a fixed-term appointment for 3 years.

Closing date: Friday, 13 January 2017

Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Ake Fagereng, email:


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.