Dear Colleagues:
The NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Competition of Operations and Management of an NSF-supported Geophysical Facility to Succeed the GAGE and SAGE Facilities requests written responses from the community on desired capabilities of the future Geophysical Facility by June 1st.
A virtual workshop is being held April 23-24 between 1-5 pm ET each day to bring together Early Career Investigators (ECIs) invested in the capabilities of the future Geophysical Facility.
Topics addressed will include instrumentation, data services, and education and community engagement. The end goal of the workshop is to develop a White Paper that defines ECI recommended capabilities.
If you are interested, please fill out this Google Survey Application as space may be limited via Zoom.
We highly encourage graduate students (at all career stages), postdoctoral researchers and early career researchers and faculty to participate.
D. Sarah Stamps ( Virginia Tech)
Heather A. Ford ( University of California, Riverside)