1) Mendenhall Research Fellowship Opportunity
2) Two-year postdoctoral position in subduction zone related seismology – GNS Science, New Zealand
1) Mendenhall Research Fellowship Opportunity 16-11: Hydroacoustic detection and characterization of submarine volcanic activity in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, USA
Eruptions of submarine volcanoes constitute a poorly understood hazard and pose a significant risk to ocean-going vessels due to the formation of pumice rafts. Air traffic can also be affected when vigorous submarine eruption plumes pass through the water column and into the atmosphere. The two most recent volcanic eruptions in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), a commonwealth of the United States, have been submarine: South Sarigan Seamount (2010) and Ahyi (2014). We seek a talented, Ph.D. level scientist with a background in geophysics, physics, or acoustics to participate in a joint USGS-NOAA project aiming to improve our understanding of submarine volcanism through research in the CNMI on the following broad topics in naturally generated hydroacoustics:
-Processes related to submarine volcanic unrest
-Generation and propagation of hydroacoustic waves and their coupling into the solid Earth
-How hydroacoustic ambient noise affects signal detectability
Beyond the use of hydroacoustic and seismic T-phase data in the CNMI to investigate any of these topics, the detailed research plan is left to the Postdoctoral Fellow to formulate. The project is expected to involve the analysis of hydroacoustic data, numerical modeling of hydroacoustic propagation, and the deployment of hydrophones in the Mariana Arc region. Please contact any of the research advisors for information on the application process.
Research Advisors: Matthew Haney (Alaska Volcano Observatory, mhaney at usgs.gov), Robert Dziak (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, robert.p.dziak at noaa.gov), William Chadwick (Oregon State University, bill.chadwick at oregonstate.edu), John Lyons (Alaska Volcano Observatory, jlyons at usgs.gov), and Del Bohnenstiehl (North Carolina State University, delwayne_bohnenstiehl at ncsu.edu)
Project Website: http://geology.usgs.gov/
Application Website: https://www.usajobs.gov/
Duty Station: Anchorage, AK
Application Deadline: May 2, 2016
2) Two-year postdoctoral position in subduction zone related seismology – GNS Science, New Zealand
GNS Science, a crown research institute of New Zealand that provides Earth, geoscience and isotope research, invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral position to conduct research on recently acquired ocean bottom seismometer and absolute pressure gauge data from the Hikurangi Margin. The data capture one of the largest shallow Slow Slip Episodes to date and provide an enticing opportunity to search for temporal changes in physical properties associated with deformation on a megathrust fault. The postdoctoral project is a multinational collaboration with colleagues from the University of Tokyo and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies and provides opportunities for close interaction with these institutes.
Candidates with strong physics, computing, and writing skills are encouraged to submit a Curriculum Vitae, brief statement of research interests via our careers page https://careers.