Please save the date and plan to attend the GeoPRISMS Synthesis & Integration Theoretical and Experimental Institute!
The 2019 GeoPRISMS Theoretical and Experimental Institute (TEI) will represent an opportunity for our community to synthesize results from the Rift Initiation and Evolution Initiative (RIE) and the Subduction Cycles & Deformation Initiative (SCD). During this meeting we will evaluate what has been accomplished so far in all GeoPRISMS themes and primary sites, and what gaps still need to be filled in the last years of the decadal program. We will also try to identify emerging new opportunities and to develop new research directions for our community after the end of the GeoPRISMS Program. The three-day meeting will be preceded by an Early-Career Investigator symposium on Tuesday February 26.
- Set the stage for legacy of GeoPRISMS, develop concrete ideas for legacy products or activities in the coming 2-3 years. This should include both science and Education and Outreach.
- The meeting program should identify the outstanding process-based questions and cross-cutting themes that engage both RIE and SCD communities. These burning science questions can help guide the integration of science results from GeoPRISMS, and it can lead to future proposals and funding opportunities.
- The Early Career Investigator (ECI) symposium will foster cross-disciplinary collaborations among young scientists. This symposium will be led by two young scientists in our community.
- The synthesis workshop will help position our science community for future years. We can evaluate the role that large research infrastructure will play, how science goals of the GeoPRISMS program can be met in other initiatives such as a SZ4D, and the importance of continued NSF support for cross-disciplinary and cross-shoreline research.
Organizing Committee
Early Career Investigator symposium leaders:
Important Dates