Reminder: NSF GeoPRISMS Program Solicitation

The latest (and last) NSF-GeoPRISMS solicitation has been released:

Full Proposal Target Dates:

August 16, 2019 Type 1 and Postdoc Proposals

March 02, 2020 Type 2 and Type 3 Proposals

The program has delineated three types of activities, which may be submitted individually, or combined as part of one multi-faceted project. The types are: 1) Integrative research projects, 2) Conferences and short courses, 3) Legacy products.

Please note that Postdoctoral Scholar proposals are still welcome, and that Postdoctoral Scholar proposals no longer require two letters of reference.

Please contact Jennifer Wade in EAR [] or Debbie Smith in OCE [] if you have any questions about GeoPRISMS.