The motivation for these plans is to reduce the logistical cost per project for field research in the Aleutians, as part of the GeoPRISMS Alaska Focus Area, while maximizing the number of field projects that can be supported. In particular, we hope that – by minimizing cost and streamlining logistical planning – an NSF-supported, shared ship and helicopter will provide access to investigators who otherwise might not participate in Aleutian research, in order to ensure the maximum scientific return on this unprecedented opportunity to study a uniquely important part of the global subduction system.
(1) Assessing the level of community interest in one or more shared logistical platforms. Specifically, how many potential PI’s will submit proposals to GeoPRISMS for field work in the Aleutian arc? Will there be enough participation to justify NSF support for shared logistics? Alternatively, will there be “too much” interest, necessitating a mechanism for prioritizing potential users, and/or deployment of supplementary, alternative logistical platforms?
(2) Assessing the logistical requirements. How many likely projects will require helicopter access? What will be the payloads? For example, for broadband seismometer installation, how many kg of cement, etc, will be needed? What will be the flying times, and associated fuel consumption? How many projects will require multi-day stays on islands or other remote locations? How will drop off and pickup be coordinated? Will other vessels be required? Will other vessels be available when needed? Is dredging an option? Is deployment of ocean bottom seismometers an option?
(3) Seeking partnerships with other groups who might be able to contribute resources to support a shared facility, and/or who might be interested in using such a facility. If potential GeoPRISMS use is not overwhelming, would other groups (IRIS, Alaska Volcano Observatory, NOAA, biological oceanographers, Š) be interested in co-sponsoring a shared ship and helicopter? If IRIS, Alaska Volcano Observatory and/or NOAA plan to support other logistical platforms in the region, to what extent might they be willing to share use of these platforms for GeoPRISMS projects? Could NSF provide partial support of these other platforms?
Workshop on Shared Support for Aleutian Field Work: