2015 GeoPRISMS mid-life review available online

Dear GeoPRISMS community,

The GeoPRISMS research effort is in its fifth year and underwent its first check up in a formal review by NSF in August 2015. This ‘mid-life’ review allows for the GeoPRISMS-funded PIs to demonstrate the impact of their research thus far and for an evaluation of the broader community effort. This review follows similar mid-life and final reviews of the MARGINS program. It allows NSF to evaluate the program and to make, if necessary, any mid-course changes to the scope of the program.

The review materials that summarized the state of the GeoPRISMS program are based on very significant input from the community, the GeoPRISMS Steering and Oversight Committee and an ad-hoc review writing committee (consisting of current and former GSOC members John Jaeger, Maureen Long, Julia Morgan, Sarah Penniston-Dorland, Peter van Keken and Paul Wallace). The final report weighs in at 107 pages with more than 300 pages of appendices (including the ‘nuggets’ contributed by GeoPRISMS and late-MARGINS PIs). During this review we also updated (with significant help from Tyrone Rooney, Liz Hajek, Gene Yogodzinski, and Andrew Goodwillie) the MARGINS and GeoPRISMS citation databases which are maintained by IEDA at Lamont-Doherty (iedadata.org). The final report was formatted by Anaïs Férot with final editorial oversight by Peter van Keken. Thanks to all who contributed to this significant work!

The full report, the charge to the review panel and the report by the review panel (chaired by Doug Wiens from Washington University) is now available at  www.geoprisms.nineplanetsllc.com/2015-review.