Faculty Positions, Staff Scientist Position, Postdoctoral and Graduate Fellowships

1)    Faculty Positions in Exploration Geophysics, Sedimentary Geology, and Geodynamics – University of Houston
2)    Staff Scientist Position in Geophysics – Carnegie Institution DTM
3)    Postdoctoral and Graduate Fellowships – Smithsonian Institution

1)    Faculty Positions in Exploration Geophysics, Sedimentary Geology, and Geodynamics – University of Houston

The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Houston invites applicants for the following tenure-track faculty positions. Candidates must have completed their PhD at the time of appointment. Successful candidates will be expected to build a vigorous externally-funded research program, and should be able to demonstrate productivity in peer-reviewed publication. Candidates will also be expected to teach at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and will be expected to mentor MS and PhD students. We expect to fill the positions by August, 2014. Candidate evaluation will begin on Dec 1, 2013, and continue until each position is filled.

•    Exploration Geophysics
Assistant Professor to Professor in the field of Exploration Geophysics, specializing in rock physics or reflection seismic processing, imaging, and interpretation. We seek candidates of outstanding ability in seismic rock physics, signal processing, algorithm development, and seismic data analysis. Strength in subjects such as experimental rock physics, elastic-wave propagation, tomography, migration, and inversion will be especially valued. The successful candidate should have the ability to image, visualize, and interpret seismic data and will have use of our wide variety of seismic software packages, hardware systems, and geophysical data. The successful candidate will participate with an enthusiastic team of geophysics faculty and students in one of the leading energy communities in the world. Preference will be given to candidates with related industry experience.

•    Sedimentary Geology
Assistant Professor to Professor with a strong background in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy.  Applicants’ expertise may be in process sedimentology, sedimentary petrography, sedimentary geochemistry, sequence stratigraphy, seismic stratigraphy, or in other areas related to the study of modern or ancient sedimentary systems for the purposes of understanding Earth’s history, surficial processes, or hydrocarbon systems.  Applicants who have synergies with current department strengths, in geophysics, structural geology, geochemistry, and in stratigraphic interpretation, are encouraged to apply.  Additionally, the ability to teach field geology will be considered a strength.

•    Geodynamics
Assistant to Associate Professor level in the broad field of Geodynamics. We seek applicants who address fundamental problems in geology and geophysics. Research interests may include, but not limited to, the fields of geodesy, geochemistry, geomorphology, seismology, potential fields, and petroleum systems. Preference will be given to individuals who take multidisciplinary problem-solving approaches and whose interests complement departmental areas of concentration.

Information for Applicants
Candidates for each position should submit: 1) a letter of application including statements of teaching and research interests, 2) a curriculum vitae, 3) graduate student transcripts, and 4) names and contacts of at least three referees to:

Dr. Hua-Wei Zhou, Chair,
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Room 312 Science and Research 1
University of Houston
4800 Calhoun Rd.
Houston, Texas 77204-5503

Further information can be obtained by viewing the departmental web page at http://www.eas.uh.edu/ or by calling the department at (713) 743-3399.

The University of Houston is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


2)    Staff Scientist Position in Geophysics – Carnegie Institution

The Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (DTM) of the Carnegie Institution of Washington seeks applications for a staff scientist position in the broad field of geophysics, including but not limited to seismology, geodynamics, volcano geophysics, tectonophysics, and geodesy. Applicants who integrate across traditional boundaries, especially those with planetary sciences and with geo- and cosmo-chemistry, are particularly encouraged to apply. We seek candidates who pursue innovative scientific programs, who will find active collaborations with our current staff, perhaps involving development of new instrumentation, and who are interested in the origin and evolution of Earth and other planets.

The Carnegie Institution is a pure research organization. DTM does not have teaching duties, but we place considerable emphasis on mentoring postdoctoral scholars. Although DTM staff scientists are reviewed on a five-year basis, staff scientist is our senior position. Applications should be submitted through https://jobs.carnegiescience.edu/jobs/dtm/  and should include a curriculum vitae, brief statement of research plans, and abstracts from the applicant’s three most important papers. Please also provide the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of three professional referees, whose letters may be requested by DTM. Questions may be sent to staffposition@dtm.ciw.edu. Review of applications will begin January 15, 2014, and will continue until the position is filled. Carnegie is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, minorities and veterans are encouraged to apply.


3)    Postdoctoral and Graduate Fellowships – Smithsonian Institution

Postdoctoral and Graduate Fellowships. The Department of Mineral Sciences at the Smithsonian Institution – National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) invites applications for both postdoctoral and graduate fellowships. Active areas of research include volcanology, mineral spectroscopy, geomicrobiology, environmental mineralogy, geochemistry, experimental petrology, mineral physics, meteorite studies, solar system formation, and planetary formation and evolution. The department also houses the National Meteorite Collection, the National Rock and Ore Collection, the National Gem and Mineral Collection, and the Global Volcanism Program. A description of facilities, staff profiles, and collections resources can be found on our website:

Predoctoral and postdoctoral candidates can request up to 12 or 24 months, respectively, through the Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program. Graduate fellowships through this program are funded for 10 weeks. Additional fellowship opportunities are available through the recently established Peter Buck Fellowship Program at NMNH; postdoctoral fellowships are for 2-3 years and graduate fellowships are 1-2 years. Applications may be submitted to both competitions. Additional information is available at http://www.si.edu/ofg/.
The application deadline is January 15th, 2014. The Smithsonian Institution is an Equal Opportunity Employer.