Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to participate in our upcoming AGU Town Hall.
How to join: Access the Fall Meeting website: The link to the town hall will become active 30 minutes prior to the live session.
Visit our 2021 workshop website for additional information and to join the email list:
Objectives: This Town Hall provides a community forum to discuss emerging opportunities for research into lithospheric extensional systems. The end of the NSF funded GeoPRISMS Rift Initiation and Evolution (RIE) initiative, which followed the end of the RIDGE 2000 initiative, creates a need for community discussion of opportunities for multidisciplinary process-oriented research into extensional systems in the next decade. At this meeting we will explore directions for future research, and gauge interest in developing at a later date a community vision that articulates key research challenges and opportunities. The next steps toward understanding lithosphere extension require an integrative approach that considers how processes operate in an array of geological settings, from ridge to rift and in backarcs and broad continental extensional provinces. Processes must also be considered over time scales ranging from tens of millions of years to events that occur in moments, and space scales from intracrystalline creep mechanisms to plates. A multidisciplinary approach is therefore required, as these processes span an array of disciplines and encompass linkages and feedbacks between processes occurring in the solid Earth, hydrosphere and atmosphere.
Best wishes,