FACET Overview:
During the recent decades, the recognition that climatically modulated erosion acts to govern the geodynamic evolution of active mountain ranges is arguably one of the most transformative conceptual shifts in the geosciences subsequent to the plate tectonic revolution. Central to understanding the connection between climate and tectonics is the ability to quantitatively resolve the interactions among the different systems (i.e. the atmosphere, surface processes, and tectonics). Recent work applying these advanced techniques to understand connections between climate and tectonics has proved insightful. Despite significant progress, a number of challenges remain in understanding the directionality and strength of feedbacks between climate, tectonics and the growth of topography.
During FACT 1, held in Taipei, Taiwan, attendees recognized 3 Grand Challenges supported by reports from 6 working groups. FACET 2 will look more closely at the these challenges, broadening the participant list to better encompass the full spectrum of science surrounding climate, erosion and tectonics.
If this interests you, please come to the Town Hall — details below:
Wednesday 6 to 8 PM
Stanford Room
Park Central Hotel San Francisco
50 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA
—> between Mission and Market, so 4-5 minute walk from Moscone
The agenda and abstracts for FACET 1 are available at: http://facet2015.earth.sinica.edu.tw
US FACET organizing committee:
Tim Byrne
Jean Crespi
Eric Kirby
Chris Poulsen
Brian Yanites