Reminder: AGU 2014 – Mini-Workshops registration & Student Prize application

** Two pre-AGU GeoPRISMS Mini-Workshops – New Zealand Primary Site**
Registration Deadline: November 28, 2014

More info and registration online

**GeoPRISMS Prize for Outstanding AGU Student Poster and Oral Presentations**

Application Deadline: November 21, 2014

More info and application online


**MINI-WORKSHOPS: Two mini-workshops will be held the day before AGU, on Sunday December 14, and will focus on the New Zealand GeoPRISMS Primary Site. All mini-workshops are free of charge and open to all. However, attendance and food may be limited so register early for fullest consideration. For more information and registration visit the GeoPRISMS website at:


**GeoPRISMS STUDENT PRIZE: The GeoPRISMS Program is offering two $500 prizes for Outstanding Student Presentations on GeoPRISMS- or MARGINS-related science at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, December 15-19, 2014. The two prizes, one each for a poster and an oral presentation, will be awarded to highlight the important role of student research in accomplishing MARGINS- and GeoPRISMS-related science goals, and to encourage cross-disciplinary input. Any student working on science topics related to the objectives of MARGINS or GeoPRISMS is eligible to participate. Students do not have to be working on a MARGINS- or GeoPRISMS-funded project to enter the competition. Students from the international community, as well as from the U.S., are encouraged to apply. Please note that GeoPRISMS Student Prize winners from previous years can enter the contest but are not eligible to receive the $500 prizes. However, runners up (ie honorable mentions) are eligible to win the cash prize.

Presentations will be judged throughout the AGU meeting. Students will also have an opportunity to display their posters (or poster versions of their AGU talks) at the GeoPRISMS Student and Community Forum, beginning at 6:00 pm, Monday, December 14th at the Westin Market Street Hotel (50 Third St., between Mission and Market).

GeoPRISMS Student Prize winners and honorable mentions will be notified after the AGU Fall Meeting and highlighted in the GeoPRISMS newsletter and website, and their host schools will be notified of their achievement. For more information and application visit the GeoPRISMS website at:


The GeoPRISMS Office

Questions? contact the GeoPRISMS office at

Job Postings: Endowed Chair at Tulane University, Faculty Position, and PhD scholarships

1) Assistant/Associate Professor Sedimentary Geologist – University of Miami, RSMAS

2) PhD scholarships in Geophysics – Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

3) Graduate Research Fellowship in Geochemistry – University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography

4) Marshall-Heape Chair Solid Earth Geophysics – Tulane University


1) Assistant/Associate professor Sedimentary Geologist – University of Miami, RSMAS

The Department of Marine Geosciences at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) University of Miami seeks outstanding candidates for a tenure track position at either the assistant or associate professor level in Carbonate Sedimentology. The successful applicant will be one who integrates studies of modern and ancient systems and enhances the work of our Center for Carbonate Research (CSL) and the legacy of Robert Ginsburg. We are especially interested scientists who uses modern techniques such as remote sensing, multibeam, and/or seismic data acquisition for a quantitative assessment of modern processes and their products in coastal, shallow- or deep-water environments. Candidates for this position will be expected to develop a vigorous, externally funded field and/or seagoing research program, supervise graduate students, and participate in the teaching mission of the Department and the School at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. The University of Miami offers a unique tropical location adjacent to major modern carbonate environments and the opportunity to integrate biological and physical oceanographic expertise into process-oriented sedimentological research through collaboration with faculty in the Departments of Marine Biology and Ecology and Ocean Sciences. Within the Department of Marine Geosciences, the successful candidate is expected to interact with current faculty in the CSL in the areas of geochemistry and geophysics/petrophysics. The CSL has a long tradition of excellence in research and training in carbonate sedimentology and hosts a vibrant student population.

Interested applicants should contact Professor Peter K. Swart, Chair Department of Marine Geosciences, RSMAS/University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami Fl, 33149 ( Applications will only be accepted electronically at The position will remain open until filled, but ideally we would like the successful candidate to be in place by September 2015.

The University of Miami is an equal opportunity employer.


2) PhD scholarships in Geophysics – Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Deadline: October 31

PhD students are sought to work on several seismological and geophysical topics within the Institute of Geophysics, School of Geography, Environment, and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). The geophysics group at Victoria University of Wellington has an established track record of research in seismology, tectonics, crustal geophysics, and structural geology. In the most recent Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) evaluation, Victoria University of Wellington was ranked first in New Zealand for research excellence and was also ranked first in New Zealand in Earth Sciences.

1.Deep Fault Drilling Project, Alpine Fault — several studies addressing the structure and evolution of the Alpine Fault in the South Island are underway, including analysis of data collected in shallow boreholes drilled into the fault in early 2011. Plans are now underway for a deeper borehole targeting the fault at 1.0 km depth (scheduled to commence in October 2014), and students interested in working on the microstructural, seismological, or pressure-/temperature-monitoring data from the boreholes are encouraged to contact us. Additionally, one PhD and one MSc scholarship focussed on Alpine Fault seismicity have been funded: details are available at and

2. Structure of the Hikurangi subduction margin beneath Wellington — an international consortium of researchers in New Zealand, the US and Japan has been studying this problem for several years using active and passive seismic methods (the SAHKE experiment). The recent earthquake sequence in Cook Strait and the northern South Island will provide a new set of data for a PhD student to use to accompany the earlier data to compare structures along the strike of the plate with those across the plate boundary. We are particularly interested in the properties of the plate boundary and how they relate to nearby areas of slow slip and to earthquake occurrence patterns.

3. Volcano seismology — we are continuing to develop techniques to test whether time varying seismic properties such as isotropic velocity, anisotropy and attenuation can be used to determine changes in the magmatic system underneath volcanoes. Volcanoes in New Zealand and overseas are being targeted.

4. Seismological studies of geothermal areas — in collaboration with Mighty River Power, a large electricity generator, we are developing projects focussed on seismicity and structure around geothermal fields in New Zealand. PhD projects of particular interest include: a) microearthquake characterization of geothermal fields in New Zealand; b) ambient noise imaging of geothermal areas of New Zealand: c) petrophysical characterisation through seismic wave propagation.

5. Statistics and geophysics — students will work on statistical methods of developing and testing methods for determining properties of interest to geophysicists, for example, automatic determination of S arrival times, seismic anisotropy, and earthquake focal mechanisms.

6. Seismicity and Tectonics of southern South Island, New Zealand–Deformation in southern South Island, New Zealand, has long been thought to be almost entirely focused offshore, along the southern extension of the Alpine Fault and Puysegur subduction zone. However, the thick crust and lithosphere farther east in Central Otago, together with widespread seismicity and geological evidence for young regional uplift, suggest deformation is much more widespread, particularly at deeper levels in the lithosphere. This PhD will take over the running over a newly installed micro-earthquake array as a tool to investigate the tectonics of this region. The study has the potential to integrate many aspects of Cenozoic tectonics right across the southern part of the New Zealand plate-boundary, from the active margin of Fiordland to the continental platform around Dunedin.

7. Regional tectonic evolution and structure of the offshore Zealandia continent, including Gondwana rifting and Tonga-Kermadec subduction initiation. A large dataset of offshore seismic-reflection data has been compiled and new voyages are planned. Students are sought with an interest in the manipulation and interpretation of seismic-reflection, gravity, and magnetic data.

The next deadline for PhD scholarship applications is 1 November 2014 in New Zealand (31 October on the other side of the dateline) and the application is free of charge: successful scholarship applicants from any country receive a NZ$23,500 stipend and all tuition fee payments. Students should have completed an MSc degree prior to commencing study. Full details regarding the application process are available from the Faculty of Graduate Research at (Note that the eligibility conditions and award level of the Alpine Fault MSc scholarship referred to above are different; the webpage provides full details.)

All prospective applicants should contact Professor Martha Savage ( at the earliest opportunity for further details regarding these projects.


3) Graduate Research Fellowship in Geochemistry – University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography

We are seeking candidates to join our research team and work collaboratively on an NSF-GeoPRISMS funded project to explore the influences of water, oxygen fugacity, and composition on calc-alkaline differentiation, with a focus on the Alaska-Aleutian Arc: Graduate Research Fellowship in Geochemistry. We are currently seeking a PhD student to participate in a multi-disciplinary study of magmatic oxidation state and its relationship to calc-alkaline differentiation and formation of continental crust in the Aleutian arc, with emphasis on the records preserved by natural lavas and melt inclusions. Funding is available for a minimum of three years of study toward a PhD in oceanography at the University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, with joint work to be done at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. The student will be jointly mentored by Drs. Katherine Kelley (URI/GSO) and Elizabeth Cottrell (NMNH/Smithsonian). The student will have the opportunity to develop skills and new techniques in microanalytics (XANES, LAICPMS, EMP, FTIR), providing a broad education and research base in petrology/geochemistry. Graduate applications for URI/GSO are on-line at and applicants are encouraged to submit their applications by 15 January, 2015. Applicants attending AGU in 2014 are encouraged to contact Dr. Kelley at kelley (at) to arrange an in-person interview.


4) Marshall-Heape Chair Solid Earth Geophysics – Tulane University

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Tulane University invites applications for the newly established Marshall-Heape Chair in Geology, in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Tulane University. We seek a scholar with an outstanding international reputation who will be appointed at the Full Professor level with tenure. We particularly seek a broad-based geoscientist with a research focus in Solid-Earth Geophysics, who complements current faculty expertise and offers potential for collaborative research. The Marshall-Heape Chair is expected to lead a widely recognized, externally funded research program that will attract PhD-level graduate students and postdoctoral scholars of the highest caliber. Teaching duties are both at the graduate and undergraduate levels. For full consideration, applications should be received by January 15, 2015, but the position will remain open until filled. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, research and teaching statements that articulate how the mission of the department would be enhanced, and the names and contact information of at least three references. Applications must be submitted electronically via the following link: Any inquiries may be directed to Dr. Torbjörn Törnqvist, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tulane University, 6823 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118-5698 ( Further information about the department and university can be obtained at Tulane University is an EEO/ADA/AA employer.


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.


The GeoPRISMS Office is now hosted by University of Michigan.
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It’s here! New GeoPRISMS Website

Dear GeoPRISMS Community,

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new GeoPRISMS website! We have completely redesigned our layout with a fresh new look, simplicity, and user-friendly navigation. This upgrade should help us provide better resources to the GeoPRISMS Community so please, take a few moments to browse through our new site and do not hesitate to send us comments or feedback at

Updates include the latest information about our upcoming activities at AGU Fall Meeting – for more details about GeoPRISMS at AGU, please read the upcoming Listserv announcement. More updates on GeoPRISMS Initiatives and Primary Sites will be available over the next few months so stay tuned!

We hope you will enjoy the new GeoPRISMS website.

Thanks for visiting.

The GeoPRISMS Office

New GeoPRISMS website requires temporary shutdown tomorrow

Dear all,

On Tuesday October 14, the GeoPRISMS website will be shut down due to the migration to the new website. We expect the new website to be available on Wednesday October 15th. Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you need any information. A notification will be sent out once operations resume.


The GeoPRISMS Office

Faculty and Postdoc Positions

1) Hamilton Chair position at Southern Methodist University, Department of Earth Sciences

2) Tenure-track faculty in Global Climate Modeling / Earth Systems Modeling / Global Biogeochemical Modeling – University of Rochester

3) Faculty Positions in Geology, Geochemistry & Geophysics – MIT

4) Assistant Professor Volcanology – University of Oregon, Dept. of Geological Sciences

5) Assistant Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (Exploration Geophysics) – University of Nebraska-Lincoln

6) Assistant Professor in Sedimentary Geology – Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Geoscience

7) Postdoctoral Research Associate Program – Brown University, Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences

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Reminder: Two pre-AGU GeoPRISMS Mini-Workshops – Save the date!

For all researchers interested in subduction processes at the New Zealand GeoPRISMS Primary Site, consider attending the following mini-workshops before the 2014 Fall AGU Meeting – Sunday December 14, 2014. Please mark your calendars today!

Morning: Workshop to cultivate and coordinate GeoPRISMS studies of the Hikurangi subduction margin

Afternoon: Mini-workshop for the South Island, New Zealand primary site coordination

Further details about registration and mini-workshop programs will be coming soon on the GeoPRISMS website and will be advertised as well on the listserv.

The GeoPRISMS Office

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NSF Program Manager Bil Haq retirement

Dear all:

While we tend to reserve this space for announcements relevant to GeoPRISMS science we thought it was appropriate to use this channel to inform you that Bilal Haq has retired as full-time NSF program manager in OCE/MGG. Bil has been a guiding light in the establishment and success of the MARGINS and now GeoPRISMS programs which has provided a unique funding opportunity for shore-line crossing research in the US and has sparked significant international collaboration. Bil will remain actively engaged with NSF and GeoPRISMS as part-time Expert in Marine Geosciences and he will split his time between the US and France, where he is an Adjunct Research Professor at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie. I think we owe Bil a bunch of thanks for his work and we’ll find some time at AGU to celebrate his retirement.

Peter van Keken, Chair GeoPRISMS program


Bil received his doctorate in Marine Geology at the University of Stockholm. Before becoming program manager at NSF in 1988 he held positions at Woods Hole and Exxon Mobil along with many visiting scientist positions. During his time in Washington he held positions at the World Bank and at the White House. Bil is a Fellow of the GSA, AAAS, AGU and AAPG and has given its name to a fossil Genus (Haqius circumradiatus Roth) and Species (Reticulofenestra haqii Backman).

Faculty Positions

1) Assistant Professor of Geology – Dept. of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences, UCLA
2) Tenure-Track (assistant/associate/full) Professor in Marine Geoscience (Geochemistry) – Seoul National University School of Earth
3) Assistant Professor Earth Systems History – College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon
4) Assistant Professor Sedimentology – University of Alabama, Dept of Geological Sciences
5) Assistant Professor Seismic Stratigraphy – University of Alabama, Dept of Geological Sciences
6) Tenure-Track Faculty Positions Coastal & Marine Initiative: Geomorphology, Hydrology, Physical Oceanography and Air-Sea Interactions – Florida State University
7) Assistant Professor Geophysics –University of Arizona, Dept of Geosciences


1) Assistant Professor of Geology – Dept. of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences, UCLA

The Department of Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences seeks an assistant professor in geology. We encourage applicants from all sub-disciplines of geology but preference may be given to candidates with experience on both sides of the cover/bedrock interface or who complement existing strengths in tectonics, paleoclimate, geochronology, and sedimentology. Applicants should have a Ph.D. or equivalent in geological sciences or a related field. Selection will begin on October 1, 2014. Please include a curriculum vitae, list of publications, statement of teaching and research, names and email addresses of three referees, electronic copies of up to five significant publications, and a cover letter addressing how your experience fits the job description. Electronic applications should be directed to the Chair of the Geology/Surface Processes Search Committee at Inquiries may be directed to

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and has a commitment to enhance diversity in the geosciences at UCLA (see Women and underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. For the complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative action policy, please consult the UC Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Policy.


2) Tenure-track (assistant/associate/full) Professor in Marine Geoscience (Geochemistry) – Seoul National University School of Earth

Seoul National University, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences is searching for one tenure-track (assistant/associate/full) professor in Marine Geoscience (Geochemistry). This position was created to promote diversity within the university. Competent applicants are encouraged to apply (September 23 – October 22, 2014). For more information, please contact Prof. Sang-Mook Lee ( (


3) Assistant Professor Earth Systems History – College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon

Applications are invited by the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. The position terms can be 9 month, 1.0 FTE (full time equivalent) faculty position, or 12-month position at 0.75 FTE. For either, grant funds can augment the university-provided salary. Conduct research and teach in the area of sedimentary geology, focusing on the use of pre-Quaternary sedimentary records as a basis for investigation of solid earth, oceanic, atmospheric, and surficial processes and interactions. Areas of expertise may include: paleoclimatology, past ocean and atmospheric chemistry and circulation, and tectonic and/or geodynamic influences on earth surface processes. Duties: teach undergraduate courses in earth history, stratigraphy and sedimentology, geology field methods, and graduate courses in area of specialty; establish an externally funded program of scholarly research; and college/university service. Requires a PhD geology, oceanography, or a closely related field; record of significant and innovative research that uses the sedimentary record to explore Earth Systems History; strong scholarly potential; potential for establishing a research program; potential to contribute to the teaching excellence in the undergrad/graduate programs; potential for mentoring; and proficiency in English. See job posting: For full consideration apply by 11/03/2014. Closing date: 12/15/2014.


4) Assistant Professor Sedimentology – University of Alabama, Dept of Geological Sciences

The Department of Geological Sciences at The University of Alabama invites applications for an Assistant Professor tenure-track faculty position in sedimentology beginning August 2015. Candidates must have a strong record of research and teaching, and must have received their Ph.D. in Geosciences at the time of appointment. The successful candidate will be expected to establish an externally-funded research program, attract and supervise graduate students, and teach undergraduate and graduate courses in sedimentology/stratigraphy, and introductory geology. The department has a broad range of isotopic, geochemical and modeling research facilities available, in addition to University-shared instrumentation at the Central Analytical Facility (<>). Details regarding existing research programs, equipment, facilities, and departmental activities are at<>. Questions should be directed to Dr. Delores Robinson (<>). Go to to electronically apply. When submitting an application, candidates must provide a cover letter, CV, research and teaching statements, and a list with the contact information for at least three referees. Review of applications will begin November 17, 2014. The University of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer and actively seeks diversity in its employees.


5) Assistant Professor Seismic Stratigraphy – University of Alabama, Dept of Geological Sciences

The Department of Geological Sciences at The University of Alabama invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in seismic stratigraphy, beginning August 2015. The position will be filled at the Assistant Professor level. Candidates are invited to apply who have specialties within the broad field of seismic stratigraphy. Energy industry experience is a plus. It is expected that this position will enhance our existing faculty research areas in geophysics, sedimentology, basin analysis, and petroleum geology. Candidates must have a strong record of research and teaching, and must have received a Ph.D. in geology, geophysics, or a related field, at the time of appointment. The successful candidate will be expected to establish a vigorous, externally funded research program and attract and advise high-quality graduate students. Teaching responsibilities will include undergraduate and graduate courses in her/his specialty and introductory geology. The department has a broad range of geophysical, geochemical, and computational facilities, in addition to University shared facilities, including the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. Departmental software includes industry standards such as ProMAX, Petrel, IHS Kingdom, Geosoft, ArcGIS, and Matlab. Details regarding existing research programs, equipment and facilities, and departmental activities can be found at<>. Questions should be directed to Dr. Ibrahim Ҫemen (<>). Applicants should go to to electronically apply for this position. When submitting an application, candidates must provide a cover letter, CV, research and teaching statements, and a list with the contact information for at least three referees. Applications will be reviewed beginning November 17, 2014. The University of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer and actively seeks diversity in its employees.


6) Tenure-Track Faculty Positions Coastal & Marine Initiative: Geomorphology, Hydrology, Physical Oceanography and Air-Sea Interactions – Florida State University

Florida State University is continuing its major interdisciplinary initiative in the broadly defined area of Coastal & Marine Research. During the 2014-15 academic year the initiative will be recruiting up to five tenure-track faculty members; the search is open with respect to rank. We invite applications from researchers active in coastal system research in the areas of geomorphology, hydrology, physical oceanography and air-sea interactions. Candidates with research interests that bridge across disciplines, including life sciences, are encouraged to apply. The search seeks to complement the existing strengths in coastal and marine research in the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science, the Department of Biological Science and the FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory. Faculty appointments will be in the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science and can be based at the Coastal and Marine Laboratory.

Successful candidates are expected to have a synergistic impact on existing coastal and marine research programs at the University and to contribute to teaching and mentoring at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Successful candidates will be offered highly competitive salaries and start-up packages, high quality research space and access to state-of-the-art instrumentation, computing and facilities in academic and interdisciplinary units.

Florida State University is classified as a Carnegie RU/VH (very high research activity) institution with a student population approaching 42,000. The University is located in Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, approximately 20 miles from the Gulf of Mexico coast. Residents have access to a broad range of cultural amenities afforded by the presence of three institutions of higher learning.

Applicants are asked to provide a single document in PDF format containing a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a two (2) page narrative describing their research interests and plans, and a brief teaching statement. Applications must be sent electronically to coastal& Applicants also should have three letters of recommendation sent to coastal& The closing date for applications is November 12, 2014.

The Florida State University is committed to the diversity of its faculty, staff, and students, and to sustaining a work and learning environment that is inclusive. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. FSU is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action Employer. As an agency of the State of Florida, all application materials and selection procedures are available for public review.


7) Assistant Professor Geophysics –University of Arizona, Dept of Geosciences

The Department of Geosciences at the University of Arizona seeks applications for a tenure track faculty position in geophysics in the broad areas of geodynamics, seismology and/or geodesy. Candidates must hold a PhD degree by the time of appointment. Postdoctoral or other postgraduate research experience is desirable. We anticipate hiring at the tenure-track assistant professor level. The appointee is expected to develop and maintain a vigorous, collaborative, externally funded research program and to teach at the undergraduate and graduate level. Screening of applications will begin November 20, 2014 and the search will continue until the position is filled. The University of Arizona is a committed Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. Women, minorities, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Applicants must apply online at:, job number 56514. Please include: a cover letter, including references, curriculum vita, and statements of research and teaching experience and interests.


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Faculty Positions, JAMSTEC scientists and technical scientists, postdoc, AAAS fellowship

1) Scientist or Technical Scientist position for Earthquake and Tsunami Forecasting System Research Group – Research and Development (R&D) Center for Earthquake and Tsunami, JAMSTEC

2) Scientist or Technical Scientist position for Borehole Informatics Group – Research and Development (R&D) Center for Ocean Drilling Science, JAMSTEC

3) Scientist or Technical Scientist position for Plate Boundary Drilling Research Group – Research and Development (R&D) Center for Ocean Drilling Science, JAMSTEC

4) JAMSTEC Postdoctoral Fellow Programme

5) Tenure track position in geophysics – Colgate University

6) Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Geophysics – California State University Northridge

7) AAAS Science & Technology Policy fellowships – Washington DC

8) Geophysicist, Department of Geology and Environmental Science –  James Madison University

9) Assistant Professor and Associate Professor – Department of the Geophysical Sciences University of Chicago



1) Scientist or Technical Scientist position for Earthquake and Tsunami Forecasting System Research Group – Research and Development (R&D) Center for Earthquake and Tsunami, JAMSTEC

We are soliciting applications for a Scientist or Technical Scientist, who will be engaged in the third medium-term plan.

We have an opening for a Scientist or Technical Scientist position for highly motivated applicants interested in working on projects on crustal dynamics in subduction zones and/or tsunami generation/propagation using geodetic, pressure, and earthquake data obtained from seafloor networks and other seafloor instruments combined with data from onshore observation networks.

For details, please check our website:



2) Scientist or Technical Scientist position for Borehole Informatics Group – Research and Development (R&D) Center for Ocean Drilling Science, JAMSTEC

We are soliciting applications for a Scientist or Technical Scientist, who will be engaged in the third medium-term plan.

The Research and Development Center for Ocean Drilling Science (ODS) at JAMSTEC has an opening for 1 full-time, fixed-term research position in the integration of seismic, logging, and core sample data to develop a detailed understanding of the dynamic behavior, three-dimensional geometry, and characteristics of sub-seafloor geology. The successful applicant, who should have a strong background in exploration geophysics, especially seismic data processing, will lead research and development by combining seismic and logging data, becoming involved in IODP activity, and contributing to breakthroughs in the integration of core-log-seismic data.

For details, please check our website:



3) Scientist or Technical Scientist position for Plate Boundary Drilling Research Group – Research and Development (R&D) Center for Ocean Drilling Science, JAMSTEC

We are soliciting applications for a Scientist or Technical Scientist, who will be engaged in the third medium-term plan.

The Research and Development Center for Ocean Drilling Science (ODS) at JAMSTEC has an opening for 1 full-time, fixed-term Scientist

or Technical Scientist to research on plate subduction and fault activity at convergent margins and to construct new views of the interrelationships of a variety of phenomena related to various types of earthquakes and tsunami generation. The successful applicant will lead research and development using geophysical logging data and/or other techniques and will contribute to breakthroughs in the understanding of various natural phenomena related to plate subduction and fault activity at active plate margins

For details, please check our website:



4) JAMSTEC Postdoctoral Fellow Programme

JAMSTEC will be recruiting a total of 5 JAMSTEC Postdoctoral Fellow positions.

JAMSTEC wants to help talented young researchers who have completed a promising PhD thesis to develop their scientific excellence in the fields of ocean and earth sciences. For this purpose, JAMSTEC has created a new international postdoctoral fellowship programme.

The successful applicants will receive a research grant that will enable them to work independently on a research topic of their choosing. During the contract period, they will have access to the necessary facilities and equipment at JAMSTEC.

The successful applicants to this programme are expected to conduct scientific work independently on a research topic of their own proposing or to proceed with research in collaboration with JAMSTEC staff. During the contract period, they will have access to the necessary facilities and equipment at JAMSTEC. A mentor will be designated to each JAMSTEC Postdoctoral Fellow, who will facilitate their research activities and evaluate their research progress each year. During the fellowship period, the administration section of JAMSTEC will provide support regarding personal issues (e.g., preparing immigration documents, finding an apartment, etc).

For details, please check our website:



5) Tenure track position in Geophysics – Colgate University

The Department of Geology at Colgate University invites applications for a tenure-stream position in Geophysics at the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning fall semester 2015. We seek an individual with a Ph.D. who is committed to excellence in teaching and research at the undergraduate level. Completion of the Ph.D. is expected prior to or shortly after the date of hire. The area of specialization is open. The successful applicant will teach Geophysics and develop other courses at the introductory level for non-majors and at the upper-level for geology students. Participation in the Geology Department’s summer field courses, involvement of undergraduates in research, and a willingness to contribute to other all-university curricula, such as the Scientific Perspectives program in the university’s Core Curriculum, are expected.

A cover letter, CV, research and teaching statements, and reference letters must be submitted through  Colgate strives to be a community supportive of diverse perspectives, identities and ways of life. Candidates are encouraged to describe [in their cover letter] their strengths and experiences in teaching diverse student populations and in promoting a diverse and inclusive educational environment. Colgate is an EEO/AA employer; women and candidates from historically underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.  Review of applications will begin October 13, 2014, and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants with dual-career considerations can find postings of other employment opportunities at Colgate and at other institutions of higher education in upstate New York at  Developing and sustaining a diverse faculty, staff, and student body further the University’s educational mission.

Colgate is a highly selective liberal arts university of 2800 students situated in central New York. Colgate faculty are committed to excellence in both teaching and scholarship. The Geology Department comprises eight faculty, a senior lecturer/lab instructor, and a technician. Analytical facilities include SEM-EDS, XRF, XRD, ICP-MS, GC-MS, AA, stable isotope mass spectrometer, and micropaleontology lab. Information about the Geology department can be found at  For further information about the position please contact the department chair (William Peck,



6) Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Geophysics – California State University Northridge

The Department of Geological Sciences at California State University, Northridge invites applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor in Solid Earth Geophysics or Earthquake Processes. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. at the time of appointment. Experience in post-doctoral research and/or University-level lecture instruction is desirable. We seek an innovative geophysicist with technical expertise in passive or active source seismology, geodynamics, numerical modeling, or earthquake geophysics. We particularly seek candidates who both complement our current research program and integrate across tectonics and geophysics. We offer B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Geology and in Geophysics. The successful candidate is expected to develop a vigorous research program, which includes seeking extramural funding, publishing peer-reviewed papers, and involving undergraduate and M.S. students. Furthermore, the successful candidate is expected to demonstrate teaching excellence and provide effective instruction to students of diverse backgrounds in a multicultural setting. A successful candidate will enthusiastically contribute to teaching courses that provide rigorous preparation for students in our geophysics program at a range of levels. Course offerings include: an introductory course Living with Earthquakes in California, a new undergraduate core course in Earth Tectonics and Structure, undergraduate courses in geophysics, and elective offerings at the upper-division and/or graduate level in the candidate’s research specialty.  Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, three letters of recommendation, statement of teaching philosophy and experience, and statement of research interests. Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged and should be sent to: Materials can also be sent to: Geophysics Search Committee, Department of Geological Sciences, California State University Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330-8266. Review of applications will begin on 1 January 2015. Priority will be given to applications received by this date, but the position remains open until filled. For additional information, see The University is an EO/AA employer.



7) AAAS Science & Technology Policy fellowships – Washington DC

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the AAAS Science & Technology Policy fellowships. Policy fellowships provide the unique opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills to national and international issues in the federal policy realm. Fellows share an interest and commitment to public service, a desire to learn about science and technology policy, and a willingness to apply their scientific and engineering backgrounds in new arenas.

Fellows serve in yearlong assignments in the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of the federal government in Washington. Candidates who demonstrate strong scientific and technical credentials, a commitment to public service, strong communication skills, problem-solving ability, good judgment, flexibility, and leadership qualities, are encouraged to apply.

For more than 40 years, scientists, social scientists, engineers, and health professionals have applied their knowledge and technical expertise to policymaking while developing valuable career-enhancing skills in the process. Join a network of more than 2,800 current and alumni fellows impacting policy, contributing to public service, and forging new careers.



FELLOWSHIP YEAR: September 1, 2015 – August 31, 2016


-Doctoral-level degree (PhD, MD, DVM, DSc, etc.) in any scientific, social science, health/medical or engineering discipline Master’s in engineering with 3 years of engineering related professional experience.

-US citizenship.


– $75,000–$100,000.

– Health insurance, travel/training and relocation allowances.


Email or call 202-326-6700


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8) Geophysicist, Department of Geology and Environmental Science, James Madison University

The Department of Geology and Environmental Science ( at James Madison University seeks applications for a geophysicist at the Assistant Professor level for a tenure-track position beginning August 2015. A Ph.D. related to the geosciences is required at the time of employment.  We seek a colleague who is committed to excellence in teaching and research involving undergraduates.  Teaching responsibilities include introductory and upper level undergraduate geophysics courses, and general education science courses.  Information on existing equipment housed in the department can be found at  Collaborations are encouraged with faculty in other STEM fields.

The department has 14 full-time faculty, 2 staff members, and approximately 125 undergraduate majors.  Degree options include a BS in Geology, a BA in Earth Science, and minors in Geology and in Geophysics.  Our graduates are recognized for their strong foundation in core geoscience disciplines with experience in undergraduate research. The department has an excellent record of placing students in graduate programs and employment in geoscience professions.

To apply, please submit a cover letter, a detailed curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy, a statement of research interests, and the names and addresses of three references to: under posting number 0406253.  Questions regarding this position may be directed to Elizabeth Johnson, Search Committee Chair, at:

Screening of applicants will begin December 21, 2014; however, applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled.  Salary is commensurate with experience.  James Madison University is an equal opportunity/Affirmative Action/equal access employer and especially encourages applications from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities.



9) Assistant Professor and Associate Professor – Department of the Geophysical Sciences University of Chicago

The Department of the Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago invites applications for positions at the Assistant Professor and Associate Professor ranks. We are interested in outstanding scientists who address fundamental questions about the physics, chemistry, biology, and history of Earth and other planetary bodies. Candidates for the Assistant Professor rank must have completed all requirements for the PhD prior to appointment. Candidates for the Associate Professor rank must have a PhD and an outstanding research record.

To be considered an applicant, candidates must apply through the University’s Academic Careers website and upload a cover letter; a curriculum vitae with list of publications; statements of research and teaching interests; and names and contact information for at least three referees. Consideration of applications will begin October 1, 2014, and will continue until all positions have been filled.

To apply for a position at the rank of Assistant Professor, go to:

To apply for a position at the rank of Associate Professor, go to:

For information on the Department, visit

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, protected veteran status or status as an individual with disability.

The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action / Equal Employment Opportunity / Disabled / Veterans Employer.



Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

The GeoPRISMS Office is now hosted by University of Michigan.
Questions? Contact the GeoPRISMS Office at
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REMINDER AND UPDATE: Apply to Test Mini-Lessons in Your Classroom

The MARGINS Mini-Lesson Project (a.k.a., “Bringing NSF MARGINS Continental Margins Research Into the Undergraduate Curriculum”) has developed a suite of mini-lessons designed to integrate the successful decade of NSF MARGINS research into the undergraduate geoscience curricula.  As with the MARGINS Program, the mini-lessons are organized around four initiatives, focused on the following science topics: chemical cycling in subduction zones (SubFac), seismogenic zone processes at subduction zones (SEIZE), rupturing continental lithosphere (RCL), and source to sink sediment cycling at continental margins (S2S). MARGINS research provided critical new observations and insights into the fundamental geologic processes along continental margins, enabling data rich learning opportunities for upper-level undergraduate students.

We invite you to apply to test one or more of the MARGINS mini-lessons in your classroom – this semester or next. For more information about the project and in-class field testing, to browse the collection of mini-lessons, and to express your interest in joining the effort, please visit the following site:

(Please note this is an updated URL, and include directions for testing as well)

Also, we are pleased to advise that a new mini-lesson has become available from the SEIZE initiative – “The Plate Boundary Fault of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake: Oceanic Provenance and Earthquake Genesis”

Further questions and inquiries should be directed to Juli Morgan, MARGINS Mini-Lesson Project Lead at

We look forward to hearing from you!