1) USGS Mendenhall Research Fellowship Opportunity: Cascadia Subduction Zone: Synthesis of Known Faults, Discovery of New Faults, and Links Between the Upper Plate and Megathrust
We would like to call your attention to a new USGS Mendenhall Post-Doctoral research opportunity: Cascadia Subduction Zone: Synthesis of Known Faults, Discovery of New Faults, and Links Between the Upper Plate and Megathrust (RO #16-17). Details about the position are available at http://geology.usgs.gov/
2) Visiting Faculty Position in Geology – Washington and Lee University, Department of Geology
The Geology Department at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA seeks applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor position in the discipline of environmental geology for the 2016-17 academic year. A PhD or ABD is required. Courses taught by the successful candidate at the majors level will include environmental field methods and possibly geochemistry, and water resources and physical geology at the introductory level. We seek a dynamic, creative teacher committed to high-quality undergraduate education and student-faculty research. W&L is a nationally ranked, highly selective liberal arts college. The Department (http://www.wlu.edu/geology-
3) FY2017 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Postdoctoral Fellow Programme
JAMSTEC wants to help talented young researchers who have completed promising Ph.D. theses to develop their scientific excellence in the fields of ocean and earth sciences. For this purpose, JAMSTEC has established an international postdoctoral fellowship programme. It is intended that research grants will be provided to successful applicants which will facilitate smooth start-up of his/her research in JAMSTEC (\1,000,000 for the first fiscal year and \500,000 for each of the second and third years). The successful applicant will also have access to the necessary facilities and equipment at JAMSTEC during the contract period.
Successful applicants to this programme are expected to conduct scientific work independently on research topics of their own proposing or to proceed with research in collaboration with JAMSTEC staff. The successful applicant will also have access to the necessary facilities and equipment at JAMSTEC during the contract period. A mentor will be designated to each JAMSTEC Postdoctoral Fellow, who will facilitate his/her research activities and evaluate research progress each year. During the fellowship period, the administration section of JAMSTEC will provide support regarding personal issues (e.g., preparing immigration documents, finding an apartment, etc).
Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.