Announcing a Webinar on the potential of an Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment
Register to Attend: https://attendee.gotowebinar.
Standard IRIS-hosted webinar format applies; attendees can type questions into the webinar interface, which will be communicated to the organizers.
Likely Presenters: Susan Schwartz, Geoff Abers, Rob Evans, Jeff Freymueller, Emily Roland, Doug Wiens
On March 16, NSF released a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL; NSF16-061;
This webinar discusses some of the scientific opportunities for such a shoreline-crossing deployment of seismometers across the Alaska Margin, and opportunities for complementary magnetotelluric, geodetic, and other geophysical observations. It focuses on opportunities in the regions off the Alaska Peninsula and south-central Alaska, where the on-land Transportable Array exists, extending onshore and offshore.
The presenters will also discuss ways community members could become involved in a community proposal for such a deployment, along the lines described by the DCL. A web page (/
This is an exciting opportunity to collect what should be one of the seminal data sets from an active subduction zone.