Job Posting: Staff Scientist Position

Staff Scientist in Geophysics, Geochemistry, and/or Cosmochemistry – Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (DTM) at the Carnegie Institution for Science

The Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (DTM) at the Carnegie Institution for Science seeks applicants for the position of Staff Scientist in the broad categories of geophysics, geochemistry, and/or cosmochemistry. We are particularly interested in innovative researchers whose observations help to constrain the role of fluids (e.g., water, other volatiles, melt) in: the past and present evolution of the solid Earth; the formation and early development of Earth’s atmosphere; and/or the origin of volatiles on Earth and other rocky planets. Subfields of interest include, but are not limited to, geodesy, geo/cosmochemistry, magnetotellurics, noble gases, remote sensing, seismology, and/or astrochemistry. Applicants who integrate across traditional boundaries are particularly encouraged to apply. The applicant should complement existing strengths within the Department ( We especially encourage applications from early career scientists and from members of traditionally underrepresented groups.

The Carnegie Institution is a basic research organization with a history of innovative instrumentation development. DTM staff scientists hold 12-month salaried appointments and pursue independent research supported by a combination of endowment and federal funds. DTM staff scientists do not have teaching duties, but we place considerable emphasis on the mentoring of postdoctoral scholars.

Applications should be submitted online here ( and should include a curriculum vitae, a brief statement of research plans, and abstracts from the applicant’s three most important papers. Please also provide the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of three professional referees, whose letters may be requested by DTM. Review of the applications will begin on August 1, 2016. Please contact the chair of the search committee Lara Wagner with any questions regarding this position by email at The Carnegie Institution is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of gender, race/ethnicity, protected veteran status, disability, or other protected group status.

Apply Now (


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Call for GeoPRISMS Mini-Workshop Proposals at AGU 2016

GeoPRISMS Mini-Workshops at AGU Fall Meeting 2016

Dear GeoPRISMS Community,

We are pleased to announce that this year we will again be able to host a few mini-workshops at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting (December 12-16). A mini-workshop is a research meeting that is held during an evening of the Fall Meeting or on the Sunday leading up to the meeting. Examples of mini-workshops held in association with recent and upcoming national and international meetings can be found at:


Mini-Workshops offer excellent opportunities to jump-start science discussions, as well as to coordinate implementation for future GeoPRISMS studies, both for primary sites and thematic studies. We encourage you to consider such an undertaking. The GeoPRISMS Office provides logistical support, a meeting room and refreshments. We do not cover any travel costs or per diem to the organizers or participants.

If you would like to host a GeoPRISMS-related Mini-Workshop in association with the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting (12-16 December), we invite you to submit your proposal to the GeoPRISMS Office at The proposals will be reviewed and ranked by the GeoPRISMS Steering and Oversight Committee (GSOC). The number of mini-workshops is limited but we expect to be able to host two to three events.

The deadline for upcoming Mini-Workshop proposals is July 1, 2016. The proposal guidelines are described on the GeoPRISMS website at: /meetings/mini-workshops/. We encourage you to contact the GeoPRISMS Office with questions or for advice prior to submitting at

We look forward to hearing your ideas.

-The GeoPRISMS Office and GSOC

Job Posting: Senior Project Associate Position and Faculty Positions

1) Senior Project Associate for Secondary Ion Probe and Electron Microprobe – Virginia Tech Department of Geosciences

2) Faculty Positions in Geosciences and Environmental Science – Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University


1) Senior Project Associate for Secondary Ion Probe and Electron Microprobe – Virginia Tech Department of Geosciences

The Department of Geosciences, in the College of Science at Virginia Tech, invites applications for the positon of senior project associate for the secondary ion probe (SIMS) and electron microprobe (EMP). Virginia Tech facilities include a Cameca IMS 7f GEO SIMS and a Cameca SX50 EMP. The responsibilities of the manager include:  instrument maintenance and repair, development of analytical protocols and software update, data collection, training, and support of microprobe users and scheduling of users.

The successful applicant must have a Ph.D. in geosciences, materials science or related discipline. He/she must have communication and interpersonal skills as well as demonstrated technological expertise related with SIMS and EMP, demonstrated knowledge of both computer software and hardware related to controlling the SIMS and/or EMP.  Preferences will be given to those candidates who have experience working with students and/or other users in a training capacity of these instruments; experience with SIMS for volatile (H, C, S, Cl, etc.) determination in minerals and melt inclusions; experience with EMP for chemical analyses of minerals and melt inclusions; knowledge of mineralogy, petrology, and material science.

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, current CV, and list of three professional references upon applying through posting number SR0160046 or via the link:  Review of applications will begin on May 6, 2016 and will continue until the position is filled. If you are an individual with a disability and desire an accommodation, please contact Ms. Sharon Collins (

Inquiries regarding the position should be directed to the search chair, Dr. Esteban Gazel, (; Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA;  (540) 231-2296.  Further information about the Department is available at

Virginia Tech does not discriminate against employees, students, or applicants on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status, or any other basis protected by law.


2) Faculty Positions in Geosciences and Environmental Science – Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University

The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Johns Hopkins University invites applications for multiple tenure-track or tenured faculty positions. The positions can be filled at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level, starting as early as Fall 2016. The successful candidates are expected to develop internationally recognized and externally funded research programs, to help develop and participate in undergraduate and graduate teaching, and to supervise graduate student research. In the case of an appointment with tenure, the candidate must already be internationally recognized and have a demonstrated record of external research funding. A Ph.D. is required in the Earth Sciences or a related natural sciences discipline; post-doctoral experience is desirable.

Applicants are sought for two focus areas: Geosciences including low-temperature geochemistry and studies of the early Earth, cosmochemistry, geophysics and geodynamics, volcanology and igneous petrology. We are particularly interested in candidates whose research has synergies with our recent hires with expertise in sedimentary, metamorphic and tectonic processes, planetary geology, and planetary atmospheres.

Environmental Sciences including: natural resources (including water, metals, soils, and energy), ecology, critical zone science, marine sciences, cryospheric sciences, geomorphology, landscape hydrology, environmental change, air pollution, and, biogeochemistry. We are particularly interested in candidates whose research has synergies with our program in Global Environmental Change and Sustainability.

Opportunities exist for the successful candidate to forge research and teaching ties with other parts of the Johns Hopkins community that are active in the earth and environmental sciences, and sustainability. They include multiple engineering departments, Environmental Health Sciences at the School of Public Health, the Applied Physics Laboratory, and the cross-departmental Environment, Energy, Sustainability, and Health Institute. There are excellent opportunities for additional collaborations within the Baltimore-Washington region, including with the Carnegie Institution, the Smithsonian Institution, the U.S. Geological Survey, the University of Maryland, and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Applications must be submitted electronically using Interfolio (, should indicate the relevant focus area and must include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, and the names and complete contact information of at least three references. Questions concerning submission of application materials should be directed to Kristen Heisey ( Other requests for information may be directed to Professor Sverjensky, Geosciences, Search Committee Chair ( and/or Professor Waugh, Environmental Sciences Search Committee Chair ( Review of the applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled. Applications received by 30 June, 2016 will receive full consideration.


A Ph.D. is required in the Earth Sciences or a related natural sciences discipline; post-doctoral experience is desirable.


Applications must be submitted electronically using Interfolio, should indicate the relevant focus area and must include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, and the names and complete contact information of at least three references.

Johns Hopkins University is committed to active recruitment of a diverse faculty and student body. The University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer of women, minorities, protected veterans and individuals with disabilities and encourages applications from these and other protected group members. Consistent with the University’s goals of achieving excellence in all areas, we will assess the comprehensive qualifications of each applicant.


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Update regarding NSF GeoPRISMS Program Solicitation

NSF has just released the new GeoPRISMS solicitation:

The deadline for proposals has been adjusted to July 26 (for 2016 only).

The most notable changes are:
     – the deadline is pushed back to July 26
     – this revision updates the “Continued Community Input and Phased Funding Model” section
     – the submission of letters for Postdoctoral Fellow proposals is simplified
     – this revision adds a requirement to contact a Program Officer prior to submitting a RAPID proposal.

Please note that any proposal submitted in response to this solicitation should be submitted in accordance with the revised NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedure Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 16-1), which is effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after January 25, 2016.

Questions should be directed to PO Jennifer Wade:; (703) 292-4739 or Maurice Tivey:; (703) 292-7710

Webinar – Potential of an Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment

Announcing a Webinar on the potential of an Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment

When: Monday, April 25 2016, 1:00p EDT

Register to Attend:

Standard IRIS-hosted webinar format applies; attendees can type questions into the webinar interface, which will be communicated to the organizers.

Likely Presenters: Susan Schwartz, Geoff Abers, Rob Evans, Jeff Freymueller, Emily Roland, Doug Wiens

On March 16, NSF released a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL; NSF16-061; encouraging proposals for community-driven shoreline-crossing seismological arrays along the Alaska subduction margin. The concept follows directly from the success of the Cascadia Initiative ( community experiment, and is targeted toward subduction-related problems of relevance to GeoPRISMS and EarthScope science plans. The Alaska experiment would take advantage of the Alaska component of the Earthscope Transportable Array currently being deployed, in a region of great earthquakes and abundant volcanism. A workshop in October, 2014 provided scientific rationale for such successors to the Cascadia Amphibious Array, as outlined in a 2015 report. Much of that report emphasized the seismogenic megathrust and volatile cycling through the subduction factory as the two major science targets that require broad, shoreline-crossing observations in subduction zones. Both targets could be optimally addressed by studies of the Alaska margin. The DCL specifically invites community experiment proposals to be submitted to the July 15, 2016 GeoPRISMS deadline.

This webinar discusses some of the scientific opportunities for such a shoreline-crossing deployment of seismometers across the Alaska Margin, and opportunities for complementary magnetotelluric, geodetic, and other geophysical observations. It focuses on opportunities in the regions off the Alaska Peninsula and south-central Alaska, where the on-land Transportable Array exists, extending onshore and offshore.

The presenters will also discuss ways community members could become involved in a community proposal for such a deployment, along the lines described by the DCL. A web page (/research/community-projects/alaska/) has been set up to engage community members and communicate strategies, including a mechanism for qualified PI’s to volunteer to join the PI team.

This is an exciting opportunity to collect what should be one of the seminal data sets from an active subduction zone.

Job Posting: Faculty Position & Postdoc opportunities

1) USGS Mendenhall Research Fellowship Opportunity 
2) Visiting Faculty Position in Geology – Washington and Lee University, Department of Geology
3) FY2017 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Postdoctoral Fellow Programme 


1) USGS Mendenhall Research Fellowship Opportunity: Cascadia Subduction Zone: Synthesis of Known Faults, Discovery of New Faults, and Links Between the Upper Plate and Megathrust

We would like to call your attention to a new USGS Mendenhall Post-Doctoral research opportunity: Cascadia Subduction Zone: Synthesis of Known Faults, Discovery of New Faults, and Links Between the Upper Plate and Megathrust (RO #16-17).  Details about the position are available at  In summary, we are seeking a post-doctoral researcher to help identify and quantify causal interactions between major structures responsible for earthquake hazards in the Pacific Northwest, specifically the Cascadia megathrust and upper-plate faults, both onshore and offshore.  Applicants have latitude in the proposed research topic, geographic scale, and geophysical methods to be used.   Applicants are encouraged to contact any of the USGS Research Advisors (listed below) to discuss proposal ideas before developing a complete proposal.  The application deadline is May 2, 2016, and the proposed duty station is Menlo Park, California.  Application instructions are provided at

Rick Blakely (
Ray Wells (
Dan Scheirer (
Brian Sherrod (,
Tom Brocher (
Lydia Staisch (


2) Visiting Faculty Position in Geology – Washington and Lee University, Department of Geology

The Geology Department at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA seeks applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor position in the discipline of environmental geology for the 2016-17 academic year. A PhD or ABD is required. Courses taught by the successful candidate at the majors level will include environmental field methods and possibly geochemistry, and water resources and physical geology at the introductory level. We seek a dynamic, creative teacher committed to high-quality undergraduate education and student-faculty research. W&L is a nationally ranked, highly selective liberal arts college. The Department ( has excellent facilities and resources, makes great use of the Appalachians in field courses and labs, and is a member of the Keck Geology Consortium. Apply via email to Applications should include curriculum vitae, teaching statement including teaching interests/experience, research statement, and contact info for 3 referees. Please address to Search Committee, Geology Department, Washington and Lee University. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Washington and Lee and the Department of Geology are interested in candidates committed to high standards of scholarship and professional activities, and to the development of a campus climate that supports equality and diversity among its faculty, staff, and students. The University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


3) FY2017 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Postdoctoral Fellow Programme

JAMSTEC wants to help talented young researchers who have completed promising Ph.D. theses to develop their scientific excellence in the fields of ocean and earth sciences. For this purpose, JAMSTEC has established an international postdoctoral fellowship programme. It is intended that research grants will be provided to successful applicants which will facilitate smooth start-up of his/her research in JAMSTEC (\1,000,000 for the first fiscal year and \500,000 for each of the second and third years). The successful applicant will also have access to the necessary facilities and equipment at JAMSTEC during the contract period.

Successful applicants to this programme are expected to conduct scientific work independently on research topics of their own proposing or to proceed with research in collaboration with JAMSTEC staff. The successful applicant will also have access to the necessary facilities and equipment at JAMSTEC during the contract period. A mentor will be designated to each JAMSTEC Postdoctoral Fellow, who will facilitate his/her research activities and evaluate research progress each year. During the fellowship period, the administration section of JAMSTEC will provide support regarding personal issues (e.g., preparing immigration documents, finding an apartment, etc).

For details, please check our website:


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

REMINDER – Subduction Zone Observatory Workshop (NEW DATES: September 29-October 1, 2016) – Apply Now

NSF-sponsored Subduction Zone Observatory Workshop

Boise, ID • Thursday 9/29Saturday 10/1
Apply before June 1

Please consider attending the NSF-sponsored Subduction Zone Observatory Workshop, to be held in Boise, Idaho from Thursday, 9/29 until Saturday 10/1. [IMPORTANT: The workshop dates have been shifted to eliminate overlap with the final day of GSA’s annual meeting. This move is designed to resolve any conflict for those who would like to attend both meetings.] The workshop seeks a broad range of applicants interested in discussing the scientific motivations for an interdisciplinary earth, ocean, and atmospheric research program focused around the scientific questions and societal hazards related to subduction zones.

Applications are due by June 1, but applying as soon as possible will help the organizing committee finalize the meeting agenda. Applicants will be selected by this committee and notified of their application status no later than July 1st.

On-site support is available for selected applicants, and limited travel support will be available for selected early career scientists and other applicants. International and early career scientists are especially encouraged to apply.

Visit the workshop website to learn more:

Reminder: Submit a GeoPRISMS-related session to AGU Fall Meeting

Please consider submitting a GeoPRISMS (or MARGINS)-related session to the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting.

Deadline to submit a session proposal: April 20, 2016

Session Proposals

It is a great opportunity to promote GeoPRISMS Science and activities. As every year, the GeoPRISMS Office will compile a list of AGU Fall Meeting special sessions that directly support the scientific goals of the GeoPRISMS (and MARGINS) Programs, or are of interest to the GeoPRISMS Community. This list will be advertised on the website, newsletter, and through the GeoPRISMS Listserv.

For more information about GeoPRISMS past activities and related sessions at AGU please visit the website at: /meetings/agu-townhall-and-student-forum/

The GeoPRISMS Office

Job Posting: Postdoc opportunities

1) Mendenhall Research Fellowship Opportunity 

2) Two-year postdoctoral position in subduction zone related seismology – GNS Science, New Zealand


1) Mendenhall Research Fellowship Opportunity 16-11: Hydroacoustic detection and characterization of submarine volcanic activity in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, USA

Eruptions of submarine volcanoes constitute a poorly understood hazard and pose a significant risk to ocean-going vessels due to the formation of pumice rafts. Air traffic can also be affected when vigorous submarine eruption plumes pass through the water column and into the atmosphere. The two most recent volcanic eruptions in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), a commonwealth of the United States, have been submarine: South Sarigan Seamount (2010) and Ahyi (2014). We seek a talented, Ph.D. level scientist with a background in geophysics, physics, or acoustics to participate in a joint USGS-NOAA project aiming to improve our understanding of submarine volcanism through research in the CNMI on the following broad topics in naturally generated hydroacoustics:

-Processes related to submarine volcanic unrest

-Generation and propagation of hydroacoustic waves and their coupling into the solid Earth

-How hydroacoustic ambient noise affects signal detectability

Beyond the use of hydroacoustic and seismic T-phase data in the CNMI to investigate any of these topics, the detailed research plan is left to the Postdoctoral Fellow to formulate. The project is expected to involve the analysis of hydroacoustic data, numerical modeling of hydroacoustic propagation, and the deployment of hydrophones in the Mariana Arc region. Please contact any of the research advisors for information on the application process.

Research Advisors: Matthew Haney (Alaska Volcano Observatory, mhaney at, Robert Dziak (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, robert.p.dziak at, William Chadwick (Oregon State University, bill.chadwick at, John Lyons (Alaska Volcano Observatory, jlyons at, and Del Bohnenstiehl (North Carolina State University, delwayne_bohnenstiehl at

Project Website:

Application Website:

Duty Station: Anchorage, AK

Application Deadline: May 2, 2016


2) Two-year postdoctoral position in subduction zone related seismology – GNS Science, New Zealand

GNS Science, a crown research institute of New Zealand that provides Earth, geoscience and isotope research, invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral position to conduct research on recently acquired ocean bottom seismometer and absolute pressure gauge data from the Hikurangi Margin. The data capture one of the largest shallow Slow Slip Episodes to date and provide an enticing opportunity to search for temporal changes in physical properties associated with deformation on a megathrust fault. The postdoctoral project is a multinational collaboration with colleagues from the University of Tokyo and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies and provides opportunities for close interaction with these institutes.

Candidates with strong physics, computing, and writing skills are encouraged to submit a Curriculum Vitae, brief statement of research interests via our careers page further information, please contact Bill Fry at:

UNOLS Research Training Cruise with Deep-Submergence Assets

Opportunity: A 2016 Deep Submergence Training Cruise on the R/V Atlantis is being proposed to include a 2-day pre-cruise workshop (26-27 July), 11 d at sea with telepresence (28 July to 7 Aug), with HOV Alvin (5 science dives) and AUV Sentry, plus a 1 d post-cruise follow-up (8 Aug); sailing Woods Hole MA to Morehead City NC. This is the first leadership training cruise with deep-submergence assets, and it will be the first ‘telepresence’-enabled leadership training program. Partway through the cruise, participants on R/V Atlantis will move to the Inner Space Center (ISC) at the University of Rhode Island ( and ISC-based participants will transfer to Atlantis.

Key objectives include providing experience in:

i. collaborative, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research and proposal strategies for deep-submergence science
ii. leadership in cruise and dive/mission planning and execution
iii. integration of instrumentation with Alvin/Sentry/other deep-submergence assets
iv. telepresence research and communication: seafloor-to-ship-to-shore
v. data management, sharing, reporting
vi. science communication

Preference will be given to researchers who have significant potential to write proposals to use the National Deep Submergence Facility (NDSF) assets Alvin, Jason, or Sentry in the next five years. We target postdoctoral researchers, assistant professors/scientists with less than 7 years since their PhD. A limited number of spaces may be available to advanced PhD students. More established researchers may be invited to participate if they have not used (NDSF) assets in the past. All disciplines of deep-submergence science are targeted, including biological, geological, chemical, and physical oceanography. Space is limited.

Small stipends are provided for participant travel costs, research supplies, and shipping. Space is limited. To apply you must be an employee or student (U.S. Citizen or permanent resident) at a U.S. institution or a U.S. citizen working abroad.

To be considered, applications must be received by 30 March 2016. The on-line application form is available at: