Job Postings: Postdoc & PhD Positions

PhD and Postdoc opportunities announcement

Clermont-Ferrand Centre for Volcano Research

Seeking world-class PhD students, post-doctoral research fellows and technical engineers in the field of volcanic and magmatic systems.

The ClerVolc consortium involves six laboratories of Blaise Pascal University in Clermont-Ferrand, France (Collaboratrices of Earth Science ‘Magmas et Volcans’, Particle Physics, Physical Meteorology, Social and Cognitive Psychology, Mathematics, Computer Science), the Observatoire de Physique du Globe at Clermont-Ferrand, and the French Geological Survey (BRGM). The consortium, which is led by P. Schiano director, T. Druitt scientific coordinator, has received funding for a collaborative research programme from the French government ‘Laboratories of Excellence’ initiative. The programme addresses fundamental questions in the field of magma generation, volcano dynamics, volcanic hazards and volcanic risk.

We are seeking candidates for five projects, to start in October of 2015. The projects are at post-doctoral (PDoc) and doctoral (PhD) levels. Postdoctoral projects are divided into those with that are strongly research-oriented (PDocRes), and those with important components of technical development (PDocTech).

Details of the projects, post profiles, salaries, contact addresses, application procedures and deadlines may be found at the following link:

In the event of additional enquiries or problems, please contact ClerVolc administration manager Socheata Sean (

Applications will be accepted until the 17 May 2015. Applicants do not need to speak French.

* Technical developments for a muon telescope suitable for imaging an active volcano. C. Carloganu (LPC) and P. Labazuy (LMV). PDocTech.

* Probing the mechanics governing the growth, evolution and eruption of large silicic magma bodies. T. Menand and J.L. Froger (LMV). PDocRes.

* Universal calibration of Raman spectroscopy for the analysis of volatiles in glasses of variable composition. N. Bolfan (LMV). PDocRes.

* Kinetics of magmatic processes: Formation and morphological evolution of phenocryst-hosted melt inclusions. D. Laporte and P. Schiano (LMV). PDocRes.

* Pyroclastic density currents: continuous spectrum or distinct endmembers? O. Roche (LMV), L. Chupin and T. Dubois (LM) PhD.

LMV: Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans; LPC: Laboratory of Particle Physics; LM: Laboratory of Mathematics


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Job Posting: Science Assistant position at NSF

NSF’s Marine Geology and Geophysics (MGG) Program is looking to hire a new Science Assistant.  The Science Assistant will work with the Program Officers as well as others in the OCE Division, providing service to the Programs and simultaneously developing an understanding of key aspects of the science and engineering enterprise that will be valuable to a future professional scientific career. Science Assistants help to manage the Program’s merit review process and award oversight activities, and may also participate in other developmental assignments including report preparation, working with other parts of NSF and other government agencies, and exchanging information with the scientific research community.

Please pass the word along to students or others who might be interested. The ideal candidate will have a Masters degree in marine geosciences, though we will also consider candidates with a Bachelors degree. Backgrounds in other fields of ocean sciences or earth sciences will also be considered.  Start date will be mid- to late summer 2015. The appointment is limited to no more than two years.

Interested parties should contact Candace Major (, Program Director in Marine Geology and Geophysics. Official applications will be received through USAjobs (

Job Posting: Faculty Position and JAMSTEC Scientist Position

1) Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Igneous Petrology/Geochemistry – Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering, University of Nevada Reno

2) Scientist or Technical Scientist position for Plate Boundary Drilling Research Group – Research and Development (R&D) Center for Ocean Drilling Science, JAMSTEC


1) Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Igneous Petrology/Geochemistry – Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering, University of Nevada Reno

The Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno seeks an earth scientist for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in high-temperature earth processes. We seek an outstanding scientist who combines field, laboratory and modeling investigations and will establish an innovative, world-class, externally funded research program in the petrological and/or geochemical evolution of Earth’s crust and/or mantle.  The applicant will be expected to direct graduate student research at the M.S. and Ph.D. levels and contribute to both undergraduate and graduate education. The specific field of interest is open, but preference will be given to candidates who would complement and interact with our existing strengths in the structural and metamorphic evolution of the lithosphere, economic geology, geothermal systems, and natural hazards. Interested applicants must have a doctorate in geology or a related geoscience field by the time of hire.  The Department is part of the Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, which also includes two state-funded Earth Science units, the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology and the Nevada Seismological Laboratory. More information about the Department can be found at

Applications are due by August 15th, 2015 and review will begin shortly after. All interested applicants should view the application and submit their materials at:

Materials that will need to be uploaded include a cover letter, CV, statement of research, statement of teaching philosophy, and complete contact information for at least three letters of reference. We are hoping to fill the position by January 1st, 2016. Questions regarding the search may be addressed to the head of the search committee, Dr. Stacia Gordon, at The University of Nevada, Reno is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women and underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.


2) Scientist or Technical Scientist position for Plate Boundary Drilling Research Group – Research and Development (R&D) Center for Ocean Drilling Science, JAMSTEC

We are soliciting applications for a Scientist or Technical Scientist, who will be engaged in the third medium-term plan.

Job Specification

The Research and Development Center for Ocean Drilling Science (ODS) of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) has 1 opening for a full-time tenure-track Scientist or Technical Scientist in the area of subducting plate and arc-trench systems. The successful applicant will study the structure, crustal composition and property, rock mechanics, and fault activity of these systems and will examine the interrelationships of phenomena related to plate subduction, and earthquake and tsunami generation. The successful applicant will participate in scientific drilling projects and will lead an integrated research and development program using techniques such as laboratory analyses/experiments, downhole logging, exploration geophysics, and/or geo-modeling.

Closing Date: March 31, 2015 (The application documents must arrive at JAMSTEC by this date.)

For details, please check our website:

Job Postings: Postdoc and Faculty Positions

1) Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Geodynamics – University of Minnesota

2) Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Geodynamics – Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo

3) Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Structural Geology and Geophysics – Texas A&M University–Kingsville, Department of Physics and Geoscience


1) Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Geodynamics – University of Minnesota

We invite applications for a postdoctoral researcher position in geodynamic modelling at the University of Minnesota. A key objective of the project is to understand the pattern of fluid migration in subduction zones through numerical simulation and synthesis and analyses of geochemical and geophysical constraints for the distribution and migration of fluids in subduction zones. Qualified candidates should have a background in numerical programming and modeling of geodynamic processes. Positions are available for one year and are renewable for a second year depending upon performance and availability of funds. Applications should include a brief statement of research experience and interests, dissertation abstract, and curriculum vitae with publications list, immigration status, and contact information for two references. Questions can be address to Ikuko Wada ( Applications should be submitted online at Position requisition number is 192743.


2) Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Geodynamics – Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo

Job Description

Subduction is the dominant process that has shaped the geological evolution of Japan and drives its modern-day hazards. We seek an early career researcher at the level of assistant professor who will engage in research to examine the geodynamics of the subduction system. Preference will be given to candidates with interest in how the crust and lithosphere are affected by the subduction process. We encourage applicants who develop integrated geodynamic models and apply tests using leading-edge numerical simulation methods in order to examine crust and lithospheric processes at various spatial and time scales that bridge the earthquake cycle to tectonic deformation. The successful candidate must be highly motivated, have the potential to execute pioneering research with strong ties to observational research, and take a leadership role to build an active geodynamics team that interacts with other groups within ERI and the international community. ERI carries out fundamental research on earthquakes and volcanoes in order to contribute to mitigation of associated natural disasters. The successful candidate’s research will be directly applicable to ERI’s mission in collaboration with ERI scientists. The primary responsibility of professors at this institute is to carry out research; and the successful candidate may advise or mentor graduate students in conjunction with faculty of the University of Tokyo. Candidates must have a Ph.D. or an equivalent academic degree. Females and international applicants are encouraged to apply.

The tenure-track assistant professor hired through this program has the possibility to be promoted to associate professor with a permanent position at the ERI, the University of Tokyo, if deemed qualified through an evaluation of his or her achievements. Early evaluation after three years will lead into a tenure decision after five years. Please contact the person below for more details.

Candidates are asked to submit the following set of documents to the address below:

– CV

– List of academic publications

– Reprints (or copies) of three representative papers.

– Summary of research that the candidate has conducted (300-500 words).

– Proposal for research to be undertaken at ERI (300-500 words) including a statement on development of integrated research projects in geodynamics.

– Names, contact information, and email addresses of two references.

The set of documents must be addressed to:

Personnel Section, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo

1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-0032 JAPAN

Please indicate in red on the envelope containing the set of documents: “Application for assistant professor position in geodynamics.”

We will begin reviewing applications on January 30, 2015.

For further information, contact Prof. Hiroshi Sato (email:, Tel: +81-3-5841-5737).

Employer Information

ERI employs over 80 top-notch academics (professors, associate professors and research associates) drawn from diverse fields, ranging from seismology to volcanology, geophysics, geochemistry, geology, geodesy, applied mathematics, information science, civil engineering and seismic engineering. Together with a support staff of 50, 30 visiting researchers and 70 graduate students, we work on advanced research, technique development, field observations, experiments, theoretical studies, analyses and computer simulations. We promote comprehensive research and education in order to achieve two goals. 1) Scientifically unraveling the various phenomena within the earth and seismic/volcanic activities on our planet. 2) Mitigation of disasters from such phenomena. ERI is composed of 4 divisions, 5 centers, and other supporting offices and sections.



3) Tenure-track positions in Structural Geology and Geophysics – Texas A&M University–Kingsville, Department of Physics and Geoscience

The Department of Physics and Geosciences at Texas A&M University–Kingsville seeks applicants for two tenure track faculty positions at the Assistant Professor level to begin August 1, 2015. We seek a Structural Geologist (job posting # 0602011) with a PhD in Geology with teaching responsibilities to include introductory courses, structural geology, and field methods. We also seek a Geophysicist (job posting # 0602010) with a master’s degree in Physics and a PhD in Geophysics with teaching responsibilities to include undergraduate physics and geophysics courses and graduate geophysics courses. Degrees are required at the time of appointment. Applicants must develop a viable, sustainable, strong, externally-fundable research program involving undergraduate students.

For additional information see and to apply, please visit the following website:; An EO/AA/Veterans/Disability Employer.


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Job Postings: Faculty Positions, PhD & Postdoc positions

 1) PhD Topics in Rift Volcanism for 2015

2) Faculty Position at the Professor level with focus on geophysical characterization and numerical modelling of petroleum systems – Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University

3) Assistant Professor Structural Geology and Tectonics – North Carolina State University

4) Tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level – Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) Saint Louis University

5) Post-doctoral research position investigating aseismic slip, earthquake occurrence and hazard – USGS Menlo Park, California; Vancouver, Washington.


1) PhD Topics in Rift Volcanism for 2015

Rift Volcanism: Past, Present, Future is a new 5-year large-scale research project funded by NERC to investigate the volcanism of the Main Ethiopian Rift. The project involves researchers from 6 UK universities (Edinburgh, Bristol, Oxford, Cambridge, Leeds and Southampton), Addis Ababa University, the Geological Survey of Ethiopia and the British Geological Survey. Here are links to a series of PhD topics that are being offered by researchers across the consortium. The funding for these projects will mainly be offered through the appropriate Doctoral Training Partnership – so follow the links to find out how to apply.

Since funding for these projects comes from the UK Natural Environment Research Council, there are quite strict eligibility rules: UK residents should be entitled to full funding; EU nationals who are not UK residents should be entitled to support for fees, but may need additional scholarships to cover living costs; while international students will need to be funded from scholarships or other sources: if in doubt, please ask!.

* Bristol (GW4+ Doctoral Training Partnership).

Monitoring induced seismicity due to geothermal energy production in active volcanic systems.

UK Supervisors: Mike Kendall, Richard Luckett, Juliet Biggs, Brian Baptie (BGS)

* Cambridge (Fully funded project)

Eruption dynamics of peralkaline rhyolitic volcanism in the Main Ethiopian Rift.

UK Supervisors: Marie Edmonds (Earth Sciences) & Kathy Cashman (University of Bristol)

* Edinburgh (Edinburgh E3 Doctoral Training Partnership)

Understanding the nature of pyroclastic density current generation at Quaternary silicic volcanoes in the Main Ethiopian Rift.

UK Supervisors: Eliza Calder (Edinburgh), David Pyle (Oxford), Julia Crummy (British Geological Survey).

Supervisors: Andrew Bell, Ian Main (Edinburgh)

* Leeds (Leeds – York Doctoral Training Partnership; fully funded project)

What controls the magmatic plumbing systems of spreading centres in Afar?

UK Supervisors: Tim Wright (SEE), Andy Hooper (SEE), Dr Juliet Biggs (Bristol)

* Oxford (Oxford Doctoral Training Partnership in Environmental Research)

Volcanic carbon dioxide emissions in the Main Ethiopian Rift.

UK Supervisors: Tamsin Mather, David Pyle (Oxford)

Understanding volcanism in rift settings: the frequency and magnitude of large explosive eruptions in the Main Ethiopian Rift.

UK Supervisors: Tamsin Mather, David Pyle, Karen Fontijn, Victoria Smith (Oxford)

* Southampton (SPITFIRE Doctoral Training Partnership)

Interaction between magmatic processes and faulting at an active rift valley volcano

Supervisors: Derek Keir (Southampton), Alex Brisbourne (British Antarctic Survey).

Related links:

The RiftVolc project follows on from a number of major research activities in the Ethiopian rift over the past twenty years which have involved collaborators from Ethiopia, Europe and the United States. These include:

Afar Rift Consortium (2007 – 2012) with a focus on the Afar region of northern Ethiopia

EAGLE – the Ethiopian Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment (2003 – 2007)

GeoPRISMS – East African Rift System Primary Site

> More information about this announcement here


2) Faculty Position at the Professor level with focus on geophysical characterization and numerical modelling of petroleum systems – Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University

The Department of Geoscience has strong research groups within a number of research areas. Basin analysis with high level cross disciplinary research is an important focus area, and the position will have a key function in the basin analysis group. This group includes at present 4 associate professors/professors and a varying number of postdocs and technicians. Equipment for on- and offshore reflection seismic acquisition, processing and interpretation, various tools for logging of boreholes and rock mechanical experimental laboratories are available.


The appointee must have a strong background within geophysics and its application to petroleum related problems. Another important qualification is the ability to integrate numerical modelling and applied geophysics. The department has a long tradition for industry cooperation and applicants both with an industrial and/or an academic background are welcome. Experience with cross disciplinary research is an advantage. The appointee is expected to teach courses within applied geophysics (e.g. signal processing and seismic acquisition and processing) at all university levels (BSc, MSc and PhD).

The appointee is expected to develop strong international collaboration and to attract funding and material support (data, software, equipment) from national and international sources. Attractive opportunities exist via the collaboration with other researchers in addressing the problem portfolio of the recently established Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre funded by the Dansk Undergrunds Consortium.

Further information:

Further information can be obtained from Head of Department Søren Bom Nielsen, Department of Geoscience, Hoegh-Guldbergs Gade 2, DK-8000 Aarhus C by e-mail or phone +45 2113 1499.

Formalities and salary range:

Science and Technology refers to the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

The application must be in English and include a curriculum vitae, degree certificate, a complete list of publications, a statement of future research plans and information about research activities, teaching portfolio and verified information on previous teaching experience (if any). Guidelines for applicants can be found here.

Appointment shall be in accordance with the collective labour agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. Further information on qualification requirements and job content may be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities. (in Danish).

Salary depends on seniority as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Confederation of Professional Associations.


All applications must be made online and received by: 1 Marts 2015

Please apply online here

Aarhus University offers an inspiring education and research environment for 44,500 students and 11,500 members of staff, ensuring results of a high international standard. The budgeted turnover for 2014 amounts to DKK 6.2 billion. The university’s strategy and development contract are available at


3) Assistant Professor Structural Geology and Tectonics – North Carolina State University

The Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences (MEAS) at North Carolina State University (NC State) seeks to fill a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of assistant professor in structural geology and tectonics.

Possible research areas include, but are not limited to: rock mechanics, neotectonics, thermochronology, sedimentary basin analysis, plate kinematics and geodesy. Candidates that combine field observations with precision measurement techniques, numerical simulations, analogue models, or laboratory experiments are preferred, and applicants should have a strong interest in interdisciplinary collaborations across and beyond the geosciences. The start date of this position is 15 August 2015.

Review of applications will begin on 10 February 2015; the position will remain open until filled. Applications, including cover letters, curriculum vitae, teaching and research statements, and contact information for three references must be submitted online at (position number 46132).

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in the geosciences or a related field. The successful candidate must demonstrate strong potential for outstanding accomplishments in research, research supervision, and teaching. They will be expected to teach an undergraduate-level course in structural geology, as well as other undergraduate and graduate classes commensurate with the candidate’s interest and expertise. An interest in participating in the Department’s capstone undergraduate geology field course also is desirable. MEAS places a high value on excellent instruction and the use of innovative teaching methods.

Located within the College of Sciences at NC State, MEAS is one of the largest interdisciplinary geoscience departments in the United States. Opportunities exist for disciplinary and interdisciplinary interactions with more than 30 marine, earth and atmospheric scientists. Additional information about the department and its facilities can be found on the web page: NC State also hosts large programs in geotechnical and construction materials engineering and has recently established the Center for Geospatial Analytics:

Founded in 1887, NC State is a land-grant institution distinguished by its exceptional quality of research, teaching, extension, and public service.  Located in Raleigh, North Carolina, NC State is the largest university in North Carolina, with more than 34,000 students and 8,000 faculty and staff. National rankings consistently rate Raleigh and its surrounding region among the five best places in the country to live and work, with a highly educated workforce, moderate weather, reasonable cost of living, and a welcoming environment. A collaborative, supportive environment for business and innovation and research collaborations with area universities and the Research Triangle Park are compelling reasons for relocation to the area.  NC State is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, or disability. Applications from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged.

Inquires about the open position should be directed to the search committee chair, Dr. Del Bohnenstiehl at


4) Tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) Saint Louis University

Saint Louis University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS), to begin in the Fall semester, 2015.

We seek applicants with expertise in disciplines that will support our geology programs as well as contribute to our growing environmental science programs through research, teaching, and the mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students. We are interested in geoscientists with a background in areas of soft rock geology such as sedimentology, stratigraphy, and basin analysis, as well as applicants in closely related disciplines including geomorphology, surface processes, and land-atmosphere interactions. Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate courses in sedimentology, stratigraphy, geomorphology, and graduate courses in the candidate’s area of expertise. Applicants with a strong field component to their research and teaching will be favorably regarded. A PhD in earth science is required at the time of appointment.

The Department programs include undergraduate degrees in environmental science, environmental studies, geology, geophysics, and meteorology. Masters and PhD degrees are granted in geoscience (with concentrations in geology, geophysics, and environmental geoscience) as well as in meteorology. For more details, visit the EAS website at

All applications must be made online at and must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a two-page statement of teaching, research, and professional goals, and the names and complete contact information of at least four references. Review of applications will begin January 1, 2015, and will continue until the position is filled. Further inquiries may be sent to

Saint Louis University, a Catholic, Jesuit institution dedicated to student learning, research, and health care, is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer (AA/EOE), and encourages nomination and application of women and minorities. Additional information can be found at


5) Post-doctoral research position investigating aseismic slip, earthquake occurrence and hazard 

The USGS Mendenhall post-doctoral research program has an opportunity for research into the conditions that lead to seismic versus aseismic faulting and the spatial and temporal interaction of fault slip modes, to advance our understanding of earthquake occurrence and earthquake hazard. It is a multidisciplinary opportunity involving seismology, deformation and geodesy, geophysics, experimental fault mechanics, and seismic hazard analysis. It is open to candidates from all of these fields. Possible research topics include but are not limited to:

1) Determining the extent that areas of coseismic and aseismic slip overlap, and the implications for forecasting future large earthquake ruptures.

2) Seismologic, deformational or laboratory constraints on the physical processes underlying transient fault slip, including ETS and the occurrence of foreshock sequences.

3) Better establishing the seismic moment from co-seismic slip below the ‘locked’ depth, scaling of such deep slip with ruptured area and the influence of deep slip on large earthquake stress drop and surface slip.

4) Relation of episodic slow slip to large earthquake occurrence, including improved observational and rheological constraints on the up-dip extent of ETS.

5) Improved observations of transitions between aseismic and seismic slip and their relation to temperature, depth, mineralogy, phase transformations, slip rate, strain rate and pore pressure.

6) Developing methods to use geodetically observable aseismic transients or associated foreshocks in monitoring and earthquake hazard, for example in short-term likelihood forecasts.

7) Constraints on the dynamic rheology of the near-trench extent of subduction megathrusts and the mechanics of co-seismic coupling among fault slip, ground motion and tsunamigenesis.

Application deadline: February 17th 2015

Position start dates: Start dates have not been finalized. At the present time they are projected to be between May 2015 and early 2016.

Research Advisors: Nick Beeler, (650) 329-4863, (360) 993-8987,; Jessica Murray, (650) 329-4864,; David Shelly, (650) 329-4024,; Diane Moore, (650) 329-4825,; David Lockner, (650) 329-4826,; Evelyn Roeloffs, 360-993-8937,

Location: Menlo Park, California; Vancouver, Washington.

For general information on the Mendenhall program see:

and for a more detailed description of this opportunity (15-9) see :

Contact one of the research advisors directly to discuss possible application proposals.


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.


Job Postings: NSF Program Director Marine Geology and Geophysics Program, Faculty Position, MSc/PhD & Postdoc fellows

1) NSF Program Director in the Marine Geology and Geophysics Program – Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE), Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) in Arlington, VA

2) Lecturer / Senior Lecturer Basin Studies and Petroleum Geoscience – University of Manchester, School of Earth, Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences

3) 8 MSc/PhD students and 2 postdoctoral fellows with MAGNET (Multidisciplinary Applied Geochemistry Network) a NSERC-funded program


1) NSF Program Director in the Marine Geology and Geophysics Program – Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE), Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) in Arlington, VA

The NSF is seeking a qualified candidate to fill the position of Program Director in the Marine Geology and Geophysics Program in the Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE), Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) in Arlington, VA. The successful candidate will manage a portfolio of research in marine geophysics, including research relating to: the structure and tectonic evolution of the oceanic lithosphere and its associated volcanic, magmatic, hydrothermal, and earthquake activity; the tectonics and morphology of the seafloor and the geodynamic processes that create it; and subseafloor fluid flow that controls the exchange of heat and chemical species between seawater, abyssal ecosystems, and ocean crust and oversee. The individual selected for this position will also oversee NSF-funded marine geophysical infrastructure, coordinating closely as needed with the Division of Ocean Sciences facilities group on assets such as the Ocean Bottom Seismograph Instrument Pool, R/V Langseth, and marine geophysics data centers.

Specific details regarding the duties, qualifications, benefits and how to apply are found on the USAJOBS website ( .

Applicants wishing to apply for a Permanent Appointment should see Job Announcement OCE-2015-0002 (

Applicants wishing to apply for a Federal Temporary, IPA or VSEE Appointment should see Job Announcement OCE-2015-0003 (

Please contact Thomas Janecek (; 703-292-5393) for more details regarding this position.


2) Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Basin Studies and Petroleum Geoscience – University of Manchester, School of Earth, Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences

Applications are invited for a post as Lecturer / Senior Lecturer. We are seeking a candidate with an internationally recognised research profile in an area relevant to Basin Studies and Petroleum Geoscience. Research themes of particular relevance include; rock physics, quantitative geophysics and seismic geomorphology, but outstanding candidates in all areas of Petroleum Geoscience are encouraged to apply. You will take a leading role in undertaking and developing research, joining one of the UK’s largest and expanding team of academics and researchers in Basin Studies, Petroleum Geoscience and Petroleum Engineering (funded by leading oil and gas companies and NERC/EPSERC grants). Our research is integrated across the University, with strong links to Chemical Engineering, Material Science and Computing. We also teach two flagship Petroleum Geoscience MScs (typically 80+ students in total) and the Petroleum Engineering Programmes (BEng / MEng, with 150+ students, jointly taught with Chemical Engineering). We have dedicated facilities, with well-equipped lecture rooms, the UKs leading petroleum geophysics computing suites, offering over 75 high performance workstations, with multi-terabyte dedicated storage, a new petro physical laboratory, plus access to world-class experimental facilities throughout the University.

You will be expected to have a strong track record in internationally recognised research and proven grant income. You will be able to deliver modules at masters and undergraduate level in Petroleum Geoscience and related topics, and develop and organise / participate on student field trips. You will also supervise students undertaking Masters and Doctoral research projects.

You should have a relevant PhD and/or have appropriate experience and a professional qualification. You should normally have teaching experience at University level and may have designed modules and assessment methods in their own specialism. Experience of the hydrocarbon industry would be an advantage.

Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Jonathan Redfern


The School of Earth, Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences (SEAES) is committed to promoting equality and diversity, including the Athena SWAN charter for promoting women’s careers in STEMM subjects (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine) in higher education. We particularly welcome applications from women for this post. Appointment will always be made on merit. For further information, please visit


3) 8 MSc/PhD students and 2 postdoctoral fellows with MAGNET (Multidisciplinary Applied Geochemistry Network) a NSERC-funded program

We are seeking up to 8 MSc/PhD students and 2 postdoctoral fellows to join our dynamic and rapidly growing network of leading scientists, industry partners and state-of-the-art analytical laboratories across Canada. The Multidisciplinary Applied Geochemistry Network (MAGNET) is an NSERC-funded industrial stream Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program devoted to environmental, analytical and exploration geochemistry.

Current research project openings (beginning September 2015) include:

– Li isotopes in Cascades volcanoes

– Volcanologic, geochemical, and isotopic evolution of Medicine Lake volcano, California, USA

– The isotopic signal of dacite magmas triggering silicic supervolcanic eruptions

– Transitional metal stable isotopes in layered intrusions

– Sources of gas along the San Andreas fault, California, USA

View complete list with descriptions >>

Application instructions & deadlines >>

MAGNET’s intensive training program and cohesive learning environment, combined with industry internships, professional skills training and networking opportunities, offers trainees a significant competitive advantage.

Diane Hanano

MAGNET Program Coordinator


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Job Postings: Faculty Positions, Postdoc and M.S/PhD student opportunity

1) Tenured or Tenure-Track Assistant or Associate Professor Earth Surface Processes – City College of New York

2) Assistant professor position in geophysical fluid dynamics/climate dynamics – Northwestern University

3) Junior Professorship (W 1) in Geophysics of the Lithosphere – Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany, and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

4) Thompson Postdoctoral Fellowship in Geophysics – Stanford University

5) Green Postdoctoral Scholar Position in Geophysics – Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

6) M.S./Ph.D. Student Opportunity in Subduction Zone Geodynamics – University of Minnesota

7) Tenure-track Faculty Position in stable isotope geochemistry and paleoclimate – University of Kentucky


1) Tenured or Tenure-Track Assistant or Associate Professor – Earth Surface Processes, City College of New York

The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the City College of New York invites applications for a tenure-track position in Earth Surface Processes at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor to begin August 2015. Exceptional candidates at a more senior level may be considered for a tenured appointment. We seek applicants interested in how rock, soil, and water interact with each other as a result of biotic, climatic, and tectonic forcing. Applicants from a broad range of fields that address the physical, geochemical and/or biological processes occurring in the critical zone including sedimentology, geomorphology, low-temperature mineral-fluid interactions, eco-hydrology, terrestrial paleoclimate, carbon cycle geochemistry, and thermochronology are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate is expected to establish a vigorous, externally funded research program that expands the scope of our departmental expertise while complementing and integrating with our existing strengths.  Teaching duties will include one or more of the following courses: soil science, geomorphology, hydrology, sedimentology, sustainable ecosystems, and GIS. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in area(s) of experience or equivalent. Also required are the ability to teach successfully, demonstrated scholarship or achievement, and ability to cooperate with others for the good of the institution.

CUNY offers faculty a competitive compensation and benefits package covering health insurance, pension and retirement benefits, paid parental leave, and savings programs.  We also provide mentoring and support for research, scholarship, and publication as part of our commitment to ongoing faculty professional development.To apply: access the CUNY employment page on our website ( and search for this vacancy using the Job ID (11760) or Title. Candidates should provide a CV, a cover letter, research and teaching statements, and contact information for three references.

We are committed to enhancing our diverse academic community by actively encouraging people with disabilities, minorities, veterans, and women to apply. We take pride in our pluralistic community and continue to seek excellence through diversity and inclusion. EO/AA Employer.


2) Assistant professor position in geophysical fluid dynamics/climate dynamics – Northwestern University

The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Northwestern University invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor position in geophysical fluid dynamics/climate dynamics, to begin as early as fall 2015.  Specifically, we seek a scientist who employs theoretical, observational, and/or numerical methods to study coupled geophysical fluid dynamical processes within the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, and/or lithosphere.  Candidates whose expertise complements that of existing faculty in solid earth geophysics, planetary science, and paleoclimate are particularly encouraged.  The successful candidate is expected to teach both undergraduate and graduate courses and lead a vibrant externally funded research program.  A Ph.D. is required at the time of appointment.  Deadline for applications is December 31, 2014. Applicants should visit for submission instructions.

AA/EOE. Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer of all protected classes including veterans and individuals with disabilities. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States.


3) Junior Professorship (W 1) in Geophysics of the Lithosphere – Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany, and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

The Christian-Albrechts-University and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel intend to attract more qualified women for professorships.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany, and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel invite applications for a Junior Professorship (W 1) in Geophysics of the Lithosphere

The appointment will be effective from the earliest possible date. The Junior Professorship is estab-lished at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and assigned to the Research Unit ‘Geodynamics’ within the Department ‘Dynamics of the Ocean Floor’. The successful candidate will be a full faculty member at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel with according rights and duties.

We seek a dynamic individual who will develop a vigorous, internationally-recognized research pro-gram in marine seismology that makes use of the excellent infrastructure at GEOMAR including its ocean bottom seismometer pool of 100 instruments. In addition, the department maintains a broad array of geophysical instrumentation and support staff well equipped for broad pursuits in crustal imaging, seafloor and sub-bottom mapping, and seafloor geodesy.

Applicants with research interests in process-oriented studies encompassing active seismic experi-ments are particularly encouraged.  Initiation of research cruises and participation therein are expected. The applicant must demonstrate potential to establish an externally funded research program that complements and strengthens existing expertise at the department through close collaboration. Multidisciplinary cooperation with existing groups at the Christian-Albrechts-University and GEOMAR is expected.

Teaching duties will be carried out in our BSc. program “Physics of the Earth System” and MSc. pro-gram “Geophysics”. Courses are taught in English and German.

Terms and requirements for employment are specified in § 64 of the Schleswig-Holstein university law. For further information please visit www.berufungen.uni-kiel de. For inquiries about the position and department, please contact Prof. Dr. Heidrun Kopp (

The Christian-Albrechts-University and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel seek to increase the proportion of female scientists in high-level positions and explicitly encourage qualified female academics to apply.

The University and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel are proactive towards em-ployment of disabled candidates.  Qualified disabled applicants will receive preference in the applica-tion process. We explicitly encourage candidates with a migration background to apply.

Candidates are not required to submit a photograph with their application and are requested not to do so.

The deadline for applications is January 15, 2015.

Please submit your application including:

– Curriculum vitae

– Copies of your diploma and PhD degrees

– List of publications and manuscripts in press

– Comprehensive research plan (max 4 pages)

– Statement of teaching interests



der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät


24098 Kiel



4) Thompson Postdoctoral Fellowship in Geophysics – Stanford University

The Department of Geophysics, Stanford University, has established the Thompson Postdoctoral Fellowship to be awarded to a candidate preferably within two years of receipt of the Ph.D. The fellowship is open to applicants in any area of geophysics including new areas of research that cross existing disciplinary boundaries, so that students and recent graduates in Earth science, physics, chemistry, biology, or computational sciences with interests in the geophysical sciences are also encouraged to apply.  Our department is currently active in crustal geophysics, exploration and production geophysics, seismic imaging, rock physics, earthquake seismology, crustal deformation, stress and geomechanics, environmental geophysics, and planetary sciences. The successful candidate will have her/his own independent research agenda, but have common interests with one or more existing faculty (who will serve as a formal mentor) to participate in their research group activities.  We encourage prospective applicants to communicate in advance with prospective faculty mentors.

This honorific postdoctoral fellowship will be awarded for a one-year period that can start any time in the academic year 2015/2016, with an anticipated extension for a second year.  The compensation package includes salary of $56-62,000/year depending on experience, benefits, and a $15k one-time research allowance. Applications received by January 5, 2015, will receive fullest consideration.

How to apply:

Applications should include a statement of research interests and proposed research, curriculum vita, a list of publications, and the names and email addresses of three individuals from whom the search committee can request letters of reference. Please apply online at:

The position will remain open until filled. Questions related to your submission may be directed to More information on the department can be found at

Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the diversity among its students, staff, and faculty. It welcomes nominations of and applications from women, members of minority groups, protected veterans and individuals with disabilities, as well as from others who would bring additional dimensions to the university’s research, teaching and clinical missions.


5) Green Postdoctoral Scholar Position in Geophysics – Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography will have openings in 2015 for one or more postdoctoral Green Scholars.  Funding from the Green Foundation for Earth Sciences is matched with extramural funds for specific research projects to support these positions. Prior to submitting  an application, applicants should contact potential IGPP mentors to check whether they have a viable project. Positions are available for one year and are renewable  for a second year, subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds. Green scholars are encouraged to broaden their experience through interaction with other researchers at IGPP and individual research goals may be pursued if project progress can be maintained. Information on recent IGPP research is available at .

Applications should include a statement of research interests (1 page), dissertation abstract (less than 250 words), curriculum vitae with publications list, immigration  status, and contact information for two recommendation letter writers.  Applications should be submitted online at .

Review of applications will begin on December 9, 2014, and will be accepted until the position is filled. Please address questions to

UC San Diego is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer and welcomes all qualified applicants. Applicants will receive fair and impartial consideration without  regard to race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, genetic data, or other legally protected status.


6) M.S./Ph.D. Student Opportunity in Subduction Zone Geodynamics – University of Minnesota

We are seeking candidates to participate in multi-disciplinary research on subduction zone geodynamics, focusing particularly on 3-D mantle flow and thermal structures and their role in controlling geophysical and geochemical processes, such as dehydration of the subducting slab, megathrust earthquakes, intraslab earthquakes, hydrous melting, arc volcanism, and volatile recycling.  The project involves numerical modelling and global synthesis and analyses of geophysical and geochemical observations. Motivated students are encouraged to submit their CV to Dr. Ikuko Wada (


Ikuko Wada


7) Tenure-track Faculty Position in stable isotope geochemistry and paleoclimate – University of Kentucky

Dear colleagues,

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Kentucky is seeking to fill a tenure‐track faculty position in stable isotope geochemistry with specialization in paleoclimatology. The anticipated start date is August 2015. Exceptional candidates at all ranks will be considered; relevant experience beyond the PhD is essential. The department maintains a fully equipped, state‐of‐the‐art stable isotope facility (three IRMS and full set of peripherals) for analysis of HCNO in virtually any substance. Potential collaborative research opportunities exist with faculty and staff in multiple units across the university. In addition to maintaining a productive, externally funded research program, the new faculty member will teach and mentor at the introductory, major, and graduate levels.

Applications should be submitted online at Minority and female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply. We will begin review of applications on January 15, 2015, but will accept applications until the position is filled. Additional details about the department and the university are available at our web pages: and For further information, contact search committee chair Alan Fryar (

With regards—Alan

Alan E. Fryar, Associate Professor

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

University of Kentucky

101 Slone Building

Lexington, KY 40506-0053 USA



phone: 1 859 257 4392


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.


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Job Postings: Faculty Positions, Postdoctoral and Graduate Fellowships

1) Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Positions in Structural Geology and Carbonate Sedimentology – Kansas State University

2) Assistant Professor Mineralogy or Petrology – Western Washington University

3) Assistant Professor in Fluids in the Lithosphere – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

4) Tenured or Tenure-Track Professor in Igneous and/or Metamorphic Petrology – The University of Texas at Austin , Jackson School of Geosciences Dept of Geological Sciences

5) Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Structural Geology and Tectonics – Washington State University

6) Assistant Professor in Basin Analysis – University of Geneva

7) Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate Professor Petrology or Economic Geology – California State University, Chico

8) Faculty Position in Petroleum Geosciences – INGaR at Penn State University

9) Postdoctoral and Graduate Fellowships – Department of Mineral Sciences at the Smithsonian Institutions, National Museum of Natural History

10) Graduate Fellowship in Petrology and Geochemistry – University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography

11) Graduate Student Opportunity – Central Washington University 


1) Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Positions in Structural Geology and Carbonate Sedimentology – Kansas State University

The Department of Geology at Kansas State University invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions at the assistant professor level beginning in August 2015 in the areas of Carbonate Sedimentology and Structural Geology. A detailed advertisement for both positions is located at Screening of applications begins December 15, 2014 and continues until the position is filled. Kansas State University is an EOE of individuals with disabilities and protected veterans. Kansas State University actively seeks diversity among its employees. Background check required.

Department representatives are at the GSA meeting and will be in San Francisco for the upcoming AGU meeting.


2) Assistant Professor Mineralogy or Petrology – Western Washington University

Western Washington University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor starting September 2015, with research and teaching specialties in mineralogy or petrology. Western Washington University is a nationally recognized, public, masters-granting institution located in the Pacific Northwest at the base of the North Cascade Mountains. We seek a colleague whose research interests could include metamorphism and the dynamics of orogenic systems, low-temperature alteration processes, generation of ore deposits, or planetary geology. Required qualifications for the position include 1) a PhD in an appropriate Earth Science field at the time of appointment, 2) the ability to develop a high-quality undergraduate teaching program including courses in Mineralogy and Optical Petrography, and contribute to field courses such as Field Camp or Field Petrology, 3) the ability to establish an externally-supported research program, 4) the ability to involve students in research, 5) the ability to contribute to the graduate (MS) degree program, 6) ability to work with a diverse student body, and 7) a demonstrated capacity to pursue important problems in the Earth sciences using field-based and quantitative techniques. Preferred qualifications include postdoctoral experience, college-level teaching experience in the courses listed above, ability to teach Introductory Geology, and potential to develop local field research projects. The ideal candidate will engage in collaboration within the Geology Department and the Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Center (AMSEC) and will enhance without duplicating existing departmental strengths in igneous petrology/volcanology, field geology, geomorphology, geophysics, tectonics, geoscience education, and planetary geology, as well as emerging directions in engineering geology and ore-forming systems. For more information see and

Interested candidates must apply online. To see a full position description and log in to WWU’s Electronic Application System for Employment (EASE), please go to Applications must include a cover letter outlining teaching and research experience and accomplishments with specific reference made to the required and preferred qualifications described above. The application should also include a C.V., graduate school transcripts, as well as goals and plans for teaching and research at WWU. The names and contact information for letters of reference from four persons familiar with the candidate’s research and teaching must be provided; one of these references must be from outside the applicant’s current institution. Review of all application materials will begin on January 5, 2015; position is open until filled.  Questions regarding this position should be directed to the search committee chair, Liz Schermer ( or the Geology Department chair, Bernie Housen ( WWU is an EO/AA employer and encourages applications from women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans.


3) Assistant Professor in Fluids in the Lithosphere – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Department of Geological Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position focusing on fluids in the lithosphere, at the Assistant Professor level, to begin July 2015.

We seek a scientist with expertise in areas such as the behavior of fluids at high pressure and temperature, flow of highly viscous materials, and fluid-mediated transfer of mass and energy. Areas of interest include fluid cycling in orogenic systems; detection of crustal fluid motions by geophysical or remote-sensing techniques; links between seismology, rock deformation, and fluid flow; and fluids in volcanic and geothermal systems. Expertise in geochemical analysis, computer modeling, or experimental approaches is highly desirable. The successful applicant will be expected to maintain a dynamic, externally funded research program, and to teach and advise students at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. at the time of appointment, and postdoctoral and teaching experience is highly desirable.

Applicants must submit a letter of application, statements of research and teaching interests, vita, and contact information (names, addresses, email, and phone numbers) of four references on-line at  Review of applications will begin on December 22, 2014 and will continue until the position is filled. For more information on the Department and the University please visit our web page at  If you have questions about the position, please contact Dr. Jonathan Lees, Chair,, (Tel: 919-962-1562) or Dr. Allen Glazner, (Tel: 919-962-0689) in Geological Sciences.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.


4) Tenured or Tenure-Track Professor in Igneous and/or Metamorphic Petrology – The University of Texas at Austin , Jackson School of Geosciences Dept of Geological Sciences

The Department of Geological Sciences in the Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin seeks to hire a faculty member in the field of igneous and/or metamorphic petrology. We seek an outstanding scientist who will establish an innovative, world class, externally funded research program in the petrological evolution of the Earth’s crust and/or mantle. The field of interest is open, but preference will be given to candidates who would complement and interact with our existing strengths in structural and metamorphic evolution of the lithosphere, magmatic processes, and/or mantle dynamics. We seek a candidate who will take advantage of the existing geochemical analytical capabilities of the Jackson School, and in particular the electron microprobe, scanning electron microscopes, laser ablation single and multi collector ICP-MS, TIMS, stable isotope laboratories, and High Resolution Computed X-Ray Tomography facility, as well as interact with and possibly utilize the existing experimental petrology and high-pressure mineral physics laboratories. The search is open rank, with a preference for those at the Assistant Professor level. A Ph.D. is required by the expected start date (August 22, 2015).

The Department of Geological Sciences is part of The Jackson School of Geosciences (JSG), which also includes two research units, the Institute for Geophysics and the Bureau of Economic Geology. The JSG is home to more than 190 research scientists and faculty members, and one of the largest combined graduate and undergraduate enrollments of any major Earth science program in the country. At JSG, petrology is a part of the Solid Earth and Tectonic Processes research theme and the Petrology and Mineral Physics discipline.

Review of applications will begin December 31, 2014, and continue until the position is filled. All interested applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, research statement, teaching statement, and complete contact information for three letters of reference via e-mail to Questions regarding the search may be addressed to the head of the search committee, Dr. James Gardner, at


5) Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Structural Geology and Tectonics – Washington State University

Washington State University (WSU) is currently seeking to fill a tenure-track/tenured Assistant, Associate or Full Professor position in the area of Structural Geology/Tectonics. This position is a permanent, 9-month tenure track faculty position located on the Pullman Campus.  This position is part of a multi-year series of new hires intended to contribute to the growth and development of the School of the Environment, an interdisciplinary academic unit at WSU that focuses on Earth, Water, and the Environment. Responsibilities include developing and teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and mentoring MS and PhD graduate students. The successful candidate will develop an internationally recognized research program in structural geology/tectonics. Specific areas of emphasis within this broad field are open, but we are particularly interested in candidates who will develop an externally funded research program that includes a strong field-based component.

Required: Earned doctorate in a discipline related to structural geology and tectonics at time the offer is extended; record of research accomplishment as demonstrated by peer-reviewed publications and/or extramural grantsmanship; demonstrated ability and/or potential to successfully teach and mentor students at the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Preferred: Demonstrated ability to: develop collaborations; teach field camp and other field-based courses; lead field trips at the undergraduate and graduate level; and develop a strong field-based research component. For questions about the position contact Jeff Vervoort at (509) 335-5597;

To apply visit: Application materials must include a cover letter describing how your experience and training meet qualifications for the position, a research plan, a statement of teaching philosophy, current vitae, and names and contact information for at least three professional references.  Screening begins January 6, 2015.  EEO/AA/ADA


6) Assistant Professor in Basin Analysis – University of Geneva

The Faculty of Science of the University of Geneva wishes to fill a position of

Assistant PROFESSOR (tenure track) in the area of quantitative basin analysis and regional seismics

The duties associated with this full-time tenure track Assistant Professor position include developing a dynamic research program at highest international level directed at understanding the complex interaction between global geodynamics and rock properties and their effects on basin formation and evolution at a regional scale, and securing external funding. The successful candidate is expected to teach at the Bachelor and Master levels (the latter in the frame of the Ecole lémanique des sciences de la Terre – ELSTE), and will supervise Master and PhD theses.

The position holder will work in the frame of a large multi-disciplinary research team working on topics related to deep geo-energy reservoirs, specifically for enhanced geothermal systems and CO2 storage in saline aquifers. The successful candidate and his group are expected to participate in a growing cross-disciplinary research program in the frame of inter-university networks of the Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research (SCCER), with strong ties to other national and international partner institutions and industry.

We are seeking a geoscientist with an applied geophysical background to lead investigations on quantitative analysis, evolution and physical and chemical properties of sedimentary basins, with innovative applications to quantitative evaluation of geo-energy in the subsurface (geothermal energy, hydrocarbons, CO2 storage and sequestration, underground gas storage). He/She will have a PhD in geology / Earth sciences and will master the integration of geophysical data (e.g. reflection seismic, gravity data) with borehole and field/outcrop data aimed at reconstructing the depositional and tectonic evolution of sedimentary basins. A track record of industry experience and acquiring external funding will be considered advantageous for the final selection. A strong record of publications in international, peer-reviewed journals is an essential requirement for the successful candidate.

STARTING DATE: April 1st, 2015 or as agreed with the successful applicant.

Applications including a cover letter, detailed CV together with a list of publications, copy of highest degrees/diploma, research and teaching statements, and list of referees who can later be contacted directly by the search committee, should be submitted exclusively on-line before November 30th, 2014 (0:00 Geneva time). APPLICATIONS SENT BY EMAIL SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Complementary information may be obtained at the email address

More details on the Department of Earth Sciences can be found on

The University of Geneva is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications by female candidates.


7) Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate Professor Petrology or Economic Geology – California State University, Chico

The Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences at California State University, Chico is searching for a tenure track Assistant or Associate Professor to start August, 2015. We seek an enthusiastic Petrologist or Economic Geologist to contribute to the hard-rock foundation of our B.S. Geology and M.S. Geoscience programs. The new faculty member will join nine full-time faculty, additional collaborative faculty in other departments, and a growing team of part-time faculty with diverse talents. Chico’s location provides diverse teaching and research opportunities for hard rock petrology with nearby access to a variety of metamorphic and igneous terrains as well as active and historic mining districts. The position requires a Ph.D. in Geology or equivalent field.  The full position announcement and application information are available at  Review of applications will begin on November 14, 2014 and continue until the position is filled. EOE/M/F/VET/DIS


8) Faculty Position in Petroleum Geosciences – INGaR at Penn State University

The Department of Geosciences at The Pennsylvania State University is pleased to announce a new tenuretrack position in the broad area of Petroleum Geosciences. We seek applicants whose research interests address fundamental geoscience questions in areas relevant to petroleum geosystems including, but not limited to exploration geophysics, multi-channel seismic imaging, petrophysics, borehole geophysics, reservoir geomechanics, basin analysis, geodynamics, structural geology, sedimentary geology and stratigraphy, geochemistry, or geofluids. This position is part of a group hiring initiative within the newly formed Institute of Natural Gas Research (INGaR). The Geoscience hire will likely contribute to the Discovery and Exploration component of INGaR and complement existing Department of Geosciences strengths. We expect to fill this position at a junior-to-mid-career level, although, in exceptional cases, a senior hire may be possible. Applicants must have a doctorate in geosciences or a related discipline. The successful candidate will be expected to teach courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, to develop an internationally recognized, externally funded research program, to supervise and support graduate students (M.S. and Ph.D.) in their research, and to contribute to the operation of the department, college, university, and profession. Demonstrated experience with or a significant interest in working with industry is expected. The successful candidate will be aligned with the interests of the Institute but have their academic tenure home in the Department of Geosciences.

The Department of Geosciences is home to approximately 35 faculty, 100 graduate students (in M.S. and

Ph.D. programs), and an undergraduate program offering degrees in Geosciences, Earth Sciences, Geobiology, and Earth Science and Policy. The oil and gas industry provides fellowships and career opportunities for many students in the Department. The individual hired in this position is expected to play a significant role in this industry collaboration including participation in the Petroleum Geosystems Initiative MS training program. Further information on the Department can be found at:

Evaluation of applicants will begin on January 15, 2015. Applicants should submit a cover letter, a statement of professional interests (research and teaching), a curriculum vita, and the names and

addresses of three references. Please submit these items electronically to job #54242 at Nominations and applications will be considered until the position is filled. Questions about this position may be directed to Kevin Furlong, chair of the search committee, at

Employment will require successful completion of background checks in accordance with University policies. Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing

employment opportunities to minorities, women, veterans, disabled individuals, and other protected groups.


9) Postdoctoral and Graduate Fellowships – Department of Mineral Sciences at the Smithsonian Institutions, National Museum of Natural History

The Department of Mineral Sciences at the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) invites applications for both postdoctoral and graduate fellowships. Active areas of research include volcanology, mineral spectroscopy, geomicrobiology, environmental mineralogy, geochemistry, experimental petrology, mineral physics, meteorite studies, solar system formation, and planetary formation and evolution. The department also houses the National Meteorite Collection, the National Rock and Ore Collection, the National Gem and Mineral Collection, and the Global Volcanism Program. A description of facilities, staff profiles, and collections resources can be found on our website.

Predoctoral and postdoctoral candidates can request up to 12 or 24 months, respectively, through the Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program. Graduate fellowships through this program are funded for 10 weeks. Additional fellowship opportunities are available through the recently established Peter Buck Fellowship Program at NMNH; postdoctoral fellowships are for 2-3 years and graduate fellowships are 1-2 years. Applications may be submitted to both competitions. Additional information is available at the Office of Fellowships and Internships. The application deadline is December 1st, 2014. The Smithsonian Institution is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Please don’t hesitate to contact a sponsoring staff member in advance! – Liz Cottrell (


10) Graduate Fellowship in Petrology and Geochemistry – University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography

We are seeking a PhD student to participate in a multi-disciplinary study of magmatic oxidation state and its relationship to calc-alkaline differentiation and formation of continental crust in the Aleutian arc, with emphasis on the records preserved by natural lavas and melt inclusions. Funding is available for a minimum of three years of study toward a PhD in oceanography at the University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, with joint work to be done at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. The student will be jointly mentored by Drs.Katherine Kelley (URI/GSO) and Elizabeth Cottrell (NMNH/Smithsonian). The student will have the opportunity to develop skills and new techniques in microanalytics (XANES, LAICPMS, EMP, FTIR), providing a broad education and research base in petrology/geochemistry. Graduate applications for URI/GSO are available online. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications by January 15th, 2015. Applicants attending AGU in 2014 are encouraged to contact Dr. Kelley to arrange an in-person interview.


11) Graduate Student Opportunity – Central Washington University

The Department of Geological Sciences at Central Washington University seeks a motivated student who is interested in pursuing graduate studies in geodynamic modelling. Support for one student research position (M.S.) is available starting Fall 2015 through an NSF-funded research grant. Research projects will focus on characterizing the extensional evolution of the West Antarctic Rift System. Prior research experience and computer programming skills are beneficial. The student must be willing and able to participate in several seasons of Antarctic fieldwork. For more information, please contact Dr. Audrey Huerta (


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.


Job Postings: Endowed Chair at Tulane University, Faculty Position, and PhD scholarships

1) Assistant/Associate Professor Sedimentary Geologist – University of Miami, RSMAS

2) PhD scholarships in Geophysics – Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

3) Graduate Research Fellowship in Geochemistry – University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography

4) Marshall-Heape Chair Solid Earth Geophysics – Tulane University


1) Assistant/Associate professor Sedimentary Geologist – University of Miami, RSMAS

The Department of Marine Geosciences at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) University of Miami seeks outstanding candidates for a tenure track position at either the assistant or associate professor level in Carbonate Sedimentology. The successful applicant will be one who integrates studies of modern and ancient systems and enhances the work of our Center for Carbonate Research (CSL) and the legacy of Robert Ginsburg. We are especially interested scientists who uses modern techniques such as remote sensing, multibeam, and/or seismic data acquisition for a quantitative assessment of modern processes and their products in coastal, shallow- or deep-water environments. Candidates for this position will be expected to develop a vigorous, externally funded field and/or seagoing research program, supervise graduate students, and participate in the teaching mission of the Department and the School at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. The University of Miami offers a unique tropical location adjacent to major modern carbonate environments and the opportunity to integrate biological and physical oceanographic expertise into process-oriented sedimentological research through collaboration with faculty in the Departments of Marine Biology and Ecology and Ocean Sciences. Within the Department of Marine Geosciences, the successful candidate is expected to interact with current faculty in the CSL in the areas of geochemistry and geophysics/petrophysics. The CSL has a long tradition of excellence in research and training in carbonate sedimentology and hosts a vibrant student population.

Interested applicants should contact Professor Peter K. Swart, Chair Department of Marine Geosciences, RSMAS/University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami Fl, 33149 ( Applications will only be accepted electronically at The position will remain open until filled, but ideally we would like the successful candidate to be in place by September 2015.

The University of Miami is an equal opportunity employer.


2) PhD scholarships in Geophysics – Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Deadline: October 31

PhD students are sought to work on several seismological and geophysical topics within the Institute of Geophysics, School of Geography, Environment, and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). The geophysics group at Victoria University of Wellington has an established track record of research in seismology, tectonics, crustal geophysics, and structural geology. In the most recent Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) evaluation, Victoria University of Wellington was ranked first in New Zealand for research excellence and was also ranked first in New Zealand in Earth Sciences.

1.Deep Fault Drilling Project, Alpine Fault — several studies addressing the structure and evolution of the Alpine Fault in the South Island are underway, including analysis of data collected in shallow boreholes drilled into the fault in early 2011. Plans are now underway for a deeper borehole targeting the fault at 1.0 km depth (scheduled to commence in October 2014), and students interested in working on the microstructural, seismological, or pressure-/temperature-monitoring data from the boreholes are encouraged to contact us. Additionally, one PhD and one MSc scholarship focussed on Alpine Fault seismicity have been funded: details are available at and

2. Structure of the Hikurangi subduction margin beneath Wellington — an international consortium of researchers in New Zealand, the US and Japan has been studying this problem for several years using active and passive seismic methods (the SAHKE experiment). The recent earthquake sequence in Cook Strait and the northern South Island will provide a new set of data for a PhD student to use to accompany the earlier data to compare structures along the strike of the plate with those across the plate boundary. We are particularly interested in the properties of the plate boundary and how they relate to nearby areas of slow slip and to earthquake occurrence patterns.

3. Volcano seismology — we are continuing to develop techniques to test whether time varying seismic properties such as isotropic velocity, anisotropy and attenuation can be used to determine changes in the magmatic system underneath volcanoes. Volcanoes in New Zealand and overseas are being targeted.

4. Seismological studies of geothermal areas — in collaboration with Mighty River Power, a large electricity generator, we are developing projects focussed on seismicity and structure around geothermal fields in New Zealand. PhD projects of particular interest include: a) microearthquake characterization of geothermal fields in New Zealand; b) ambient noise imaging of geothermal areas of New Zealand: c) petrophysical characterisation through seismic wave propagation.

5. Statistics and geophysics — students will work on statistical methods of developing and testing methods for determining properties of interest to geophysicists, for example, automatic determination of S arrival times, seismic anisotropy, and earthquake focal mechanisms.

6. Seismicity and Tectonics of southern South Island, New Zealand–Deformation in southern South Island, New Zealand, has long been thought to be almost entirely focused offshore, along the southern extension of the Alpine Fault and Puysegur subduction zone. However, the thick crust and lithosphere farther east in Central Otago, together with widespread seismicity and geological evidence for young regional uplift, suggest deformation is much more widespread, particularly at deeper levels in the lithosphere. This PhD will take over the running over a newly installed micro-earthquake array as a tool to investigate the tectonics of this region. The study has the potential to integrate many aspects of Cenozoic tectonics right across the southern part of the New Zealand plate-boundary, from the active margin of Fiordland to the continental platform around Dunedin.

7. Regional tectonic evolution and structure of the offshore Zealandia continent, including Gondwana rifting and Tonga-Kermadec subduction initiation. A large dataset of offshore seismic-reflection data has been compiled and new voyages are planned. Students are sought with an interest in the manipulation and interpretation of seismic-reflection, gravity, and magnetic data.

The next deadline for PhD scholarship applications is 1 November 2014 in New Zealand (31 October on the other side of the dateline) and the application is free of charge: successful scholarship applicants from any country receive a NZ$23,500 stipend and all tuition fee payments. Students should have completed an MSc degree prior to commencing study. Full details regarding the application process are available from the Faculty of Graduate Research at (Note that the eligibility conditions and award level of the Alpine Fault MSc scholarship referred to above are different; the webpage provides full details.)

All prospective applicants should contact Professor Martha Savage ( at the earliest opportunity for further details regarding these projects.


3) Graduate Research Fellowship in Geochemistry – University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography

We are seeking candidates to join our research team and work collaboratively on an NSF-GeoPRISMS funded project to explore the influences of water, oxygen fugacity, and composition on calc-alkaline differentiation, with a focus on the Alaska-Aleutian Arc: Graduate Research Fellowship in Geochemistry. We are currently seeking a PhD student to participate in a multi-disciplinary study of magmatic oxidation state and its relationship to calc-alkaline differentiation and formation of continental crust in the Aleutian arc, with emphasis on the records preserved by natural lavas and melt inclusions. Funding is available for a minimum of three years of study toward a PhD in oceanography at the University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, with joint work to be done at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. The student will be jointly mentored by Drs. Katherine Kelley (URI/GSO) and Elizabeth Cottrell (NMNH/Smithsonian). The student will have the opportunity to develop skills and new techniques in microanalytics (XANES, LAICPMS, EMP, FTIR), providing a broad education and research base in petrology/geochemistry. Graduate applications for URI/GSO are on-line at and applicants are encouraged to submit their applications by 15 January, 2015. Applicants attending AGU in 2014 are encouraged to contact Dr. Kelley at kelley (at) to arrange an in-person interview.


4) Marshall-Heape Chair Solid Earth Geophysics – Tulane University

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Tulane University invites applications for the newly established Marshall-Heape Chair in Geology, in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Tulane University. We seek a scholar with an outstanding international reputation who will be appointed at the Full Professor level with tenure. We particularly seek a broad-based geoscientist with a research focus in Solid-Earth Geophysics, who complements current faculty expertise and offers potential for collaborative research. The Marshall-Heape Chair is expected to lead a widely recognized, externally funded research program that will attract PhD-level graduate students and postdoctoral scholars of the highest caliber. Teaching duties are both at the graduate and undergraduate levels. For full consideration, applications should be received by January 15, 2015, but the position will remain open until filled. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, research and teaching statements that articulate how the mission of the department would be enhanced, and the names and contact information of at least three references. Applications must be submitted electronically via the following link: Any inquiries may be directed to Dr. Torbjörn Törnqvist, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tulane University, 6823 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118-5698 ( Further information about the department and university can be obtained at Tulane University is an EEO/ADA/AA employer.


Please note, new job announcements (usually) will be distributed to the GeoPRISMS Listserv on the 1st and 15th of each month.


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Faculty and Postdoc Positions

1) Hamilton Chair position at Southern Methodist University, Department of Earth Sciences

2) Tenure-track faculty in Global Climate Modeling / Earth Systems Modeling / Global Biogeochemical Modeling – University of Rochester

3) Faculty Positions in Geology, Geochemistry & Geophysics – MIT

4) Assistant Professor Volcanology – University of Oregon, Dept. of Geological Sciences

5) Assistant Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (Exploration Geophysics) – University of Nebraska-Lincoln

6) Assistant Professor in Sedimentary Geology – Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Geoscience

7) Postdoctoral Research Associate Program – Brown University, Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences

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